Post published by InGodItrust

Guys please pray for me to land in a job. I ve been trying a lot and i havent succeded in finding one and I m desperate. I need everyone to gather around and say a prayer for me to Jesus. Jesus knows who I am and if you just pray the prayer for me to he will hear you. Pray it as though you are praying for yourselves and are desperate.
Thanks a lot family
InGodItrust more_vert
@JourneyMan16 what do you mean? You don't know my struggle
Shin Iu more_vert
Shin Iu
I had same issue, applied many jobs no interviews
JourneyMan16 more_vert
All I am saying is that once you get this job, work your a$$ off. God is going to give you some sort of job and thank him back by showing how much you need it.
OnceAfraidToMerge more_vert
To land myself a job took 40-something applications, and I only heard back from 3 companies, 2 of which gave quite negative and unconstructive feedback. Don't be discouraged.
OnceAfraidToMerge more_vert
Apply for something everyday. It may take a few months, but the hard work will pay off. I'll pray for you, brother!