***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    Starting exercise today.

    Skipping exercise to do 2hrs from now
  2. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Killer leg day today!
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  3. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    Did 3 sets of skipping exercise yesterday
    Desperate_Warrior and vxlccm like this.
  4. Yesterday I did high intensity running intervalls.

    Today I did a 12K. It didn't feel to good, I was just tired. Later I did some strength training.
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  5. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    No exercises yesterday and today..
    Will. Start from tomorrow
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  6. Masters

    Masters Fapstronaut

    Sign me in. I'm going to loose a couple of kg and hit my goalweight (around 78 kg).
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  7. Haven't done it yet but later today I'm going for a light 10K run. I feel pretty tired after not getting a lot of sleep but I know I will feel good after that run.
  8. AWESOME! Totally going to do this. It's already late night here, so tomorrow morning, I shall take the path of fitness!
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  9. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Did back today, feels great! Loving deadlifts.
  10. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Guys, exercise more:DD, did shoulders and arms today, great pump!
  11. Short 4km run. Very tired today.
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  12. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    Right now my weight is at 204 lbs. Not bad for my size as I've got strong calves, legs, and upper body. However I'd like to kick away whatever belly fat I still have left. My goal is to drop 20 lbs - down to 184 - by New Years.

    For the short term - by Halloween I'd like to be under 200 for starters.

    Today I'll start with 10 minutes of stretching, 10 minutes of misc abs, and then a 30-40 minute jog.
  13. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    Rest day on Saturday.
    Yesterday I knocked out 10 minutes of abs along with 45 minutes of upper body lifting.
    Today I got a little bit of exercise on my feet at work all day (manual labor) and I'm going to do a couple of miles on the treadmill tonight.
  14. Yesterday I did two short strength workouts, each of them being 10-15 minutes. Later I went to the gym and was there for about 1 hour. I focused mainly on arms and chest but I got some back in there too. I haven't been there in a while so I felt pretty sore today.
    Desperate_Warrior and Watchtower like this.
  15. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I've done a Zumba class with my girlfriends.

    Today I'm planning on a little jog in the park. :)
  16. Today I ran 8K. It was tough but I held a reasonable pace. Sometime later, at around seven, I did a short strength session (bodyweight only) and this felt good.
    Desperate_Warrior and Watchtower like this.
  17. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    At work I spent a good 5 hours using a wheel barrel to fill up a huge dumpster with bricks and other trash at a construction site. Finishing up a demolition project. It was hard work, especially in the cold rain. Definitely a good shoulder workout.

    I'm going to relax for the rest of the afternoon and then hopefully get just a mile in on the treadmill tonight.
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.
  18. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    Stayed active with 15,500 steps at work and throughout the day. Roughly 7.5 miles and 790 calories burned.
  19. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Haven't posted in this thread in a while, but still staying consistent.

    Back day today: pull-ups, t-bar row, barbell row, seated cable row.

    Oh! And the other day I benched more than I've ever benched in my life. Feels crazy to be at my peak strength at 40 years old.
  20. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    Dang. Good for you. Age is just a number I suppose!
    Desperate_Warrior likes this.