I'm Addicted and I'm Helpless to Stop

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by arpyegap, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    42 days is awesome. Good job recovering your life
  2. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    I've begun to reflect a little bit on my history. I started M when I was a really young kid, like before I could O young. I remember laying on the couch watching cartoons and masturbating under a blanket. When my mother came out I was very startled. I remember being in a department store and purposely unzipping my pants to "expose myself" at a similar age. The rush that came from being bad maybe... I was probably single digits old. That behavior doesn't seem normal. I'm not looking for excuses and I have no memory of "abuse", but maybe knowing more would help me to understand.
    I don't think my mother was aware of anything and I cant ask her as she has passed away. This may not be the forum and I apologize for dumping this, but how does a kid get into that stuff without an outside influence? My behavior just progressed from there and intensified when I got into internet porn.
  3. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    I cant believe that I've been free of PM for 50 days! In all honesty it has seemed relatively easy thus far. I know that is a trap because success against an addiction sometimes results in dropping your guard and I cant afford to do that. I am an addict. I know that, but it doesn't mean I have to act like one or continue to be one. It is a choice, a difficult and painful choice, but a choice nevertheless.

    I looked at the title of this thread and it says "I am helpless to change". I think that is not 100% true anymore. I can change, we all can, but we need help. We need to recognize the true face of our enemy and accept that it is often ourselves. I have reached 50 days, which is but a drop in the bucket. I will not go on Autopilot or congratulate myself for a good streak. I will be strong and improve as a man, husband, & father.
  4. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Things are going well so far. I am finding that I have a bit more energy & focus as of late... perhaps there is hope yet. I wonder how much time, energy, and money that porn and sexual misdeeds have cost me over the 30 some odd years? Probably way more than you would think, and yet that surely pales in comparison to the cost it has had on my soul. I'm keeping on and hope that the folks on this forum will do the same.
  5. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    So far, so good. I have had opportunities (many of them) to PMO, but I've been able to resist. I guess the urge to do so has not been that strong. I have noticed looking at other women much more (in person & online, etc.) I've not been lusting after them and I've not lingered in a stare or anything like that, but certainly noticed short skirts, etc. I suppose that is normal, but I've been trying to make a real effort to see women for who they are, not as a set of good looking parts. I do think that is one area where porn has changed me a great deal... how I view women. It's pretty clear that porn portrays women in a particular way. A way that is not at all real, but very attractive to the porn user (guys like me). Just one more way I have to re-wire my brain to fix the mess porn made of it.
  6. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    glad youre making progress arpy. remember that no matter what gives you that rush, it will never be enough. You will feel the dopamine high again and again until youre numb to it. eventually working your way up until...who knows? needing to have sex with a dead goat or something. This stuff is evil and it doesnt get any better until we stop. Lets at least make the commitment not to hurt others. From there its deciding not to be a slave. literally, fighting not to be slaves.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Good luck bro...You'll do this in any way. I belive in you one day beat it and be a real winner!
  8. gnewhope

    gnewhope Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the great journal. Inspiring and I hope you are still moving forward. I also started with the Sears Catalogue.... strange world we live in.
    arpyegap likes this.
  9. Me too. I'm so f'ing old!
    arpyegap likes this.
  10. I keep relapsing i just dont know how to stay with it! Like always i have come back with the mental determination to not relapse and keep pushing forward! This is so difficult though I know that PMO is not natural but my brain is so heavily addicted it finds weird triggers to get aroused! They say being a woman is not easy but being a man is also not something which is any easier! The Reboot phase gives such a nasty kick to your entire system towards the second week or so i feel like a teenage girl on periods! My mood swings abnormally i would be happy a moment and depressed the next for no goddamned reason!
    I guess the only way out is through this no point turning back so i will keep pushing and see where it ends up eventually!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Thanks to everyone for their comments and kind words. It really does help. I think porn addiction and/or sexual addiction is not as easy to talk about and be open about. It seems like everyone admits to being in AA... it is usually obvious who is getting drunk and may have a problem with alcohol. Porn addiction has more of a stigma and is hidden more.. I think that's part of what makes it so powerful. It is beneficial to have like minded folks to talk to... Thanks!
  12. Very well said my friend iam grateful to this forum and subredit as they have given us a platform to help each other get rid of the most dangerous addiction yet highly ignored and snubbed addiction of PMO! We are all with you my friend and hope you find peace with this problem and are able to enjoy and rekindle love with your woman the way it is meant to be! Remember that a slave gives into his mind's urges but a KING always conquers his mind, tames the beast inside so that he can conquer the world outside! We are all in this together and let us take back our life from Porn! Yes I did relapse but not as much as i would always! I got some perspective and understood the trickery my mind plays with me! I am stronger than ever and will attain my goal! I want it and I will achieve it! We are all there for each other never forget that! #WakandaForever #UnitedWeStand&DividedWeFall
    Deleted Account and arpyegap like this.
  13. Keep moving brother. Just struggle with it. Spend all your energy for quitting it. You'll lose many days as i did ( i mean you'll lose time during struggling with temptations) but finally urges must disappear. Today i'm about at 54 day and urges are still wery difficult and i still suffer a lot. But keep moving and you'll do this!
    Deleted Account and arpyegap like this.
  14. Yes my friend very well said the only way through this is forward
  15. I just want to say that you're not evil. You did some messed up things, but some of us have done things that are just as bad and worse. The addiction is one that is crippling and causes us to be mastered by our carnal nature before we even realize what's happening. What's important is that you're trying to change... Congratulations, keep it up!
    Deleted Account and arpyegap like this.
  16. Very well said, those evil emotions you say are nothing but the animalistic instincts in us! But as humans we are the most highly evolved animal out there and we can choose to logically suppress or overcome these urges!
    If you see an animal even a lion doesn’t have any control over its urges but we humans can choose to stop them and walk away! It’s all in the mind!
  17. Im under the impression that the ultimate goal is not to suppress our instinctual urges but to redirect them. For instance, the whole entire purpose of our sexual impulse, as nature designed it, is to lead us to mate in order to preserve and further the race. It's just that were overloading that system when we watch porn to where it seems to be fulfilling that instincts intended purpose, when it is actually taking you further away from what you really want (Mainly, fulfilling relationships, especially of the sexual variety.) I imagine that when we redirect this impulse to take us into the world and away from porn it's only natural that it helps us with our social anxiety. I'm not quite there yet, but it seems legit. I'm always so nervous because I'm usually so automatically focused on a girls sexual beauty that I feel like she can just sense this radiating off of me, and I'm usually scared it will make her uncomfortable. Anyways, I'm rambling like fuck
  18. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    I've heard people talk about the "autopilot" mode of living.... I think that is what I was doing. I'd used porn for so long that it didn't seem that bad. However, when I looked back at who I had become and the things I had done I could see that it was related to my use of porn... I had been re-wired or brainwashed. Suddenly I didn't know who I was... I certainly did not respect women, I did not respect myself. I wonder how many other people out there have been brainwashed?
    Immature likes this.
  19. Very well said my friend! You are not wrong about what you have posted here! Sexual Transmutation is a real and legitamate thing! Famous people who have practised this include-
    1.) Steve jobs
    2.) Nikola Tesla
    3.) Elon Musk
    4.) Mahatama Gandhi
    5.) Sir Issac Newton
    6.) Mohmmad Ali!
    7.) Arnold Schwarzenegger
    and the list goes on and on..
    Sexual transmutation is basically when you redirect your sexual urges productively believe me if you do so, nothing can stop you from attracting your potential mate, riches and overall success.Read about it! Hit the gym, Read or study, practise a hobby to divert your urges and you will find a new energy to help you achieving your goals. It is not meant to be abused! Read Napolean hill, Mantak chia etc. but be warned have an open-mind if it triggers your urges don't and immedietly get down and do 50 pushups if you can!

    Porn is just a cheap escape to a fantasy world. The next time you have such an urge just imagine how sad it is that you dont get to have real sex or are not turned on by your own woman, while you binge watch to sensless, shameless nitwits go at it. Pornography is basically nothing but Documented Prostitution, The Porn industry directly utilises the services of Human trafficking circles. By not consuming what the porn industry has to offer you indirectly or directly help and save so many woman and children out there who have been forced into performing sexual acts at gunpoint. By not consuming what they sell you you reduce the survival chances of the porn industry and the human traffacking circle. Sex has been abused by them and that is not how it was intended to be. It has the power to produce an entire new human life and we have abused it and degraded its value to such a disgusting level.
  20. arpyegap

    arpyegap Fapstronaut

    Totally agree. If you compare the real, intimate reality of a sexual relationship with that of what you see in porn it is like comparing apples & oranges. Sex is great, don't get me wrong, but we (society in general) have cheapened it so much that many of us don't even know what a healthy relationship looks like. I'm VERY FAR from being innocent in this matter, but I don't want to continue the lie that porn tells us.
    Immature and Deleted Account like this.