Anxiety/panic attacks

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Casanerd20, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing! I think it really helps to know we're not alone. I hope your day is good and congratulation on 2 days! :)
    tidus likes this.
  2. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing. I do feel like my anxiety has lowered a little. I’m eating more I’m talking more even with family and friends. I think my problem was that I had never had anxiety before or panic attacks because most likely I always numbed myself with pmo. I know now how effective this addiction is. Literally a week of nofap and I had the attack. I think it’s also the shit that I was watching and how long I spent on it. I no longer craved just soft or even lesbian porn. I am straight and have always been but somehow I found myself only getting off to gay/transwoman and one day I just sat down and looked at myself with disgust. I think another issue me and a lot of guys have is that we dig so much into it which only causes us to be anxious about our anxiety. I was afraid because I had never felt anxiety or depression and when my anxiety was high at the start I would think about how I was gonna have to be in a mental hospital or I’m in a be on meds my whole life but thats when you have to shut your brain up. Working out more and taking cold showers definitely help. When I first had my attack about a month ago I would have to think twice about going out to eat or even just going to a family members house fearing I would get an attack. The thing that helps me going is that i know the attacks can’t kill or harm me and that now that I know for sure it’s withdrawal, it will eventually pass. Also I’m embracing it. Pmo literally numbs your brain and the body from feeling. If I feel fear embrace it. It will pass. If I feel like braking down and crying, embrace it. If I’m having mood swings, embrace them. I literally feel like I’ve been a robot for the longest time just doing one thing and that’s pmo. It’s hard but eventually I know I’m gonna love the man I turn out to be.
    tidus and P-Free like this.
  3. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Man !! I woke up this morning and I have to say I haven’t felt this way in a long time !! I woke up with tons of energy inside of me. I wake up pretty late because since I’m on break from school I got my body used to sleeping late and waking up late but that was even before I started nofap. I woke up did my bed cleaned the room and made my breakfast. It almost feels like anxiety but without the bad thought or feelings. Is this what it feels like to be energized?? I feel like I need to go on a long run too I have so much energy I can’t sit still.
    P-Free likes this.
  4. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    First, congratulations! That's awesome! It sounds like your body/mind really needed that good sleep! I'd say keep using that supplement, man! :)

    I'm glad the bad thoughts/feelings are gone! If you're feeling energized BUT with no bad thoughts/feelings, I'm inclined to say it's not anxiety. Usually, at least in my experience, if anxiety is the cause of the energy, there are always bad thoughts/feelings.

    That said, it could be a couple things:
    1) Your anxiety could be gone. What you're feeling could be a profound sense of relief. I know when mine is under control such that I'm not having bad thoughts/feelings, I feel GOOD and I have energy.
    2) It could also be that you were just so sleep deprived, the last few nights "refilled your tank" so to speak (in addition to maybe your anxiety has gone away).

    I would ask one thing: is this a nervous type energy, like if you don't do something you start to feel bad? Do you feel a compulsion to do something? Or, is it just that you're so energized after feeling so tired for so long that it's a new feeling for you?

    Also, how are your other issues (adrenals, etc.)? It almost sounds like the addition of that supplement may have brought everything back into balance. I look forward to your reply, and again, CONGRATULATIONS! :)
  5. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Sorry I haven’t answered in a while. My first week after my attack I was so scared I developed a mild feeling of agoraphobia and then also with those first weeks I had a lot of brain fog. I get anxiety attacks every once in a while now however I don’t even pay attention to them even though they’re scary and they go away immediately. Another question is there certain levels to anxiety? First I didnt even want to step out the house then I didn’t want to be in places full of people (I don’t go out much but church every Sunday and I feel more comfortable in rooms full of people) however now it’s more of an anxiety where I have to do something. I was at the bank earlier and my anxiety rised just knowing I was gonna have to communicate with someone. I didn’t get a panic attack but my arms and hands did start going numb. I came back home and feel better.
    P-Free likes this.
  6. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    No worry, I completely understand. There are certain levels and types of anxiety, yes. There's regular (non-disorder) type anxiety, like having to give a speech or something. Then there's the disorder kind. There are different levels of it and different types. Social anxiety, for instance, sometimes keeps people from leaving their homes or gives them problems talking with someone as you experienced at the bank. The numbness is a sign that you were having the beginning of an anxiety attack or, at the very least, that you were feeling more anxious than normal non-disorder anxiety. I'm glad you felt better when you got home.

    Have you talked to that counseling center?
  7. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I actually haven’t due to the fact that I have been feeling well or for the most part I’ve done a lot of studying and reading on my withdrawal symptoms and I’m just currently trying to embrace the most and deal with them In healthy ways . The non anxiety disorder is something I would get all the time before talking in front of people. I do feel like I’m getting better though as I feel more comfortable going out of the house unlike my first week. I’m getting more comfortable in rooms full of people (while I was at the bank I wasn’t bothered by the other people) I think now as hard as it may be I have to step out of my comfort zone and maybe start socializing. The more I read and study the more I’m schocked about what I’ve done to my brain and now that I’m not giving it it’s fix we’re at war with each other. I no longer really pay attention to panic attacks so now it’s just the anxiety I gotta Work with. I’m 100% it’s all withdrawal. It’s an emotional roller coaster ride and some days are better and others are worse.
    P-Free likes this.
  8. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Cool. I totally understand. Do what you feel is right for you. I'm just going to put it out there that by talking to them, they might be able to teach you some non-medication ways of making this easier. I respect that you don't want the meds and that's fine. But just talking and learning from someone about things you could do to manage it may make it easier on you. Relapse-related anxiety can last for a while; why suffer?

    But, as I said I totally respect your decision. If you think riding it out is best, I certainly wish you all the luck and success in the world! I want to see you happy and healthy and being the champion you were meant to be, my friend.
  9. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Have you ever gotten to the point where you relapsed due to too much anxiety ?? I hear it makes you feel even worse
    P-Free likes this.
  10. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Also another thing that just happened was I told someone what was happening and I told them about my addiction since I was 13 and I feel so relieved and I feel a majority of my anxiety lifted off. I guess it’s that part of shame or guilt associated with any addiction
  11. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    I've come very close to relapsing from anxiety. In fact, I'm not doing so great tonight, actually. But, I've never actually relapsed due to anxiety so I can't say if it makes you feel even worse. My one and only relapse came from being too confident and having a massive argument with a friend. That triggered me so hard. It might have just been the argument or maybe the argument did rattle the anxiety a bit. I do know the worst part about it was the Chaser Effect the next day. Urges times 100! I relapsed two more times that day and got it under control the next day.

    I'm glad you had a positive experience sharing your addiction with someone who isn't also addicted. I've been thinking of that but haven't felt comfortable enough to do it yet. It sounds like whoever you told was very supportive and accepting. I'm glad it lessened the anxiety. It could have been part of guilt and shame, but I'm not experienced with that to know.
  12. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I strongly encourage you to do it! You have nothing to lose. It made me feel so much better. I’m on day 44 hopefully by day 60 I can start seeing some bigger improvements.
    P-Free likes this.
  13. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    What made telling a non-NoFap person so good for you? Serious question. I have one I'm thinking of telling but I'm afraid he'll treat me differently. Like he knows all about my anxiety and is very supportive. Sometimes though, if I tell him I'm having anxiety about one part of my life, he weaves his support through all the other parts that I'm not having anxiety about. It's almost like too much support, if that makes sense. Or, better yet, it's like he brings up the subject of anxiety in parts of my life I'm fine with. I know he does it with love (we're really good friends) but sometimes it's uncomfortable. We're kinda like brothers, we're so close. We do crack "dirty" jokes with each other sometimes or comment on someone we found attractive and that never triggers me. I'm just afraid that he will stop doing it, stop that part of our friendship and being himself, if I tell him. Any thoughts?

    Congratulations on 44 days! I'm sure by day 60, you're going to notice even bigger improvements!
  14. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I just felt like part of my anxiety was the shame or guilt from all the stuff I had watched and done. I knew he would respond in a positive way. He was very encouraging and when I explained the science of everything I’m going through he was supportive. He also told me the last thing he wanted me to do is to start being medicated because I’ve never had these issues in my life and I was normal. It took a while for him to fully understand as he first wanted to normalize my addiction but I stopped him and told him how long I was pmoing for and how in the last year I escalated to other categories to get that fix (extremely common for addicts). He said he was also relieved that I told him because he was starting to really worry about me and in the end it was a good conversation and I felt really good after. There’s nothing to lose and I really do hope you tell someone.
    P-Free likes this.
  15. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    I'm so glad your experience was so good! Did he act differently toward you? Did you tell him just tonight? I'd be curious to know how he treats you in the coming days. That is my biggest fear about doing it. I really appreciate your time and answering these questions.
  16. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I did just tell him today. I think he will just be more aware of what I’m going through and will understand when I don’t want to do certain things. He said he wouldn’t of noticed because he said my behavior has been better but when I did feel bad I hid it because I know what I’m going through will eventually pass as much as it sucks now. I’ve also recognized I’ve entered my flatline but honestly I’m not even worried about that. It will go away eventually
    P-Free likes this.
  17. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Thank you. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I appreciate it. Please keep me posted if you don’t mind, on how it goes in the next week or so. That will help me decide about telling my friend.

    Flatline will pass for sure. Enjoy it, it’s freedom from urges for a while. :)
  18. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I hope you open up to someone about what you’ve been struggling with. Trust me it really does help knowing someone is by your side and understands and didn’t judge you.
    P-Free likes this.
  19. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Thanks. You are helping me make that decision. If your friend still treats you the same in a week, I’ll feel much more comfortable with it.
  20. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Awesome man
    P-Free likes this.