I lost my girl and I wanna die

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by andarf, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    I lost my girlfriend a week ago on Saturday. She just didn't love me. We were toghether since 16th November. We were happy toghether, at least I thought we were. She was very distant, emotionally cold. Every meeting for me was like crushing the wall of her emotional numbness, that she was then rebuilding again.

    The hard part is - we were really completing each other in bed. We were into BDSM. She was a sub, I was a dom. She did let me do her the things, no girl ever will let me to do again. I am crushed.

    Now I am lonely. I have no friends. No girlfriend. My life is empty. I can literally band my head on the wall from the loneliness. Today I locked myself in the bathroom and started to punch my face until my nose started bleeding.

    I am alone. All alone. No one understands me. No one loves me. I will never love again.

    I wanna die.
  2. parkinsonx

    parkinsonx Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the club:D
  3. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    That's not funny for me at all
    DBug likes this.
  4. parkinsonx

    parkinsonx Fapstronaut

    I know sorry about that i wast just trying to say that there are many of us here in the same boat:(
  5. parkinsonx

    parkinsonx Fapstronaut

    at least you had a girl to lose many of us here never did (myself included):D
  6. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    Yeah, so what? It doesn't make my pain any less.
  7. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Please stop injuring yourself. This will not bring her back. Your behaviour is not healthy.

    If you cannot stop and continue to injure yourself and have suicidal thoughts, please visit your nearest hospital.

    In the world of relationships, breaking-up is sometimes just a normal part of the process.

    Unfortunately, there is no magical answer as to how to cope with break-ups.

    I give you my total sympathies. I know that you're going through a mound of hurt. But you need to mourn your loss in a far more healthy manner. No companion is worth your life.
    TheWife and seth like this.
  8. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    Agreed with veritech. A breakup can feel like learning a family member died. There's the 5 stages of grief. There's going to be pain. But trust that it will get better.

    If you are having suicidal thoughts, it's imperative that you reach out to someone. This is the suicide hotline you should call if you ever have strong suicidal thoughts. 1(800)273-8255

    And I apologize parkinsonx couldn't say anything more helpful, but don't take his comments to seriously.

    Keep us posted
    TheWife likes this.
  9. People underestimate the incredible effectiveness of time in healing our wounds. You feel like death now but in a few months, or a year from now, you'll be in a much better head-space and you may have found a new love interest. It's okay to feel pain, wallow in it for a while if you have to...but sooner or later you'll get back up and go again. All the best.
    Lesoldat and Headspace like this.
  10. Luiz0306

    Luiz0306 Fapstronaut

    Man, i don't know to help a lot... But the only thing i can tell you is something i learned in One Piece: as long you're alive, good things can happen. I'm sorry. We, from NoFap, will always be with you
    DYS1994 likes this.
  11. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

  12. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    As you yourself wrote she didn't love you and was emotionally distant. She was never there for you to start with. You gained yourself! Make some new friends. Get active. Run, lift weights, do something ! Find a passion in your life for something. Stop hurting yourself and feeling sorry for yourself. If you feel like you need therapy seek a therapist to get over the loss and move forward. I girl is NEVER a reason to die.
  13. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the support. Now I feel... dead. Dead inside. The thought that I will never meet her again, the thought that she will meet another man, the thought of what I lost... It too much for me to handle. I don't wanna live anymore. I'm in deep emotional shit...
  14. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    This is something you can grow from. You obviously have no love for yourself. Which means you're probably incapable of loving anyone else. It's time for change. And the pain of this situation is there to wake you up.
    Lesoldat, DYS1994 and Machin like this.
  15. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Don't hurt yourself. Seek professional help if you are headed in that direction. Over time you can heal,grow and love yourself. It's not just a possibility. It can happen.
  16. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    I don't love myself but I am capable of giving love. In my relationship I gave tons of love. I gave every little amount of love I had to that girl. And now I am left with nothing and with a broken heart.
  17. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    1: Stop hurting yourself

    2: Yes it's going to hurt for a while. Your going to have to accept that. But you can get through it!

    3: Your currently in the worst place you can be. Stagnation. It's important you start dating again asap. Even if you don't feel like it. Take action! Download Tinder, go to some bars and talk to girls. Talk to a girl everyday in the street. Just do something! If that's too much just get out the house, walk down the street and count how many cute girls you see. There are tonnes of people out there. You can always meet someone better. You just have to put yourself in the position where you can. Plus having as much dating experience as possible is always a plus.


    Accept that you are going to feel shitty for a while. Stop hurting yourself. Get outside and start meeting more girls.

    You can do it! Even if you don't feel like it.
    Lesoldat likes this.
  18. andarf

    andarf Fapstronaut

    I don't want any other girl. I want my girl. Why didn't she love me? I gave her everything? I gave my world to her and she just crushed it and left me alone to rot in this cold, empty place.
  19. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    If I may, give love 2 yourself first!!!!!! Giving away everything you have to someone else isn't love. It's called co-dependent. That's unhealthy!!!! Also stop trying to find peace,happiness etc..etc....in girls/women. Jesus! People need 2 wake the fuck up. You will never find happiness with a woman unless you first have it by yourself. Do that first. Be happy alone! Find something you love 2 do and are passionate about and do that (other than girls,sex,porn.)
    Lesoldat, seth and Headspace like this.
  20. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Meeting new girls isn't the answer. Find yourself. I work in a place where people come to die. Young people. People who would love the opportunity to be able to simply walk down the street. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.