Male entitlement and how it leads to pornography use

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Love2LongBoard, Aug 25, 2020.

What thinking do you struggle with? (even if it is seemingly unrelated to your pornography use)

  1. Entitlement

    8 vote(s)
  2. Control

    17 vote(s)
  3. Resentment

    13 vote(s)
  4. Judgement

    14 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    Men are conditioned from a young age to view women as objects. This is dehumanization.

    We do not dehumanize women because we look at pornography, seek out prostitutes, masturbate, or act out in any way; we do those things because we have already dehumanized women.

    Our thinking got us here. Our thinking will set us free.

    We need goals to aspire to. But the goals in and of themselves are not enough to change us. We have to really dig deep and start to question the belief systems we have been operating with.

    In my life I have found that I feel entitled to sex and I try and control others. As long as those thoughts still exist unchecked, I am in danger of going back to pornography use and masturbation.
  2. Reconditioning that thought process is a long process. I love and respect women but I find it difficult to not look at them in a sexual way.
  3. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    I agree. It is a long process. It was also a long process to condition ourselves to see women the way we do now. It is the long game that matters most.

    I would push back a little bit, not to be disrespectful but just to be honest, that if a man truly respected women he wouldn't look at them in a sexual way. Owning the disrespect is the first step to changing it. If there is no recognition that there is something wrong, why would we change it?

    We often think that because we speak respectfully or have respectful desires for others that that means we respect others. But respect and love are action words. We can easily identify where our thinking is wrong by looking at outcomes. If I sexualize women in my mind, I do not respect them, even if I think I do. If I hold a picket sign against eating meat, then on the way home stop and eat a cheeseburger, I am not really against eating meat.

    Looks at the outcomes and we can identify the wrong thinking we have. Once we identify it, we can change it.
    Reverent likes this.
  4. Tannhauser

    Tannhauser Fapstronaut

    I have found that when I am tempted to look at a woman inappropriately (either in person or online) that if I remember that she is a daughter of God, who loves her; that she is a real person with hopes and dreams and relationships, friends and families - that is often the key to breaking the spell.

    So, weather the chicken (PMO/oggling/etc.) came first, or the egg (dehumanizing women) - the solution is the same: by humanizing women in our own eyes we can become free of the curse.
    GreenToxic and Knighthawk like this.
  5. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    I agree. Humanizing is the key. Although, I have found that a person can stop looking inappropriately for good (or at least virtually all the time). For me, it wasn't enough to course correct. I never wanted to be on the wrong course again. I am not perfect, but I can go to the beach now without my mind wandering. I never would have thought that possible a few years ago.
    Tannhauser likes this.
  6. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    I've spent a few minutes reflecting upon this, @A Coach. It's an interesting and provocative inquiry. I use the word 'inquiry' here even though you have offered a statement because your words really raise more questions for me than straight ahead answers.

    For instance, I suspect that my dehumanization of women is actually a secondary event. First I dehumanize myself and then, out of this state of mind, I dehumanize others. This seems different than what you have offered, but it feels much more aligned with personal experience.

    Well before I was in a position to absorb our dominant culture's attitudes about women, I was immersed in a family context in which the central message about myself was, essentially, a dehumanized one. Even now, when I turn to pornography for comfort, it is typically because these attitudes have overwhelmed me and I'm seeking some sort of relief / shelter from their influence. That I dehumanize others in seeking this shelter / relief is none too surprising.

    While I do believe this is different from what you are saying, the core message remains the same, I think. Deep patterns of thought and perception must be uncovered and unwound if true recovery is to be found. In my case, this seems to involve deep patterns of thought and perception regarding self-value.

    Thanks for the provocation!
    Candun likes this.
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Out of those options I guess I would say I struggle with resentment and entitlement the most.

    I sometimes get these thoughts where I have a belief that some people have basically been destined for greatness in this life and some people have not

    But the thing is I actually even believe the people who have went out and worked hard to get the good life them self have still been destined for greatness, even though they have went out and got it them self.

    For instance I believe some people might of been blessed with certain traits and abilities that have helped them succeed, then I also believe other people might not of been blessed with these certain traits and abilities and they haven't managed to succeed because of this. Or they might of once had these traits and abilities, but because of things that have happened in their life they no longer have these traits and abilities.

    I guess in my subconscious I somewhat believe some higher power has destined certain people for greatness in this life, and then this higher power has also destined certain people not for greatness in this life. I guess I subconsciously believe this. So I guess I resent most people that I believe have been destined for greatness.

    I don't seem to resent people like this anywhere near as much if they are exceptionally nice and down to earth people I have noticed though. I don't know why.

    But yeah I guess this is how I overall think and feel.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I dont agree that men are conditioned to view women as objects, I certainly dont and I dont know anyone who does. This kind of attitude almost seems to me like a form of original sin, where men are somehow guilty of being sexist just by the virtue of being men. If that isnt what you mean then please clarify because thats what I got from that first part.

    Having said that, I understand where you are coming from when it comes to the rest of your post. I think I suffer primarily from wanting to control people, but there is also a little resentment in there as well. I dont feel like I am entitled to things necessarily, just that I feel resentful if I dont get them, if that makes sense.
    Hisself likes this.
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You are free not to agree. But one thing you expressed wrongly, is that male condionning isn't synonymous with their innate nature. It's a learned trait, one that can be unlearned with the right will and ideas. And, yes men are majoritarily condionned to view women as objects, hence why porn and prostitution subsist on an male-dominated demand, and sexual harassement and crimes are mostly done by men. Such an outcome wouldn't have been possible without the social grooming done by male-dominated societies. Because the mosuo ethnic group in china, which relies on matriarchal/matrilineal social organization, exhibits no similar ill symptoms. Even the word for rape is nowhere to be found in their spoken language.
    Men aren't guilty of anything just by being born into the gender they have, and women aren't either. But being raised in a culture that dehumanizes one gender by belittling their victimization, ignoring their humanity, grooming them into relying mainly on their physical appeal in all interactions...etc. while authorizing the opposite gender to loosen all those restriction in every way they like, is what creates entitelement and thus, commodifications and objectification.

    Being resentful when you don't have access to all the 'things' you desire is the primary base for entitelement. Saying you aren't entiteled and still admit this fact about yourself is plain contradiction.
    Tryingto likes this.
  10. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Sounds legit.
    she-dernatinus likes this.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Yes I hope so.
    InappropriateUsername likes this.
  12. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    This is a post by a mother on twitter, and she relates the disturbing experience her 13 years old daughter had:
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    This post is meant to highlight the psychological effects of female commodification, and male entitelement. As well as those 'barely' legal trends unleashed by the sex/porn industry numbing any sense of respect and empathy men have for themselves and others.
    Candun likes this.
  14. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    I fucking hate males who do that shit. I hope he gets a tire iron to the skull.
    Candun and Deleted Account like this.
  15. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You have to understand how these men ended up this way, porn influence played a huge role in shaping their behavior. Mostly the content featuring underage females, and a lot of the time they are indeed underage. Without forgetting the overall misogynistic messages they get early in their lives by phallocratic cultures.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    While I agree that society is overly sexualised, I dont think this by itself is evidence that men view women as sexual objects in a large enough majority to make what you are saying valid. Seeking out prostitutes or committing sex crimes is nowhere near the same level as simply watching an attractive girl in porn, I get what you are saying in that they are symptoms of a wider issue but comparing them seems like a false equivalence, when porn is so much more ubiquitous than prostitution or sexual assault. Whether we are willing to accept it or not, most people who watch porn are perfectly normal people and dont behave in the ways you describe.

    The dehumanisation thing is also straight up wrong. I live in the UK, and in the UK its a proven fact that white working class men are the worst off in society, and are treated the worst by not only the government but by public perception. Working class whites are called racist, sexist, and all the rest, are belittled for their views and put in a box they cant get out of. They are trapped by poor living conditions, job opportunities, and quality of life. They go to university in lower numbers than every other demographic, are most likely to commit suicide, and are much more likely to be homeless and unlike women or ethnic minorities, who have people screaming for them all the time, white working class males have noone, and to even suggest this is to see you branded as a racist because "muh white privilege."

    I mean, not really. I dont feel entitled to anything. Being resentful of not having something doesnt have to mean you are entitled. I may feel bad about not having things, but I am self aware enough to know I am not owed anything.
  17. Strong disagreement with everyone here. I find the idea that desire is somehow disrespectful bizarre and ridiculous.

    For one, viewing others as objects is not some negative behavior that should or could be suppressed. From the POV of an individual (subject) everyone else is an object, by definition.

    What is evil is denying someone elses' humanity i.e. the fact that they are also a subject. But sexual attraction is certainly not that!
    OhWhenThe and AtomicTango like this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I agree with this completely, and it was kind of what I was trying to get at with my first post in the thread. Viewing someone in a sexual manner isnt inherently bad, and it certainly isnt dehumanising. Humans arent pod people, sexual attraction is completely normal and I dont like the idea of implying only men exhibit these kinds of traits, because women do it as well. I hate to "go there" so to speak but a lot of this kind of attitude stems from a puritanical attitude founded on sex negativity. I wont apologise for finding women sexually attractive, in fact one of the reasons I went on NoFap to begin with was to regain my attraction to irl women, not suppress it.

    Having said all that, maybe theres some semantic misunderstanding going on here and OP is just talking about completely inappropriate behaviour, in which case of course I agree with the sentiment.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  19. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    @AtomicTango viewing prostitued women isn't any different than using a real life one. The whole porn industry is built on human commodification, and lack of empathy toward perfomers. When you watch an online porn girl you don't care about how happy or unhappy she might be, or how she ended up in the industry in the first place, or her mental stability. In this very moment, you only see her as a tool to fullfill your sexual fantasies and desires.
    True healthy desire is very much real, and I never implied to bash this aspect of humanity. This desire involves sincere communication, collaboration, empathy and valuing each others. It's everything but objectification and commodification. If this is what you understood. Then you certainly are trapped in a narrow view of desire.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I never said desire was negative. I spoke ablut objectification not desire, it's impossible to confuse them.