Post published by rwilli62

Maybe a random question, but trying to decide on a new (or different for right now) workout for myself? I'm tempted to do only bodyweight repetition, CrossFit, which is somewhat random, or some bodybuilding split routine. Ironically I think I favor the last which has some predictable variety in it, but my goal is to simply get a bit more muscular. I don't have the time, money, desire to eat lots of protein or workout for more than 30 mins a day so I need something more "time efficient" but CrossFit is too hard on my joints/heart. Ideas?
St3v0 more_vert
I am also looking to start a workout routine. If you want to build muscles you will have to go for weights. If you want to tone and just get stronger maybe try a bodyweight workout routine. There are lots of plans online.
St3v0 more_vert
Body weight stuff you can do from home. I hate going to gym so I would rather excercise at home. Good luck and Njoy
SAL_VI more_vert
Start with body weight first as it’s most essential and later go to gym if you choose to do so.
frogs2345 more_vert
Try to work up to the One Punch Man routine. It is all body weight and doesn't do anything really strange.
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