Need some advice to stop going to escorts & watching webcams

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by MarriedIn2013, May 29, 2018.

  1. zicozoma7

    zicozoma7 Fapstronaut

    @Numb @GhostWriter I agree with both of you. I guess I just wanted to earn his attention more but with good intentions, not showing off here but I really don't want him to do anything that can destroy his marriage for good. But I should earn that with my words not by my title.... point taken! I'll take that part off!
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  2. zicozoma7

    zicozoma7 Fapstronaut

    It won't be easy. But damage is done already, he already cheated and no matter what he do, he will never be able to change that fact. If he change and was able to quit this for good, time will help him heal. Telling his wife is idealistic but not realistic or practical.... It can possibly destroy his marriage and maybe his entire life. He is already regretting what he's doing and he is asking for help because he wants to quit. That should be the focus. Most of us here are not happy with the part of being fappers/sex addicts and I doubt any of us want the world know about anything of it and will proudly mention it in his resume. And you guys are asking him to mention it to his wife because it is right.

    I'm not right and never claimed I was. That was my advice to him. You @TryingHard2Change see things different and don't agree with me. Fair enough!
  3. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This line sounds like you recognize the truth: that the RIGHT thing to do / the MORAL thing to do / the PROPER thing to do is to tell his wife.

    No, no, no .. see, @zicozoma7 destroyed his own marriage when he got addicted to porn and went to see escorts over and over. Don't blame the truth-telling he should do on destroying marriage--that's a bit much and giving him a pass that he doesn't deserve.


    I am curious doctor, what other addictions do you recommend that the addict hide from their spouse? Drug addiction? Alcoholism? What about gambling and losing all the family's money---as long as the wife doesn't find out, he should keep it hidden right?

    Oh, I've got a good one => what if the sex addict is molesting the children? He should just STOP that horrible addiction and never tell his wife..right? Oh wait, no .. in that instance he has actively HURT other people--the children--therefore there is no way the good doctor could support keeping that horrible act hidden until the grave.

    What you don't understand is @zicozoma7 has already severely hurt his wife -- maybe not on the same scale as sexually molesting kids -- but @zicozoma7 has done damage to his wife .. and your advice to him to keep it a secret until death is only hurting his wife even more.
    EyesWideOpen, Jennica and Numb like this.
  4. MarriedIn2013

    MarriedIn2013 Fapstronaut

    Hello Zicozoma7. I only saw your messages now and I am not sure what is the "doctor" some forum members here are referring to (I probably saw your post after being edited) but honestly I don't really care who talks to me, each person is important on his/her own, each person who comes to this world has something to fix in life, I believe in that ....

    The quoted text of yours is something I completely agree with, you are not the only one who holds this opinion, I also hold this opinion and so is "The Strategist" who posted here in this thread, and as I mentioned before - this is not an advice that is supposed to pat on your back and say "oh, you're all fine, don't worry" - no, there is a lot to worry about, and I would agree with any other forum member that without changing my ways it would be pointless to follow your (and my) advice, because the marriage will be a sinking ship ... but I do agree with you I don't feel like my marriage is a sinking ship, not at all...

    Exactly, you've just nailed it. The issue is this addiction and not the marriage. A gambling addict who keeps on gambling will also destroy his/her marriage without stopping the addiction... by the way I did have some form of gambling addiction and I managed to stop it (well, several years without it and not looking back), this is something I did share with my wife but she never asked me to go into all the details like how much I spent, I was honest about what I did but most of the recovery I have to say was made by myself, my wife wasn't 100% part of this recovery, she did encourage and helped, I was reading books, writing tons of diaries, recording myself on the phone (she saw the recordings but never bothered to get much into it, she just said if it's helpful then go for it, so as I said she was supportive but I don't feel like if she never knew I wouldn't be on the right path with this recovery, lots of this recovery is SELF work, you work on yourself, not on your marriage - as selfish as it sounds) so again - I have to separate between an addiction and the marriage itself... of course sharing is good and helpful and I share with my wife everything I can share with her but you're right - escorts is not something to share ... as I mentioned she knows about webcams and it's enough for me she understands I have some sexual needs that I don't put into our relationship right - but with this topic I didn't talk much about it, not like gambling ... - it's the addiction that needs to be kicked out of life, the marriage needs a healthy and honest husband, that's for sure. That brings this part:

    The only way this would become a lie is if, ever in our lives, she would ask me openly if I ever did anything sexual with another girl - but then watching webcams is doing something sexual... but not disclosing the entire truth is the problem you're referring to, like living a lie ... if she would ask me if I ever slept with someone the answer is honestly no, I never had sex (intercourse) with these girls - but that doesn't mean what I did is okay, just going into these places is as equal to sleep with an escort or spend an overnight there, it doesn't matter if I came there for 5 minutes or less (which is what I really did) or spent 5 hours there ... it's all wrong!

    If she went to work and had to eat 5 pizzas which is really fattening (and in reality she never will) - I'd rather not know about it than know about it - why? because it will make me feel appalled, like ugh... why did you do it to yourself... if she feels like buying a coffee, a snack or whatever she doesn't have to tell me about it, it's not exactly a lie, it's something that has no benefit in telling me ... of course if she chose to tell me these things the relationship won't be a sinking ship and if I chose to tell her these things then it will - but there are some times in life where it's better not to tell.

    I feel like this thread is focusing too much on the issue of whether telling or not telling is the main point here - and instead Zicozoma7 has given here 4 good points and explained the focus should be the addiction, and we keep on going back into the question of whether telling her or not is the issue here.

    I totally understand where you guys are coming from with the notion that telling her is a MUST, it's a LIE if I don't tell her, but I just have to disagree with that - living with a secret is not something everyone can do ... if it's important enough for me to keep it a secret it's because I believe keeping it a secret is the right way to go, and like Zicozoma7 said:

    This is 100% right in my opinion, I understand it's difficult for you to accept it, but I 100% agree with this statement, and I mentioned before in this thread that also therapists and people who have been dealing with issues like mine already have all told me the same.

    And again - it's not support to be a pat on the back, this is not a green light to keep on doing it.

    I came into this forum because I want to stop with it for good, I am not looking for just a 1 day break nor 1 week nor 1 month ... I want a permanent stop, I am not looking to keep on lying to myself or "create" and "generate" more secrets - if that's what I wish to do then why am I here? and why keep my marriage like this? (i.e. with these 'secrets')

    I believe our marriage can be saved if I stop, not if I tell my wife, I just have to agree with Zicozoma7.

    Lastly, it's Day 3 or Day 4 now ... I am going to focus on the other non-tell-her-or-not ideas you brought up here, including the 5 love language signs Anna mentioned, the 4 points Zicozoma7 brought up and more - there are certainly lots of tools that can be used here to make things better.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  5. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Dude, you crack me up ... not in a funny way though -- in a way that I really, truly feel bad for you. Are you seriously comparing EATING FOOD or BUYING A COFFEE and not telling your spouse .. with SEEING ESCORTS and not telling your spouse? Really??

    So breaking your sacred wedding vows, to be sexually committed to only your wife .. and buying an overpriced Starbucks --- both acts are the same and not telling your spouse is the same exact thing.


    Listen, you are going to do what you are going to do -- which is to keep secrets from your wife and to lie to her (by withholding your dark side) .. because you don't want to lose her. I get it. No one is going to change your mind. Hey, maybe your wife is just like you ... and has all sorts of affairs that you would rather not know about (which I'm 100% sure you would agree with). So live you happy, fake life. More power to you.
  6. MarriedIn2013

    MarriedIn2013 Fapstronaut

    Please see my quoted text:

    I never said it's the same thing. I only said sometimes in life it's better not to tell or not to know than knowing. The message of what I said was simple: Ignorance is bliss.

    My wife is not having any sorts of affairs behind my back, I'm the only one who screwed up - but your attitude makes me even more dissuaded to take an advice from someone who says "So live you(r) happy, fake life. More power to you".

    I don't know if you have children or not, but I would never try to educate my child with an attitude like this, like telling him go and live a fake life, you're a monster. Perhaps I'm like Cain and Abel in the bible, I should have a mark for life for what I did (and I do, it's a mark I have to keep within me for the rest of my life).

    If you're trying to punish me for what I did or say society doesn't want me or "go away you're a fake, hypocrite and what's not" - honestly, save this attitude to someone else, I am not asking for such an attitude here and I am not trying to create it neither.

    The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. (Ecclesiastes)
  7. Tan3110

    Tan3110 Fapstronaut

    I'm an so and I think you should man up and tell your wife. I spent years in the dark and now all those happy memories feel fake. But I would still wanna know. it makes you truly accountable and having those frank conversations can help the recovery process and keep you on track.
    Your using not telling her as an excuse that she won't be happy. But truthly it's just you trying not to own up and take responsibility. You will fail your NoFap journey because honest is the main recovery tool. Keeping it a secret gives it power over you and it gives you means to slip back into it without true responsibly for it.
    You may not agree with it but I'm a woman and and SO and a mother and I know i would wanna know and if you pose that question to the women here they would agree to tell.
    Your taking the choices away from your wife.

    You keep saying everyone's getting off topic for the thread that it's about how to change and cope how to deal with urges and recovery. But honesty is the most important factor of recovery that's why people keep bringing it up cos that is the key. And facing it and overcoming it is the way you will succeed.

    I really hope you do succeed for you and her. Try kerezza as a bonding tool for you and your wife it'll teach you to give in sex and not just take and it'll bring you closer and it's still satisfying.

    Good luck sorry if you think we ganging up on you and your opinion but truthally we are all just trying to help you.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    Jennica, Numb and Queen_Of_Hearts_13 like this.
  8. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Omission is lying... so you're lying. I have an entire book on lying i can give you all the definitions. maybe ill post them later today...
    souvlakispacestation and Numb like this.
  9. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    1 - Your wife knows you use webcams and is OK with it?

    2 - Lying by omission is still lying.

    3 - How would you feel if your wife was seeing male escorts and you didn't know?
  10. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    As for your original questions, here are some links for rebooting, I'd follow these guidelines. And honestly something that helped my husband was a book on mindfulness as well to keep him thinking in the moment and not on P or ogling.
    hope4healing likes this.
  11. The Strategist

    The Strategist Fapstronaut

    Oh, there's a big difference!

    The purpose behind not telling her about escorts is to avoid breaking her heart and hurting her so deeply to the point that she might not recover from it. Many women simply don't understand how sex addiction works and might feel completely devastated and betrayed knowing her husband has been hiring prostitutes behind her back. It can traumatize her and make her lose complete trust in her husband and even men in general.

    Gambling or alcohol is something most women can understand and will be willing to work together to help their partners overcome it. It will disappoint her and hurt her, but nowhere near as much as imagining her husband giving oral sex to a prostitute and then coming home to kiss her.
  12. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut


  13. The Strategist

    The Strategist Fapstronaut


    That's why telling her about it can be a very bad idea.

    There's no need to hurt her even more than he's already doing.

    The assumption that the only way to recover is by telling her everything is simply false. He can seek help and work on himself while protecting her wife's heart in the process.

    Or he can tell her that he's addicted to porn without going into details.

    The point of telling her about it is so that they can work together on the addiction and she can be supportive and understanding.

    She doesn't need to know the type of porn he watches or if he has visited a prostitute in the past. This isn't going to do any good to any of them. It's just going to crush her soul.

    I get it, honesty is important. But you don't go to your husband and say "Hey honey, I just want to tell you I saw a very hot guy on the supermarket today and I fantasized about having sex with him". Why would you do that? How is that "honesty" accomplishing anything? It's just simply going to make your partner feel bad and insecure.
    MarriedIn2013 likes this.
  14. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yeah..honesty is important; a person's wedding vows are important; you cannot be in a healthy marriage taking the fact that you visited escorts to your grave. It's as simple as that.
  15. Tan3110

    Tan3110 Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE="The Strategist, post: 1494737,

    She doesn't need to know the type of porn he watches or if he has visited a prostitute in the past. This isn't going to do any good to any of them. It's just going to crush her soul.

    I get it, honesty is important. But you don't go to your husband and say "Hey honey, I just want to tell you I saw a very hot guy on the supermarket today and I fantasized about having sex with him". Why would you do that? How is that "honesty" accomplishing anything? It's just simply going to make your partner feel bad and insecure.[/QUOTE]

    I asked exactly that of my husband to tell me those things all.of them.
  16. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Actually, I would if that happened and yes I would want my husband to tell me, too.
  17. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I do that with my husband, if I see someone attractive, I'll let him know. Just being honest because I expect that of him, so I offer it as well because that's fair.

    First, in a normal relationship without porn and sex addiction, if one partner is fantasizing about sex with someone else, and let's say the frequency increases... by communicating that to your partner, they can see an increase in that fantasy and thus... maybe there is a problem in the relationship that needs to be addressed, and thus they can address it. If there was no communication, and the person who is not fantasizing one day gets hit with "I want to break up" from their other partner... they are going to be SO confused. But if there is communication, people can catch "problems" before they become Problems.

    I guess for me, it's like a red flag being waved in the air letting the other person know, "Hey something isn't quite right here, let's figure it out together"
    Jennica, Numb and hope4healing like this.
  18. The Strategist

    The Strategist Fapstronaut

    I respect that.

    I disagree with the idea that every relationship should be like that.

    There's plenty of healthy relationships around that don't involve people confessing to their partners every single thought that goes through their heads.

    Take journals or diaries for example. There's a reason they're supposed to be private. We're human beings. We have all kinds of different thoughts every day. We have doubts, desires, worries. That's just normal and part of being human.

    We can't go through life feeling guilty about every single thought we have to the point that we need to tell our partners about it. As long as we love them and our intentions are good, there's no need to do that.
    MarriedIn2013 likes this.
  19. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    In healthy relationships you are probably right. But here we are dealing with PA/SA, there is a big distinction there.
  20. Plenty of PA's love their partner and also have good intentions, but good intentions almost never prevail when up against the throes of addiction. Sometimes love and good intention are simply not enough.