John Hamm is Racist

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. I'm so freaking sick of this. Why can't we all just treat people as individuals and stop judging people by the color of their skin? Its disgusting. Our society hasn't learned its lesson at all, it's just transferred its racism onto a different group. I will absolutely never understand anyone who condemns racism against people of color, but then supports this garbage. It's the highest level of hypocrisy.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not a huge fan of Hunter Avallone, and I think a lot of the way he says things is pretty offensive, but I agree with the overall points he's making here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2018
  2. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    Maybe this has been happening since the beginning of time, for I can only account for the quarter century that I've been here, but people these days want to feel special. They believe (for some fucked up reason) that it's NOT okay to be white. Why this became popular? I don't know, people have a lot of unreleased, unrealized self loathing they ought to recognize.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
  3. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    I'll give him the benefit of the doubt he's just doing this for the $$
    Don Draper>Jon hamm
  4. Oohh, he may be playing with the sheep to get views and revenue....interesting perspective
    Contentful T likes this.
  5. And that makes it okay?
    Contentful T likes this.
  6. Also, to be clear, I dont necessarily actually think he's racist. That was just a simplistic title. But the video is messed up and is pretty dang racist. Replace "white" with "black" and that becomes clear pretty dangerous fast. And I'm sick of all this hypocrisy and double standards, not to mention white people rolling over and self degrading to appease their misplaced guilt over things people they dont even know did hundreds of years ago. Its just as pathetic as men talking trash about the male species to make misandric feminists feel better.
  7. because we have an elite that is trying to demoralize and destroy any solidarity of the majority population. That is what totalitarians want to do - dehumanize you. All you have to do is follow the pattern of bolsheviks in Russia to see this has all been done before.
    Mostly anyone - especially celebrities - who don't tow the line will be ostracized and lose their livelihood.
    Hamm - as his character was, like Jame Bond an iconic 'positive' white male figure - so once people started to take it seriously , it had to be 'destroyed'.
  8. Bro...whether or not it is okay, what are you going to do about it?

    It is easy to find something that upsets you, and then complain about it, that is what billions of people do.

    There are orders of magnitude fewer people actually doing anything to solve it. How about proposing a solution?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. There was never an intention to learn - or be fair - only atomize and destroy the core culture/ethnic stock of every western nation. You have to understand that our elite want a subservient, docile, submissive and corrupt people.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    The number one cause of death for blacks in the US is abortion, which affects blacks more than any other race. Obviously, SJW’s support that.

    Policies SJW’s supported broke the black family apart, resulting in poverty, hopelessness, crime. 13% of the US population accounts for more than 50% of its murders.

    Yet not a single peep from SJW’s.

    Rather, SJW’s attack the whites that didn’t support any of those policies, rather than wanting to fix the problems.

    How many Black Lives Matter protests focused on areas with high black-on-black crime areas and their leaders?
  11. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    leftism has a war on White people; with a laser focus on those who are White, Male, Christian, and Gun owners. Yet another reason to #WalkAway
  12. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah, it reminds me of that person who said the word Monkey about socialism (yes, socialism, lmao) and he’s being called a racist because the opponent just happened to be black. Sounds like racism on the left’s side to automatically assume a black person is a monkey, imo. But, then again, they believe in evolution of species; aren’t we all from monkeys according to them?

    They cry over a synonym for fooling around that is not even racist, yet they celebrate clearly racist ideas like this. To SJW’s: open an English dictionary, look up “double-standard” and close your mouth.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  13. Notice that so called 'progressive' 'left' policies are supported by billionaires and large corporations. Why?
    Because defending the constitution and reserving the right to self defense are the main obstacles in their way of complete oligarchy.
    Bman101 and Fausterity like this.
  14. Fausterity

    Fausterity Fapstronaut

    "Anti-racism" was never about ending racial hatred. There was hardly any racial hatred before the civil rights era. Most white people back then were happy to meet black people who could integrate into white society and meet white standards of behavior. But they recognized that most black people couldn't/wouldn't integrate. There is more racial hatred today than ever before in history, mostly directed at whites, but white people are also more resentful towards minorities that are being forced into their neighborhoods.

    "Anti-racism" was about dispossessing whites of their tight-knit homogeneous communities and forcing them to become atomized individuals who can't organize a collective resistance to the elites.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  15. Why do I have to do something about it? I'm just pointing out that its wrong. Am I not allowed to recognize something is wrong unless I have a solution?

    I think you need to chill. I've literally said like two things... it's not like I'm on some giant complaining spree or something. And I think publicly recognizing these things IS part of the solution. I'm not going to let them go unnoticed and get swept under the road. I'm gonna call it out.

    If this thread is so pointless to you, then why are you here? You're free to leave. You're wasting your own time if it's so "pointless."
  16. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

    I tried to watch the full video with no cuts, but its not available in my country.

    Still the full video is pretty clear through this analysis.

    This Jon Hamm “Comedy Skit” is one of the most tone death liberal videos I ever watched. It almost looks like a parody video made based around how a Hyper Partisan Conservative sees Liberals.

    Agreed Jon Hanm is both racist and an idiot.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    And isn't pointing it out doing something?
  18. Dick Whitman>Don Draper>John Hamm ; )