Catholic / Orthodox Fapstronauts

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    Pentecost is still upcoming in the Eastern calendar. Here's a preview:

  2. headedup

    headedup Fapstronaut

    Good posts everyone. When groups come back, @Ze'ev , we should definitely make one. I don't think you're the only Orthodox poster by the way. The one with the most posts probably!
    Sursum Corda likes this.
  3. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    I know for a fact that there is at least one other Orthodox poster. We've been communicating by PM. I've given him the link to this thread, but he hasn't posted yet. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other Orthodox posters on the site. We tend to be a rather quiet bunch. Also, I totally agree about making a group when they come back. Does anyone have any info on when that might be?
    headedup likes this.
  4. headedup

    headedup Fapstronaut

    I would take another look through this thread, @Ze'ev . If I could swear, I could've sworn there were other Orthodox posters in the thread ;)
  5. Orthodoxical

    Orthodoxical Fapstronaut

    Here I am, @Ze'ev ! I haven't posted much in any of the message boards yet. I don't fancy myself the most interesting writer and find that I don't often have anything to say that hasn't been said. Then again, that's probably just social anxiety caused by 30 years of sex-addictive behavior. So, yeah. Here I am! A blessed Ascension to you all, both Orthodox and Catholic! (or was yesterday Pentecost for you guys?)
    headedup and HippyMinstrel like this.
  6. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    Whoops! Didn't see you all there. I dropped off the map for awhile, and didn't see all of the posts that happened in my absence lol. Welcome @WhoStoleMySock and @InTheWilderness!

    Welcome! I didn't mean to pressure you into posting, but I'm glad you did.
    WhoStoleMySock likes this.
  7. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    I also found a great quote from St. Maximus the Confessor:

    "God is the true goal of all longing, all desire, and all love."

    This really made me stop and think. What we try to fill with PMO is really the God-shaped space in our hearts. He is ultimately what we're seeking, and His love and light, whether we know it or not in the moment.

    "Grace be with you all"-Hebrews 13:25.
    headedup and Sursum Corda like this.
  8. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    Does anyone know when the groups will be back online?
  9. thebishone

    thebishone Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    So I've been on this website before, and created an account and tried to get better. That was all the way back in February, and I've had countless relapses since then. I'm just so freaking tired of it, and how it controls my life. I feel like I just can't be a normal teenager, and that I constantly have this horrible addiction looming over my head. It has affected my life in so many ways, and I am sick and freaking tired of it! The worse part is that I feel like I have lost my faith in God. All this time I've been trying to get better, I pray and pray that God will help me but I just keep on relapsing. I feel like I've asked for help so many times, and asked to be forgiven so many times that none of it is believable anymore. I need to stop, and I have to stop. I wish I could drop the habit like it ws nothing. That one day I could just wake up, and never ever ever M or watch P ever again. I'm going to visit this site every day, and I'm going to be very active. I am going to get a grip on my life, and be the man everyone expects me to be. I don't want to grow up and be one of those weirdo 40 year olds. I want to grow up, and have a great family. I want my self-confidence back. I want my life back.

    Thank you, and I will keep all of you in my prayers.
    headedup likes this.
  10. TheGhettoLife

    TheGhettoLife Fapstronaut


    Thanks for sharing!!
    I have a faith in God as well and I know he is with you always and Through Christ anything is possible.
    Hit me up anytime as I will be going on this everyday for 90 days to help break away my filthy habits.
  11. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    Welcome @thebishone. This is a long process. I realized I had to step back and take it more slowly, because my 90-day challenge kept getting reset and it was depressing me. Now I'm starting small, consolidating my gains and building on the foundation (which is ultimately God). You can do it! It can be hard when you feel like prayer is unanswered. Maybe one thing to do is to just try and spend some time with God. Really commune with Him, and enter into silence where you can hear His voice. He is happy to hear your prayers and petitions, your requests and needs, but He also wants to just be with you. Maybe you won't get any answers in this kind of time. But try not to be worried about answers, and just lean on Him. I will pray for you.

    Also, out of random curiosity, are you Catholic, Orthodox or neither?
  12. canadianspartan

    canadianspartan Fapstronaut

    Hi all, I posted awhile back, If people want to know @Ze'ev i am Catholic :) I have had many relapses and resets of my 90 day challenge that as posted above only created a very depressing and negative atmosphere and outlook, Thank you all for all your posts and comments, they all give me hope for improvement. I feel less alone in this battle to conquer myself and learn to give myself to others I have realized that i am a very selfish guy, and that my issue is deeper than plain lust but of faith in God's omnipotence and power over sin.
    Please pray for me, that God give me the resolve to go to confession. I really need forgiveness and humility
    Know that I will pray for everyone of you on Saturday
    funkycedars likes this.
  13. thebishone

    thebishone Fapstronaut

    Thank you! An
    Thank you! And I am a Catholic
    headedup likes this.
  14. wrestle_the_mind

    wrestle_the_mind Fapstronaut

    @WhoStoleMySock ,
    I feel the same way. I am religious as well during times when I've been able to hold out longer than usual, I feel like there is a pressure that builds. It's like the closer I come to God and try to do the right things, the more pressure I feel to fall. I think that Addiction is the devil's best tool. He introduces us to evil things, gets our minds to hook themselves on it, then he moves on to the next victim. We are left with a hooked mind on porn that he doesn't have to retempt all the time thanks to the changed chemicals in our brain. But I feel, when we fight back and try to change those chemicals back to normal, the devil comes back to try and hook us again. I think that the more tempted I am, the more I must be doing the right thing. Satan doesn't want to see any of us succeed. Not a single one... this is all just my opinion. Take it for what you will :)
    funkycedars and headedup like this.
  15. Ze'ev

    Ze'ev Fapstronaut

    That's interesting. For me personally, I find the closer I come to God, the easier it becomes to avoid what isn't good for me. When I'm walking towards God, and am turned to Him in prayer, meditation and praise, I can see everything more clearly: my addictions, my relationships, other people in general, this world of ours. Still, I can understand how the pressure might build for some people.
  16. RehabAhab

    RehabAhab Fapstronaut

    27/M/Catholic needing accountability partner. Message me if relatively close in age/faith and interested.
  17. Dallas22

    Dallas22 Fapstronaut

    Hello All, I joined the site yesterday and am happy to see this thread. I am Roman Catholic and I believe that God can do for me that which I can not do for myself. He has done so already regarding alcohol (13 years sober). God did that - not me. At one time I almost had 8 years without PMO, but when I was laid off in 2010 I started acting out again. Self pity is dangerous for me. I recently had almost 6 weeks without PMO but relapsed on Tuesday. I need to go to confession tonight but I feel ashamed...I just know I'm not trustworthy - but I'll go anyway and share it with the priest.... I understand God will forgive me, but I keep second guessing myself. I have to trust God and surrender absolutely...

    I'm glad you all are here.

    headedup and wrestle_the_mind like this.
  18. wrestle_the_mind

    wrestle_the_mind Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear about your success with alcohol! That is amazing. We are here to help eachother with PMO addiction. Glad you are on board! Don't get down on yourself. God will forgive you. That is the truth. He loves you and He wants you back. Turn around and start running towards Him again. Rely on him like you did when quitting alcohol and he will help you quit this as well. Good luck my friend!

    Dallas22 likes this.
  19. Podraig

    Podraig Fapstronaut

    Hello fellow fapstronauts.
    I haven't posted anything in a while and more posting might help me remember that we're all depending on eachother to be better. I just relapsed again, so I'll be confessing tomorrow. It seems like my weekest times are usually if I've been doing well for a time, then I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.

    My best streak so far happened when I first joined and we did that Rosary challenge. How do you all feel about another Rosary challenge? We could make it 9 days for a novena. Does Sunday sound like a good starting day?
  20. Dallas22

    Dallas22 Fapstronaut

    I went to confession last night, my penance was to watch a movie on Netflix titled "The Encounter". It has a good message... Not well produced but a good message. Do I really put my trust God? Am I allowing God be the center of my life or am I still trying to make me the center?
    headedup and wrestle_the_mind like this.