John Hamm is Racist

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Everyone has a racist view or some kind of prejudice in one way or another. I think anyone who denies this either is fooling themselves or hasn't really examined themselves. And if a person happens to be one of the rare people who doesn't have such prejudice they're benefiting or being obstructed by systems put in place to favour certain groups of people.

    Not that I'm justifying racism or prejudices. I used to be racist and still am fighting prejudices. I used to look down on a certain race but eventually, I was able to stop looking at that race in a negative way. I actually ended up having two girlfriends who were of that race but since both relationships ended badly the temptation is there to go back to demonizing that particular race. It's a good idea to not be so self-righteous.
  2. I think you guys are forgetting the logic of oppression. Remember that for the left resistance flowing up any perceived hierarchy is exempt from judgement. There are no crimes in a revolution of change, especially against the oppressors. By this logic minorties by definition can't be racist because they lack power in the hierarchy and any actions they take are just needed revolutionary actions to affect change. Until everyone is perfectly equal and no hierarchy exists, minorities will need to counter that oppression by either being overly celebrated or diminishing the celebration of the majorty...or both.
  3. Exactly. That's the first step, and an important one. You can fix something if nobody even knows the problem exists.
    Moon Shot likes this.
  4. Sure, that's probably true. But not everybody makes a video about it on HBO to perpetuate those negative racist views. And at least society recognizes that racism against people of color or minorities is wrong, but they dont seem to recognize that when it comes to white people. Just as society recognizes that sexism against women is wrong, while a lot of people dont even know what the word "misandry" means and have never heard it.


    Not sure who that is directed at, but I agree, and I dont think anyone here was doing that.

    Yeah, that's the issue I have. This stuff isn't even seen as racist because it's against white people. And a lot of black people (obviously not all of them, by any means, but I have seen it a lot) have this attitude of "well now you know how it feels! It's your turn!" As if they are getting revenge or punishing their oppressors, but they aren't. They're just punishing other perfectly innocent (in most cases) white people who dont deserve that at all. I feel like people who have been the victim of racism should be even MORE outraged by this stuff. Most of the time, when a decent person goes through something bad in their life, they would say "man, that was terrible. I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy." Meanwhile, tons of people are wishing racism upon "whities" because they feel like they somehow deserve it, to balance things out. That's so incredibly dumb. If you know how damaging and stupid racism is, you should want it to never happen to anyone again. That is, if you aren't racist yourself, which the people with that "it's your turn now" mindset clearly are.

    It's become completely normal for people to say that they hate white people, for a variety of different reasons, and that's ridiculous. Especially on platforms like YouTube who are pretty quick to remove offensive content and ban people, and would probably do so immediately if this was a video about how to stop having black thoughts and how to get rid of your blackness by rubbing white cream on your face. That video would be taken down in an instant, people would boycott HBO, and John Hamm would never work in the entertainment industry again. But as long as we are talking about white people, it's totally fine for some reason.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2018
  5. Prejudices are no all bad. They provide caution. and Human nature is human nature- and the problem comes with trying to change it or expect equality of outcomes.
    Is it 'racist' to want your kids to marry within your ethnicity or race? According to modern egalitarians it is (at least for whites) for most of human history it's been considered perfectly natural and perfectly unnatural to not want to.
    Right now the progressives are trying to impose an ideology in defiance of human nature.

    But as I said from the outset this is only directed at whites and it has nothing to do with being fair, equal or nice- it's globalists and progressive marxists wanting to sweep away any resistance to them seizing power.
  6. The problem now is even noticing there are differences between races is 'racism', pointing out that for example x race might not do as well as y race because of cultural problems in the x race community is considered racism.
    The 'logic' and actually LEGAL LANGUAGE of the the US as least is that ANYTIME there is any disparity (disparate impact) it is because of 'racism'.. and as @Max Fisher correctly pointed out it can only apply to whites...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. The craziest part is how a thought can even be white or non white. Thoughts and ideas are actually the most unifying and non racial aspects about ourselves.
  8. Yes, now 'reason' and science are seen as tools of white male oppression.. yes we really are getting this crazy:
  9. When you said "we" did you just appropriate my opinion? I can't tell if you are mansplaining this to me either. Better be safe and also call you a homophobe too. This video was triggering.
  10. Says who? I think people can marry for whatever reason they want. I don't have a problem with people 'hating' me (I am white) for being white.. as long as they don't advocate violence and in the cases of people who have migrated to white majority countries, they make a sincere effort to go somewhere more suitable for them.
    But I think a lot of this is now just what's called 'race hustling' and white guilt tripping for $$$
    don't forget that racial grievance mongering has not become a multi BILLION dollar industry.
  11. I'm sure brokenman didnt literally mean they "can't," like it should be illegal to do so. I agree that people can marry whoever they want for whatever reason they want. But I would also say that its racist to not want your child to marry anyone outside of your race. That's my opinion. You're free to have yours, and I'm free to have mine.
  12. The problem is, increasingly, I am not.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  13. I think I've had prejudice against all races. It's complicated because I'm mixed race but for years I consider myself white. That might be why I hated my cousin when I first met her. I remember thinking to myself there's no way I'm related to someone as weird as her but looking back now I know she wasn't weird, just happened to be from a different culture.
  14. Yeah, I get that. But I'm not the one saying that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. If it's not racist it's not nice. Surely a good parent would want their child to be happy. It's bad for a parent to want their child to live out their dreams since a child is human being not a robot.
  16. The whole bummer about all of this is that it numbs us to the actual racism that exists and is toxic in the world. People either get angry about nothing or roll their eyes at actual racists. Huxley was right and Orwell was wrong, we live in a world so filled with information that people can't decode the truth or won't or don't even care to try.
  17. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    The govt. wouldn't be interested in controlling the minds of the mindless.
  18. The government really isn't interested in doing anything besides control and far as I can tell, mindless or not.
  19. Not everybody. I've never been racist in my life because even as a kid I always thought it was stupid, and I've seen folks including my dad be racist towards others but not me.
  20. You know, actually, I agree. It also depends on what you consider racism.

    I've had some negative opinions about a particular group of people, but it had absolutely nothing to do with their race at all. It was just that most people I met of that race had a particular attitude and personality that I didnt mesh well with. But it's not like I thought I was better than them or something or looked down on then for their race. I've always thought that's incredibly dumb and I dont understand why people are racist. It would be as stupid as thinking everyone with green eyes is worse than everyone with blue eyes or something. Like what? It makes no sense.