Hi (first thread) I started rebooting 3 months ago when I started a trip around europe.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ZenumRom, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. ZenumRom

    ZenumRom New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am from Latin America, I am 20 years old guy. (my english is poor, sorry beforehand)
    I decided to stop porn and masturbation at the moment I started a long and intense 3 months trip around Europe. I was in this trip with two other friends from my university, and they wheren't rebooting (normal masturbation habits). The differences bethween them and me was notorious. Mostly in terms of fisical energy I was sleeping almost 3 hours less than they every day for the hole trip. I feel more energetyc. Its awesome having so much energy everyday. (I will need to do some sport or something to spend this)
    On the other hand, my sexual life is more active, I need to have sex the most as I can. And also I turned to be more competitive than normal (sometimes too competitive).

    To sum up:

    50%+ energy everyday.
    sleeping was easier and sleeping routine improved.
    No wasting time watching porn (before was about 1 hour per day at least).
    Sharpie while speaking with girls and dating.

    Personality turning more competitive.
    Willing and wanting to have sex everyday. (I dont know if it's a con).
    Waiting for tinder matches every moment.
    Sometimes testicles pain.

    First orgasm was 1 month later I started rebooting and it was really too intense.

    Any recomendations or comments?

    thanks for reading!
  2. TheProcedure

    TheProcedure Fapstronaut

    bro you need to dig deep and want this my guy. be determined and fight. have fun! enjoy life. live your best life. Find God. bless up.
    ZenumRom likes this.
  3. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    This will help you a lot, watch this and say goodbye to urges forever


    But however urges are sometimes attacking even if you are focused on something else, when i got rid of those 1% foods which increases urges and started enjoying 99% other beautiful foods it became so much easyer for me ^_^
  4. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    - You can set up your day counter here
    - You can find the forum usage guide here
    - Here is we’re you will find a glossary of terms often used in the nofap community. Glossary
    - You can also find a guide to the basics of rebooting here
    - If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  5. Hey & Welcome to NoFap Community! :)

    You are in the right place for recovery here. We are so glad to have you with us to beat this addiction together.

    You can go read some Success Stories in the "Success Stories" section to learn more about the benefits of NoFap , get useful tips and ideas to help you in the reboot.

    If you have any question about rebooting, you can ask it in the "Rebooting" section.

    And I would recommend you to make your own journal in the "Reboot logs" corresponding to your gender & age to track your everyday progress.
    You can also join challenges in the "Events & Challenges" section, to keep yourself motivated and focused.

    You may start by checking the links below:
    Learn more about Rebooting.
    Forum Usage Guide.
    List of Rebooting Ressources.
    Glossary of terms used in NoFap community.

    Best of luck to you in your journey!

    -The Winner