fucking wet dream

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Heelhook, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. IGY

    IGY Guest

    That sounds quite typical and it is, indeed, a very good sign that it was not pornographic :)
  2. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Heelhook reported feeling like he had been set back... I made the same observation for myself, and thousands of guys report the same. But orgasms aren't always the same... You don't always feel completely drained out by a wet dream, a top athlete competing in olympics does not have that sensitive energy levels. But wet dreams wont occur if you keep the mind clean and fresh, if you live a clean life and if you sleep on your side.

    My dog never had a wet dream. I've never heard of an animal ejaculating during sleep; this is only happening to humans - because we have such a lively imagination - makes us prone to errors.

    None ever wakes up feeling refreshed from a wet dream, maybe some tension is relieved, but that's another thing. And besides that, if you've been having perfect sleep, you wont remember the dreams when you wake up. Remembering dreams only occurs when you're interrupted in some of the sleeping phases.
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Ok, well Heelhook and the "thousands of other guys" aside, what about the people on this forum, including myself, saying that they do not feel it is a relapse whatsoever? Is their opinion immediately wrong and insignificant? Because honestly, some of your replies definitely make it seem that way.

    Can you answer this question for me? : How can a WD be considered a relapse if the person is unconscious? Most people refer to relapse as seeking out P and M'ing all the way to O or any of those actions in whatever order. But if one is unconscious, and the WD is COMPLETELY involuntary, isn't it cheating yourself to reset?

    And just as a side note, I was in fact sleeping on my side when I had the WD, so I personally don't think sleeping position makes any difference.
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I said necessarily not a relapse; depends on your personal view. But it is a set back, if not huge but a minor.

    Your opinion has a value of course. Fact is, that its a bit complicated.

    When you begin nofap and you go sometime without orgasm, the body goes in repair-mode. Remember, this is my personal view now. I take full responsibility and I might be wrong about this, but this is my theory. You're free to argue against it.

    When you're in this repair-mode and you relapse, the orgasms feel like shit. You barely feel them, I think many guys can relate to this. And some of the energy is conserved by the body, because it doesn't want to let it all out. Same goes with wet dreams; some wet dreams leave the individual drained out, the person can feel a minor or major set back, and in some cases, no difference can be seen, the person does not really feel anything, no energy lost, no tension relieved. But that doesn't mean that wet dreams ever are desirable.

    That's a rarity, believe me, that wet dreams occur on the side. Never, ever happened to me and when I've asked around people ALWAYS report WD occurs on the back, or possibly abdomen. You sir, just had a very unique kind of nocturnal emission.

    I don't consider wet dreams as shameful, or that its necessary a relapse, in my view, when I judge my own case, I would reset my counter. But I'm going superhardcore mode.

    Sorry but I really doubt that you had that wet dream on your side, feels like you guys just want to say something that goes against what I say, but I might be wrong.
  5. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    I'm being dead serious with you. When I awoke from my slumber, I had been sleeping on my left side. Again, you're basing your entire opinion on what a couple of people have told you on this forum, and your own personal experience. I bet you if I had enough time, I could find Fapstronauts who have had the same experiences as I have.
  6. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Right side is better. But try what I say, make sure you spend the whole night on your side, tie a knot to your back so that it wont be comfortable lying upon it, and you will see - wet dreams vanish.

    But if you don't see WD as a problem, we can end the debate right here. Heelhook simply asked me a question and I did my best in trying to help him out.

    Over and out.
  7. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Have you have had a wet dream yet, Clumsy? As in during your reboot. For most it just comes out the blue and if you haven't had one you probably will have one sooner or later. If you still get erections you'll have one, I guarantee it.
    I like you and enjoy your posts but believe you're off the mark with this wet dream issue.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  8. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    sleeping position absolutely makes a difference... If you think lots of lusty thoughts during the day you are more apt to have a wet dream, same concept goes for sleeping position. Just because you had one while sleeping on your side doesn't mean that sleeping position doesn't matter...
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I have the same experience as you beauty. I always wet dream on my side (although it is my right side). I cannot sleep in any other position. I know this is the case because the pool of semen is always near the right edge of my bed. I never cum on my pubes or stomach at night.
  10. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    It is not a relapse, because the goal here at nofap is to stop PMO, not get the benefits from saving your seed. If the objective here was not to spill your seed then a wet dream would be a relapse, but this does not mean you didn't loose a large amount of testosterone, nutrients, minerals, and bio-energy when you had it!
    Its a minor setback on a different level. Ill repeat what I posted in another thread recently -

    The sexual dreams result from the subconscious which is from sexual thoughts and desires. Try to control your desires and lust. Wet dreams release massive amounts of energy and testosterone! There are lots of ways you can prevent them, or atleast chip away at the problem and slowly they will go away. I am currently fighting this battle and winning! If you people want to feel the real powers of nofap stop spilling your creation energy (your seed). It is the most amazing thing our bodies make. The energy your body has to burn to make 8 drops of blood is burned in 1 drop of semen!
    I have noticed HUGE improvements in my life from storing this amazing substance in my body for long periods of time and when I loose it to a wet dream I feel like shit the next day. Storing your seed improves concentration, memory, lubricates your joints, fuels your brain... Did you know that it also is the essence of your nervous system!
    This is all common knowledge in the Eastern world, so a lot of you will say bullshit but Im telling you it is true from my own experience. the biggest boost I have found so far in patience/calmness and more willpower.
    As far as helping to prevent wet dreams, based on what I have learned there are a bunch of things you can do to help stop them. Cold showers before bed, Don't eat certain foods like eggplant skins (thin the semen)too many eggs-sugar-salt-spicy foods(heat the semen)caffeine, Don't overeat or drink before bed (puts pressure on prostate), don't sleep on stomach especially in early morning hours (all of mine happened while lying on stomach), find other outlets for the built up testosterone and energy (running, working out), MEDITATE! this is the best way to transmute the sexual energy into ojas and get the energy moving in the channels UPWARDS instead of DOWN(out), certain foods and herbs (amalaki - licorice), Headstands, the 6th tibetian rite exercise, Pranayama breathing exercises, getting up early, Kegel exercises (strengthen the perineum muscle, you will be able to stop the flow if you wake up in time- also helps last longer in bed and as birth control) There are so many... Kundalini is activated from storing the seed, the chakras are activated, the endocrine system and immune system strengthened, skin gets smoother, blood richer, nails and hair stronger and smoother, you need less food and are healthier because your body has more nutrients and minerals, I could go on but I think you get my gist. Good luck
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  11. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I had wet dreams but I took care of them by mainly these 3 simple steps:

    1. I never eat too much. I stop when I'm not hungry, I don't eat if I'm not hungry. Not more or less.

    2. I sleep on my right side

    3. I don't dwell upon erotic thoughts during daytime.

    This got rid of them all.

    Check up the "The Minnesota starvation Experiment". They fed people with a wartime diet, and they noticed several things but also the cessation of wet dreams and some libido. But even if you eat low calory, you are recovering.

    Nocturnal emissions is a huge problem for some guys, if you have it every week, or in some cases, every day or extreme cases, several times every night! Then it's a huge process, and if you don't get rid of them, you will not recover properly.
  12. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    citratox; you sure are a very wise person.

    Though I must warn for kegels exercises, from my own experience. They can be a little hard and the trick is to make the energy travel up the spine, and not stay in the groin area because that cause discomfort. Also, too much kegels is a cause of premature ejaculation I believe. Reverse kegels got rid of my hard flaccid.
  13. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    I disagree, but hey that's what opinions are for I suppose. Clumsy said if you sleep on your side, you will not experience them. I was just disproving his point, because last night I had a WD and I WAS on my side.
  14. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Did you eat before going to bed? What do you eat? Do you drink coffee? Do you smoke? Hot spices? All of these articles has a tendency to cause wet dreams. According to traditional chinese medicine and various western sources.
  15. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Actually I learned this from this fellow nofapper:

    And wet dreams increase in frequency, the closer you get to your recovery, the more nocturnal emissions, in some cases. And then in the end it's of highest importance to avoid wet dreams, otherwise there's a risk of losing the progress entirely.
  16. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    I had some Cheerios about 45 mins before I went to bed, but other than that, nope.
  17. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    I used to get lots of nocturnal emissions... Not anymore.

    Keep up the good fight bro!

    ~Squeaky Soul
  18. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

  19. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

  20. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    Thanks bud! Im sorry but I thought Kegel exercises were the same as Mula Bandha, and I just did some research and they are definitely not the same. I do Mula Bandha.
    Thanks for the info Ive never heard of reverse kegels.