My Life is a constant D Day

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Penelope, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone,

    It has been some time since I have posted. As from the title of my post, it has been a constant D Day one after another. Once was me coming back home because there was no bus and I had to call a taxi. Found my partner practically with pants down, his favourite lube at the reach of hand and laptop quickly shut when I got in. Gaslighting explanation was that he closed the laptop because I spooked him, really huh?, and the lube was there since he needed to put it on his haemorrhoids (in the living room right, that is what everyone does). Found out he was using Fb videos his buddies were sending so generously. You know the drill, videos deleted, promises made, blah, blah, blah... After that caught him watching videos of naked-half naked in questionable positions girls again on FB, and again, repeat, defensiveness, gaslighting, tantrums blaming me because it was me who took the P away so I made him do this, and the most hurtful, when asked does he deep inside really believes that it is ok to lust after other women and masturbate on them, he said yes because apparently in his opinion he is not doing any damage. Again, when I said that he can go, he promised he will stop, and you know the drill... Oh now, internet search not long after, youtube cartoon P, confronted, denial, excuses, blah, blah, blah... And the last but not least, Netflix, whole lot of sex movies on Netflix, and again when asked, lied to me, gaslit me, got mad and again denied, when presented with evidence, again tantrum, how he wants P back, it is my fault that he lies to me, he would not if I wasn't a dictator, what is with all those rules, no looking at girls, no P, no hot chicks on FB, in his eyes I seem to be a monster. Again, when prompted to leave if he does not like my rules that are not rules but boundaries, he resorted to telling me how he loves me, I am all he needs, all he wants... How can I believe him? How can I trust a person who seem to be incapable of telling me the truth about anything? Even a stupid thing, like why did you take this selfie of yourself you never take selfies, he came up with a stupid excuse. I found out that he posted it on FB on one of his friend's pages. Why the fuck lie about it? I feel like I am living with a 5 year old that lost his favourite toy. He refuses to read, watch or listen any of the videos that would burst his bubble. He is locked in his tantrum, and his denial. I am totally exhausted. I loved this man so much that I left everything I had, everything I new, I left my home with one single bag, and started everything form the scratch. I always made sure that all his needs are met, and yet, I seem never to be enough. Sorry for the rant guys, I just don't know what to do any more. Constantly living the trauma over and over again and not being able to heal sucks. Thanks for reading and any comments are welcome.
  2. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    I am a PA and am trying to finally work a program for my SO. We have been together over 16 years with a lot of DDays and this one I am finally understanding why she is feeling so betrayed. I am feeling empathy and guilt also, I think about this daily. This guy you have seems like a real ass and all he cares about is his P. I can say this because I have been there. Give him rules like you are doing and if he has nothing to offer and truly doesn't love you because he doesn't get it that's not your fault, it's his and in my opinion you deserve better. Good luck on whatever you do. If you have any questions my SO is @Numb and has a lot of good points of view about this sore subject. She has a number of older posts that are informative too. Take care.
    hardowner and Penelope like this.
  3. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry you are stuck in this endless loop of hell and heartbreak. It sounds like he is too deeply into his addiction to see clearly and it is just pulling you down. I think you probably do know what you need to do. He won't change unless he wants it. But you know all this, been through it. Make sure to do what is best for you, you'll only drive yourself mad trying to monitor and force this on him.
  4. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    Thank you.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  5. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I hope so too.
  6. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Yes sadly I do know. Every time I care less and less. Soon, I will not be caring at all.
  7. HonestyMatters

    HonestyMatters Fapstronaut

    Ongoing D Days and all the distress and pain it causes is horrible - I feel you, and I'm sorry you're going through all this. I've had the same for years with my PA husband and all his hidden acting out and denial but definitely not so plain obvious denials as your partner. My partner could not for the life of him understand what was so bad about PMO and he too couldn't see why I felt so threatened and hurt by it. He would often say he wouldn't mind if I did it. I've only been on NoFap for a couple of months and have recently put together formal "in writing" boundaries that I discussed with my PA, had him sign and gave him a copy. Listed on there are also the consequences. I see you have boundaries put together so I'm assuming you have consequences for them too? The consequences should not be an option for him. I have difficulty with my PA Gaslighting me as well and it's one of my boundaries. He's been on the lounge for the past 3 weeks due to Gaslighting. We finally were able to discuss it last night and resumed normal sleeping arrangements for the first time in weeks last night. I have my boundaries & consequences in my journal which @GhostWriter helped me put together. By choice and for ease I decided to go with all the same consequences for each boundary but I'm planning on adjusting at least 2 to different consequences shortly that I now feel will be more appropriate. Enforcing the consequences can be difficult but necessary for him to take you seriously and for you to respect and protect yourself. So I suggest you start enforcing your consequences more if you aren't already. As was suggested to me the consequences shouldn't be so severe that it's harder for you to live with than it is for him, but still needs to be harsh enough that he starts taking you seriously. I wish you all the best. Good luck with it. xx
    Penelope and Jennica like this.
  8. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, it's impossible to force any addict to quit his addiction. The only way to quit is will. Without completing step A, you can't move to step B....
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Katrina Rose

    Katrina Rose Fapstronaut

    I hit the no caring point on my birthday, sep 16th. It only pisses me off now because I'm mad at myself for ever believing anything. I've been BEGGING to have a serious make it or break it conversation with him since the 16th. Affection completely stopped a few weeks before that, and he avoids me at all costs.
    He must have noticed this morning that I'm no longer IN love with him because the crocodile tears came along with how much he loves me, misses me and needs me. Haha.
    I was completely done with this relationship by then. Yet he begged to talk when we were both off work. I guess a tiny part of me needed to believe he gave a shit about our relationship.
    I get home and he goes straight to the bathroom for 30 minutes until my son is home from school. Another 20 minutes go by and he comes outside. Then says he needs to get to take a shower and get to bed . The walls are very thin. I heard him in the shower. Again. Of course he explodes and denies it. Mad that I don't want to talk. We had sex 4 times in 6 weeks. I'm not stupid. This has been going on a long time.
    Leave as soon as you can!!!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    It sounds like he doesn't give a shit and just explodes wherever, whenever, I was never this bad and this guy seems like a dumbass. Leave and finally live your life without this jerk, make sure to get money for the kid at least if he pays for that. What an upstanding guy. Jerk. Good luck.