Post published by Laine Meyers

I'm going to start by counting my blessings....not here but in my own mind ,and I'm going to write them down, so much more definitive.
Just being here today gives me hope. I have been very successful in most all areas of my life but would have been even so much more, had I been in control instead of being controlled.
I am a retired... Christian , man with some hideous dark secrets, thankfully I've committed no crime. I'm in my early 60's and this has hounded me since my early teens.
Literally thousands of times I have " Quit Porn". Never taken this approach before. I found this site today....referred to on YouTube when I searched for Porn causes ED. You praying types ...pray for me.
Any and all encouragement is appreciated. Thanks ....LM
Mr. McMarty more_vert
Mr. McMarty
You're in the right place. Check out the glossary

You can also start a reboot log

Trying to help others is the key to helping yourself, in my opinion. Just start replying to other posts and encouraging those that seem to need help.

You can do it!
RockyBalboa97 more_vert
Welcome brother, God bless you.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Welcome. Get an AP or three on this site and work in community to overcome. Jesus has set you free; the steps you must take to walk into the freedom are up to you! We are here to support and encourage as you start moving forward.
MusicMan123 more_vert
Welcome brother. You are not alone.
HigherPower72 more_vert
Glad you have reached out, you're in very good company here. It's never too late to nurture your relationship with Christ, while allowing yourself to heal. This forum is truly an extension of God's reach, please use it as such. Stay committed and hopeful, it is well worth it. My best to you.