What Is The Most Extreme Measure You Have Had To Take To Quit Porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. bertieboy

    bertieboy Fapstronaut

    At the moment I have got the blocker switched on which my ISP provides but I can take it off at anytime because I have the password for my account. I know net nanny and covenant eyes etc have their place and do help, it is just I know I can get around them whether I have the password or not, so for me there is no point spending money on them. I need to get a grip on this myself to find total freedom from this addiction. I am not going to tell anyone here how to get around them so nobody need worry about that if they are using blockers
    Liam-the-dude likes this.
  2. Great topic and inspiring replies!

    My bigger struggle is masturbation and some people seem to take issue with how I have chosen to curb that addiction (currently at 111 days without masturbation and have looked at porn just once in the past 500+ days).

    But to quit porn: I had to part with a massive collection - including some amazing (but sexy) artwork and some highly collectible first issue magazines from the 60’s :(
    Everything had to go. So painful. I really had a massive porn stash. Took me months to get rid of it all.
  3. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    • Haven't gotten rid of my computer or smartphone, but only have a desktop and keep it in the living room
    • Obviously still using the internet, but my yt account got deleted (they wouldn't say why), and recently deactivated my Facebook, uninstalled Instagram
    • I don't even have antenna TV
    • I stopped visiting two gals I liked once, but for other reasons
    • Moved in with two other guys who are really good Christian role models. That really helped with accountability
    Though not perfectly l, I also stopped allowing myself to seek out, look at, or dwell on anything that causes me to lust. Now it's a habit, so it's not nearly as hard as it may sound
  4. bertieboy

    bertieboy Fapstronaut

    Well done you are certainly on the right path going in the right direction
  5. TheLightOne

    TheLightOne Fapstronaut

    Destroyed phone with hammer
    Blocked computer taking out admin rights
    Lost relationships
    Tilopa likes this.
  6. Husto

    Husto Fapstronaut

    This is a great thread.

    So I'm moving to a new flat over the summer. Here is my plan.

    -I will not get Internet.
    -No TV either.
    -My Laptop/tablet/phone etc will be at my office so I can organise stuff there if I need to or I can bring it very occationally in the evening but not at the weekends.
    - Maybe a speaker for some music to connect with my phone.

    Instead I will start filling alot of times with activities like going to the gym, golfing and socialicing etc.

    Of course this is radical and it will not work for a lot of people but for me this is the way to go.
  7. bertieboy

    bertieboy Fapstronaut

    Great to hear you have got a plan, I think a plan is essential. I am on day 14 of a 90 day reboot and starting today have decided to go Monk Mode. You are doing the right thing not getting the internet or a TV and leaving your phone at the office. Good luck on your journey
    Husto and Wilderness Wanderer like this.
  8. PensarLibre

    PensarLibre Fapstronaut

    - he cambiado el celular inteligente por uno básico. a la par de esto he escondido los celulares viejos pero inteligentes que tenia, en un lugar de muy difícil acceso.
    - he borrado todas las redes sociales incluyendo WhatsApp.
    Husto and Tao Jones like this.
  9. B L A N K F A C A E

    B L A N K F A C A E Fapstronaut

    Wow thats pretty extreme
  10. I did a 40 days water fast and became a monk for a year. That did the trick, after that I was able to become a physician and much more.

    I occasionally do 7 days water fast, for health benefits, improving mental health, detachement from sensual desires.

    Right now 3 days into a 7 day water fast.
    A Conqueror likes this.
  11. A Conqueror

    A Conqueror Fapstronaut

    Damn that's hardcore, what does being a monk involve? Also, I'm curious to know if you can exercise while fasting?
  12. It's living in the middle of nowhere spending all day doing spiritual practices.

    It makes it easier, I'm actually doing very heavy lifting on this fast. It depends on your level of fast mastery, energy levels, if you are full of toxins is harder to work out hard.

    But always makes fasting easier some level of physical activity you feel much better afterwards.
  13. A Conqueror

    A Conqueror Fapstronaut

    @Tilopa any general advice on fasting for beginners, I might try it. What about water consumption
  14. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    I quit social media, quit nofap socials, and stopped using my computer frivolously. I have a few close friends, spend most my days reading, studying, writing, and playing music. I spend more time with my family than I ever have before, and my accomplishments have only increased in size and number after making this drastic change. My career goals are being realized, and in a short while, it will all be worth it, if not already.

    What's the most important step? The next one.
    IR254, Husto and A Conqueror like this.
  15. Read a lot about it so you understand the benefits. Watch YouTube videos about people doing water fast. They go day by and say what they feel.

    Some tips : if you start to feel really weak or uncomfortable usually it's a lack of water consumption so whenever you feel tired drink water.

    Fasting is more of a mental thing your mind will start to trick you making you imagine how tasty food is or that you are going to die. Weird thoughts almost as a withdrawal/abstinence syndrome. Don't listen to your mind and do not nourish those thoughts, just like you don't nourish porn thoughts.

    Unconfortable feelings and sensations during that are just that, they don't mean anything worry some sometimes its the effect of toxins getting out of your system or your mind trying to make you quit. Simply let those feelings be and sip some water.

    Break the fast when you feel genuine hunger.

    Break the fast with some bone broth soup, some pineapples, meat, fats.

    Don't eat too much carbohydrates when breaking a fast it can cause refeeding syndrome. Search about thst Dr Erik berg talks about fasting and breaking a fast.

    I like to start eating as normal as possible after breaking the fast only difference I eat smal portions every 30 min at the beginning so my body can tolerate it.

    Work out
    A Conqueror likes this.
  16. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    Fasting forty days stretch...and I made it.
    Tilopa and A Conqueror like this.
  17. A Conqueror

    A Conqueror Fapstronaut

    Thank you for all the info @Tilopa, will do my research

    Tell me more about it, how was it, what benefits, changes did you experience, what was your water intake
  18. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Although we have probably all heard this a thousand times at this point, it still is incredibly accurate. Cheers, mate.
    boichywow and Tao Jones like this.
  19. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

  20. The Conqueror 414

    The Conqueror 414 Fapstronaut

    My water intake In the 40days fast, was brutal the fasting begings at 12am in the night to 4pm in the afternoon, no food no water. Before I eat or drink it must be 4pm in the evening I did this for 40days and all the benefits you could ever imagine came with that just once success and change my experience forever.