Wives want their husbands to adore them

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by TryingHard2Change, May 13, 2018.

  1. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I know I am talking in generalities .. and perhaps I'll get some responses from wives who tell me this isn't the main thing they want--but I'm going to risk that to create this thread.

    Tonight, my wife and I had a 10-minute conversation which lasted nearly an hour. It started off with my wife asking me if we were to get back together, what would be different? how would I be different than our 20 years of marriage?

    I gave a few answers....none of which I think is worth repeating here. But then, my wife went on to explain to me what all wives want from their husbands:
    * Wives want their husbands to adore them
    * Wives want to be on their husbands mind all day at work
    * Wives want their husbands to be thinking, "I can't wait until I get home to see my wife"
    * Wives want to feel like the center of their husband's world
    * Wives want to be the center of their husband's attention

    I did not do many of these things well. My wife mentioned that over our marriage .. I sometimes/sporadically would send her a text message -- a "just thinking about you" sort of text message -- my wife said that she absolutely LOVED those; they made my wife feel thought about / cared for / adored.


    Husbands: think of new and different ways that you wives can really feel like you adore them.
  2. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    Very cool that you had this conversation!!! That is hopeful! And I agree with your wife and what they want from a husband!
    Nugget9, +TenPercent, Jennica and 2 others like this.
  3. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I agree with your wife. Sad thing is, my husband DOES do those things, now, after the the PA. It doesn't have the same meaning as if he'd done it before. I do appreciate them, but it's a bit different now that my feelings for him aren't the same as they were before.
  4. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Very much agree with this. He's not a safe place anymore, even if he means everything.
  5. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I would agree on it too.
  6. copperstone

    copperstone New Fapstronaut

    Realistically, people change over time, and if you expect your wives or husband's to stay the same person through life then you are in for a bumpy ride. Marriages need to be flexible to a point. My wife and I for example don't talk much during our separate lives but when we are together we feel very connected and if we texted every day we would drive each other nuts.

    Don't worry about other marriages as a guide so much, see what you want yours to be like more than how others are.
  7. Maybe we can’t overcome it. That’s the price of addiction. It stains and sometimes the stain doesn’t completely come out. Or it does but that dirty impression is still there.

    I hope things chang. I hope they end up better than before. I hope the work and the suffering and the pain result in something beautiful.
  8. Angelos

    Angelos Fapstronaut

    I am definitely no expert, but from the sounds of things your (what I assume to be ex-wife) isn't the right person for pretty much most of the men out there.

    I think it depends on the character of the woman to what she prefers in her man or not. I tend to find that for me, the better women, are those who don't overthink things, and just accept people for who they are without the need for all these complications.

    I once had a lengthy conversation with my cousin, and she told me she wanted her man to be making lots of money and spend all his time and money in her. This is how the conversation went:

    Me: "If he is making mega money, won't he be working all day?",
    Cousin: (long pause): "Em.. okay, has a good enough job, not too good, but a rich family so he can spend it on me"
    Me: "Hold on, so he is rich, right?"
    Cousin: Right!
    Me: "And you want him to adore you and spend all his resources on you, right?"
    Cousin: "Not just that, I also want him to do what I say as well"
    Me: "You've got to be kidding me, right?"
    Cousin: No
    Me: Let's assume, he is rich, either from his job or family and now must take orders from you, why wouldn't he just ditch you for somebody better?
    Cousin: Because he loves me
    Me: Yeah right, I don't think it works like that, but anyhow.

    Ultimately what they want is your time and money, and for you to be making good money. Those who make good money don't have time, which then leads them to be unhappy as they aren't satisfied with this. They can either choose, have money and security and let their husband do what he must do, or have his time with little money. The choice is there!

    I also like to say, don't expect those who spend lots of money on themselves to have much left over for you. :)

    I have a short story to say in a bit, really funny. I must go to bed now though and when I wake up later I can say this too. It kind of sums a man's vision of a woman in a comical way.
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  9. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I don't think it will ever be the same as it was before. I used to have this complete adoration for him, just pure love, full trust. Now it is all complicated. Before, I felt special to him and like he chose me and I was the only one for him like he was for me. I thought I knew him, even better than he knew himself at times, nope, I didn't know him at all. Finding out about his PA broke me. It's like that old story of you can throw a plate on the ground and then glue all the pieces back together, it is still a plate, but not the one it was before. I feel that is how our marriage is. He threw it and shattered it and he's/we've put the pieces back together but it still has scars. That doesn't mean we can't make something good of this marriage, that it can't be great again, but for me, it will never be what I thought it was before.
  10. copperstone

    copperstone New Fapstronaut

    Perhaps it isn't all his fault, but some of yours for seeing him at more than a human being capable of making mistakes. You and I aren't perfect, why hold him to a different standard? While he comes clean and tries to fix mistakes he made, why don't you do the same?
    PureDot likes this.
  11. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Couple thoughts:
    * My wife and I have been married for 21 years / we have 6 kids ... she is not my ex, although we have been effectively separated for 11.5 months now since DDay. (doing an in-house separation currently)

    * I'm not sure why you so quickly jumped to all she wants is "your time and money" -- that certainly wasn't what I was communicating..in my original post, the 5 points I listed had nothing to do with money. It definitely implied some time, but more than just time...it is about how a husband feels about his wife / how much his wife is part of his life, his world / how much a husband makes his wife feel special, loved, adored.

    It is much more about feelings and emotions shown towards your wife then money and time spent on/with your wife.
  12. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I can agree with it because I was there, I agree that SO’s do want along those lines from our partners. What I told my hubby throughout our whole relationship in a nutshell is I deserve to be the priority not the option and that includes everything from other women to have a high commitment level that he showed is bosses and work commitments.
    My hubby is at better place with it now and continues to improve so I should have elaborated further.
    But yes, for years i was very much longing for those things, missing and thinking about those things. I don’t think about “throwing in towel” at this point but I wouldn’t be honest if I said thinking along those lines hadn’t cross my mind up until I had seen/felt real change in him.
    Worded more appropriately is I can identify, I do remember quite clearly still.
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  13. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I never said I am perfect. I'm not, not even close. I am working on myself as well, as I certainly have areas to improve also. I know people make mistakes, that's why I'm still here, with him.
  14. When we were first together, my husband did all of these things all of the time. I truly felt like the luckiest girl on earth to have someone who treated me this way and who made me feel like this each and every day. I knew that, to him, it was important for me to feel loved and adored, and it was equally as important for me to never doubt his loyalty. This was our life for several years. Then, he had to be away out of country for a year. During that time, PA slowly took ahold of him, and our lives have never been the same. I would give just about anything to have our old life back or even something resembling it. But, as @TryingToHeal said about the broken plate, even if you glue it back together, it will still be different than before.

    PA is so ugly, so destructive. However, it's never too late to start (again) treating your SO in a way that makes them feel special and adored.
    K423, TryingToHeal, Trappist and 3 others like this.
  15. Angelos

    Angelos Fapstronaut


    I am not here to judge, but already I've met some pretty odd cases.

    One guy is rebooting from his wife to strengthen their relationship. I can understand this, but I certainly wouldn't take this approach.

    You said D-Day, is this a divorce day. I've only heard this term in terms of war, not really with relationships. Why is it you need to reboot if you're married. Again, I am not here to judge, but this would never be my approach.

    Personally I think some women aren't satisfied no matter what. Not saying this is your case, but I've heard of many cases which it is.

    I will publish the story on a different post. It's quite funny.

    Edit: Here is the story,
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  16. How on earth does that work? Do have a massive house where you can avoid each other or something?
  17. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    DDay stands for disclosure day or discover day .... it's the day the PA is found out and/or comes clean to the SO. June 1, 2017 was my DDay....when I admitted to my wife that I have been struggling with this porn addiction for over 20 years --- the entirety of our marriage.

    She had confronted me a few times over our marriage, but she didn't realize it was an ongoing/continual problem...nor did she know it was for our whole marriage (until DDay).

    My wife was not and is still not sure if she wants the marriage to continue...hence the 11.5 month separation.

    Do you know what this NoFap community exists for? To help people stop P (porn) or PM (porn and masturbation). A reboot is stopping PM (or just P) for 90 days ... why do you need to do it if you're married?? Because P ruins marriages...or maybe more precisely put: PA (porn addiction) ruins marriages.
    hope4healing and Deleted Account like this.
  18. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    EXCELLENT Question!!

    Well it starts with being in separate bedrooms: I share a bedroom with our 10 year old son, my wife shares a bedroom with our 8 year old daughter.

    And you have to understand our long 11-month backstory to this. To summarize:
    * we were living in Europe when DDay happened on June 1st

    * maritally, we immediately changed to what we labeled "effectively separated" -- we defined that as same house(apartment), same bed, no intimacy

    * month of June was chaotic / a blur / I barely survived (near full nervous breakdown)

    * July-October .. we spent only about 50% of the time togetber -- I was in Europe with the kids, my wife was back in the States

    * end of October, my wife said she couldn't handle it...she asked if she and the kids could move home early

    * I was "stuck" in Europe for 3 months .. I had to stay one full year until end of Jan 2018

    * I moved back to the States on Feb 2 .. We were unsure if I was going to move home or not .. I ended up home but we are in separate bedrooms

    Our current boundaries are we don't spend any purposeful time together (no going out to dinner alone, no dates, no getting coffee); we have 6 kids to raise (5 at home)..so we have family dinners together, we cook and clean together, etc.

    My wife initiated the idea of talking every night for 10 minutes.....we've been consistent in doing this. Sometimes we talk about deep things, like us, sometimes it is just mapping out our schedules.

    We are BOTH on individual journeys of recovery and growth. I am hopeful that our marriage will be fully reconciled/restored.
    Last edited: May 14, 2018
    Trappist and hope4healing like this.
  19. I agree with this pretty much. Not adored in a 'put on a pedestal' way but loved and cherished deeply. I want him to want to be with me and only me the way I'd feel about him.

    Having dated men who persuaded me to go out with them before staring at other women and cheating on me just a few months later it made me feel horrendous and angry. Like I'd been duped into believing they cared when they just saw me as one of many. I don't think any woman wants to feel like that, nor any man for that matter from what I can tell. In fact men seem to get angrier about cheating than women from what I've seen? A lot of women seem to be able to forgive it.

    So if I ever get married it would have to be to someone who thought I was great and wasn't hankering after other women. Someone called me naive the other day for wanting this and maybe it is, but it's just how I feel.

    Hope you can work it out together, good luck with it ☺
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2018
  20. Thank you. Yeah this pretty much describes my ex, as well as him hurting me physically which is beyond S or P addiction (he wasn't an SA, he was a much darker type of person than an addict).

    Onwards and upwards towards healing for us all, at least we've all had it so bad it can't really get much worse.