Made It Two Years Without Watching Porn By Doing This

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Islandtime, Aug 30, 2022.

  1. Islandtime

    Islandtime Fapstronaut

    I left my computer behind on the mainland and I moved to Hawaii to go live off the grid without so much as a cell phone. As you probably can imagine, not even having a cell phone in the modern world can create some challenges of its own but it is rather a way to turn "hard mode" into easy mode. After two years without watching porn and a few months without even masturbating I thought I may be fine to have one again so I could go back to just using it for practical purposes but about two months later I relapsed and got so upset I threw it in the pond. Then went like six months without watching porn and came back to the mainland to visit family and friends and having my old phone from back in the day and wifi access caused me to relapse again. Was just going to use the dang thing to connect with old friends and family but I got triggered at a certain point and fell backwards. I feel like just looking at electronic screens is a sort of trigger for me. Anyone else feel this way? Anyway, I have had a long and difficult journey with NoFap and letting go of all personal devices has been the only sure way I have found to stop watching porn for a significant amount of time. That, plus staying completely sober, regular exercise and eating healthy all combined is the only way I have found to have real long term success with hard mode. Sobriety seems to really deliver some painful moments for me throughout a long streak but I am ready to face them. With that, plus getting back to Hawaii and living off grid with no electronics, I hope to resolve my issues with PMO once and for all.

    It hurts to be almost 30 and to have missed out on some of the best opportunities with women of my life because of this addiction. I am in the midst of the mainland matrix for six more days and I hope I can make it without another relapse.

    Has anyone else considered just ditching the electronic world to beat this thing? Any feedback is appreciated.
  2. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Yes, I wish I can totally ditch them. I started using super power saving mode on my phone which basically only allows you to make calls, send messages and open whatsapp. Which is nice.
    Islandtime likes this.
  3. The main thing I picked up from this is the idea of turning hard mode into easy mode, so I think you're onto something with that aim.
    Maybe it's worth just having a more connected device away from normal access ie for internet but not as accessible as a normal phone. Like visiting the library back in the day to use the computers, or having a communal landline with itemized billing.
    silex_jedi, T2Q and Islandtime like this.
  4. Islandtime

    Islandtime Fapstronaut

    Any way we can take away our ability to shut our selves away in privacy with the ability to watch internet porn I think would be spot on to transform hard mode to easy mode. I have found the "monster" inside will manipulate me to use what means I have immediately around to access porn but it is not strong enough to make me go buy or otherwise obtain some porn viewing device from the world to accommodate a passing urge. My mind knows why I have placed myself in a world of such lack. Going back to a land line or some super basic 'dumb' phone may also be solutions. I think ultimately it could help a lot of guys such as myself to just cut ourselves off from any possible source of porn rather than trying to just flex our way through constantly resisting temptation.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2022
    T2Q and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  5. Yes ultimately it's better to simply not want to access unhelpful stuff, even if it is available, although there is even not wanting to do it but doing it anyway. A dumb phone could lead the brain to decide to go and buy a paper to find chat lines, for example.
    So, a good idea to minimise risk, coupled with experience in choosing options better than the unhelpful one.
    I'm not quite there yet myself but getting better at this game.
  6. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I've definitely considered ditching the tech at times.

    I've somewhat scaled down, living without a TV is great, and currently having my phone on greyscale drops my use time significantly. Just because we can doesn't mean we should right?

    I have wondered, what if I pick up a trade or any job that isn't requiring a screen, then throw out all my screens at home. It sounds refreshing to me. But I also see the perspective of learning to live with temptation.

    One of my early issues with PMO was staring at women in public. I tried two approaches. Avoiding women in public, and being amongst them but practicing a look of 'acknowledgement' rather than a 'stare'. The latter worked for me, as it was like a muscle that needed slow training over time.

    I wonder how much tech do you ideally see in your life? Would it be needed for work or hobbies?

    If so, perhaps slowly introducing it back into your lifestyle would be training that mental muscle to use a screen for a specific purpose, and then get back to what you value most.
    T2Q and 1amth3l1ght like this.
  7. Islandtime

    Islandtime Fapstronaut

    Just cause we can does not mean we should, I agree but urges can sway that view point long enough to cause some damage unfortunately. At least that is what I have found.

    Ideally, I see very little [electronic] tech in my life at this point. I consider that my upbringing exposed me to enough electronic stimulus for a lifetime. I have had to drastically alter my life in order not to need personal electronics but I am really happy about the changes for the most part.

    I have eliminated every recurring bill from my life. I walk, bicycle, and hitch hike for transportation. I live in a place where I essentially am gardening for my rent and I have lots of friends at the neighboring commune to see that don't require a phone call to go visit. I make use of the local public library for books and computer use.

    I do still make some phone calls from time to time which requires the use of a friend's phone and order things off Amazon which my friends help me with and I give them a little extra in cash than the order's cost each time. These things are a bit of a pain in the butt but I manage. Making a significant amount of money like I used to running a business and working a regular job is not so easy but I have cut my living expenses drastically so it is unnecessary. Also, managing any significant money is difficult without the smart phone but again, unnecessary. I just operate my life with a modest amount of cash and I am fortunate enough to have neighbors that will hire me for odd jobs when I need to replenish my cash supply.

    Dating can be a bit more complicated but certainly not impossible. If I can't reboot properly, what's the point anyway?

    There may come a time I need to return to utilizing more "tech" in my life but at the moment my greatest life goal is to just reboot and rewire my sexuality in a satisfying and healthy way with real women. I have decided to arrange my life in a way I can best achieve that purpose and be as content as possible along the way.
    AspiringHuman, T2Q, SquidCook and 2 others like this.
  8. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    That lifestyle sounds ideal in many ways. Trading the busy work you weren't fulfilled with for something minimalist. Having greater real world connections. All would go a long way to rebooting I imagine!

    I quoted the dating part only, because it's a common theme for rebooters to avoid dating until 'recovered'. However, many would say that dating would help the reboot process, allowing the brain to slowly rewire to the real thing.

    If you're not dating already, you may want to try adding it as an element of your reboot, rather than a reward for some day down the road.
  9. Islandtime

    Islandtime Fapstronaut

    I have been dating from time to time which is how I know I am not fully recovered. I am fairly anxious about it but I never seem to be able to go that long before some girl comes along and opens up the door. I even had a girlfriend that was willing to be with me through the healing process. That relationship did not last however. I think I need to spend a full year on hard mode to really reboot properly. I did about six months on hard mode once and I dreamed I was having sex with sensations that were super heightened. Too bad I went and relapsed before I rewired with a chick.

    Weed and alcohol pretty much kill my will power to not masturbate and make a very negative impact on my sleep. I think sobriety plus no personal electronic devices is the key to success for me. Sobriety has always seemed to have a dagger waiting for me around the six month mark. And relapses from sobriety tend to spiral out of control for months.

    I'll consider it's all been a lesson to prepare me for this current launch towards achieving success at my ultimate goals.
    Buddhabro2.0 and Reborn16 like this.
  10. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    Hi Islandtime,

    I think your idea of living off grid is a good one, I have an off grid cabin on acreage in Canada and there are less temptations while I am out there. I do have a phone though with data, however my phone plan is one with very limited data so its not possible to watch porn on it.

    Good luck you can do it!
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2022
    Islandtime likes this.
  11. Yes, what I call the 'biological look' or the first and natural one. Staring doesn't help.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  12. Jason94

    Jason94 New Fapstronaut

    I can feel what you feel because I was used to feel the same! What I have found out is to learn how to solve the root of the problem rather than curing the symptoms! Here is a TED talk I have discovered where there is a world class life coach Tony Robbins explains the reason why we are addicted to a certain things like Pron!
  13. T2Q

    T2Q Fapstronaut

    I'd like to, but my profession is electronics, so it's not happening anytime soon. My next phone will likely be a litephone, my next computer will probably lack USB ports as well. Whatever I can do to increase the friction is what I'm doing.

    Congrats on making it as long as you did. Those accomplishments shouldn't go without acknowledgement.
    Reborn16 and Islandtime like this.
  14. Adam_714

    Adam_714 Fapstronaut

    I have discovered meditation to be a good way out of this. When I meditate, I try my best to lose all focus resulting in me having to re-center my thoughts. Doing this consistently helps me re-center my thoughts and trains me to take control of my thoughts and my subconscious mind. I believe, over time, this would translate into my everyday life & will help me control emotional outbursts and also help me maintain control over my bad behavior impulses. It is all about focus and willpower which can be developed over time by doing this consistently.
    SirErnest and Islandtime like this.
  15. But we must be careful not to become fundamentalist. I think one of the big things in the West (both weakness and strength) is to be able to choose, although you're only suggesting non-access for yourself.
    The best part for me is when I see porn or other adult websites and think 'We all want to continue the genes, we all want love, and this isn't it'.
    Shane Smyth and Islandtime like this.
  16. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    May I ask, What was your frequency of masturbation during those two years of being porn-free?

  17. Islandtime

    Islandtime Fapstronaut

    When I was sober, not at all. That was maybe 1/2 the time. When not sober, probably around 5 times a month. Usually all in a couple days and then I wouldn't care to for about a month. Without porn, it is so much less enticing.
  18. afgm

    afgm Fapstronaut

    I can't believe the post and the answers!
    everyone solution to the problem is to runaway !!! Running away from any problem is never a good solution! Yes, i have tried not to use said "electrionics", that doesn't work! Stop fooling yourselves!
    You're problem will be solved when you have your phone, internet, and all the available possibilities to watch porn and masturbate to it and you say NO !
    I know very a few people who done that and they had the best possible life after that!
    If you try to just runaway, it always catch you! It will finally find you and fuck you up!
    I know! It's hard. It's not just hard, its very hard. So many fall and never get up!
    Unfortunately there is no sugar cookie method to stop PMO. You have to go against your own brain. The battle to PMO is one of the battles that fought and never talked about. When you win there is no one there to congratulate you, there is nobody to pat you in the back and say well done boy! But after winning you're are not a boy you used to be anymore, you come out as a man. And after that life is all HARD. But i tell you, You will like doing hard thing because you are a man. Not a fucking pussy you are right know!
    Runaway as much as you want.
    You will only win when you say NO !
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  19. jackthebook

    jackthebook Fapstronaut

    I tried ditching my cellphone for a couple of months, and the moment I got it back I relapsed immediately, I think there are two reasons for that:
    1- when you ditch your electronics, you stop controlling yourself, since there are no possible way you are going to get porn, you see no reason not to think about all the movies you watched before, and you feel no guilt also.
    2- your habits of using the cellphone or the laptop remain unchanged, like when you learn how to ride a bike, it does not matter how long you stop riding it, the moment you ride one, you will remember instantly how to ride it.
  20. @Islandtime - how are you connecting with the internet to post this thread? Are you using computers at the library? Is it tricky / tempting for you to be online when you're doing this?
    整列するおとこ likes this.