***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    I am grateful for weekends, they give me more time to work on myself.
    I am grateful for Buddhism, it shows me to respect everything in the universe, big or small
    I am grateful for my parents, i wouldn't be here without them
    db001, microsmurfen and jalls like this.
  2. David&Goliath

    David&Goliath Fapstronaut

    Good on you brother for your courage and for your transparency in revealing your journey. My experience has always been that the more I am committed to truth the more powerful and authentic my relationships become.
    Here's to your fullest evolution brother

    Good on you for your courage in sharing your challenges brother. It's in this transparacet
    db001, microsmurfen and Beamer like this.
  3. David&Goliath

    David&Goliath Fapstronaut

    Grateful for a 2 hour massage that just changed my world completely. I loved that I could let go and let God!

    2: Grateful that I can trust and drop into what life desires more than to simply entertain listening to my mind continually.

    I'm grateful that I'm not addicted to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex or anything else. I'm working on the porn, but I have to say it's worth the journey. My life is better for the discipline.

    I'm grateful I lived another day in this body.

    5: I'm grateful that in connecting with two beautiful women and two little girls today I was able to be present, honour them and be more of myself. Even though I felt afraid, we had some great conversations, played and connected beautifully.

    I am grateful that this coming week there are some big changes. I witness the deep courage that I live my life with, this is empowering for me.

    I am grateful for the presentation I am doing Tuesday night. It's a great opportunity for me to be in service.

    I am grateful that I paid my son to work for me.

    I am grateful for the depth of love I share with my beloved. It teaches me that I am on the right track and that I can trust myself.

    I am grateful for every lesson, every challenge. I learn more about the adventure of being alive.

    I am grateful for my body and for being a man. I get to learn and grow every day.

    I am grateful for prayers. They help me to align with what truly matters in life and they dissolve my fears and my doubts.

    I am grateful for the beauty of the feminine. When I truly appreciate women, porn becomes far too superficial and demeaning to even think bout finding it attractive.

    I am grateful for every dollar that comes my way. It s a blessing for an opportunity to serve life to the fullest of my capacity. I love giving my all to surrendering my mind and being present.

    I am grateful that I haven't been aggressive with my housemate. Whilst I am angry with them, I've been compassionate both to them and to myself in light of how I feel and the situation.

    I am grateful for the country I live in Australia is such an incredibly beautiful place.

    I am grateful for the gifts of my artistic abilities. It's such a blessing to be able to create the most amazing works of art. I forget sometimes that not everyone can create such magic so effortlessly.

    I am grateful that I am represented by a gallery. It means a lot to have a show in the big city and be honoured for my creativity.

    I am grateful for every soul who ever shared something with me that made me feel loved.

    I am grateful for my ex-wife who loved so deeply and intimately. I am a better man today for the love we shared.

    I am grateful that I apologised to my son that I was upset with him and was challenged to love him unconditionally. He completely melted.

    I am grateful that I am far less scared about trusting life. I am more courageous and fearless then in my younger days. God knows what's next but I can handle living with more love in my heart.

    I am grateful for having a car that drives well. I consider mobility and freedom a blessing. Especially when the car is economical.

    I am grateful my country is not at war.

    I am grateful I ate really well today.

    I am grateful to experience healing in my sexuality. It's the template of my evolution. The next phase of my power and awakening as a man of impeccability.

    I am grateful for the capacity I have to drop beneath my fears and listen deeply to what matters.

    I am grateful that I will be living with my partner next week.

    I am grateful that my hands are still working.

    I am grateful for the ocean.
  4. jalls

    jalls Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for my spouse trying a new make up line. She's only 5 foot, but to me she's a "supermodel."
    I'm grateful for my integrity even when Covenant Eyes crashes.
    I'm grateful for my live Freedom Group and our "deep conversations."
    Beamer, db001 and microsmurfen like this.
  5. Watchtower

    Watchtower Fapstronaut

    day 10

    1. I'm grateful for good exercise.
    2. I'm grateful for being able to eat a good breakfast
    3. I'm grateful for the full day I have ahead of me to increase my streak and continue to fight.
    Beamer, db001 and microsmurfen like this.
  6. A Batman

    A Batman Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for shirt, understanding ideas in chemistry, physics, and math, oreo,mouse, notebook, great lighting, no assigned class tomorrow, favourite show episode, internet and road crossing.
  7. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Day 12

    1. I'm grateful for coffee.
    2. I'm grateful for my friend M.
    3. I'm grateful for my sister.
    Beamer, db001 and microsmurfen like this.
  8. SLIPZ19

    SLIPZ19 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for the food I can eat...

    2. I am grateful for my bed.

    4. I am grateful for my laptop (computer).
  9. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for my family.
    I am grateful for my foam roller.
    I am grateful for the movie we see today.
    I am grateful for another day to work hard tomorrow.
    Beamer and db001 like this.
  10. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that I am continueing my goals despite what day I am in
    I am grateful that I got a big breakfast
    I am grateful that I got to sleep in
    I am grateful that working out everyday is getting eaiser and eaiser
    I am grateful that I am going to be a better man after some time!
    Beamer and db001 like this.
  11. db001

    db001 Fapstronaut

    1) I’m grateful for my life.
    2) I’m grateful for the money I earn.
    3) I’m grateful that I’ve always had enough to eat.
    Beamer likes this.
  12. Don9087

    Don9087 Fapstronaut

    Second Day of my Grattitude Attitude.
    Today I am grateful for my day off with my wife. I love spending quality time with her.
    I am grateful for living P free! Having a mindful state of mind has allowed me to underatand how much life I have been missing.
    I'm also grateful for my job. Finally I can do something I love and build my skills for a better and versatile me!.
  13. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    I'm grateful to know you, thx for all the support :)
    Stay strong !
    db001 likes this.
  14. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    1.) Grateful for work ethic
    2.) Grateful for the weekend
    3.) Grateful for the amazing time I've been having with my friends as of late
    4.) Grateful for closure
    5.) Grateful to be physically fit
    db001 likes this.
  15. Kinda a rushed post because I'm heading to bed now since it's after 3:30am, but:
    1. I'm grateful for Ashwagandha, it does seem to be helping reduce the anxiety I was experiencing.
    2. I'm grateful for Chamomile tea, it's a nice way to wind down the evening, and seems to be great for taking the edge off after drinking one too many coffees (like I had to today in order to get #3 done)
    3. I'm grateful for having written 45 pages of a book I'm working on today. [​IMG] I've never written even close to that amount in one day before, and that's already 1/3 of my planned chapters! That was all done today with the help of a metric fuckton of coffee.
    db001 likes this.
  16. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that I am not living on the road
    I am grateful that I am living in educational paradice!
    I am grateful that I am getting my school work done after quite some time
    I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to have guitar lessons
    I am grateful that I know that I am improving from where I was two weeks ago!
    db001 likes this.
  17. Beamer

    Beamer Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My Journal
    I am grateful for all people here at NoFap who keep fighting for their future and inspire me to do the same, don't give up !
    I am grateful for my cat, who reminds me happiness can be just feeding an animal :)
    I am grateful for my children, i don't want them to have an addicted father so i'll keep going !
    db001 likes this.
  18. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for sleep, without it I could not recover from my hard work.
    I am grateful for my week without porn, without it I would be lost.
    I am grateful for water, without it I'd be ded.
    db001 likes this.
  19. Ben13

    Ben13 Fapstronaut

    today I am grateful that

    I have this amazing forum of people who ALL understand. they are all trying to do something to better themselves

    For the beautiful quilt I have round my shoulders this early morning. My mother made it for my daughter and its keeping me warm.

    For another day, another chance to be grateful and develop my awareness of how lucky I am

    For that outstanding cup of tea I just had.
    JesusGreen and Beamer like this.
  20. I am grateful to
    `books written by all human
    `to tasty foods
    `to movies
    ` to new technology
    ` to new medicines that save life
    Beamer and JesusGreen like this.