becoming a live-in slave

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Round Robin, May 22, 2018.

  1. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    There is nothing appealing about it. It's a sickness in your mind, IMO. Take a look around you and observe any couple that involves a dominating woman. It's awful and is really similar to the whole slave thing anyways, lol.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  2. @graham55 - you really really REALLY need to listen to Aiden5!!!!!

    DON'T DO THIS! !!!
    Roady likes this.
  3. Sometimes your mind tries to convince you that this is the way you can live, that is related to these fantasies, to be a slave, and it will try to convince you that you will enjoy. It will be sometimes confusing (while rejection) wether to continue nofap or go back to the fake paradise that our fantasies created. But you will figure now or later, you will realize by yourself again as you did the very moment you created this thread and felt you want to end this pain no matter what.
    You need to know that going toward the path of fantasies (femdom in this state) is not going to give you the pleasure you want. It is a pure lie.
    You should know that the only way to treat this is Nofap, sobierty. Be away from Masturbation, porn, sexting, role playing, cams, triggering articles or Any thing that will create urges for you.
    And you should believe that it is possible to stop it but it needs time. It needs effort. Although such threads are minor but there are successful members who passed this and now they are PMO free. They had same fantasies and maybe extra ones.
    So you should just give a direct action. Remove all these numbers. Remove all the emails. Web pages.set blockers. Set keyword blockers. And change your routine. It is fine you might relapse multiple times but be sure that you will eliminate the high risk that you may enter again and maybe no coming back. Just start again and don't listen to them. I know it can be controlling sometimes.. So stop it before it stops you from stopping it :)

    You are not alone in this.
    Deleted Account and Reborn16 like this.
  4. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I still find it appealing, not the abusive stuff, but the general female dominance aspect. Who knows how much of this is porn related? I started PMO before I was a teen, and I think it won't be until a long time without porn that I might get to think about this issue properly without pre-conceived ideas attached.

    I keep watching red pill videos lol, talking about how most women want to manipulate their partner etc. This half puts me off relationships, and half interests me because of the dominance 'fetish'.

    Hope I don't go off topic here - it's just you made me think that I probably won't get a healthy perspective on this until I have a year+ away from any porn.
  5. I remember there is some guy who put an article about his success in stopping femdom from his life. It took him four months as he says. And he is free now.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  6. dt1963

    dt1963 Fapstronaut

    I used to be obsessed with fin dommes. I would intellectualize it in all sorts of ways but the reality was simply that mentally I was in a bad place. I wasted a shed load of money on them and destroyed a relationship because of it.

    I have moved away from fin dommes now. I haven't paid one since 2010. I have other issues but I am working on those too. My point is, you can overcome this obsession. If necessary you get someone you trust to manage your finances, your internet access, whatever. But you can do it.

    PM me if you wish.
    Mike28, Reborn16 and Deleted Account like this.
  7. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut


    Similar here, while I still have issues with porn, I haven't fed the 'bad wolf' of paid dommes in over a year.

    Sometimes if I have extra money, I'll get the urge to find one. But I stop, and think my way out of this now. Why see a domme when porn is free? But why watch porn if that's what I'm trying to change in my life? Then I come back to square one and spend the money on something else lol.
    Immature likes this.
  8. While this year, did you get high streaks? Or it was just random PMO which kept femdom fantasies with you?
  9. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Yeah high by my standards lol, got to about 50 days no PMO twice.

    But my views have got a lot better. I basically used to think I was worthless and all women were goddesses I would be lucky to be friends with...

    I still find respectful domination interesting (going either way), but I don't focus on it all the time, or think it makes either them or me worth less as a person.
  10. It's good that such freak fantasies go away. But won't the fetish itself go away?!!
  11. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    A lot of people that have gone a year or longer without porn, say the only fetishes that remain are the ones they would normally find attractive anyways.

    Without going into detail, I can tell you my weird fetish list has gone down dramatically, you could even call it tame compared to BDSM in general. But I do look forward to how I will feel after a proper abstinence period!
    Master Chips likes this.
  12. PvPLogger44

    PvPLogger44 Fapstronaut

    So true! The more porn you watch, the more we take in. It's like a stomach, eating more and it will only expand and demand more. So yes, we both, we all need to reverse this.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  13. Yeah i know that can haooen to fetishes that are since very childhood (maybe born with us) but the ones we gain.. I hope not
    Reborn16 likes this.
  14. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    Had a lapse today after 26 days, it is what it is. It stemed from a post i saw on my newsfeed on facebook from Ladbible about a woman selling her socks for money, it's the type of thing i would never see on my newsfeed but it got popular because of the strangeness of it, obviously it's not so strange in the kinkworld but in the modern world it is. I saw the post, began searching through the comments looking at the replies and reactions, girl's reactions, then > looking for dommees, messaging dommes> watching porn > skype session with a mistress, forced intoxx with a bottle of wine and splat.

    I'm not going to beat myself up about it, i've had a good run lately and a good friend of mine once said when i called him after a lapse "ok great so you've had a lapse that's the past it's done you can't change that, but the question is what are you going to do about it from now on, are you going to go the gym and smash a workout or are you going to stay at home and keep lapsing, the choice is yours".

    Yep i had a lapse, i'm kinda half laughing at this point because it's not a big deal i still have a life to life and i've had some really good progress in the last few months so i'll just keep going, were all humans, no-one is perfect and as the great Churchill said " keep calm and carry on".

    Thank you for your encouraging posts i read them all and i will be away from this site now again for a while , living life.
    recon117 and Immature like this.
  15. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    Lapsed again tonight, yesterday was pretty chaotic. After my lapse i wanted to go again but somehow managed to get out the house went for like a 3 hour walk to calm down and managed to talk to myself out it went to bed feeling happy. Woke up and was ready to start building back up then, i started fantasizing a little and boom all i could think about was lapsing.

    I tried hard to fight it all day, removing my self from home, going for a swim /sauna, eating good food, all my head could think about was going back home to open up that labtop/message those dominatrix's. It's literally like Jekyl and Hyde, one side of you wants to stop but the other wants you to give in. It's hard because your mind is warped.

    I got home started to message doms for a live in, had one call me and said she'd be on the way in 40 mins, i went outside to cash out and wait for her, it was all so surreal that i was going through with it finally, she texts me saying she's halfway here and for some reason i texted her that i can't do this, i'm in 2 minds about this, i called up my best friend told him what i was going to do and he begged me to cancel her coming and stop.

    I'd already made my decision but in the end it was too late and she went home when i changed my mind, when she replied " so you don't want to come over and be my slave?" i got excited thought about the 3 options i had 1) go home do nothing 2) go have a skype session 3) get her to come over and go back to her house to be her live in slave.

    I went for option 3 but she said it was too late and we had to meet tomorrow now, i resulted in another cam skype session and splat. It literally just feels like you can do everything right and you can't shake it off.

    I don't know what else to do anymore.
  16. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    I'll take my own advice. Keep calm and carry on. It's all just porn induced fantasy. Limiting computer use for the next week or so. Deleting and blocking all numbers. I just read something off another thread which i found quite interesting

    IR254 said:
    If you stop watching porn, you have a good chance of reversing all the damage done to your brain. But if you don't stop and continue watching, you will not only have a 0% chance of healing, but also a great chance of damaging your brain further. So nothing is worse, than simply to keep watching porn. Stop it now and give yourself at least the chance to reverse the damage.

    If i stop now, i have a good chance of reversing the damage, and having them lessen to eventually being free. If i don't stop 0% chance of healing. So i've decided to stop. Thanks all.
    Immature likes this.
  17. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    I just finished reading this entire journal. At first, I didn't think you would reach where you are today because you were so far gone. At one point you were so far gone that you almost didn't exist in this world anymore. I have to say that I'm really impressed by your progress so far, your record of 36 days! My record was 14 days of no O (but my current goal is no PM - which is 41 day record). So, I'm very impressed you got as far as you did, and I'm hopeful that you can finish your 3-5mo goal/challenge. I really hope to see you at the finish line, keep up the great work! It's ok if you lapsed/relapsed, everyone falls down/fails, it's what you do after that and what you learn from your mistakes that matter most. Anyone who has been successful in anything has also failed along the way. I think something you could learn and what many others have mentioned, is to erase Facebook/Skype and anything else that can get you to relapse. Erase the Domme numbers permanently so that you cannot give into temptation.

    Good luck, looking forward to your next update!
    graham55 and Immature like this.
  18. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    Mate.... Your story resonates with me.

    I have similar fetishes to you. I'm 36. I had some very very dark days been 18 - 28 but I'll tell you a secret.

    Time heals. You will learn through experiences. The tomorrows you will be much wiser.

    I can't shake my fetishes, but you can learn to control it. You can live a happy life.

    Take care of your self. Your health, your family, your job. Strive to achieve and make something of your self.

    Your kinks well you will find a nice lady, a wife perhaps eventually who you can worship. In a more vanilla way.

    But don't spend your hard earned cash on visiting Mistress or watching cam sessions etc... this is just exploitation.
    graham55, Reborn16 and Immature like this.
  19. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Some useful realisations in the thread
    graham55 likes this.
  20. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    Day 0 had another lapse today, 14 days in, was at home, bored, had a thought and acted on it, skype session with blackmail, but i didn't have to. I won't let it landslide me into a binge, 1 lapse, not a big deal. Restart the counter, "keep calm and carry on".