Do We Have Free Will?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 29, 2018.

  1. A Calvanist may argue that because God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he has both foreknowledge of, and has decided himself the outcome to every action. Your name is/isn't in the Book of Life Eternally, and the final outcome (Heaven vs HFIL) is basically predetermined, and you are more or less playing out a role.

    I prefer the concept of freewill.
  2. I just want to say thanks for this discussion. It's been enlightening to see the different views, and I actually wrote this topic into a book I'm currently writing, which filled in some necessary themes and character bonding that I couldn't figure out before. So thanks to everyone who has contributed and to @SuperFurryThing for starting the discussion.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. OK so a percentage of your book proceeds should be coming to us then, right? ;)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Lol sure, I'll send you guys the 2 dollars and you can split it.
    Deleted Account and Randy like this.
  5. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Thats not Calvinism though, Calvinism isnt determinism and they dont believe that.
  6. confused thinker

    confused thinker Fapstronaut

    I think it depends on the notion of free-will.

    one posits a free will as an absolute free-will, which sort of means "one can choose whatever one wants", then it is obvious there is such thing. If there were, addiction would not exist.

    But I do think that a trainable free-will exist. We have free-will to some degree - which again is obvious. We do not give in to any temptation. We exercise self-control to some extent - and most importantly, we can train this extent.

    So, free-will is something which we possess to a certain degree, and that we can train.
    I think this idea is both true, (describing basic facts in our existence) and very useful.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
    Issah and Deleted Account like this.
  7. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Yeah we have free will.
    But have boundaries that we can not cross. If we have a God, we will not do what is not allowed to be done by god. Because it's a sin. Sins leads us to hell
    If we have a law, we follow that law by not commiting the illegal crimes or wrong acts that is told by it. If we do, we go to jail and get charges, or even executed depending on the seriousness of our crime. But if you think about it, all crimes/wrong acts are also sins.
    So, personally, imo, i feel like there is a god. I mean, who defines wrong in the first place? So uh yeah,
    That's my thought on freewill.
  8. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    No we do not. If we did, then stop sinning, but no one can. We are slaves to sin by nature. Thank God my salvation is not dependent on my works but by the Finished work of Christ. To God alone I credit All the Glory and none from myself. He did it All.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    What? What are you talking about? Slaves to sin by nature? Do you even know what is the first sin made on earth and why it happen? Do your researches please.
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Yes. We are born sinners. Adam is the Federal head of humanity and we all inherited the sin from birth, but I have placed my Faith in Christ and I am spared Damnation thank God.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    Hmmm. i have a reason to believe in god. What's your reason to not believe in him?
    Also, there are sometimes where i did consider to become an atheist. But truth be told, i couldn't. And never, because there's no reason to not believe in the truth. I don't want to be the people who said "Bring us this punishment that you talk about, if you were to be truthful". and end up going to hell.
    M8 a think a starter for you atheist is to explore the paranormal world. If there's something unseen exist. Then surely it exist and it's true.

  12. Can we not turn this into a spiritual debate for once? I mean, the first comment was fine, you were answering the question. But now you're asking a completely different question that is off topic entirely.
  13. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    I knew some shit was wrong when i saw you in my alerts lol. You're like a nofap police honestly. Okay fine i will stop.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. I'm just a person who has been reading an interesting thread of conversation and dont want to see it die because people cant stop turning everything into a religious debate. I could have reported you instead, since going off topic with religion is against the rules, but instead I kindly asked you to stop. But sure, I'm the unreasonable one here.
  15. I shouldn’t have said this. I don’t understand why you believe the way you do but I shouldn’t have been a smartass about it. I should actually live up to my own ideals which is to let people live as they wish as long as they commit no harm. So yea, I’m sorry @LonelyDude21
  16. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    What? I never said you are unreasonable.
    I stopped, because you're right.
  17. LonelyDude21

    LonelyDude21 Fapstronaut

    It's fine. Though i have a feeling that you were trolling. But ok, i like to discuss. It's k. Just that it's not suitable to discuss here.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Sorry, its hard to understand tone through text. I took your comment as you acting like I was being annoying for telling people to follow the rules all the time, which seemed rude to me, but that's not what you meant, so never mind.
  19. Issah

    Issah Fapstronaut

    What does freewill mean to you and what reasons have lead you to the conclusion that we don't have any?

    I believe in freewill. Animals are lead by instict and have very limited understanding. Whereas humans are so vast and the insight we can accumulate is amazing. And that leads to us being able to choose.

    For example, we can share thoughts and experiences and based on that you can choose whether you want to be close to me or not, i could offer you fried chicken feet and you could choose to eat them or not.

    Freewill - freedom of choice exsists. But sometimes because the responsibility and effort is too great, we give that freedom and power to others - whether its people or circumstances or feelings. But we then revoke that power. But it's still there.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Calvinists enter the chat