Chatrandom & Chatroullette

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jackson9999, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. It does make me feel better that you can relate. The problem for me is that the addiction became so serious and I did it so often (fapping with men on these sites and later in person) that my ability to get an erection with women has become a challenge. I am on day 40 tomorrow (celebration!) so I am hoping over time, as my mind regroups and becomes my normal self again, that that ability will come back and I can have a normal healthy sex life with a woman.

    Again thanks for sharing and all the best to you and yours.
  2. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear about this experience, however, it seems like you may have tackled a hurdle discovering that you did not find this fetish desirable when it became reality. This has happened to me in the past. The regret, anxiety, and depression that follows is a really hard. I hope you can continue to stay strong and focused on your goal. Best of luck.
  3. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. Again, it is comforting to know that others have struggled with similar problems. I hope that you did not take it as far as I did though. It only made things worse. Even though you mentioned the chat site you used, I do not plan on visiting it. I am 39 days clean today and I am determined to stay focused on my goal. Keep up the good fight man. If you need an AP, let me know.
  4. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    I understand why this rule exists. I assumed the sites I listed in my title are so common that everyone knew about them already. I hope my story will show that it's really not worth getting into and it will only make problems worse. Thanks for commenting and sharing and congrats on your 179 day streak! That's truly amazing. Can you tell me some of the benefits you have experienced since you stopped fapping? Do you have any negative side effects from no orgasm?
  5. Steve_M

    Steve_M Fapstronaut

    My wife has lost interest in sex and she is supportive of my PMO although she doesn't know that I sometimes cam with guys. Having her endorsement makes it harder to stop
  6. I'm sorry man, that's sad to here. So she is supportive of your PMO habit and supportive of you camming with guys? I'm not sure why she would endorse that?
  7. Steve_M

    Steve_M Fapstronaut

    She doesn't know about the cam part only the pmo part
  8. Oh my apologies, I misread it. I just don't understand why she would support the PMO part, I'm sorry I know that makes it tougher to quit.
  9. Steve_M

    Steve_M Fapstronaut

    I think it is so I don't bother her for sex and just use a Fleshlight as a substitute
  10. I know I shouldn't be the one to tell you this but I'm not sure if that is entirely healthy. Is there any way you can talk to her about this?
  11. Steve_M

    Steve_M Fapstronaut

    I hope you are feeling better I acted out my fetish too but it turned out the opposite for me it made me hooked even more
  12. Thanks for all the responses to my post guys - I am on the start of day 3 now, feeling good.

    What I've find is that when I act out these weird things (which I'll hopefully never do again) I realize just how good my mind can be at blocking things out. For example even though one of them was just a few days ago, I really have to dig deep to pull the memory out.

    The other 2 (or maybe 3)... Seen I can't even remember?? Were just a few months ago and I can barely remember any of the experience. Clearly my brain knows that deep down it's not good and wants rid of the memory. I'm glad though.

    I will add though that I'm SO GLAD I've finally got off my cam site addiction. Installing the blocker/locking down PC and giving password to my friend was the best thing I ever did. If you haven't done it, do it as soon as possible - I myself kept delaying & all I was doing was wasting hours on these sites that I could have been doing something productive with instead. Those sites really became the devil for me.
    jackson9999 likes this.
  13. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Which blocker did you download?
  14. K9 protection - but if you are using Windows make sure you create a separate admin account, install the blocker on a standard account (which you will log into) then give the password to K9 AND the admin account to a friend. It's important because as an admin you can always bypass anything.
  15. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. Hope you are doing well.
  16. Steve_M

    Steve_M Fapstronaut

    I had a recent relapse and had a cam session. I didn't orgasm but I did play and watch. I don't know why
  17. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear man. It's good that you stopped yourself. I hope you can stick with it and not get back on those sites. They are awful for your brain. I read someone say that it's like gambling and I agree. You press a button and instant gratification. Don't fall for it. The websites make money from you because of the amount of time you spend on the page. So some evil person basically knows that he/she is ruining lives but does not care because they're making money.
  18. Wanker Interrupted

    Wanker Interrupted Fapstronaut

    Yeah these sites are addictive to me as well. I'm bisexual so the issue for me isn't the fact that its mostly men. The strange thing is though that usually I am not even attracted to the person I'm fapping with very much. It's mainly the rush that its a random stranger and most of the time I find myself getting off to how hot the people are telling me that I am. I hate that about myself, that I'm orgasming to people feeding my ego and not to a real connection with a person. Whats even stranger is that almost always I feel dirty, bored, or end up having a shitty unsatisfying orgasm but I still do it. Sometimes I even do it when I dont even feel like masterbating at all. Its totally unconscious of me and I know it but i cant seem to totally quit it. As shitty as I now it is for me I always find some excuse to do it again...
  19. jackson9999

    jackson9999 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing. The sites are very addicting as you know. Someone compared it to a slot machine at a casino. You click a button and boom activity and results right in front of your eyes. I have been off of the sites for 74 days now after 8 years of addiction to porn and cam sites. My life has improved in alot of ways but I still struggle in many areas. Its day 74 and I have been especially tempted to relapse lately. The first 60 days were kind of easy in a way bc it was a relief to know that I could do it. now that I am this far along I am definitely tempted.
  20. Wanker Interrupted

    Wanker Interrupted Fapstronaut

    Dont beat yourself up if your relapse. At lest you made it this far, thats better than you ever have. And at least youre on this path, a relapse doesn't mean you're still not moving forward.