Coming out of my Porn Coma (Day 365)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by i_wanna_get_better1, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. Marr

    Marr Fapstronaut

    Wow thanks for that story
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  2. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Just as a way of an update.... I would have figured that after 16 months I would be completely free of this thing. I keep circling around to the phrase, "Once an addict, always an addict." We never reach a point in our recovery where we successfully eliminate all our triggers and we never feel an urge. We may reach a point where we are no long a slave to the compulsion but life will not show mercy on us and free us from all temptation.

    It is my belief that certain triggers or discomforts cannot ever be eliminated. Some brain wiring cannot be changed. The distorted pleasurable memories of PMO never disappear. Delusional thinking is always looking to exploit a weakness. So the number of days below everyone's name does not always paint a clear picture of progress. Someone can be at a strong 30 while someone else is at a risky 300. Vigilance is the key to keeping that number going up, because every day we stay clean is another day that we've won.

    The only time the war ends is when we die, but until then we continue to battle one day at a time.
  3. Phils_gunna_win

    Phils_gunna_win Fapstronaut

    This was great to read mate thanx. I'm on day 6 feeling determined. But week wish me luck
  4. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    You can do this. Stay focused on your goals, spend time becoming a better person every day, and You.Will. OVERCOME!
  5. You need to associate immense pain to the habit and addiction that you wish to destroy ;) Only then will you stray away from it.
    rewiring4good likes this.
  6. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    This is only partially true. In the calm light of day reasonable motivations like this would seem to be enough. But once the urge hits then reason goes out the window and the emotional addict rises to the surface. It only cares about making the pain go away. Also, addicts have what's called 'selective memory' where we remember only the enjoyable parts and forget the harm our actions cause. When we slip into the trance parts of our brain shut down. Our decision making process is compromised and we can easily justify taking a peek which leads to much more. Yes, associating intense pain should motivate us to come up with a more complete plan of attack.
    PotentLife likes this.
  7. I agree with your first paragraph. It's quite informative :)
  8. One more thing. The brain actually doesn't know what PMO actually is. It only knows levels of stimulation. So I think we need to avoid facebook, Instagram, t.v shows, movies, and youtube as much as possible. Unless we're using social media to see dogs. For example, I use Instagram solely to see pictures of dogs and other pets. I use youtube to watch this inspirational psychologist's motivational videos. On the other hand, someone else may use social media for a completely different thing and reason. So it's definitely how you use it as well. I also try to watch things such as veterinary medicine on animal planet or animated movies. Because the brain actually can forget its addiction after a period of 6-12 months, although we may still have memories, and we need these memories to prevent us from relapsing. That's why we need to avoid being aroused as much as possible.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  9. Love to hear that friend. I am doing grt by now and started to feel that I am on a serious business. No turning back!
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  10. TothBernat

    TothBernat Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom. I hope you have a great life!
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  11. Thank you for your post :emoji_blush: it does motivate me to keep going. I just need to be able to forgive myself for my sex and porn addiction, I will get there :emoji_bow: :emoji_raised_hands:
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  12. Such an amazing story, i just read some headlines and it putted à smile on my face.

    Sorry for being abit late, i want to ask you a question:
    Do you feel that your brain recovered? No more brain fog no more depression, or anything? Also do you feel the dopamine receptors are back to normal ?
    hsb0617 likes this.
  13. selfish

    selfish New Fapstronaut

    This is the first story i read in nofap and im truly greatful for your story...will try harder
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  14. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    I have experienced significant improvements since I started. I don't believe it's possible to become fully cured. I think we reach a point where we can manage our lives in much healthier ways. I believe it's possible to get control of the compulsion part of our addiction and build up our willpower to the point where we can keep the addiction at bay.

    I believe there are certain parts of our brains that can be rewired but others are more hardwired. For instance, I cannot rewire the parts of my brain that cause me to have Asperger-like symptoms, but I can learn to cope with those symptoms using other parts of my brain. The depression caused by being addicted and going through my detox has gone away. I still have emotional triggers that surface from time to time and I have to be on guard and prevent my addiction to use those emotions as a justification to medicate myself with porn.

    I feel my dopamine levels have gone back to normal. The few times during my reboot that I have been exposed to porn hit my brain like a lightning bolt. My brain reacted like it did the first time I saw it. All the old feelings came storming back and I had to make a conscious effort to reject sliding back into that life. The brain never forgets what used to make it feel good.

    One thing I have to fight more than anything is being content with living a calm and subdued life. My brain craves excitement and stimulation and even a minor erotic image, sexy thought, word or phrase, and outfit someone is wearing can make me reminisce about how alive my brain would feel while PMOing. Our addiction makes us have selective memory and recalls only the good feelings and conveniently forgets all the negative consequences. So, it can be challenge to live a calm, balanced, emotionally stable life. The addictive personality still lurks below the surface and is tempted to latch on to anything that will both medicate and excite me. Constant vigilance is the key to a long and successful recovery.
  15. temp702

    temp702 New Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! You inspired me. Good job

    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  16. ATW504

    ATW504 Fapstronaut

    Great story. You are an inspiration to us all.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  17. pavloo91

    pavloo91 Fapstronaut

    You gave me hope like no one else, Sir. Thank you.

    It's all difficult for me. I think that I am worse than others in many ways. I want to have a girlfriend, but I feel that I won't be a good boyfriend. I have a problem here, you have more experience, maybe you can give me a piece of advice on this: I don't know whether I should FIRST get rid of my addiction (or at least learn how to keep it in check properly) and THEN find a girlfriend or maybe try to find a girlfriend while I am fighting my addiction so that she can help me get through? (Provided that I don't get into a relationship for the sole purpose of her helping me and that I tell her about my problem).
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  18. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely get rid of your addiction first. A girlfriend cannot act as our accountability person, policewoman, therapist, mother, or priest. They deserve to have a relationship with a healthy person. A new girlfriend should not have to be burdened with helping their new boyfriend get clean. They can feel deceived and used.

    The qualities you develop during your reboot will make you a better boyfriend and husband. Recovery teaches us to be honest and truthful. We develop self-control and are able to resist temptation and being impulsive. We become people of integrity and principle. It makes us more compassionate and empathetic of other people's problems. We become less selfish and are more willing to help others.

    Courtship should be a time of joy. But if you are harboring secrets then you will dread the time when you have to tell her. Detoxing makes us moody, irritable, angry, and depressed. This will confuse a new girlfriend. This is a time when we should be putting our best foot forward, not hiding who we really are. Women want someone who is stable, comfortable with themselves, confident, and assertive. These are not qualities we possess while addicted or recovering... that comes after we have conquered this problem.

    Aim, not just to be porn-free, but to become a better man. Recovery is about discovering yourself and learning to be human again. This addiction robs the best parts of our personality and we need to reclaim it. It is a journey that starts within ourselves because we want something better. There is no better motivation than that.
  19. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Hi @i_wanna_get_better1 This is not only a great thread but it's something I have needed to read because you and I are the same age and you get it, you understand me and I now now that it's possible to not only get well but be free of this noxious addiction. Congratulations and thank you for the tips in your OP. I have saved them and will work my way through them on my journey into recovery.
  20. pavloo91

    pavloo91 Fapstronaut

    @i_wanna_get_better1 I was thinking this, too, but lately I have been thinking the following: it's not that I'm a hardcore PMO addict (I had 8 months of no porn with almost 4 months of noPMO, then 5 days of relapse, then 70 something days, then relapse and nom I'm on my 5th day of noPMO) and I think that maybe being with someone would really be very beneficial.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.