Sex after a 30 day PMO Hardmode?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Bel, Jun 17, 2017.

  1. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Trying to figure out if having sex , which to me seems too soon, after a 48 day no PM and a culmalative 30 day no PMO hard mode run is a good thing to do. I literally worry bc every time I leave the area for 2 plus hours it seems an urge to m hits him. He's told me about it truthfully, but it's still damn frustrating that apparently there is this robotic mindset still in play that while the cats away the mouse will play. And literally his 30 day mode just seemed like a timer game he wanted to beat.
    So being that he's still having these urges, I feel like sex is just going to cause him to relapse quicker. I feel like he needs to get the urges under control before he can refresh his mind and body to a new schedule. Am I wrong in thinking this? I'm walking on shattered glass trying to figure out what's best and I just can't think straight any more.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Your worries are valid. You can't force him to speed up his recovery, but you can suggest a longer hard reboot (like 90 days min) next time, and especially if he relapses. You will know soon, I guess. The chaser effect could be a problem in the days after sex, so he should be most vigilant then. I know your BF is super honest with you, so at least you don't have to worry about this aspect, unlike many others :-(
    Bel likes this.
  3. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The sad thing is that he has lied so damn much I trust nothing that parts his lips. But I'm also at the point where I'm like fuck it all already, the sooner he screws up the sooner I can be adios and away. But I honestly don't feel it's my problem any more to prove anything to him but vice versa.
  4. That is very true, @Bel. It's the 4Cs... We didn't Cause this. We cannot Control them/their recovery. We cannot Change them. And we cannot Cure their PA. It's ALL on them. We, on the other hand, can Heal ourselves and the trauma they have caused us.
  5. Hey I just want to say your a very cool wife for supporting your husband. now that that's out of the way I personally think it's best to just wait until the 90 day mark. Let his brain rewire it will be worth it I'll bet there will be more passion.
    hope4healing likes this.
  6. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Oh this is where it gets tricky. Those are great for ppl who want to and are willing to slow things down. I've never been that way. I have about a 5 minute start to finish time limit. I'm weird I guess, always have been, but I literally never had any problems with any bf in the past. In fact sex was good with all if them bc we both were usually on the same page. My PA was the first guy i was ever with that drug it out to the point of pain, boredom, and growing resentment....all unknowingly caused by DE. I want sex again, but I don't want to compromise what I like and want. When he's backed away from porn before we are on the same page....or maybe not since I'd pass out happy and he'd be jerking another one out or wishing he could afterwards. But then again he wasn't as free and clear in the past as he tried to lead me to believe. Idk, I do worry about the chaser effect, but on the other hand I don't bc I'm like so what , if he does he can continue chasing it to the wild blue yonder bc I'd be done finally with him and could move forward. I finally know all the truths I've suspected so I've reached a good closure point if it becomes that. But at the same time I want him to succeed . Damned if I do damned if I don't. I've told him for now I need to wait bc mentally after 4 plus years of his bullshit 30 days isn't squat to me at the moment.
  7. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    To each their own.
    I commemorate you for knowing what you want.
    I also agree with you.
    You have a solid plan and if 30 days isn't enough, then it's not enough.
    Karezza isn't enough for me and my SO.
    some things here won't be enough.
    Heal at your pace.
    We support you.
    If he does not understand that, it's his loss.
    You sound like you will be OK no matter how the chips fall.
    You are smart and have a plan no matter which way it goes.
    That's good.
    You aren't asking alot of questions like what do I do next?
    You are sure footed in this is this and that is that, I will wait and see.
    The waiting is the hardest part.
    And to answer your first question....(from your post)... I think you already know.
    It's about comfort.
    You are a very self knowledgeable woman (I can now tell)
    Whatever makes you comfortable.
    You really don't need our help here.
    I think maybe just reassurance?
    If you aren't comfortable, just don't do it.
    Wait it out more.
    It'll either be worth it or it won't.
    I hope you have a good day :)
    Deleted Account and Bel like this.
  8. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Jolie I used to think I had me pulled together for most of my life, then the porn addict showed up and lit that self belief on fire. I feel like a house who keeps getting rebuilt only to have the same arsonist show up time after time to torch whatever security gets minutely established.
    I put my thoughts and questions out here now bc this is my last go with him. I'm fried. But I'm also contemplative enough to always wonder if I did something incorrectly, so that's where this forum helps me cover all my bases. I guess I've always been like that when it comes to drawing the line. I want to be as fair as I can while still feeling secure in my own beliefs. The members on this forum have been invaluable thus far. Thank you.
    Jolie a lot of your posts are spot on. I truly wish the best for you guys.
  9. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Have you read my journal?
    We have ALOT in common :)
    I wish you the best too.
    It will or won't be, but either way, we will be OK.
    Bel and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Bel

    Bel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I'm reading it now. I just read some others too. It both angers and comforts me how eerily similar all of the SO stories blend together.
    Kenzi likes this.