Can't stop relapsing after years of trying

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 18, 2022.

  1. Hello all,

    I would like to know your thoughts if someone is having the same big problem I'm having in quitting porn once and for all... I just can't despite all my efforts, I keep relapsing after a week, sometimes 2, sometimes 3...

    Here's my story in short... I'm 53, been doing PMO since I was 15, I never realised until 2016 that it was toxic and and shit... You name it, I thought of all the words when I discovered the sites like this one back in 2016. What used to be fun relaxation time became something quite toxic and self destructive when I realised what a fool I had been all those years...

    In 2013, 3 years before a long term relationship with my girlfriend came to a stop when I didn't expect it... I had it all at the time with her for over 13 years... Nice house, making several trips a year, good job, a dog, big fish tank, finches, I had my collector GMC trucks I worked on and drove...Life was sweet.... Then disaster hit in 2013.... She left me, and the big hearted woman I had known turned into a devil in disguise who threathened me to throw away my beloved things if I didn't leave the house within 2 weeks.... I had lucky me, an extension to 3 weeks... But the nasty behavior didn't stop....

    Anyway, found myself living as roommate with a family I knew nothing of, in a very dark basement turned into an appartment.... I had lost my job a couple months before and got a job I hated in the meantime an hour drive.... I moved 8 times 6 years....

    Got on dating sites, and since 9 years it's been 9 years of being rejected, abused for my kindness, ghosted, you name it.... So here I am in 2022 in a condo I bought in 2019 but turned out to be more sadness than a home, due to always being alone and add teleworking to that loneliness since 2 1/2 years...

    Therefore since 2018, I feel so lonely, so sad and lost all hope of getting back the life I had before... And my condo is no escape, as soon as I come in, I start to feel even worse... I gotta go somewhere... So since 2016 I tried to quit porn with all my heart, even see a sex therapist since 3 years to understand my behavior... She says it's a way for me to stop from suffering right now, especially when tired and depresssed, but I have so many regrets and culpability for relapsing every time that this struggle is pulling what little energy I have left.... I keep trying again everytime I relapse, but that makes me so sad, I would like so much to be a better myself, but I say to myself, why? I have no one, and dating is only getting worse and worse since covid, that the hope of finding someone and getting back a normal life is out of reach for me, so this motivation not to relapse is not there....

    Anyone in my situation? Sorry for the long text, I just wanted to explain my situation..
  2. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    Don’t know your answere ,I pray that you find it ! Keep trying
  3. Thank you, I keep trying...
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  4. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Work on transmutation, bringing your awareness back to the present moment all day long, and helping others.
    Awkward Lady and EdricKr like this.
  5. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Le recomiendo la historia de lucha de @perdermeparasalvarme es contemporáneo contigo y divorciado ha tenido buenos logros ...
  6. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    As a chronic relapser, my first thought is that you really need to step up your game.

    So far, all you seem to have for support is a therapist that you see once a week. Clearly, that's not enough. Get some more support. Start being more active on NoFap and get involved in a support group such as SA or SAA or SLAA.

    If nothing changes, nothing changes.

    Never give up. There's always hope
  7. Thank you for the tip... I try to do that... But when I'm tired, lonely, bored, very hard to resist....It's like a way to stop the sorrow... I don't feel real urges most of the time when I relapse...
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  8. Thank you, you are right, I'm very isolated with very little social interaction due to teleworking since 2 1/2 years and friend having theirs lives, so I end up alone 99% of the time.... Never thought I would go through that in my life one day... And it's been 9 years.... Dates, reject, being lied to... I gave my best to get out of my situation but with no results.. Still I try to stay hopeful though it's really not easy....
    mdz likes this.
  9. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    If you keep on working day in and day out then things will slowly start to change. Pmo only temporarily relieves sorrow and boredom. We need to get to the root causes of why we pmo and address those.
    Foreverfree likes this.
  10. quittingthedemiurge

    quittingthedemiurge Fapstronaut


    Baby steps and consistency is key.
    Blackshut, Peacelooker and Cactus61 like this.
  11. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Your story reminds a bit of mine, I am around your age.
    It is a good sign that you "would like so much to be a better myself," as you say. That is the most important. To have a growth mindset and forgive yourself for past behaviours, and errors.

    Some things that might help you (perhaps you know most):
    1. A girlfriend/new woman is not the solution to the pmo problem (althought of course it is good to try to find one, but not rely on them solely for happiness)
    2. Dating sites and TInder risk being unconsciously used as "crutches" for fapping and dopamine arousal. (Even I got into that trap). Dating sites should be used with discipline, so it doesn't end up like a tool for browsing hot women and swiping on, since it can slow reviring from porn.
    3. Even if you struggled for years, you are not on step zero. "failure" is part of progress. Dont forget where you could have been on the slippery slope if you continued to use from 2016.
    4. If you feel lonely, join a club, like chess, art, volunteering etc. Not only will you meet people, you will have less time to think of porn and fap.
    5. Exercise is important. Running and/or gym. Perhaps outdoors gym? Dont know your climate zone.
    6. Try to find a job where you can be at least some days a week on office. (i will have that as requirement for my next job)
    7. A condo is not necessarily so bad when alone, You chit/chat with neighbours, see people, which can ease the feeling of lonelyness.

      Good luck.
    TomorrowMe and black_coyote like this.
  12. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    You mentioned you used to collect GMC trucks, are you American? You might look into marrying foreign. It's a big world out there and a foreign woman have different priorities that might match yours.

    After you make progress on your recovery, of course.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
  13. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    U relapse because it your pattern. You got used to failing. And u repeat that pattern over and over again.

    U must escape that.

    U do that with very strong inner impulse - new one. Not the weak half assed pathetic attempts you do. Svratch those. Forget these 3 years.

    Set a date. Where you start your FIRST STREAK. Set a goal. How many days. If u relapse after 3 weeks now, I suggest u aim for 60 days.

    Now, with this goal in mind, make a decission you will make it. You have ONLY ONE ATTEMPT TO DO SO. Its your 1st streak. Either u do 60, or u will spend your whole damned life in this cycle.

    Than imagine you are in war. And fight the battle. Day by day. If you start peeking, touching, you play with death. It will cost u everything. Fantasizing as well. Remember, u have only one attempt. So start, when u have dedication. Its you last chance to break the cycle.
    maki717 likes this.
  14. Thank you for your wise advice.... You made me realize that indeed I was not at point zero like I was in 2016... I stopped all other sexual behaviors I had at the time... No more stripper clubs, fuck friends and alcohol drinking only when watching porn to increase the thrill since 2016... I had realized those victories before, but you made them more clear and rewarding this morning....

    I'm really motivated and decided that the relapse at Christmas was the last one of my life... I don't want to start 2023 the way I started previous years... I would like so much to celebrate my first year ''clean'' from porn at Christmas 2023... That would be the best Christmas gift I will have ever got....

    Thanks again for your comments...
  15. Thank you for your comment... No I'm Canadian, but basically same thing as being American... My ex girlfriend used to share my passion for restoring old GMC trucks.... I hope secretly to find a woman who would be like her, not the typical girl who cares only about fashion and good looking table when having friends over for dinner.... You know what I mean... That has been an issue for me to meet an interesting girl over the last years.... I have very varied interests and passions, so meeting a woman who has none, or shares none with me, was a no go right off... Sometimes I wish I was more ''the regular guy''... But that's not me...
    Adnilgo likes this.
  16. Many thanks for your comments.... It had a big impact on me... You're right... I must forget the last years and take it as the first attempt.... I really do not want to mess up 2023, just like I messed up the previous years.... I'm more motivated than ever.... Thank you again...
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  17. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    You are welcomed, I started my last big streak around previous Christmas as well, and I made it to 300 days hard mode. Now Im at another minor streak around 3 weeks, and same as u, I want to start 2023 properly, and than keep it proper during the year.

    After I ended that 300days streak, I experimented with orgasm and came to a same conclusion as always, it just messes me up compared to being orgasm free, and there is no way around that. Im either unmotivated, anxious, lazy, bad looking, low confidence, low IQ self, or I forget about orgasm and all these traits vanish and Im golden. Seed really is not to be spilled for fun...
    Badr77 and freedom9222 like this.
  18. When you say after 300 days you experimented with orgasm, was it watching porn? If not it is not a relapse at all... 300 days is quite an achievement for the body and soul.... I do believe that like all human body organs, once in a while they must do what they are meant to do, otherwise it must not be too good for the health... Like like not walking, or not going to pee... At one point something will break! So I believe orgasm without any porn once in a while is healthy and natural. I really look forward to get to 300 days like you, it's quite an achievement you've done, you should be damn proud of yourself!!!
  19. OLLIE_100

    OLLIE_100 Fapstronaut

    It seems like you have been through alot brother but what you need to start working on is letting things go. This woman has with out a doubt given you trauma and self esteem issues so it is time to put this woman and the women from these dating sites behind you. You need to focus on yourself for at least a few months in order to heal and regain your self esteem again. You mentioned that you keep relapsing again and again so it is clear that you need to switch up your strategy when it comes to Nofap I recommend staying and receiving advise from all the other guys on this Nofap forum and using what you have been through in the past as strength and discipline to keep going on your Nofap journey when things get tough . Also it will help to reach out to loved ones and friends as they can make you feel better and give you support but honestly if you start on Nofap today and commit to it your life will eventually get better and you will start to heal from all the trauma porn and this woman has caused you and you will start to regain your self confidence and happiness back.
  20. Navigator

    Navigator Fapstronaut

    You have gotten into some deep s*** for real. Just don’t worry too much and do your best. I myself had some issues of my own, not as difficult as yours though. Just hang in there, it’s not easy, don’t be too tough on yourself