SOs feelings and thoughts through their partners Addiction/Recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Warfman, May 8, 2023.

  1. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’m surprised she didn’t touch on abortion. The only reason my husband has children is because I don’t believe in abortion. However, I did not want children. I believe it’s incredibly unfair that had I wished, I could’ve aborted our baby and he would have zero say. All because it’s my body that grows the child.
  2. This is a really good example of how it's dependent on your partner too. I dont want to hear this from my husband. At all. It squicks me out when he says these exact things.
    I would rather hear "I know it does/they are and I'm sorry". Any fakeness just destroys my brain all over again and I can't deal with it.
    Thor God of Thunder and Warfman like this.
  3. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’m with you. I don’t want the lie. I know it’s a lie because his actions did not align with his words. It’s the action that shows the truth, not the words. For instance my husband didn’t have an affair in real life because of his IA and extreme fear and anxiety over sex. Not because he loved me. Honestly, faithfulness in a marriage should be the barest minimum action to show not only love, but respect and honor. Not just to your spouse but to yourself and the relationship.
  4. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    We have a huge personality difference as well. I learned this once we finally lived together

    My wife is an introvert. There are times she acts like "don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't you dare even look at me!". Especially in the morning. I wake up chipper and ready to talk. Lol

    It hurts me a lot. But I'm learning much perspective here on things like that. It's part of who she is and I need to love her for it. Not resent it.
    Thor God of Thunder likes this.
  5. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Your description of your wife sounded much like my husband describes me, except swap out cribbage for chess and I’m not the jealous type at all. My firm belief was if you can take him then you deserve him. I think most ranch women dress inexpensive and modest, silver looks great on my horse:)
    Thor God of Thunder and Warfman like this.
  6. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    For me, I've made those comments for sure. I felt xyz because of something that happened and then I acted out. In that moment I was just trying to be honest about my feelings. I truly didn't mean at all that I was blaming her for it but I see that it comes off that way for sure. I seeing a truth that even though I did feel that. I didn't know the reason why I felt that way. It was my toxic shame. So I expressed it in a way that actually wasn't fully true. I now feel I can internalize that hurt I feel on my own a little better. And not dump my Shame on my wife and blame her.

    EDIT: there also have been when I was really upset that I have blamed, yelled etc. What I'm expressing above are times I've tried communicating my feelings.
    Thor God of Thunder likes this.
  7. walker5210

    walker5210 Fapstronaut

    I respect this as truth. I don't and probably can't really fully know you or your husband or your relationship dynamic despite your heartfelt descriptions. But, I accept it. I have a somewhat different experience. I talked with my therapist about my porn use early on in my therapy, long before I acknowledged being a PA. (FWIW my therapist is a woman.) She asked what appealed to me in the porn that I watched. By far, my biggest hook was the actress looking directly at the camera. In my mind's fantasy, she was looking at me. I was seen. And, I was desired.

    I was neglected from toddler-hood onward. And, I was in deep, deep Denial of my trauma until the last two years (and I am 66 y.o. now.) Although I had said I had a rough childhood, I never thought that I was traumatized by it. (Denial, Denial Denial, this was my survival skill.) My biggest fear is abandonment. And my biggest trigger is being ignored. Now, I am not blaming my wife for my addiction. I would have become an addict no matter who I married. I am sure that I was an addict before we started dating. It was not problematic at that time. (?) (So, was I a nascent addict - doesn't matter, ancient history. I could not be any thing other than an addict.) But, my wife often will not respond to my direct questions and ignores me. It happened last night. I have only recently learned how to control my reaction. Previously, this infuriated me. I could control my actions but, not how I felt: total rejection which instantly transformed inside me to anger. This has always occurred within me in response to emotional injury. I have only begun to de-link these and feel the pain of the injury rather than instant anger. So it was last night. With a bit of time, I could cool down and talk about this, and did so in a calm fashion this morning. She doesn't even remember this occurring last night (and said "she had one too many" glasses of wine last night. But, this occurs even if she has not been drinking.) There are other related factors. One includes our sexual activity when it occurs (extremely rarely.) She does not look at me even in the most intimate moments. She has her eyes closed. In hindsight, I realize this also felt to me like she was not making love with me. She has since said that she needs to concentrate on her own body in order to get/stay stimulated. I now accept that as truth. But, though the rational mind acknowledges and this mitigates the pain somewhat, I still feel unseen, unacknowledged.

    My wife has also said more than once, that she has no desire. I now accept this. (Even though she first seduced me early in our relationship.) This cuts me to the core. And, she has not initiated sex in many years. When she accepts my invitations, it is generally with "Okay". (No indication of enthusiasm.)

    In my ACA recovery, I've learned that I probably picked her because she fulfilled my sick abandonment need: recapitulating/reliving my childhood, trying desperately to fix it but, destined to be unable to do so. All this subconscious activity, I was oblivious and terrifically confused.

    This is where I am going with all this background: I can honestly say to my wife, "I never compared the porn models physical beauty to you." But, I did make another comparison: those women saw me, and desired me (in my sick brain.) And, that is what I still crave, and still do not receive.
    Warfman likes this.
  8. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    For me there's a lot of similarity in facing my "enemy". That I'm trying to do here. It's honestly pretty tough emotionally. As I read your responses I am feeling a lot of different emotions.

    The way she expresses how she felt in response to what mens issues were and how her gut reaction was to push back on that particularly resonates. If I were talking with her face to face said something about how I feel on an issue like that and she responded to me in one if the ways she said she sure wished she could have. My toxic shame would have pounced all over her.

    The way she expresses an understanding of men's issues makes my feelings feel heard and understood.

    You can tell she beleives deeply what she's saying. And as a man who feels a lot of what she's talking about myself it makes me feel good hearing her say this.

    I think so many of us addicts aren't at that point to see that in our partners. I think the opposite is true as well. I sure haven't been good at it. And for me it's not something someone can just tell the addict they need to see. They have to find it on their own.

    I think that's what some have expressed they want from their addict partners. We try and explain our messed up feelings when we need to just shut up and listen.
    KevinesKay and walker5210 like this.
  9. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Lots of good stuff here. I definitely have the same feeling with eye contact. My wife being an introvert is not good with eye contact. This hurts me similar to how you have described.

    Though if I think about who my wife is I feel terrible that I let this hurt me. I described why I was attracted to my wife in my other forum. She's modest, I also didn't say this but she's very feminine, soft, and delicate both inside and out. I love that about her. She is so tender and beautiful. I think it's very natural for her to not give eye contact because of her true self, she's not good physically opening up.

    I can't believe that I have thought this was a bad thing because it hurts me just because I'm not that way. That she was doing it on purpose. I need to love the person much more for who she is.
    walker5210 likes this.
  10. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I do want to express a clarification on my wife. I do not know that she wanted to have sex with her ex and not me.

    She didn't want to be Facebook official for a the first year. During that time she ended things with me twice to pursue him. Then I was attacked for seemingly moving on so quickly with other women. It was ok for her to pursue options but not me. This double standard issue pops up all over our story that I don't get into here.

    I wasn't allowed to have female friends. Had to report where I was. She could be friends with anyone she wanted. I tried to be the man she wanted me to be and tried to do the things she asked.

    Then I saw the text from her ex at the wedding. I'd seen texts in the past, but this was somewhat different we had been together officially for a few years by then. It hurt so bad. And to be told that it was my fault she didn't tell me, that it was how I reacted, destroyed me. That day it became clear. I was different. Because if the roles were reversed I would have been expected to handle things how she told me I needed to. Not how she did herself.

    After getting married I find the vids of her MOing. That she sent to her ex. This was not cheating this was before we were together. If I need to explain this better for anyone's clarification I can.

    Here's what hurt me about seeing this video. First I'm a sucker for, love, sexuality acceptance and expression, I'm deep into a p addiction b at the time. I am a sucker for a flirty text, it's the feeling that she's thinking of me. That she wants me that I crave. I have asked for that from her. Not her MOing or anything just that attraction expressed that she's thinking of me when we aren't together. I realize now much of that was me putting so much of my value on her acceptance of me. She refused to do much of it at all a few pictures of her fully clothed just saying I miss you etc. but not very much. I did try initiating cyber sex a few times when we lived long distance. She went into long explanations of how she thought that was wrong. Couldn't beleive women would do that. And refused to do it....

    When I saw the videos... It hurt so bad. To see even if she was doing it for the wrong reasons that they are against get values that she still did it. But not with me. She chose to do that with him and not me. My toxic shame made me think something was wrong with me in that moment. That I did something wrong and that was why she wouldn't do that for me. I would try tirelessly for years to try to be a guy worthy of her doing that for me. Eventually I cracked and confronted her on it. She said directly to my face she would never ever do that with anyone. Ever. I couldn't take it anymore. I told her "I have seen you do it, I've seen the videos.' This all hurt me so bad. That I wasn't worthy of acceptance and love and that he was. Her explanation was "well yes but I won't do that now because if we ever divorce you might send it to someone else". With her saying that it affirmation to me that he was better than me. Because he's was trustworthy and I wasn't even though they were not together she sent them to him. I can't express how this made me feel. What I needed in that moment was similar to what SOs are saying here about when the addict won't just say "I'm sorry for the hurt I caused". I just needed her to let me be hurt.

    All I really think I needed was her honesty, love, and acceptance. That she was in a horrible place and wished she could take it back. I don't think I would have been in a place to accept that then. But it's what I think I still needed.

    I spent years wondering why I wasn't good enough to get sexual acceptance from her in this way. And tried to earn it over and over and never did. We had good sex streaks and some long stretches with none. And had lots of good memories. But the feeling was always there. That for some reason she would rather be with him. I think many SOs can relate to that feeling when talking about their addict partners. And though there are differences. It doesn't mean that it wasn't a terrible experience that helps me relate.

    Please understand there is so much more than I can write here about this. I understand the need to defend my wife's actions, reasons etc. I understand trying to put it in context. I understand that my experiences aren't exactly the same as some of yours. And I most definitely understand that I have done things to my wife as well by lying and using P. I know I'm more guilty of it than her. That's not why I'm writing this, I know I am not able to fully depict all that happened though this for me. I'm writing it to express my pain. That my feelings were also valid. Because I want to heal too.
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  11. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I do get where you are coming from. That the frequency of the lying and betrayal does in fact matter. If I didn't adequately acknowledge that I'm sorry.
  12. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you shared on this.
    During this journey of letting go of the magical pornographic woman and learning about and embracing the real woman. I'm reminded of something as you share about the dynamic between you, your wife, and her ex.
    And I want to bring it up.

    What about the idea that her ex is the Alpha?
    And you are the beta?

    Alpha Fucks
    Beta Bucks

    She makes rules for you.
    She breaks rules for her ex.
    Warfman likes this.
  13. Starling

    Starling Fapstronaut

    Let me explain. This will be a long one.
    I agree with both of you. I know it is a lie.
    But at the same time, he truly believes it to be true.
    Well, Im a woman, and I desperately want it to be true. I know that it is possible that a man feels like that about his wife. My father says that about his wife, my mother, and when he says that, there is no doubt that it is true. Although, objectively speaking, or speaking about her looks, she is obviously not the most beautiful woman in the world, but he sees her as a whole, her looks, her personality, all their experiences, their friendship, closeness, love and all that she is. What he sees in her, no other woman in the world has.
    Maybe it is more about what I want to be true. Or maybe about my love languages or something. When he says that, I hear more of a "I love you and you are special to me" or maybe something like "I want to see you as the most beautiful girl in the world. I am attracted to them, but I dont want to be. I only want you." Which he in fact told me.
    But, objectively speaking, I know, in the past, his actions proved, I definitely wasnt the most attractive woman for him. In the present, his actions say, that my attractiveness in his eyes increased radically. He gets excited during sex, which was not there before.
    And I know I am the most beautiful girl he sees....until the addiction strikes again...or until any young girl appears on a street. What I mean, he really wants me to be the one he is attracted to the most, and I believe him this part. I even believe he thinks I am the most beautiful girl for him (right now, when I think he doesnt watch porn, definitely not in the past while in active addiction). But since he is a porn addict, he is addicted to beautiful women, he is physically attracted to them far more then to me. And always will be. There is no way I could compete with them. Especially with few children and being about 20 years older then they are and still aging (while they are not).
    For the record, everytime he says this, I disagree. Tell him that it is just not true. If it was, he couldnt have been watching porn our entire relationship and marriage. Actually, I saw his reaction, when a porn image appeared on a screen (he said it was by accident.. and I hope it was true, because it was during a day and our children were in the room, fortunately didnt notice). He was looking at it for like two or three seconds, which for me, was incredibly long time, until he closed it and looked at me if I saw it too. In two seconds, he was aroused more than I ever saw him in my life before. That was about six years into our marriage. Up until that moment, I never saw him aroused. Never. Never heard him breathe like that. I thought he could just control himself so well. Nope. I just wasnt attractive enough. She could do in two seconds, what I couldnt in years. I could literally stand naked in front of him and no reaction at all. But he still insisted that I attracted him much more. Well...would you believe it?
    I saw it. But you dont have to see it to know. When someone watches porn and masturbates to it, he is physically attracted to what/who he sees. One doesnt masturbate to something that doesnt arouse him. And hardly anyone watches porn without the intent to get aroused. For example, just and only to learn something new and use it with your partner, who is by far the most attractive in the world. No way.
    My husband told me after Dday, that although he is watching sexual content and even though he masturbates to it, it is not sexual. Definitely not primarily sexual. That it was more about coping with stress and anxiety. Well, ok. Maybe it is coping mechanism. But a sexual coping mechanism. One more thing...even if had nothing to do with sex, which obviously is not true, there is still the thing with him having a problem, whatever it is and not telling me. Leaving me out entirely. Out of his life, I dont know what is going on. Solving his problems without me, robbing me of the opportunity to help him, care for him or just know him. This alone would be enough for a marriage crisis. But him solving his problems by searching for a sexual satisfaction from another women is quite a bomb...
    He said, it has nothing to do with me. Nothing to do with our relationship. Nothing to do with our sex. Ok, lets have a look at it. How am I supposed to not take it personally, when we have sex lets say 4 times a month and now I find out, you watch porn and masturbate almost every night? That the reason you caress me to sleep is just to be sure I am sleeping and you can go fucking yourself with all your whores on the screen without fear of me finding out? Is that also because I am the most beautiful girl in the world? I guess so. I guess, your anger outbursts every day that are caused by the addiction, and make me afraid to say anything, make me afraid when will you shout at my little children again, because they just want your attention, that has also nothing to do with our relationship. And our sex...yes, the porn addiction messes also with that, a lot. I didnt see it then, now I can compare, its night and day.
    And, I want to add, my husband now sees it too. It is cheating, it messes with our relationship, tears us apart, makes him anxious and angry. He knows he is much better overall without it. And he knows he definitely didnt act like I was the most attractive girl.
  14. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Unless I learn to condition my eyes and mind, one woman will never be enough. If I let my eyes and mind wander wherever they please, this addict inside me will always want more. It doesn't matter how beautiful my wife is, her looks nor my love will never be enough to satisfy my addictive cravings to always want more, not prettier, more.

    Addicts struggle with the question, Why did you choose porn over me?
    At the time, I wasn't thinking I had to choose one over another. I thought I could have it all! That I could do porn, aaaaannnd have my wife too. Such a messed up way to think. In my backwards fantasy world, monogamy was misery; settling for a life of deprivation. It took me a long time to learn that the exact opposite is true.

    So I learn to condition my eyes and mind. To not give myself permission to look at or think about another woman. Making a deliberate effort to rule out all others so that I don't lose attraction towards my wife and thus leading both of us to more misery.
  15. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    If I was talking to my 18 year old self about choosing a partner. I would express the truth that looks aren't the most important factor. It's the entire package as you've said. Even though my wife is extremely physically attractive. Her body has changed and I'm still just as attracted to her as I was when I was 14. I'm not attracted to her when she is cruel and harsh. Similar to how many SOs express they feel about their partners.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. P for me has been a cheap substitute for getting the acceptance I thought I have always needed. I know it's hard for the SO to understand and it seems like something that would be really easy to lie about. I'm not though. We are still quite young. And maybe if we had been in this rut for 30 years of marriage it would feel different.
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  16. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I'm my case. I'd be jacked if we had sex 4 times a month consistently. And I'm sure I'd still want more sex with my wife. Maybe I can convince her to have sex every day for a week or two and see how I feel after? :)

    If I apply your comment to how I have felt it's the fact that I'm rejected so often, over and over. We go stints of not having sex for 5 to 6 months then 3 days in a row. Then not again for 5 to 6 more months. There are times I massage my wife and want to initiate and I think why? She'll just snap at me. Sometimes maybe there are feelings like that that may be missed by one another. It isn't the fact that I don't want to have sex with my wife. I look forward to that daily. All the time and I love it. I've written enough about my toxic shame but that's it. I took that rejection as I wasn't good enough and buried myself into addiction to run from the pain, I went looking to substitute acceptance elsewhere. Yes it is wrong! I realize I'm a majority of the problem.

    That has been the one trigger I keep slipping on because unlike stress at work or anxiety it's much harder for me to make changes on that front. It's something that is a slower progression. Relationships are just complicated. I have improved so much in so many ways. But those moments I feel that worthlessness and have let it get the better of me once in a while. I just realized that this week.

    I'm not trying to take anything away from your experience. Actions do speak louder than words. I'm seeing that here expressed many times. Its a truth for me that even though I have continuously slipped up. It doesn't mean without a doubt that I'm not being fully truthful in how i view my wife in this way. There are so many other reasons for P addiction than just the physical looks of who is on the screen. It really is an over simplified view of that the addict might be struggling with. It took me going though my own addiction to realize that.
    EdricKr, walker5210 and KevinesKay like this.
  17. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    I thought I would jump into this conversation...

    Throughout my whole adult life I have taken PM as something completly normal. You just assume that everyone else is at it as well. I have never had anyone warn me about the dangers of it (from PE to PIED to dysfunctional relationships). I have seen so many heartbreaking stories on this forum that the dangers of P are now very clear to me. Would I have behaved differently had I known?

    The women in P attract me differently than the way my partner attracts me. I am triggered visually, and I think most men are wired this way. So when I see a woman in P I get instantly triggered. It's like the excitement of seeing your partner naked for the first time.

    What has been my fascination with P? The INSTANT dopamine release. What can I say, dopamine feels good and P is an instant hit of it. I can put P on and instantly forget all of my troubles in life and get that hit. On demand, whenever I want it. I don't care for the women in P, I find my partner way more attractive than them but P is an instant visual trigger that dispenses dopamine and I have gone my whole life enjoying dopamine. P is nothing more than a visual trigger for dopamine release.

    I see my partner naked and while attractive and very pleasant to me I have seen her naked hundreds of times and it doesn't give me that instant hit that P gives me. P triggers your brain to keep looking for dopamine. Let's assume that I want sex. It takes effort. I got to get her in the mood but with P I can get there a lot quicker, and when the goal is dopamine, quicker is easier and lazy. Ultimately ejaculation is the off switch for a man and once the switch is off I am no longer interested in sex.

    From my partner's point of view she used to think that I wasn't into her and she was probably right. I loved her, found her attractive but I was wiped out by the PMO.

    Having quit PMO seeing my partner naked is nearly like the first time every time. I am incredibly lucky that this hasn't ruined our relationship. Life is so much better. The intimacy and love is way better than any other drug.

    P is the devil's work. It ruins lives and while in the past this has been a mostly male addiction, this is now affecting women and in a few years we will see many more women journalling about quitting PMO.

    God help us all.
    Thor God of Thunder and Warfman like this.
  18. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I listened to this again today. And actually noticed she did. She referred to it in the long list of mens issues "lack of parental choice when conceiving a child.".
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  19. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    My husband is like just barely an introvert, he can extrovert well. I, on the other hand, am a complete introvert. He still sometimes forgets that I am not ready to be chatty until I've had my espresso. Had it by myself with zero chatter. Then I'm good. It is completely not personal.

    I would not put that on introversion. I normally find that to actually be the opposite. I get very frustrated when people don't look me in the eyes when they talk to me. I also find it very distracting when their eyes dart all over, makes it harder to ready what people actually feel when they don't let you see their eyes. And it feels like they aren't really paying attention. When dh and I speak unless we are doing something at the same time, we are looking at each other. Personally I think this points more to her having trouble communicating, having a wall up. I don't think you are off base for desiring more connection while communicating.

    Part of entering recovery is being able to sit with the emotions that before would drive you to act out, to escape, to numb with a dopamine high. All the pain you had before didn't go away, processing all of the things you pushed away is a necessary step. It also gives you the opportunity to look back at painful things with a new view. You may develop new pain over seeing what your wife may have gone through, but you might also be able to process and release some of the pain that trapped you before as you develop more tools and understanding.
  20. I responded in someone's journal about this topic as it coincidentally came up there at the same time I needed to rant about it. I tried to keep it brief there, however, and i decided to say that rest here.

    Oftentimes while in active addiction, addicts are very self-unaware, especially about things related to acting out. It's just the nature of the continue in the addiction, all of the focus stays outward because introspection could reveal things they're trying very hard to ignore. Along with avoiding the buried feelings and unresolved issues, they also learn to ignore their own behaviors...or they come up with a plethora of ways to justify them all. Whether it's denial, minimization, rationalization, blame-shifting, victimizing, or any other defense mechanism, it all serves the same purpose which is to avoid facing reality and the consequences of their behavioral choices. So, thanks to the compartmentalization process of nearly every addicts cycle (to some degree), addicts are able to "not know" about some of the behaviors they exhibit. Or, at the very least, they're able to water it all down enough to make the behaviors seem insignificant in their own minds.

    Meanwhile, their SO is usually super-vigilant and able to spot the tiniest differences in everything. Instead of ignoring everything to avoid reality, SO's are tuned in and observing it all...attitude, honesty and forthrightness, initiating recovery work, responses to various situations, overall behavior, showing appreciation, showing/expressing remorse, avoiding denial, staying accountable at all times, level of patience or lack of, consistency, communication efforts, accepting responsibility, how much recovery work is done, willingness to sit with SO in their pain so their SO feels open to share thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc., (over)reactivity, transparency, learning to show empathy (or not), and a whole lot of other things.

    Because of this dynamic and the differences between the two sides, SO's are sometimes aware of certain behaviors exhibited by the addicts that the addicts themselves don't know they do. It could be any of the defense mechanisms I mentioned above, or it could be particular addiction-related behaviors like objectifying or ogling. it also might be passive-aggressiveness or perhaps even gaslighting or any other behavior the addict would much rather not acknowledge.

    These situations are maddening. It is so frustrating when you know what you saw, especially when you've seen it a hundred times before, but you're repeatedly told "it's all in your head." Or, I have an "overactive imagination."

    In fairness, I should also mention there are numerous instances where the SO was not aware of their partner's addiction, BUT they were very certain that something was terribly wrong. Even though they couldn't quite pinpoint it. their instinct was screaming at them that something wasn't right, and the SO would then drive themselves crazy trying to figure it out. Of course, it's very common for SO's to be gaslit in these situations, and that brings on even more crazy-making. As much as it hurts when you finally discover the truth, there's also a small sense of relief that you were right all along and can trust your gut when it's trying to warn you.

    I realize this will probably be disputed by a fair number of people, and I'm ok with that. PA's are often surprised to learn they aren't as good at deceiving their SO's as they had first believed. It shows just how tight of a grip the addiction can have on someone, though, when the one they have fooled the most turns out to be themselves.