Femdom porn (forced BI/gay) have caused HOCD, depression and no girlfriend anymore

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JHT98, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Dear people,

    I'm on a 1 day streak on no PMO now. At the moment I'm depressed and diagnosted with H-OCD, because of the porn I watched for many years. I have watched femdom porn for 8 years now (Cuckold, sissy, forced bi, POV/JOI, human ashtray and feet licking. It's just killing my brain now, but I trust in a good reboot for myself. For other people who have the same problem, stay strong and we will beat this addiction!!
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  2. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    Hi! Nice to meet you here.
  3. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Day 2 of my reboot. Had no problem during this time. Motivated to continue my streaks!!
    Keep strong guys.
    Deleted Account and Immature like this.
  4. Connaisseur

    Connaisseur Fapstronaut

    Hey brother,
    I feel you man. I have the same problems like you have.
    I started just today.
    Stay strong, we are in this journey together!
  5. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 of my NO PMO.
    Today I was all the day nervous, but we stay strong and I'm still motivated to reach my goals!
  6. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Day 4 of my No PMO.
    Was a little bit nervous for an hour, but it was all okay. I had no anxiety today. My day was very relaxed. I have played darts with my friends, worked for school and watched the football game of my brother. My first goal (reach the 7 days without PMO) is coming closer!! The first steps to a free porn life! So keep strong lads
  7. Joe92

    Joe92 Fapstronaut

    I can relate man... Keep going !
  8. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    If you have a porn stash delete it all my friend. I deleted all of mine.
  9. Hi man,

    Wow you have a huge burden on your shoulders.
    So brave you are here.
    I've dealt with exactly the same shit as you did.
    If you are interested, I wrote a lot of stuff in my journal (sissy, femdom, SSA, dominion, etc)
    that helped me enormously in getting my freedom. If you want, pass by, and maybe it inspires you to start your own

    I come from really deep, and know that freedom is possible.
    So... there is hope :)
    Kevin Abrams and Deleted Account like this.
  10. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Today was number 5 without PMO for me. It was a difficult day for me, because I was constantly nervous. Did no PMO, because I'm very motivated to reach my goals!!

    Stay strong lads!
  11. Proud of you man, keep fighting.
  12. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Guys, I need to tell you something... I was so horny after 6 days, that I've failed my first attempt to no PMO. I'm so sorry for this..... I've failed for my first time. Does anybody knows a good website to block all the porn on my computer? Today I'm going to begin with attempt 2 NO PMO...
    Immature likes this.
  13. Try the free K9 Web protection
  14. B better

    B better Fapstronaut

    Hey don’t even worry about it man, it happens to all of us, sometimes many times. It’s how you deal with this setback that will make or break things, just be sure not to binge and prepare for your urges to get even stronger due to the chaser effect. Every time you relapse just make a vow to beat your last streak and things can only get better. Keep your head up bro
    Immature likes this.
  15. Of course we should worry about it.
    If we don't, the next relapse will be even closer.
    Immature likes this.
  16. B better

    B better Fapstronaut

    I know what you mean, but porn addiction is responsible for so much negative thinking in a person that I think they are best off having a positive outlook on everything, even when they slip up
    Immature and Deleted Account like this.
  17. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Thanks mates, there was 1 big benefit after 6 days no PMO and it was that I got
    Thanks mate, I've downloaded it and I have blocked all the porn websites on my computer. It's game on again!
    Immature likes this.
  18. That's a new one! o_O
  19. MehAddicted

    MehAddicted New Fapstronaut


    Literally just signed up for similar reasons you have!! Best of luck brother these were definitely porn induced! all the best 2018 goals
    Immature likes this.
  20. JHT98

    JHT98 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother, best goals for you too!