I have discovered the biggest reasons for premature ejaculation (and super simple fix)

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    so what are those things? :)
  2. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    They contain some natural supplements, found in herbs and other foods. You can try to just buy the herbs and eat them, but these capsules are a very good substitute. It's kind of like how vitamins are also in pills... Doesn't mean they're bad just because it is contained in a bottle.
  3. karls

    karls Fapstronaut

    I completely agree on this. Hoping to find a non-supplement fix.
  4. karls

    karls Fapstronaut

    Hi guys

    I have something weird right now. I'm finally able to tighten my PC, but when I really tighten my PC muscle, I feel pressure (pain) on my tail bone. Anyone experiences this?
  5. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    Not really, go easy on it at first to start to get used to the exercise.
  6. karls

    karls Fapstronaut

    Any success stories so far? (Or non successful stories you want to share)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
  7. vajra

    vajra Fapstronaut

    For the past 5 years and all research I have done I haven't found any pill, any supplement, any natural ingestible remedy that actually treats PE.

    Most supplements are just packed with aphrodisiacs and libido boosters. If you check the ingredients of the supplement @cranks175 posted, almost all of them are aphrodisiacs and stress reducing herbs . (muira puama bark - aphrodisiac, maca root - stress reducer and libido enhancer, saffron - aphrodisiac...) Obviously when you load your body with libido boosters you may get a longer intercourse and reduced refractory period but this will not treat PE. Pharma libido boosters such as Vi@9r@ also can give you so much erection that you can last much longer but you don't even want to start reading about side effects of Vi@9r@. Many of those who use it would feel headache almost immediately while having sex! And eventually, Vi@9r@, does not treat PE either.

    Modern medical pill, like Priligy (Dapoxetine), are all SSRI antidepressants. Research shows that statistically taking such pills gives extra 2.5 minutes to intercourse latency on average. (Just as an example: do a calm a steady breathing during sex and you will get immediate results of more than 2.5 minutes without any antidepressant) In the meantime all these pills f*ck up your nervous system and have many side effects. Here is research if you would like to have a read : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3441133/

    So there is no any pill or herb that you ingest can actually help you to last longer. Don't fall for any advertisement of ingestible supplements or pills that claim to cure PE. Save your money and health.

    The only remedies that can help with PE are those that offer topical application. They are still not a permanent fix but are a good aid for those who does behavioural practices and exercises or for those who has no time for exercise. So, among them is lidocaine based sprays that can give you results but they have numbing effect on your penis (and potentially on your partner's vagina).

    Another topical remedy that I am proponent of is what they call Alpha-Herb. It makes you last longer while not having numbing effect.

    Combining either lidocaine spray or alpha-herb with your exercise may give a good and faster result, in my opinion. Which one of those to use it is up to you.

    In summary I can say that it is only behavioural exercises and mindfulness practice like meditation that can cure PE permanently.
    cranks175 likes this.
  8. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    thanks @vajra for your text! I can not take any result of those supplement as i #1 dont have a gf at moment and #2 i dont want to relapse now, i already did because i thought to follow a MO training method for PE but I wont pursue that anymore. If the time will come I will experience and try to learn about it more with a gf. When I was young I did not have this problem whit my ex gf, and an important note i was a really happy teen, full of love for live,... in the past years i ve been packed with stress and so on so I think meditation and yoga excercise will do it !
  9. brianj2134

    brianj2134 Fapstronaut

    I would first like to say thanks for your post. I recently ended a relationship because according to her I had an "issue". I went to the doctor, and informed him that I've never had to even think about this stuff before. It was confirmed by the doctor that all is fine even after doing a blood test. He informed me that PE is all mental. The reason I could be going through it is because of things that are causing stress, anxiety. Both in and out of the relationship.

    vajra and cranks175 like this.
  10. vajra

    vajra Fapstronaut

    Meditation is certainly a very important tool. It will help with deeper aspects of psychological aspects causing PE. And it well might be that Meditation can give immediate results to some men. From my practice I came to conclusion that meditation is a second, more advanced step in treating PE. First step should be physical trainings, physical deconditioning, toning up perineum muscles (BC and PC) through edging, Kegels and RK, bringing awareness to perineum and butt muscles and breathing. Once you get some results from physical exercises one would get much more results from mediation. Having said that it is quite possible to start doing meditation along with physical exercises.
  11. vajra

    vajra Fapstronaut

    I so surprised that doctors still know next to nothing about PE. One guys told me recently that his doctor advised him to use vi@agr@. How crazy is that??

    As to stress and anxiety these are indeed a big factor as in any other health issue.
  12. vajra

    vajra Fapstronaut

    :emoji_medal:IT WOULD BE NICE TO HEAR YOUR PROGRESS:emoji_medal:

    If someone got any progress by reading this thread or by implementing techniques learnt somewhere else, please share them if you feel like. This could be a good support and encouragement for those who are just starting or are hesitant if PE can be cured.
    cranks175 likes this.
  13. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    should we be able to watch porn without getting an erection? like looking at it everyday and try to not let heat you up? so that we are like detached from the images?
  14. TheGreatestCM

    TheGreatestCM Fapstronaut

    Hi, now my problem is, I can tell the difference when flexing BC and PC BUT since I've been masturbating with porn for quite some time now, anytime something is in contact with my penis (hands, vagina, mouth, even pretty often my underwears ! ..) my BC contracts at least a little bit automatically and I have to try my best to relax it but it's really challenging .. what can i do ?
  15. oaty

    oaty Fapstronaut

    How can you tell the difference between BC and PC?

    Keep trying to keep the BC relaxed at all times, when standing, sitting, walking, driving etc. It will take months to get used to it, won't happen overnight.
    TIP: When urinating, don't squeeze your BC muscles to squeeze out the last few drops. Just use your fingers to manually squeeze out the last few drops. This is a good way to train the BC muscle not to contract and may be helpful. It was difficult for me at first, but now I can urinate without having to squeeze my BC muscle at the end.
  16. brianj2134

    brianj2134 Fapstronaut


    I slipped up. I watched my first porn in 20 days. I honestly think that I turned to it because it seems like I'm losing/ giving everything up at once. I know it's been a while since my relationship ended, but I'm having issues with work. Trying to give up drinking, and finally limit my sweets intake. Plus I'm also fighting be lonely. I feel terrible for slipping up because for a few days I was going so well. I think that it's because over the past week I've had issues with my place, and not knowing how I'm going to get the money to solve the issues. It was just a lot. Quickly. Still not an excuse for caving in, but I'm going to restart the journey tomorrow.
  17. TheGreatestCM

    TheGreatestCM Fapstronaut

    Damn, i always wondered if that was normal, you know the last few drops and indeed I ALWAYS flex my BC to do so, i'll try that out, and i can tell the difference because when flexing my BC, it "affects" my dick, like it "pumps" it up i mean it makes it move, but when i flex my PC, not at all, it's actually way closer to the anus (the PC)
  18. oaty

    oaty Fapstronaut

    Yes its normal to flex the BC to drain out the last few drops. We do it automatically without thinking twice about it. Its going to be a little difficult to break out of this habit but with time and patience you'll get there. My theory is that its a good way to train the BC to stop flexing automatically. And we know that its the BC flexing that is the cause of PE.

    I'm having difficulty in differentiating between the BC and PC muscle. I think that I'm doing kegels the correct way which only flexes PC but I'm not 100% sure. I do it slowly and gently but I think I might be flexing the whole pelvic area. I don't want to be flexing the BC as that would make PE worse.

    When you flex the PC do you flex it hard? Is it the anus that you're flexing or the area behind it? (I find that when I squeeze the anus, the BC flexes too). I might need to take your advice and look in the mirror if my penis moves when doing these kegels.
  19. oaty

    oaty Fapstronaut

    Yes its normal to flex the BC to drain out the last few drops. We do it automatically without thinking twice about it. Its going to be a little difficult to break out of this habit but with time and patience you'll get there. My theory is that its a good way to train the BC to stop flexing automatically. And we know that its the BC flexing that is the cause of PE.

    I'm having difficulty in differentiating between the BC and PC muscle. I think that I'm doing kegels the correct way which only flexes PC but I'm not 100% sure. I do it slowly and gently but I think I might be flexing the whole pelvic area. I don't want to be flexing the BC as that would make PE worse.

    When you flex the PC do you flex it hard? Is it the anus that you're flexing or the area behind it? (I find that when I squeeze the anus, the BC flexes too). I might need to take your advice and look in the mirror if my penis moves when doing these kegels.
  20. TheGreatestCM

    TheGreatestCM Fapstronaut

    I don't do kegels, I'd like to do reverse kegels but dont do them either for now, no if I'm flexing PC im not flexing the anus it's really close but not it, yes when squeezing the anus/BC the anus/BC flexes aswell, yea definitely, when flexing PC it doesn't move the penis, but I find it really hard to not flex BC when erect, when I'm erect and my dick is touching anything like literally anything my bc contracts always a little and I have to try a couple times to relax it