Need help from the SO's

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Hopefulgirl, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Can we chat about self esteem? My husband's P use has kinda destroyed me. He works away for weeks at a time and I would have felt better if he accessed P only when away, but he actually accessed it more when he was home on our family computer. The fact that he chose it over me for pretty much 2 years is really hard for me to wrap my head around. I feel like the fattest and ugliest woman alive and this has revved up an eating disorder that I put to sleep when I was 16. Apart from having an affair or hooking up with random men, I don't know how to feel better. I can never live up to his preferences and it is killing me.
    My therapist knows all this and thinks that because of my body shame growing up (my dad always called me a fat cow since I was little, my weight was a huge topic of discussion between him and my brother my whole life, and I used to model professionally but missed out on an opportunity to go to N.Y. because my 36 inch hips on my 115lb body were too big as a teenager according to the N.Y. agent). I have never felt more disgusting.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Bel, Numbanddisturbed72 and Kenzi like this.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I feel ya girl.
    Feeling fat and ugly comes with the territory of being with a PA.
    I'm tiny also.
    To boot I have large breasts.
    I constantly feel like I will never measure up to porn stars because I'm old... Even tho I'm fit.
    I still hate them for their "never had a baby body"
    Can't ever get that back.
    No matter how much I work out, or diet.
    It's like age.
    It's Never coming back.
    Bel and Hopefulgirl like this.
  3. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    @Jolie You totally understand! It sucks so much. I feel wanted by other men, but not my husband (although I know he does now, but the P use and lack of sex the past 2 years makes me feel old fat and ugly). Ugh I hate this.
    And the baby body-YES- I will never have a flat stomach. Ever. Not like the girls my husband looked at. I turn 40 in a few weeks which I was so excited about, but since the PA revelation, I feel wounded about it.
    Oh life.
    Thanks for the understanding XO
    Kenzi likes this.
  4. I feel that way all the time about feeling wanted by other men but not by my own husband. I also know he wants me now but sometimes I question if its just to pascify me. I shouldn't even be questioning something like that! I've always been insecure about my weight. Im not nearly as small as you ladies but I guess I'm average. I have a thyroid issue that caused a lot of weight gain for me unfortunately after we got married. I recently lost 20lbs but still have maybe 10ish to go and the scale won't budge even with me working out 6days a week and portion control. Its frustrating! So him having the PA and my already insecure self was a bad combination! I just keep trying to keep my head up and make sure I'm doing the best I can at becoming healthy, getting in shape and feel good about myself and my progress. I know its hard sometimes but just know you are beautiful no matter how their PA makes you feel!
    Bel, Hotpotts and Hopefulgirl like this.
  5. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for the reply, as much as I hate that you are going through this I am happy to have support! Oh I am not 115 lbs now-that was when I was younger, more like 140 now! But I have severe body image issues and my husband's little "hobby" has not helped :( Especially because his fabourite content was porn stills and really, who can compete with photoshop and editing?!

    A few years ago I was working out like crazy and went down 2 sizes but did not lose much weight-remember that muscle is more compact so you are still losing fat! And thyroid issues are so tough :( Have you read Stop The Thyroid Madness?
  6. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I know you asked for SO help here - but if I could just say something...

    My wife is about 5'5 130. She's had two kids and is 37. She has a pretty face and works out often enough to have some definition. She has some flaws but I seriously don't even notice them anymore. She does not look like the 20's year olds whose pictures I used to look at. Today I think she is gorgeous. When she even halfway dresses up I can't get enough of looking at her, I allow my eyes to feast on her curves and her smile melts my heart.

    During the first 5 years of our relationship (when I looked at a lot of porn) she was about 5'5 100. She had no kids and was 19-24. She did look like the girls whose pics I looked at. I was indifferent to her looks. All I saw were her flaws. I was so busy chasing "new" faces and bodies that I didn't appreciate what I had.

    What this ought to tell you is that a PA's opinion of how you look is almost completely dependent on how much porn he is looking at and not what you actually look like. I had the perfect young woman and was indifferent to it, and now I have a momma and I think she's the most desirable thing on the planet. Your PA's opinion's under the influence do not reflect the reality of your looks. They reflect the warped state of his mind while he is an addict. When he is sober - when his heart is filled with love instead of selfish lust - he will see you for who you are instead of through porn colored glasses.

    I guess it's also partly my maturing in other aspects of my life as well.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  7. @Sadgirl Yup that's about what I am 5'3 138 (still a DD) after just losing 20. I was probably around 130-135 when I met him b4 the thyroid issues and before baby #3 who is 19mo. Still frustrating. I have read some of Stop the thyroid madness. I take Armour which I like much better than the synthetic crap. I try to be low carb and limit my gluten as well (I know it's all or none but it's super difficult esp when you have to cook for the fam). But even with my thyroid levels good it's so difficult to lose. Sadly I've been taking prescription appetite suppressants as well. Which have at least given me the energy I need to be able work out now. I'm afraid of what will happen when I go off though :oops:. Yes P has given me such a great self image on top of my already awesome self image :(.

    @Icarium it is nice to hear all of that. I hope I start to feel like my guy gets to that point where he can't take his eyes or hands off me. He is in flatline right now so his libido is pretty low but things are still working at least. I just hope his true libido is more than the 2x a wk I've I've always gotten from him as well. I shouldn't need sex for affirmation but it certainly helps. I also want him to get there and "get" it without me having to tell him. Meaning telling me and making me feel wanted and desired and beautiful.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2017
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  8. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Oh that is great that you found Armour! Thyroid issues are so tough to deal with-affects everything. How are you and your SO doing these days?
  9. He's been doing good in regards to no PM for at least 60d (he didn't remember an actual date when we started this so we just picked one). It's a roller coaster ride as I'm sure your in the same boat. I hate that something so natural and simple and beautiful can get so screwed up but here we all are! He's just started flatline which he originally didn't think would happen to him. Surprise even limiting his Os still didn't make him immune to the dreaded flatline. I'm still struggling with feeling beautiful and sexy and wanted. Hoping that changes at some point.
    How is your situation?
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  10. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Girls! Do not let them drag you down. I look at it in a different way. I know I am a great catch, even though I am not nearly as small as the two of you. I still got it going on. Between my sparkling personality and this curvy bod, the whole package is right here in front of him. The problem is that he wants me AND PMO and has tended to choose PMO more often in the past because it's much less work. Instant gratification, no foreplay, etc. I know there are other underlying reasons that I clearly don't have the answers for but I have never questioned his desire for me.

    After discovery, what made me angry is that he can't have it both ways. He can have them or he can have me. He was not willing to fully give it up for a long time, only part of it. I immediately stopped wearing any and all sexy lingerie for him and I no longer let him see me naked. It had nothing to do with feeling less than those on the screen and everything to do with being more than they are. Until i know for sure his eyes and fantasies are only for me again, he does not get the privilege of seeing me that way. And that is exactly what it is, a privilege. I relented a couple of times after he went for a while without P, thinking I was being too harsh, and each time, within a day or two he was right back at it, so I hardened my resolve. For a while I even refused to dress up for a date (I didn't tell him, I was just being passive aggressive at that point). I only wore jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Pulled my hair up in pony tail.

    Ladies, put yourselves on pedestals. You are worth so much more than you have convinced yourselves you are. :emoji_heart_exclamation:
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
    Bel, SOSo, TooMuchTooSoon and 2 others like this.
  11. I know my value and that he desires me and wants to make me happy. I am an attractive woman, I get hit on, starred at, have never had a problem getting a man (I've just always questioned if it was for my body or for me). It's just I've always struggled w self image issues throughout my life since I was young. (We talked a little about that in a different thread I think) therefore this whole PA thing has opened old wounds and internal self doubt. It's not constant but it does creep up every now and then. The thyroid issue was the perfect icing on the cake. I refuse to let his PA make me feel any less of myself. If anything I have been working out and such for me. To make myself feel good and make myself feel 100% happy w my body etc. I've made my boundaries clear to him regarding porn. If he starts using again over me then regardless of how good a guy he is or how much I love him. I'll leave bc I deserve to be wanted and desired over P. When he stops trying to make this work then it stop working. He's been doing extremely well so far bc he really does want to make this work.
    Bel, Kenzi, Hopefulgirl and 1 other person like this.
  12. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply and for sharing your story! A friend of mine is currently dealing with this (but worse-with escorts etc), and she feels the similarly to you-that it has nothing to do with her, and her body image has not been shaken at all.
    As for me, I feel wrecked. I grew up with a very abusive dad who constantly shamed my body (I honestly think he was a PA addict and was attracted to me and would shame me to deal with his guilt). I feel like the ugliest woman ever with my husband. With other men, I feel desirable. With my husband not at all. He chose that over me and I have no clue if I can ever heal. My wounds from childhood are really deep and his P use kicked me in my most vulnerable spot.
    Bel, SOSo and Deleted Account like this.
  13. SOSo

    SOSo Fapstronaut

    I'm struggling with this as well. It's spilled out into even being afraid to leave the house as I feel like I'm so ugly everyone will either judge me or ignore me completely. I feel like I can't compete with all the girls on the screen or on the streets. Absolutely miserable feeling.

    I used to like myself, and I used to think I was just fine. I had confidence and flirted with men before I was with my SO. I had lots of relationships and physical intimacy with people. I got compliments and dates. I never worried about if I was fat or skinny or not attractive enough. Now it's all I think about. I went from healthy self esteem to nothing.

    Edit: Plus now I find myself unable to eat. Which in my life has never happened. 3 days now of eating either nothing or under 300 calories. I'm a huge eater. The emotional toll this has taken inhibits my hunger.
    Bel, Deleted Account and Hopefulgirl like this.
  14. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Bottom line is that PMO sucks. It destroys us, our men, and our families. It hurts us all in different ways but also in many of the same ways. But that is the good thing about this site. We can be here for each other.
  15. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    It's on them to fix the problem. How and if you want to support them is up to you.
  17. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    And to think, your body type is all the rage these days. Sir Mixalot was way ahead of his time.
  18. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    :p:rolleyes: :emoji_heart:
  19. SOSo

    SOSo Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. I don't known what in the world I would have done this time around without this site. It was like I can breathe and have some hope that things could get better. It's refreshing to see it's not just me being paranoid, PMO is the elephant in my marriage, and there is help. That's huge.

    I felt completely isolated the last time I caught him years ago. There were no resources online at the time and he relapsed hard while keeping me in the dark.

    This site brings a lot of truth out that is such a relief to hear. It hurts but it is like weight comes off my shoulders when he cuts the bull and gives me clarity about his past transgressions.

    It's not going to help my self esteem but I have to realize that I still have value, and it's not determined by him.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. SOSo

    SOSo Fapstronaut

    Very similar to my mantra the past few days when I feel like being pushy or angry. "I can't control others, I can just control how I react". :)