11 Month update (things are still getting better by the day)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Angus McGyver, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    well said, brother! I am saving that quote.
    NewFoundManV20 and Angus McGyver like this.
  2. Optimistic100

    Optimistic100 Fapstronaut

    I want to say isn't half an hour too long for a urge.It usually passes in few seconds.And also anxiety after that.?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Couldn't agree more on that! I certainly didn't feel any significant memory loss (caused by PMO) until I started working in the real world upon graduation five years ago (at age 26). That process was quite gradual over the years for my part. Simply because; The more you destroy the neuron connections/pathways through constant injections of dopamine (which results from PMO), the higher will the impact be on your cognitive functions.
    That pathway does of course work the same, regardless of your addiction of choice.
    Asgardian36 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. very inspiring! thanks for sharing and showing that theres hope.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Very good post and very nice of you to share your experience! Thank you for sharing! There is a bit of taboo or self-defeatism surrounding urges but we must do our bit to normalize the struggle. We all face it. The other day I had a very nervous few moments when I reflected on how easy it is to break a streak and how my past streaks have been broken in a matter of mere seconds.

    Stay strong people! <- As much for me as it is for you!
  6. Hinduism full with wtf things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghori
    "Sexual transmutation/semen retention", thinking not busting out your nuts giving you "superpowers" are no more than oldschool withcraft techniques, those that may give you the false feeling of benefits in short term, but I'm afraid the cost will be deadly much more. I do not want to be a witch, just a free man from pmo addiction.
  7. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I disagree with that as semen retention means you are preserving not only essential minerals in your body(that are building and keeping strong body and mind) but also your sexual energy that can be transmuted into other very productive masculine energies which will give you the drive and motivation to kill several big goals in life. Ejaculating constantly drains you of your essential life force that makes you a man in the first place.
    These masculine energies and vibrations you transmute will also be sensed by others (men and women alike) which is also going to make you more attractive, just like a magnet-bar that pulls nearby metal onto it.

  8. I have not said those who practise these things will not feel "benefits", but i said these no more than old school withcraft techniques, with probably more cost at the end, and everyone should be warned, before they start these things, in a fair world. Those techniques that "kung fo bro" advertising can be dangerous for anyone, even cause psychosis in long term. Seriously, people can go crazy just by doing that "voodoo".

    Why you guys wish superpowers? Is not enough just be free from an addiction, as normal human being? Why you wish more than you deserve? If anyone doing nofap for energy voodoo purpose, then they no more than just some modern witches.

    Be very careful Angus McGyver with these techniques, there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
  9. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    It has nothing to do with being a witch lmao. Just read Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich - he is American, not a hindu. A lot of successful people have read this.
    Vitoriosa likes this.
  10. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Perfectly said. And I have seen those videos, it is a very interesting and powerful topic.
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Many of us here simply want to acquire these superpowers (which comes at the cost of practicing patience and self-control by the way) for the purpose of personal growth, feeling good 24/7 and also in order to develop a stronger and more spiritual connection to the subconscious mind and the world around us. As you start to develop the latter two, you are in peace/balance with yourself and possess very good self-control which can take you very far in life.

    Very few of us who have been on the personal development/NoFap-track for some time do never wish more than we deserve. Because, we know that everything we desire in life comes at a cost. In order to go far in life, you have to put in an effort and go through pain and failure before you can finally acquire what you wish. You make it sound like some of us are somehow undeserved of greatness just for practicing a seemingly effortless play like semen-retention. The powers it brings comes at the high cost of enduring emotional pain, self-doubt and failures that hit you hard in the beginning. By overcoming them, continue to hustle and practicing your patience, mind, and body, you will eventually reach success and also gain a lot of self-knowledge in the practice.
    Why settle so early, become complacent and not shoot for the stars??
    Because if you shoot for the stars you can at least reach the clouds if you fail whereas if you only shoot for the clouds, you might not even reach that high.
    NewFoundManV20 and PeterBE like this.
  12. https://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/the-untold-story-of-napoleon-hill-the-greatest-self-he-1789385645

    "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit."

    Yes I read that book from Napoleon Hill. This what witches do basically, they visualise, "channel energies", saying affirmations= spells, whishing superpowers, thinking with their mind they can change reality etc. I remember Napoleon even wrote about he got group of advisers, and how to imagine them. Well same concept as "spirit/angel" advisors.

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
  13. No need to practise witchcraft to be a happy person with personal growth, or to have self-control. If someone wish to have "superpowers" that tell me one thing, he or she got low self-esteem. I think these "self help gurus" try to sell these old techniques for their benefits, meanwhile they forgot to tell the "customer" what they really getting/doing, and the dangers.

    Dude, seriously those who practise these things some of them sooner, or later make a strong spiritual connection to the psychiatric ward, unfortunately. No one of those gurus sharing these things take responsibility of that. I guess they missed the caring about others in their so called "personal growth" path.

    I said if someone doing nofap, because they use semen-retention with some witchcraft voodoo to influence people, even manipulate them, or become "more attractive in their eyes" then they in a big danger zone, because it is magic, with big cost. It is sad they even advertising these things for others. No wisdom even came from these techniques, and if you think you shoot toward the stars with them, well kinda opposite the case. Peace
  14. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    You mention the practice of witchcraft several times but still don't give me a concrete example of why the practice of semen-retention can be categorized as such. You seem to judge it like some kind of prohibited heretic-activity that you should stay away from, or you will be burnt at stake and go to hell afterwards. What so called "dangers" does it pose to those who seriously try?
    Is it a bad thing wanting to increase your self-esteem (from low to high) through practicing self-control, no matter where it might be at the current moment? If so, what other self-esteem soaring practices do you suggest that would make you reboot and clear up your mind from destructive and counterproductive thoughts??
    As I mentioned earlier, superpowers is nothing you just get out of thin air but rather need to practice and develop over time which requires taking action, go out of your comfort-zone, and really challenge yourself!!

    Instead of congratulating others to their personal success and lifting them up, you seem to be quite judgmental filled with envy, resentment and anger towards those who have reaped some success (through practices that are not kosher or approved according to you) as all you do is criticizing, judging, looking for flaws and trying to put others down.
    At this forum, we are here to inspire each other, pushing each other forward and not the other way around. If you decide to be negative and judgmental, there are other forums/platforms for you my friend. I am not bothering wasting any more time on grouches of your kind.
    It seems like you need get some positive influences and new perspectives on life and all I can do is wishing that God may have mercy on your soul.
  15. Cornelius the Centurion

    Cornelius the Centurion New Fapstronaut

    Well done man. That’s great to hear. When I completed a 90 day hard mode, I also experienced a spiritual revival of some sorts. In fact that’s what has kept me sane ever since I fell back into the deep darkness of it all. Congrats on 11 months, and here’s to countless more!
    Angus McGyver likes this.
  16. arken3

    arken3 Fapstronaut

    Why do you think this? How did you know the standard 90 days wasn't enough? And what are you hoping to obtain by turning down girls and MO for a year?
  17. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I simply not just think this, I actually know this for a fact from my own experience.
    No other lifestyle changes have made my life skyrocket even a fraction of what NoFap has done. One year ago, I was feeling depressed almost daily, feeling blue, having low energy, low t-levels and feeling nothing was heading in the right direction. 3-4 months after the NoFap-experiment began, all of them faded away and everything turned around so fast I didn't even comprehend what was happening.

    The standard 90 days were simply far from enough since the benefits continued to pour in month after month when continuing on that path. After being a slave under PMO for almost 15 years, do you seriously think only 90 days of NoFap-hardmode will be enough to reboot a brain that has been hooked on porn and become quite devastated in the process?
    In order to reboot, you will need approximately two months of NoFap for every year you have been masturbating, hence at least two years for my part.

    Although I have been engaging in some cold approach pickup practice over the past year, I have primarily been doing so for the order of overcoming approach-anxiety, grow as a person and reprogram my mind from a state of impossibility to one of possibility (which had held me back for years). If that means turning down some girls despite their attractive looks (as I discovered she isn't compatible with me), so be it. If you are a man with high standards in life, it is about looking for quality and not quantity.
  18. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Update! I ditched the overwhelmingly plant-based diet last year since all of those fast carbs were spiking my insulin, making me feel hungry every other hour or so. Since October-November last year, I began IM-fasting and do now eat a diet consisting of a lot of whole foods (higher quality fish, meat, poultry, green veggies, cheese, butter, sour-cream, cream, fruits, nuts and seeds) that keep my blood-sugar and insulin low. Hence, I don't need to eat more than OMAD during a 2-4 hour window.
    I have therefore increased the nutritional density, quality and taste by eating one bigger nutritious meal per day which also saves money and increases my health as opposed to eating junkier 3+ times a day with diluted quality.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I have also read Eckhart Tolle's "The power of now" which is a great book overall. Because, when you think about it, he is actually right when telling that urges, anger (and all strong overwhelming emotions/feelings) are a result of the ego having the upper hand and inner resistance against the present and what is.
  20. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    One of the best antidotes to urges and chaser-effects is called "self-improvement" as that keeps you busy, focused, motivated and reduces the power of the former. Especially those forms of self-improvement that involves self-control of some kind. That's why IM-fasting, eating healthy and exercise can help greatly in combatting urges of various kinds. Simply because it takes effort and time to develop them and making them a natural routine in your daily life.
    But, if you can fast and be without food for prolonged periods of time without any problems (20-24+ hours or more), you have won a big battle and most other challenges you take on (such as NoFap) will go much smoother and with fewer obstacles.
    Simply because you have taken control over your brain's reward-system and ingrained the delayed-gratification pattern into its neurological pathways.
    ronkumar likes this.