Trouble finding my voice/consequences

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Cant Sleep, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. Cant Sleep

    Cant Sleep Fapstronaut

    edit; i’m new and just realized some of this could be triggering, just a warning. i would hate to think i created this problem for someone else. i’m going to edit but please don’t read this if that sounds dangerous to you!

    Hey all. I’m in the early stages of taking action against my SO pmo problems. I’ve known about it for a while and would stay awake at night thinking about if i was paranoid, or if i was over reacting. i really wanted to not care. i’m kind of a push over with him. ( in all other realms i’m not but i have low self esteem so husband control just doesn’t come naturally. ) i wanted to believe him when he said he only does it once a month. i’ve had so many talks about how i’ve been in other relationships where people ignore me entirely for porn. i created this account and spend long hours restlessly reading about how porn ruins the relationships of you lovely people and felt some small amount of self advocacy. also background he’s an ex-alcoholic and now an addicted to marijuana (yes it’s possible) person. but pot doesn’t kill him so i’m okay with it. basically i’m an enabler and he’s an addict of all things.
    sorry this is so long :(
    so! two/three maybe weeks ago i wrote a long letter that took me days to craft and edit and be concise about how porn affects people and relationships and how i literally don’t care about what he does besides two things; 1- don’t drink anymore (pancreatitis so like he’ll literally die if he continues to so i find this reasonable) 2-look at porn. i think it’s disgusting and the only way i can see being okay with it ever is if we have an open relationship. he did not want an open relationship and eventually after a lot of “i’ll try”s said he would stop. he really looked like he understood my pain and was actually going to stop. he at first was like,”oh what so you just never want me to masturbate again!?” to which i said “can you without porn?” the silence explained itself and i told him if porn and masturbation we’re really important in his life than i would understand and we could find a solution where i can feel i get some attention elsewhere (because that is what it will take for me to continue to be married and know he pmo). honestly if it was a thing he admitted he was unwilling to stop i would just accept it and heal myself with my own form of cheating (terrible i know. i’ve done it in the past when i feel awful. but i don’t want to dishonestly with my husband i take our love very seriously and don’t want to lie) he said he could give it up for me.
    after that i installed everaccountable on his phone. i didn’t tell him. I KNOW i should have told him but he would never have let me and he would be mad if he knew i did it without telling him. i just wanted to see if he would keep this promise. just to know how good his word is.
    two weeks go by and it’s good. lots of sex, the ED he was experiencing was getting better and there was no porn. i checked the log everyday. huuuuray.

    but this morning i checked the reports and at 2:30 in the morning the night before last he looked at a “hot chicks tumblr”. also for the record i’m a somnophiliac (i have my own issues yes but i stopped letting that affect our relationship.) so he knows i’m always down to be woken up for sex. he actually did twice this week before this and i was very grateful and told him how happy i was that he woke me up because it’s a turn on blahblah. but then “hot chicks tumblr”? what the hell.

    ..,now what. it’s not really porn....per se. and now i’m remembering him saying he was having trouble sleeping that night in the morning. i’m so angry but when i thinking about talking to him about it i shut down. i want to just ask “so how is the no-porn going” and catch him lying but what good does that do if i can’t make consequences.
    i just want to push him away now. my reaction to everything is be supportive and stew silently. is tumblr porn? does not being able to sleep give him an excuse? if i tell him about the everaccountable will he be angry? will he just delete it and then i don’t even get to have the proof? what should i do as consequence? or should i just pretend it didn’t happen and wait for it to get bad again. uhg. i’m sorry that’s so long and thank you for reading if you did. i love you all for being a community i can share with. i have no one else to talk to
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
    Deleted Account and hope4healing like this.
  2. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I feel the same as you about many things and I'm very sorry you have to be here but there is a lot of support. You have to define what porn is to you. To me it is anything that is looked at for arousal or a sexual purpose. All of that is off the table here. You need to think about what it is that you need and want and then make your boundaries. I think for many men porn and masturbation go hand in hand (pardon the pun) and I feel that masturbation for a PA is a slippery slope. I don't think you are wrong for monitoring his phone, and I wouldn't tell him about it. Not yet, you need that safety net, some others may not agree but you need to do what is best for you.
    I also tried so hard to 'get over it', but I can't and I know that I can't. I don't want to have porn in my relationship. My bf knows that, he has since very early on and lied and lied. For the first time he is has been clean for over 100 days. But he had to want it, he is doing it for him and not just me.
    It is such a hard situation to be in and causes so much pain. You need to protect yourself. I am at the point that I was ready to leave. It isn't what I wanted but I can not take the pain and lies anymore. The only reason I am still here is because he has been clean and I see him trying. I see positive changes and he is doing good. He listens to me about the pain he has caused and is trying to make things better. We still have a lot of work to do, and I still have to maintain some distance which I hate. But it was so close to the end.

    I'm sorry for the disjointed rambling. I really feel for you. To me, yes tumblr is porn or as many call it here porn sub (psub), you have every right to monitor his use, having a hard time sleeping is NO excuse to PMO, there is NEVER any excuse.
    You need to set your boundaries but they need to be things you WILL follow through on. Otherwise they are empty like his promises have been. So if he slips up he needs to tell you within X amount of time, if he doesn't that is lying and you will sleep in a different room/go to a hotel/he needs to sleep on the couch. Everyone has their own boundaries you really need to think about it. What can you live with, what is a deal breaker? Can you do this for the rest of your relationship with him?

    Again, I'm sorry you need to be here. I really do feel for you.
  3. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Tumblr is a HUGE source of porn .. People build Tumblr pages with it nicely packaged all together.

    I don't have any great advice other than this: in my opinion, it is not healthy for you to become his accountability partner, accountability system -- he has to WANT to change himself. He does need an AP; he does need to join NoFap or some group to learn and educate himself, and he then can grow and embrace PA recovery.
  4. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I am also an SO, but Tumblr... yeah, tons of porn, and gifs. I know because I was always too scared to visit porn sites because I was scared of viruses and such so I used porn gifs when I used porn in the past. So tumblr... a site no porn addict should Ever go on.
  5. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    That is why I said some people will feel differently about it. I don't care if some find it deceitful, I would need it. And at a later time I would tell him. But not now. There is no trust right now, all she has is his word to know if he is telling the truth. At least in my own relationship we don't really say 'my privacy'. He knows all my passwords and go can onto any of my accounts when ever he wants and vice versa. Not because of lack of trust but because I thought that was the way it should be, nothing hidden. The only reason I would see someone be mad about this, someone who is lying is because they are still lying. But I know others feel differently. This is just me.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Cant Sleep

    Cant Sleep Fapstronaut

    i agree with the person of me being untruthful, i do feel pretty terrible and i’m going to tell him when i grow the spine. but i’m glad you agree because i know when i do he’ll figure out how to hide and lie again. he’s fairly smart.

    update; i asked him point blank if he was using it again. he says no. i asked if he was sure three times and swore on his life he hadn’t. i also asked him if he understood why i was upset and he said “kind of”. so i asked him if i could look on his phone for evidence which he agreed to. (obviously i’m not going to find anything unless it’s the report i’ve already seen. so i gave it back and said nothing. i left it as “i want you to stop for me obviously but i want you to want to. which i know seems like a strange sentence but it’s so important if we’re going to be married successfully”
    i’m going to reprint my letter and tell him about the software
  7. Hi. Being betrayed and not being able to trust your spouse is a horrible and traumatic situation to be in. I really feel for you. I am both a recovering addict and a recovering co-addict as well. I have both violated trust and felt the crazy of not being able to trust someone else in my first marriage.

    I say all of this to be helpful, I hope you take it that way.

    As far as the deceit, just be prepared to own it as your own actions should the spotlight ever shine on you. Ultimately, for an intimate relationship, there has to be complete honesty for both people. I know that may seem like a long way away right now but every small step in the right direction is a step closer.

    Also, you will make yourself much more sane if you focus on what keeps you safe instead of trying to control him (boundaries). Trying to control an addict is crazy making. Addiction is insanity and trying to control it is insanity inducing. What helped me was Al Anon and CoDA (codependents anonymous) but you should do whatever works for you. It's time to focus on you and what you need. His problem is his. Don't make it yours, make it his.

    I wish you peace and serenity.
    TryingHard2Change likes this.