Why do I keep hurting her without her knowledge?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by OntheSurf4ce, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    I'm engaged to a beautiful woman. We've been together for quite some time now and she's the one I've been waiting for all my life. Funny, caring, family oriented, beautiful, and giving. When we first started dating, I abstained from PM for more than 3 months, and it seemed so easy. However, one week she had to go away on a business trip, and the thoughts started lurking and I gave in, hesitantly, but either way, I gave in. Ever since that time, I've been struggling. I can't go more than 3-5 days without looking at porn. I feel like I am emotionally cheating on her without her knowledge, and how devastated she'd be if she knew that I was doing what I was doing. Our sex life is wonderful, but my libido is a bit higher than hers, which isn't an excuse. I'm just lost now, and I have no idea how to get back up on the horse and start again. I have extra curricular activities that I take part in. Maybe it's time to start diving into those again. Softball, hockey, pool league. Any suggestions and inspiration are welcome.
  2. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I assume she has no idea about your usage? Also your story sounds like mine. My husband said the same thing that I was the one for him etc. He abstainted for 3 months, I went away on a family trip for a family emergency and he used after I came back from the stress. At the time I didn't know, he also knew I thought of porn as cheating. If you feel bad about this, then it's probably best to be honest. Do you want to start off marriage with lies?

    I met my husband over 2 years ago. By 3 months in he said he knew I was the one he wanted to marry but wanted to wait a year to be sure we were truly compatible. At the year mark I had my D-Day where I found everything he had been hiding and lying about. A little over a year after D-Day, we had done lots of work on the relationship and ourselves as individuals, we got engaged and got married. Happy endings are possible, but lies can derail that possibility. I told my husband honestly that if we had gotten married and I didn't know about his porn addiction that I would have felt not only betrayed but tricked and trapped by him. I would feel like a prisoner in our marriage because I don't believe in divorce unless there are extreme cirumstances like abuse. So I said that I would have felt so emotionally manipulated I would have to consider divorce because I would have felt he had no respect for me.

    If you feel your fiance would be hurt by it, it's best to come clean before marriage. Lots of women on here had to discover their spouses addiction, they never got the guy who had the courage and bravery to sit down with them and tell them that they were struggling with an addiction.

    This is a thread of resources:

    This is a boundaries thread (that has helped partners and addicts know what is and isn't ok that might be helpful if you decide to tell your fiance): https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/lets-talk-about-boundaries.109686/

    This is my husbands success story (it might be helpful to read): https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.p...-still-recovering-in-the-relationship.107395/

    I wish you the best of luck in recovery!
  3. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut


    Thank you so much for your response. The thing that scares me the most is losing her. The possibility that she wouldn't understand and feel devastated, betrayed.
    I'm being selfish if I don't tell her, but that bad thought that "what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" keeps popping into my head.
    One thing that is constantly eating at me is the fact that I choose to do it. I have so many other outlets at my disposal that I choose not to use, and honestly it's pure laziness that I don't utilize them. Guitar/working out/video games/singing.

    I do believe that being honest with myself and with her is the first step to becoming clean again. The possibility that she wouldn't understand and feel betrayed is something that I would have to live with in telling her, because if that's how she reacts, then that is her right. And if I don't tell her just so I can save myself from having her look at me differently, then it's selfishness.
    Plus, if my first reaction is that she wouldn't understand, i'm not putting much trust in her am I? I'm writing it off before I even give her a chance to react and possibly UNDERSTAND/HELP me instead of blowing me off and ending it all.

    I'm going to provide a bit more background:
    One thing that I didn't mention (and this is a touchy issue for me) but feel is necessary, and could possibly contribute to my addiction, is that from 7-8 years old, I was sexually abused by a next door neighbor, who was 15 when it started and 16 when it ended. Could that be some underlying factor? I've gone to therapy numerous times and have been on so many types of medications, that it's not even funny. The one release for me had been porn. Does being exposed to something like that so young, re-wire ones brain?

    Another thing to note- I was always single. Afraid of commitment/girls. Almost always anyway. I didn't lose my virginity until 23 years old, and hadn't dated in HS/College that much. I wasn't very popular and I didn't have much going for me except my hockey career, which ended due to a broken back in High School which shattered my pending scholarship and potential for a career in pro hockey. When that all happened, I hit rock bottom and isolated myself. My only release was PMO.

    Now you may look at all of these as excuses, but I look at them as contributing factors to an ongoing struggle. But the result all comes down to the same thing: A change needs to be made, not only for me, but for my Fiancee as well. She deserves it so much more than I do. She is a patient, loving, and kind soul and deserves someone who loves her for her and will contribute everything they have into her well-being. I need to stop looking at this as a chore, and look at it for what it is: A war. A war that I must win. If I don't win, only harm and deceit will come from it.
    I agree with everything you've said. I do not want to start our marriage off with lies and deceit. I want to be clean and have her realize that I was the man she agreed to marry.

    Thank you for your kind words and thank God I found this place before it was too late. Please wish me luck. I know I'm not the only one going through these struggles.
    God bless everyone going through this difficulty in their life.
    Son of a Bitch and LesPauline like this.
  4. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    My husband said the same thing, that his worst fear was losing me. I can understand that. But he knew that it was selfish and wrong to keep me in a relationship that wasn't honest. The reason I stayed was because he was finally hoenst with me and stayed honest. If he kept lying, I told him I would leave. That thought of "what she doesn't know wont hurt her" is your addiction talking. My husbands addiction said the same thing to him. It enabled him to keep using.

    Video games are not the best outlet, they were like a second addiction for my husband he switched between heavy usage of video games and when he got lonely or bored would use porn. Guitar on the other hand is creative, it works your brain and does keep you distracted in a healthy way because you are still in reality. My husband took a while to realize he had other options than to give in to the urges to use porn. He thought the only way to make the urge and anxiety go away was to use. I told him he could have come to me and woken me up if he was feeling anxious and we could have talked, or he could have kept his phone in a separate room.

    Recovery takes planning and strageties and coping skills and therapy. Honestly, lies enable addiction. If there are lies, then the addiction can say to you, "Well she doesn't know this so it wont hurt if you use again" or something like that. It's true that you need to have faith in your fiance. She needs to have a chance to choose. Also, I suggest writing a letter that encompasses the reasons you use, when you started, why, and how sorry you are for betraying her (if you believe she will feel that way), and tell her you are getting serious about recovery and list the things you are doing and plan to implement.

    Yes sexual abuse can be a factor. For my husband he used becuase his parents were divorcing and his mother abandoned the family and he felt his mother didn't love him and those are painful emotions for a 10 year old to understand. Trauma plays a huge role in addiction. I am very sorry to hear what happened to you. Being exposed that young can re-wire your brain. Also I have been raped and I only used porn after I was raped for a couple weeks because I was so scared of actually being sexually close to someone and porn seemed like a safe way to explore sexuality without having any imminent danger present.

    I wish you well in recovery. I hope you can be honest with your fiance. I don't know if she knows about your sexual abuse, but I think it's important for her to know because that honestly can help explain why you got addicted to porn. I see everything you listed as contributing factors to your usage. But if you do want to tell her, writing a letter is great because it gives you time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it, and when the moment comes, if you get overwhelmed you have the letter to reference so you don't forget what you were saying.
  5. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    I completely understand. And yes I do believe that is definitely my addiction talking. My fiancee actually has no idea that i have this issue. It probably doesn't help that I've kept her in denial for so long by telling her that I don't watch Porn. That's why i'm so afraid to tell her, because of how mad she'll get for me lying to her for so long about it. But in reality, she'll probably feel more relieved knowing. She's been wondering why over the course of the past 5 months or so that I've been having random mood swings, and being more secretive. I've been placing the guilt that I have towards this whole situation and my addiction and have been taking it out on her. She's been the most patient person in the world. Each time i'm feeling down, she asks what's wrong, and I come up with a new excuse. She has no idea what i'm truly struggling with.

    I completely understand about the video games. It's already basically triggering your addiction. Half of the supplies you need are already in front of you. A computer and the internet.
    Guitar however, is something I thoroughly enjoy, and have put on the back burner because of this addiction, and it's truly a sad ordeal. Maybe by focusing my mind in a truly creative manner, I can put the addictive thoughts at bay, and keep my mind engaged into something that truly matters.

    I definitely agree that lies enable addiction. It basically tricks your mind into thinking you don't have a real problem when you do. It places your mind into denial.

    Abuse definitely hurt me in a way that I can never get back. However, there comes a time where one needs to stop feeding the addiction and feeling sorry for ones self.

    I thank you for your ideas and support. This is going to be a hard journey, but it definitely needs to be done to better one's state of mind and relationship not only with them self, but with the person they are choosing to spend their life with.
  6. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I can agree that space might be needed. I asked for space, in the beginning, and my husband didn't give it to me, it led to more fighting. But I think being 100% honest is the best way to go. Don't soften the blow by not saying you're a porn addict, that will only lead her to believe that you have a minor problem. Also if she thinks you aren't addicted and chose to do this, possibly knowing it would hurt her, she will be more devastated. One reason I was able to cope was because I understood it was an addiction and had nothing to do with me.

    Its true that society teaches us to be secretive or ashamed about our sexuality. It's always good to have open and honest communication when it comes to sex, boundaries, past trauma's, and interests.
  7. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I agree here. I would tel her it is an addiction. I didn't find out my husband's P use was an addition until 8 months after I found out about the P use and it was a double blow. It took me all the way back to the beginning as far as healing goes. Be honest from the start, not just honest, but rigorously honest. Then there is no starting over with healing again and again. (mine started over again when a month after finding out the addiction, I found out he has been doing it our whole marriage, not just 6-7 months like he had said).
  8. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your replies and words of encouragement. I do believe that being rigorously honest with her is the best course of action. I believe owning it all. If i own only "some" and not all, then that will just give the addiction a spot in the mix. Allow it to seem more minuscule than it actually is.

    We live together, and both have the same work schedule, but her parents are down the street, and mine are too, so if she needs space than maybe some time to accept and process things would be for the best. I have a question though, which could effect the outcome of the next week or so. We are currently scheduled to go to the Outer Banks, NC with her family for vacation for the next week. We would be rooming together and sleeping in the same bed. Would it be wise to wait until AFTER we get back? Or should I just lay the cards out on the table now before we go? Depending on how she reacts, there may be no vacation...at least for me anyway.

    @Zyn - I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like it too much. She has expressed her dislike of pornography in the past. We've had several conversations about the topic, but the end result was always the same. She did tell me that, in the past, she used to Masturbate and watch porn, but with me, she doesn't feel the need to. She says I fulfill all of her urges and the only reason she did it in the past was because she was either single or in a relationship where her partner did not satisfy her. But she insists that with me, I give her everything she needs. This is what I'm afraid of. If I tell her that I'm addicted to P, she would feel that my urges are not met by her and she would then take it as a hit on her.

    I do believe in this situation, since I've been going through this for upwards of 4 years, fighting this addiction that is, the best course of action would be to lay the cards out on the table for her and let her know just how badly this is effecting not only me personally, but why my attitude has been so shifty the past few months.

    I could be overthinking all of this, and she may understand completely, but I will never know if i keep hiding it from her. I feel there is a weight on my shoulders and I won't feel lighter until I let her in.
    LesPauline likes this.
  9. True-Self

    True-Self Fapstronaut

    @OntheSurf4ce I would strongly recommend reading (and working through) or listening to (available on Audible) Breaking the Cycle by George Collins. This book is very helpful in providing techniques to overcome compulsive porn use as well as providing insight on why you have gone down this path. I'm sure the abuse that you suffered definitely played a role in your addiction.

    My advice would be to have a plan in place and have begun to work on your recovery prior to speaking to your fiance'. I think if you have already started to take action she may be better able to actually hear your words.
  10. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It's much easier to here the words "I'm a addict"
    If you back it up with
    "and this is how I'm already taking action to fix it"
    And can show her your plan.
    Some words of advice - she will have questions... not always at once.
    be sure to answer openly and honestly and calmly they will be (probably) random and you never know when they will occur so just be prepared for them and let them happen.
    She is going to need time and space for her own personal processing.
    Make sure she knows that you are going to give her whatever she needs.
    The best place to have this conversation is at home, so she feels safe... And if you guys have kids, make sure they can't possibly interrupt.
    If she asks for something... Be respectful and ready to act.
    Like sleeping on the couch or something for the night.
    Let her know, you are on Her side in this.
    You aren't just healing your addiction, but are ready to start healing your relationship too.
    Good luck
  11. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    This!^^^ Exactly what Kenzi said. Please. My husband quit PMO but wasn't ready to repair the relationship. It's been over a year since he quit and we are just recently repairing the relationship.

    Also, seeing the guilt and shame from my husband evoked empathy in me, not anger or a desire to punish. I didn't necessarily want to ever punish my husband but I sure resented him when it seemed he didn't understand the pain he has caused and I would get distant to protect myself. When my husband was open with his emotions, whether crying, talking about the shame, guilt, and self-hatred he had when using, I was able to put my pain aside and see it from his perspective and it broke my heart. I was able to try to help him while also dealing with my pain.
  12. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut


    I completely understand. All I can do is prepared to face the questions that she will have for me. Time and space most likely will be something that comes of this situation, as she is a very tender person, and often thinks down of herself when it comes to her looks and sexuality. She doesn't see herself for the beautiful person she really is. This came from a terrible, previous relationship where she was physically and emotionally abused. That is one reason that this is going to be so much harder. My worst fear is that she has flashbacks of her previous relationship and just breaks down, but me keeping up this habit and lying is so much worse in the long run. There is a major difference here though. I am completely ready to do anything I can to make sure that she knows I'm ready to repair the relationship and be there for her and her alone.

    @Zyn Thank you for the kind words as well. Our relationship is very precious to me and I can't imagine a life without her in it.

    I have started taking @AnonymousAnnaXOXO advice and constructed a letter. I feel this is more my tempo because I happen to be a very emotional person, and can easily become frustrated if I can't say the right words. She loves that I can be so open with her and that I'm not afraid to cry when I'm upset, but I feel I wouldn't be able to stop crying if her reaction was negative, so the letter is the route.

    Thank you all once again so much for giving advice and telling me your views. It really is amazing at how long you can go on doing something without realizing just how much you're hurting yourself and your loved ones.
  13. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    I'm sorry to hear that, man :(
    You would just have to distract your mind from urges and triggers, and keep your mind occupied and busy. I also recommend to download a porn filter on all of your devices, so you can't be able to access porn.
  14. Anna and Kenzi both give excellent points, being awake of PAs.

    Addicts of every type almost always have some type of trauma that leads to addiction. That you experienced sexual trauma at an early age is no doubt linked to your porn addiction. I strongly urge you to talk to a therapist (who specializes in sex) and try figuring this stuff out. I also feel homesty is the best policy. I was so relieved when I finally told my wife this past weekend what's been going on.but wait until after the trip. Use the time till then to collect your thoughts and figure out your strategy.

    Reach out if you need help.
  15. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Guest

    @DemonSemen has a great point, which also reminds me of another one I wanna make.
    I highly recommend you go find yourself an AP partner around your age, so both of you can check-in with each other daily, and can hold each other accountable for your addictions. It's a big help, trust me.
  16. batraquio

    batraquio New Fapstronaut

    I've been reading here and felt that I should share some thoughts about being an addict while keeping up with marriage. I do not have all the answers, and I'm struggling with my addiction. I do respect all of you that are honest enough to share your feelings about this.

    I'm 52 years old. I'm about to reach 26 years of marriage. With the same wife. We have vowed to remain married beyond old age, until death do us part. Looks like we're halfway there. We still have a lot to learn, but we've learned some.

    The one thing that I disagree on your posts is about what it takes to be selfish. Well, off course being an addict is the very first, I know from experience. But what else makes a husband take a selfish stance? I mean, do you really think that dumping the burden over your spouse is an altruistic act? "Oh, I feel so relieved now!" What about your wife? Doing so can ruin her life, bring pain and suffering upon her, broken dreams, a miserable life. There are burdens that are just ours to bear, and not to dump over the wife, over the kids, over the dog. We should protect our beloved from our inner demons.

    One of the basics of a successful marriage is TRUST. One of the basic needs of a wife is to have a husband to rely on, emotionally. A protector. Well, being an addict is something that can destroy that trust, but now that I screw up, dealing alone with the guilt may be the loving thing to do, just as overcoming my addiction by myself is certainly the loving thing to do.

    There is a point in life when we realize we no longer have mom and dad (or somebody else, a wife, a fiancé) to come to our rescue. On the contrary, we must rescue them, protect them. Life is not easy. If it seemed to be, someone was protecting us. Now is our turn. Welcome to adult life. Be strong. The sooner the better. Live long and prosper.
    LesPauline and Deleted Account like this.
  17. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    That's a good point. I actually went to the doctors this morning and looked for a good reference. My doctor provided me with a referral of a good therapist who specializes in this field. The doctor also offered me an option to go on some anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication, because he felt that a big part of this was stemming from my past, thus causing a potential imbalance in my brain chemistry, but I politely declined. This isn't just something that you can get rid of with medication, it's a long term battle in which I must come to terms with and face.

    @Third_Eye You also have a very good point too. I believe I will reach out to find an AP. I have a very close friend who's marriage almost went to shambles after his wife found out he was a PA. He has been clean for over a year and a half. Through therapy and marriage counseling. However, I do not want to reach the point where I need to fix my marriage before it even begins which is why it is time to tackle it now, and I believe the best course is to find someone who has had these urges for a long long time. He is aware of my past and is one of my best and closest friends since that time in my life.

    @batraquio I also can understand your views, and I respect them. For the longest time I thought keeping this to myself was for the best, but in actuality, at least for me since everyone is different, it was giving the addiction power. Refusing to mention it basically meant, to me, that it didn't exist, so why try to "better" myself when there wasn't anything about me that needed fixed? I did vow one thing though. I vowed to myself, to try my damnedest to work on myself and confront the problem head on before I bring my other half into this. If I seek help, get an AP, and focus on the small victories, I believe when it comes time to tell her, she will see the strides I have taken to better myself and respect her. That's not to say that there still won't be a blow to her, because chances are, there will be. This may lessen the blow if she sees that I'm doing everything in my power to better my life not only for me, but for her too. The biggest problem she may have, is the long period of time I spent lying to her, which I'm ready to face because I've made my bed, now I must lie in it.

    I see what you mean about placing a burden on her as well, but the way I see it, since she truly loves me, this won't be something (hopefully) that will completely ruin our relationship. I believe since she loves me, she will be pleased, in the long run, that I came to her about this, and that she can help me along the way. I know what you mean when we reach a point in our lives where there may not be anyone there to help us make our bed, but if there is, and they love us, they would do anything that they can to understand and make sure that they get you the help you need and deserve, which in turn, will strengthen the relationship. Especially if you make enormous strides to do so.
  18. Are you going to tell her? I'm just combining to terms with my addiction, my husband has no idea...I don't know how to tell him or if I should. I agree with @batriquio I don't t want to hurt my husband...I know the first thing I need to do is just stop looking at the P and just get my head straight.
    I'm gonna focus more o positive things. Reading your thread has helped me out so much today. Thank you. I needed to read your words as I am in a similar situation.
  19. OntheSurf4ce

    OntheSurf4ce Fapstronaut

    Hi LesPauline! It's refreshing to hear that my situation is helping you come to terms as well. I just want you to know that you're not alone in this.
    I meant to update this thread on Friday night, but I was busy packing with my vacation. Just a short story:

    While I was packing on friday night, I just couldn't take the guilt anymore. My fiancee noticed something was wrong with me, and continuously asked me if I was okay. I denied that i wasn't okay the first few times. But she didn't seem to believe me because obviously I wasn't okay. Finally, I ditched the idea for the letter that I was writing, and just asked her to stop packing and if we could talk. I broke down and told her absolutely everything. At first she played it off with a laugh and didn't seem to think that it was an issue, but then I continued to talk to her about it and explained just how often/much I did it and how it was making me feel. She then became intrigued. Started asking me questions about why, what kinds of P, what made me start, and if it had anything to do with our sex lives being boring. I truthfully answered each question and gave her every detail she asked for. After I was done explaining, I thought she was going to break down and start crying, (Especially since she has complex issues with her appearance). Honestly, the exact opposite happened. During the whole thing, I was crying and showed so much regret. I think she picked up on just how much it hurt me that I was hurting her. I told her that I was doing NoFap and that I wanted to get my life straight. She looked at me with the most forgiving smile on her face and said "Darling, I'm so proud of you. I love you so much. It is going to be okay, I promise. We have each other, and I will do whatever I can to help you along the way. I am so proud that you came to me with this and it makes me feel so much closer to you that you can be this honest with me. I can tell that something had been bothering you the past few months, and now that I know it's this, we can work together to make it all go away."

    So in actuality, telling her was the best thing that I've ever done. Since then, we've both felt so much closer to her, and I feel that I have a new found respect not only for her, but for our relationship as well. I feel as though I can now conquer this war with her by my side every step of the way, since now I can open up to her when feeling stressed. I have an accountability partner, and I'm proud to say, it's my Fiancee.

    So in short, @LesPauline you can do this. Face your fears. It will all work itself out in the end. I can't say your story will have the same result, but honestly, if you don't tell him, it will continue to eat at you day by day, and only give more power to your addiction. I feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders, and I can take on the world right now. Not to say that I have this beat, because I have a long and stressful journey, but I just won a small battle in an ongoing war. Focus on the small victories, for they are the ones that count the most. Either way, you will feel much better. Please do not be afraid to reach out. The most important thing is to have a plan in place for yourself to start working on the P addiction, and in time you can begin to repair everything. Actions speak louder than words do. Showing him first that you are willing to conquer it may cause his reaction to be much better.

    We're here for you.
  20. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Just amazing!
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