Who is smarter, man or woman?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 24, 2018.

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  1. punto neutral
    La respuesta genética Acepta que la genética es responsable de estas diferencias físicas, pero aún no aceptamos por completo la genética o la biología. Los responsables de la diferencia entre las personas o entre los sexos.

    las mujeres son sistemáticamente superiores en las pruebas de inteligencia estandarizadas, lo que contradice los resultados previos que históricamente se sugirieron que los hombres tenían cocientes intelectuales en un nivel superior (en otras palabras, tenían mejores resultados en las pruebas de inteligencia). Específicamente, las mujeres habla mejores en áreas cuentos como "multitarea", por ejemplo.

    (recuerde que la inteligencia promedio es 100, que las "inteligencias superiores" son 120 y que 130 se consideran superdotadas)
    Principalmente, debe quedar claro que las pruebas de coeficiente de inteligencia tratan de medir la "inteligencia general innata", que está separada de los prejuicios culturales o sociales.

    Es decir, las preguntas tratan de encontrar asociaciones, lógica, patrones, formas, orden o estructura, pero no relación entre palabras (ya que esta relación puede variar según el nivel cultural o social de la persona). Por lo tanto, aunque la inteligencia no se puede medir completamente, porque es muy completa, los psicólogos aceptan el cociente intelectual como una medida muy correlacionada, ya que las personas con alto coeficiente de inteligencia tienen que obtener mejores calificaciones, mejores trabajos, mejores ingresos ... Por lo tanto, les gusta o no, una persona "muy inteligente" generalmente termina siendo una persona exitosa.
    Debe quedar claro que las diferencias de inteligencia son muy pequeñas, solo uno o dos puntos porcentuales tanto

    "En los últimos 100 años, los cocientes intelectuales de hombres y mujeres han aumentado, pero las mujeres han aumentado más rápidamente, esto es una consecuencia de la modernidad, la complejidad del mundo moderno está haciendo que nuestros cerebros se adapten y eleven nuestro coeficiente de inteligencia".

    Fragmentos de Omicromo
    Qué dices. ¿si no?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2018
  2. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Just me
    HatePorn and Deleted Account like this.
  3. I subscribe to this thread, also, add a poll maybe, I'll go grab some nachos for this one meanwhile.

    From what I read, men are more dominant on the IQ-scale's upper and lower end, explaining the lack of female geniuses (partly?).
    HatePorn and Deleted Account like this.
  4. there are no innate changes in our brain, but what is important is the way our brain reacts to modern or current problems. For example, before things were related by the situation or use: if we asked a few decades ago the relationship between a dog and a rabbit, the answer could easily be that "dogs are used to hunt rabbits." Nowadays, the "correct" answer would be that "both are animals" or "both are mammals". We have learned to categorize things, to differentiate between mammals or non-mammals, dollars or euros, fruits or vegetables ... In this case, the CI should be more a factor of "modernity" instead of an "intelligence" factor.
    Praveen Mini Narayan likes this.
  5. Well yeah, but that's a different topic. There are differences in the brains of male and female.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  6. Jajaja Really?
    Star Lord likes this.
  7. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Nah I’m a simple man
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. that's why women have reached and outperformed men in certain IQ tests.
    there is something innate in our brains that allows us to systematize and deal with the complexity of the world in general
    Nugget9 likes this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Men and women tend to have different ways of thinking. Psychological tests show that men tend to think about one thing or one worry at a time (hence us being made fun of that we can't multitask) while women tend to mix up everything into one confusing mess (hey, no offense but I'm a male that can't understand that way of thinking). I think businesses, companies, etc can benefit from both ways of thinking; I don't think one's better than the other.
  10. Jajaja. no es sucio en absoluto!!
    MLMVSS likes this.
  11. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    It don’t matter to me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. What kind of IQ tests are you referring to?
  13. Espero que las chicas se unan a la solidaridad de género o estaré en problemas
    falsaria1466434912Miedo bebe.jpg
  14. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    What does CI mean here?

    Your previous point about genetics also has to qualify for epigenetics, we know a lot of things are not accounted for by the DNA but the way people or other animals interact with the environment.

    So to me we might as well qualify intelligence that way from the beginning - intelligent at doing what? There's the theories about multiple intelligences, but I would suggest we get even more specific because that becomes just another way of categorizing. If we only measured things in terms of existing categories we would never discover anything new, and that doesn't sound very intelligent does it?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. and yeah, intelligence is a physiological thing, it's something you are born with. You can work on that by filling your brain with stuff or not and chose what you fill it with. the way society changes doesn't affect the physiology of the brain, but what's written onto it, some call it crystallized intelligence. to me that is not "real" intelligence, as it lacks the factor of time that it took you to acquire that knowledge.

    real intelligence is the speed of your brain, that's why it's so important to make people solve unknown problems in IQ-tests. they are forced to learn on the spot.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. [QUOTE = "Phil Calmarto, post: 1375947, member: 117531"] ¿A qué tipo de pruebas de coeficiente intelectual se refiere? [/ QUOTE]

    the intelligence tests have been carried out by the scientist James Flynn in very different countries such as Estonia, Argentina, Israel and New Zealand.
  17. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I think people let the word intelligence get to their head.
    Others are insecure over their intelligence and have to prove it all the time.

    Very lame. Both very lame.
  18. Another important difference is in the frontal lobe. This is responsible for making judgments, predictions, planning future actions and language. Women have a greater number of cells than men in this region.
  19. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    And how do you measure problem solving? At what level is the problem considered solved? With the issue that is the focus of this forum, is it just a matter of maintaining a streak, various internal and external behavioral control systems to not act out? To solve the problem on a deeper level someone may recognize more time and information is needed, or simply that there is more to be learned without going straight to tweaking the variables that are known so that at this juncture no problem solving is even attempted - just gathering information. Of course the deeper solution may be nothing less than an overhaul of the person himself and that stops being a matter of this problem as framed in terms of the identified issues associated with PMO.
  20. I do not think this is a problem, it is a debate in which I am clearly at a disadvantage. Jajajajajaja
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