Suffering wife seeks support as her marriage (and life) gets put back together

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Gamerwife85, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. I definitely have to keep reminding myself of this. It hasn't even been 30 days yet; it feel like it's been longer, heh.

    THIS. Soooo much this. I feel like I haven't been able to truly start my own recovery because of the information that keeps coming to light. It's almost like "one step forward, FIFTY HOJILLION steps back".
    TheWife and Limeaid like this.
  2. These days I feel like my brain is at war with itself. At times I experience severe amounts of fear that gives me what I call "tunnel vision" - where I'm completely unable to feel hope or any semblance of happiness or optimism about the future and only negative thoughts are emphasized. Despite the immense pain and trauma I've experienced due to his behavior I know deep down that I want to do my part to make this marriage work, to get through this. It's hope combined with my love for @Garnadaan that's keeping me from doing something I know I'd regret (end our marriage). When we got married I vowed to love him for better or worse, in sickness and in health; I plan on honoring that vow. As poorly as his behavior has made me feel (which is pretty damn poorly) I'm still standing by him and helping him get through this. I'm not going to to give up on him or this marriage.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
  3. I was feeling a lot of anger yesterday. I thought I'd been handling angry feelings effictively these past few weeks...yesterday I realized that was unfortunately not the case. In my goal to get my feelings "up and out" (thanks, @Limeaid!) I vented these feelings of anger to @Garnadaan when I picked him up from work last night. I know I said some pretty hurtful things that were not easy for him to hear but venting those feelings helped a bit. Yesterday I caved in to the irrational fear-fueled little voices in my head that were telling me, "You NEED to get angry. You've been going too easy on him. You're being complacent. His behavior is a deliberate 'fuck you' to both you and your marriage." Those little voices need to just fuck right off.

    I don't truly believe what the little voices were saying, except for the part about being angry. I feel that I don't NEED to get angry - I do need to accept/own my angry feelings and express them as calmly as I can manage, though.

    Ugh, I'm going to go play some video games now in what I know will be a futile attempt to mentally disconnect from all this. Despite its futility I'm gonna do it anyway.
  4. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    I know exactly how you feel, most of time I think about about the women he'll ogle and fantasizing while alone and with me public or while intimate. It's honestly really hard, I feel as if I can never trust him again. I sometimes don't want him near me. The thing is we don't live together so it makes harder. You are certainly not alone in this, we are all here supporting each other! Stay strong! Plus maybe we can even share what types of video games we play lol right now I'm re-playing borderlands 2.
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  5. Hi, @wildwood! Thanks for your reply. I'm with you in that I definitely feel like I can never trust my husband again (even though I want nothing more than to be able to do so).

    As far as video games go - @Garnadaan and I do a lot of gaming together. We have been re-playing both Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 as well as playing Destiny and Bloodborne. We just started playing Resident Evil 5 together as well. As far as what I'm playing solo, I've been playing a lot of Cook Serve Delicious and Ticket to Ride. I need to pick Borderlands 2 back up...awesome game. I need to pick DOOM 2 back up as well (classic!).
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  6. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am no expert on this, but I was wondering if video games give a similar dopamine rush to porn and are therefore in some way damaging
  7. I have no idea.
  8. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    A quick look on google revealed:

    But I am not sure what the significance of this is. Addictive behaviour seems to be at the root of many of the problems discussed in this forum. The key issue I guess I am seeing and concerned about is that PMO was initially thought not to be addictive by some and there are other activities which may seem harmless but are damaging. I think it will get to a point when we fear any activity and am not sure how to deal with all this information.
  9. Thanks for posting the links! I'll have to check them out. I find the idea very intriguing.
  10. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    "Addiction" to them non withstanding, play some damn vidyuh games if it helps get your mind off of your fears. :) While its vitally important that you process your emotions right now and work on your relationship, its of equally vital importance to preserve your own mental health and sanity. Its difficult, but try not to let yourself get dragged down in this stuff all day. Try and give yourself a little time for things your enjoy, I think it'll be great for you.

    And at least with my marriage, my wife found it almost necessary to get her feelings off of her chest. Speaking as the perpetrator here, it was relatively easy for me to slide back into the "normal" relationship, all I had to do was not PMO and not think about other women (oversimplified, but the point remains). My wife, on the other hand, now had to process the 8 years of lies that I had been feeding her. And she struggled with wanting desperately to believe me but the self-preservation voice in her head was screaming at her not to trust me again because she couldn't stand to be hurt like that again.

    I found that giving her a chance to verbalize how she felt would help her, even if it was only a little. How it hurt and how it was hard for her to trust me. How she was mad/sad/depressed/anxious. Whatever she was feeling. I felt that it was important for her to get those emotions out. Don't keep them in.

    Stay the course :)
  11. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Ladies the only thing I can say is that it does get better but oh my goodness you have to let it out. Without releasing the pain and hurt no healing will take place. @Gamerwife85, I am so glad you told your hubs how you felt. It's not easy for him to hear but he does need to hear it. He needs to know how this has affected you. This helped my husband tremendously because he had no idea how his actions were affecting anyone but himself during that time and I think it gave him the conviction to stick with it. Like I said the first year is by far the hardest for all of this. Everything you thought you knew has basically been a lie so self esteem takes a major beating. When I read what you are saying it takes me back to those dark days. There were days when we fought for days at a time and I had a brand new baby to take care of. Sometimes I think the stress might have affected her negatively because she is a very anxious child. My other child is very happy go lucky. No one can know for sure of course.... Just thinking about it makes me cry. I love my kids so much :(

    I hear you with the social anxiety and I kind of knew it might pop up for you. At that time I also read a book called "for women only" which is a book that talks about how all men judge you on your appearance, even your husband and that they compare you to others etc. That completely devastated me. I mean I knew my husband thought I was attractive but to think that my guy friends were also evaluating me or guys I work with or meet randomly....I don't know why but I just never really thought about it before! I felt like I was living in some sort of idiot bubble back then! Then to find out that my husband also evaluates others and is drawn towards looking at beautiful women etc. It was very eye opening and devastating at the same time. Then I would catch men looking at I hadn't noticed before, and now it all had a completely different meaning. Ugh ugh ugh. It is still a struggle and I feel like I can't leave the house now unless I look perfect. Before I couldn't have cared less. I wore Crocs to the grocery store! Lol. Now I have to look perfect or I can't go. I feel like everyone is judging me. Anyway I bought a workbook and it is helping me :). I am really working hard to stop my negative spiralling thoughts about my body and appearance.

    My husband was also a video game addict and he had a much harder time giving it up. It definitely releases dopamine but it's mostly the online multiplayer games. Unless you have an addiction to dopamine though it should be fine to escape once in a while!
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  12. Well, we did indeed cancel on the 4th of July party we were planning on attending. This would have been our first social obligation since everything happened and we just weren't up to putting on happy faces and socializing (in addition to my aforementioned paranoia) but given what we did instead I am SO GLAD that we didn't go to the party! @Garnadaan only worked a half day yesterday so we had the entire afternoon and evening to ourselves. We went through another chapter of The Porn Trap (we go through a chapter a day and discuss it) and went grocery shopping. We bought some gourmet sausages to celebrate the holiday (we're not big on hot dogs) which was really nice. After dinner he asked me what I wanted to do for the evening and I responded, "Something that helps build trust and intimacy". Garnadaan suggested spending time together in the apartment naked (didn't see that coming) so that's what we did. We had some meaningful conversations (of a non-sexual nature), talking about everything and nothing. I was pretty nervous at first about the nakedness factor (thanks to my low self-esteem) but that evaporated fairly quickly. Overall it was great spending time together in this way. The nakedness added to our mutual feelings of vulnerability - we're both really vulnerable right now (makes sense) and I wanted to start feeling comfortable being naked around him again.

    The evening ended with us having the best sex we've ever had in our marriage.
    During sex and as he orgasmed we both had our eyes open, frequently making eye contact with each other. It really turned me on watching him as he pleasured me during foreplay and seeing his facial expressions as he looked at me while orgasming during sex; I'd seen his "O face" before but this time there was something different about it.
    There was so much genuine love and passion in it that I sobbed afterward; he held me as I cried, telling me I was beautiful and that he loved me. I wasn't expecting to feel such a heartfelt, genuine physical/sexual expression of love so soon into his recovery from PMO. It marked the first time since everything happened that I felt like a woman, like a desirable sexual being. Afterwards we cuddled and talked some more before falling asleep.

    Before we dozed off I told him that I have more hope/belief that we'll get through this than ever before. Our heading in the right direction has been reinforced substantially. We'll get there in time....I'm looking forward to the journey as well as the destination. :D
    Caveat Emptor, Limeaid and Haggis like this.
  13. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Good for y'all! Remember milestones like this and you guys will do just fine. :)
    Blondewife likes this.
  14. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Oh my this made me cry!! So very happy for you guys. I read his journal and he is one of the guys that truly 'gets it'!

    YAY for hot sex :D
    Blondewife likes this.
  15. Well, another setback has reared its head. This "trickle" of information is killing me and Garnadaan knows it. @Garnadaan's sexual thoughts involved one of the employees he wasn't an idle "notice, appreciate, move on" type of thought, either. It was graphic, arousing to him, and occured more than once. I'm back to being step forward, fifty million steps back. I feel like in her his addiction now has a face. When I found out about this last night I told him flat out, "She has to go. I don't want you working with her ever again." That may not be possible but he's trying to get her transferred to another store so he won't have to work with her. My brain is not leaving me alone! ARGH! No matter what I do my thoughts wander to images of them having sex. The awesome 4th of july sex we had is now tainted. He tells me over and over, "I don't want her. I want you. I love you and no one else," but it doesn't always get through. He sees this girl every day; when his store closes next week she's moving to the same new location that he is, which makes me incredibly uneasy and paranoid. I'm not mad at her or anything - (she's a nice girl, is married with a kid) but I can't see her now without thinking of her fucking my husband. I couldn't sleep much last night; I dreamt that he left me, she left her husband, and they got together. The dream was so vivid I apparently thrashed about in my sleep and made noise, enough to wake up Garnadaan and for him to shake me awake. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

    Garnadaan says over and over that he wants to do right by me, that he wants to be the man that I deserve. I'm ready for his actions to catch up with his hasn't fully happened yet.

    He attended his first Sexaholics Anonymous meeting tonight...he should be getting home from that pretty soon. I don't know if that'll help but he's giving it a try. I'm also going to start attending S Anon meetings next Thursday. Hopefully they'll help. There's also a support group for partners of sex addicts that meets weekly; it's a bit of a drive for me (30 minutes each way) so I'm not sure if I'll attend that as well. He's also looking for alternate counseling options for us; the therapist we wanted to see isn't accepting new clients :(
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
    Blondewife and Strugglesaurus like this.
  16. One positive thing that happened recently: I picked up my knitting needles for the first time since all this happened. I have @Blondewife to thank for providing me with encouragement when I needed it most. THANK YOU! :)
  17. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut

    You go girl! That's awesome! How good does that feel? ;)
  18. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Whether or not you realize it, more positive things have been happening.

    I think well in metaphors, so I pictured my wife's rec0very like an old, crusty, disgusting pot. There's burnt-on food, grease, rust spots, unidentifiable black spots...yuck. When we started all this, it was like adding water and putting that sucker on boil. As all of that gross stuff starts to peel off, it bubbles to the surface, sometimes reminding us of things we tried desperately to forget and other things that we didn't even know about. Its terribly unpleasant to scoop all of that out, process it, and toss it in the garbage. But what you're left with is a nice clean pot after all is said and done.

    I know it seems like you keep getting blow after blow, but progress is being made, as much as it hurts. You guys aren't the same people you were a few weeks ago. The lies are dissipating and new paths are being forged. Its going to hurt, and its going to take time. But I think you two have made a hell of a start. Keep your chins up :)

    Stay the course.
    Gamerwife85, Limeaid and Blondewife like this.
  19. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I know how you feel believe me. With two years under our belts I can offer a bit of a fresh set of eyes for you. That woman? She really means nothing to him. It could have been Danny Devito in drag and he probably would have fantasized about "her". Proximity and porn mind has more to do with it than him actually wanting her or thinking she is attractive.

    Anyway I hope that helps in some small way. Hang in there :)
    Haggis and Blondewife like this.
  20. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I apologize for making everyone picture Danny Devito in drag :eek: