My husband is a porn addict.

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Letsrun123, May 3, 2016.

  1. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

  2. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    (VR) headset for porn takes you into the room with a porn star plenty of articles about it on and it's even more addicting than regular high speed porn :( I am still broken up over this and lies upon lies ..
  3. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    Oh! I've never heard of that but makes sense that it would be around! I'm sorry for your pain! How long has it been since you found out and left him?
  4. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    I was with him for 5 years I found out about his porn in January when we started to live together ..
  5. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    If he's willing to stop give him a chance. It sounds like he is from what I read.
    Now, if he does it half ass and is lying about not using then it's time for extremes.
  6. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    @justcause47 I get what your saying and all.. but what about me? The wife of an addict? Sure he may sink deeper with the tightening of a leash, but what about me? I may seem selfish but I'm the one whose been lied to and hurt. I'm the one with the feelings, because apparently he's already a fucking robot on autopilot. Why do you think I haven't filed for divorce, because I'm here for him, I know he needs help with this addiction. I just need to focus on myself and my 2 month old son. He needs to focus on himself and healing. So though I appreciate you trying to put in your 2 cents, you need to see both sides. Not just the addicts side.
  7. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    @Rav70 well that's what I tried to do. Give him a chance. Turned out he was lying to me in the middle of an *honest discussion* so sure he's trying, but he's only driving me farther away with each lie I unravel. And honestly, when he continued to lie too me, that's not trYing at all! That's just more lying! Digging his hole even deeper!
    WifeInTheDark and Rav70 like this.
  8. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    All I had to read was the first few sentences. Are you fucking kidding me?! why am I doing this?! Why am I being cruel!? He did this to himself! He did this to me! I am the one suffering from his stupid fucking addiction! Get the fuck off my damn forum! You clearly don't know what the fucking your talking about! You obviously have no idea how this impacts wives whose marriages have been based solely on lies! You're not helping anyone with what your saying and I sware to god if my husband @JS3516 reads your post and for some reason agrees with you I will make sure you and him both know how fucked up in the brain you both are! I've dealt with addiction, personally. Not with porn though. But still addiction is addiction, and I understand how badly it impacted my husband and my family, including myself! I got through it with the same ultimatum I'm giving him, your addiction or me! I clearly chose him. And he needs to chose me. Now like I said get the fuck out!
    Rav70 and about a girl like this.
  9. No. No to this whole thing. Bollocks. The lot of it.

    No woman is responsible for a man's actions or choices. No woman is accountable in anyway for his afflictions. No words she utters, no changes she makes, no challenges she may represent.

    She is not responsible to "change lives". It is not her job to be his savior.

    It's her right to expect the same love she gives. It's owed to her to receive the same respect she provides.

    This self serving, "oh woe is me, I need to be saved" arsery is the very rubbish that got most self pitying shits here to begin with!
  10. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    @TheSumOfAllBeers you have no idea how bad I needed that after reading that bull shit. I got a little mouthy and I apologize for all the f bombs but I don't apologize for anything else I said. He needs Jesus and nofap that's for sure. Maybe he should read entire forums before posting and almost giving someone a damn heart attack!
  11. I never forced anything on you. In my post,all I said was of my perspective.I even mentioned it a couple of times by saying " in my opinion" , " to me" , "If 'I' was in your place". And I'm pretty sure we're allowed to express ourselves and our opinions of the problems.Constructive Criticism is allowed.I'm still sorry though,being young,I might not have realised how it might have affected you.I deleted the post so that no one can read those. I'm sorry,and I'm getting out of this thread.

    But still,To me, This thread will always remain as a shame on Alexander's remarks about Nofap: we’re happy that our forums include voices from all over the world, from many different age groups, and include the perspectives of various sexual orientations and genders. With more voices, our community only becomes stronger and more supportive, and that means a better chance at success for all our users.
    noexcuses likes this.
  12. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    From what I've read it's not the truth that he's being punished for, it's the dishonesty. Yes, the truth hurts and you were willing to move forward as long as there was honesty. One simple ground rule. When that rule was broken then there had to be consequences. The second round of truths hurt but the dishonesty felt like a betrayal. Right? Many wives here understand that their husbands are not nor will they ever be perfect, but if someone cannot be honest then that's a dealbreaker. Any parent knows that if you give your children a rule and they break it then there has to be a consequence or they will never respect you. And since the betrayal was personal then you justly have the right to be angry. While burying him with your feelings can discourage, a lot of times it cuts through the cloudy, hazy thinking that addicts live in and can act as a motivator in someone with a good heart.

    In a relationship that includes an addict if you shield that person from the consequences of their actions then it's a form of codependency. To stand by your husband as he fights to get better is love. To stand by your husband as he lies or minimizes his actions is misplaced loyalty.

    Your husband has a lot of work to do to regain your trust. Trust is based on concrete actions that give you faith that he will look out for your best interests. So far you have a handful of promises. That may earn him a reprieve but actions will speak louder than words.
  13. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Lol... You're cracking me.up...
    Breathe woman!! F bombs are sentence enhancers!
    Letsrun123 likes this.
  14. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    My ex fiance' porn addiction put me through so much stress I lost weight and now I look gaunt I smoke ciggs like crazy I hate the wake this whole situation left me in .. My therapist doesn't want me to communicate with him because he thinks it's OK to lust over beautiful naked woman all day and night .. I am trying still to cope and I'm not even interested in dating .. why ? I see too many negatives no positives .. way too many addicts on their phones and laptops .. sorry if I sound bitter but I am :(
    Sunflower80 and WifeInTheDark like this.
  15. This. All of it. Bravo, mate!

    You have your dignity and self respect, Letsrun. You must retain this or it becomes an affliction of two instead of one.

    It's upon him now to clean the mess of his life.

    Through it all, no matter what the result, remember a few key things that will help you hold tight to yourself and your clarity:
    You did not cause this.
    You cannot fix this.
    It is not a reflection upon you in any fashion.
    This doesn't belong to you.

    I know this is much easier said than done, but look after youself and the little one. Pamper youself a bit. Ensure you keep your head up. I watched my SO drop too many pounds not eating over this mess. She just shut down for a time. Take care of you.
  16. Letsrun123

    Letsrun123 Fapstronaut

    @justcause47 I'm young myself. 24. Been married since 17 to this man I believed to be the most amazing man. He still is! But he hurt me in the process of his addiction. Maybe when your older and have a true relationship with someone and experience true love you will understand how aweful this can be for a woman or spouse.
    WifeInTheDark and JS3516 like this.
  17. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    I'm 22 and my ex was my first love and everything !! He thinks still to this day because it all still works for him that it's not a problem .. Nothing against me he would tell me it is normal to look and fantasy is natural .. I still read mixed reviews on men and porn some say it's OK like in moderation .. All I know it hurt me and still hurts .. My ex wants me to love him 100% I just cannot love his addict side .. I am getting older and porn is filled with young beautiful woman all over the world .. I can't just sit back and be alright go have pretend time while I watch TV .. I want a normal relationship .. Not a relationship where I feel insecure and filled with worry .. I hope your husband reads my journal .. I was together but very alone in that relationship ..
  18. lfromcr

    lfromcr Fapstronaut

    For me it was more like it ripped the scab off the wound--the one he was trying to heal--and pouring salt in it.
    Letsrun123 likes this.
  19. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I admire your fight for a decent, proper and loving family. I also concur with everything @i_wanna_get_better1 has written. Specifically this. :)
  20. oreogirl

    oreogirl Fapstronaut

    What PMO is to Me

    My husband WAS in hell.
    You made him feel worthless,
    You stole his time,
    You stole my life,
    You stole my confidence,
    You stole my lover,
    You stole my home,
    You stole my children's father.
    You objectify women,
    You make sex violent instead of loving,
    I feel violated,
    I feel heartbroken,
    I feel like a victim.
    When I see him looking at a screen I feel like you are here,
    You make me cry,
    I don't feel safe.
    I didn't even get the dopamine rush,
    I AM in hell

    One thing PMO will never take from me: hope