7 Day Vegan Challenge

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by I Free I, Jun 2, 2017.

Would You Do A 7 Day Vegan Challenge ?

  1. Yes

    11 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    This Is True .
  2. I've seen Forks Over Knives. As a vegan I ate whole foods. If it came with a label I generally stayed away from it. Went to farmers markets all the time for my produce or Whole Foods aka Whole Paycheck. For the most part is was raw vegan.
    I Free I likes this.
  3. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry you didn't feel better. My health and my husband's were absolutely transformed. He lost 200lbs just by changing our diet. I went back down to the same size I was in my twenties, and weight loss is just one result. Hardly a placebo effect.

    Animal proteins cause heart disease and promote cancer, and livestock agriculture contributes more toward global warming than any other industry. That's hard science.

    Anyway, eat what you want. You're still young.
    I Free I likes this.
  4. On this ketogenic diet I've lost 210 pounds in a little over a year. To be honest with a caloric deficit you will be able to lose weight, but weight can be comprised of lean body mass and body fat. Without adequate protein you will lose lean body mass and end up skinny fat.

    I would like to see your studies regarding meat causing cancer and heart disease. I haven't found any reputable studies to show such a link. As for global warming and greenhouse gasses it runs about the same to do tofu as it does to do poultry. I eat mostly lean protein anyway, but there are times I treat myself to a steak.

    Regardless, what usually ends up happening is when the nutrition aspect is debunked regarding the "evils of meat" all that's left is global warming and animal cruelty positions. That's been my experience with the vegan movement, and I used to be a very militant raw food vegan.

    Anyway, congrats to your husband on the weight loss, that's fantastic news for him and for you both.
    I Free I likes this.
  5. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

  6. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Watch "nutritionfacts.org" on YouTube. Michael Greger has founded a not-for-profit institution that does nothing but review current nutrition research--not selectively, but comprehensively--and make it all available and accessible to the public. If you can watch all of those videos and still insist that there is no reputable research showing the dangers of animal-based foods, then you are immune to data.

    By the way, the body needs very little protein, in fact. It's a gigantic myth started long ago, which of course you know from watching "Forks Over Knives." Even vegans get far more protein than they need (see Dr Greger's video on that subject) and the surplus is washed from the body. If you ate nothing but white potatoes, which have the lowest levels of protein of all vegetables (and little else besides), you would get more than you need. But that truth is hidden by the meat and dairy industries--as well as by the peddlers of ketosis diets and "paleo" nonsense, who are making a ton of money telling people what they want to hear. They want us to eat more and more meat, as we get sicker and sicker, developing catastrophic illness from saturated fats and IGF-1 growth hormone. The statistics of the declining health of every country that adopts the animal- and processed-food heavy, standard Western diet continue to roll in.

    But again, eat whatever you want. You're still young, and you haven't yet lost your regenerative powers. You may have lost more than 200lbs, but you are wrecking your metabolism and destroying your circulatory system, and that's just part of the devastation. When you reach 50, your body may feel very different. But even then there will still be good news: by changing your diet (again) you'll still be able to heal. The body can take a lifetime of abuse, and a plant-based diet will still do wonders for it.
    I Free I likes this.
    The present study shows the beneficial effects of a long-term ketogenic diet. It significantly reduced the body weight and body mass index of the patients. Furthermore, it decreased the level of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose, and increased the level of HDL cholesterol. Administering a ketogenic diet for a relatively longer period of time did not produce any significant side effects in the patients. Therefore, the present study confirms that it is safe to use a ketogenic diet for a longer period of time than previously demonstrated.

  8. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Day 3
    Another successful day I should say, I stayed home & rested the whole entire day... it was great ! I also felt great as well & didn't notice any weakness in me at all . Now it could be because I stayed home the entire time & didn't do much, So I didn't feel weak at all but I'm grateful that I was able to get through another day with no problem . So here's to Day 3 ! :emoji_beers: Let's Keep It Moving !

  9. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    That studied looked at vegetarians vs. non-vegetarians, this thread the subject of discussion is VEGANism. Dairy is quite bad for health - high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Plus studies are not showing reduction in osteoporosis with dairy intake as was assumed before.

    There are a huge number of studies showing lower rates of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease with veganism. Just do a search on pubmed and look at the first several pages; the last time I did this I did not find a single article showing any negative effect of being vegan and a large number of studies with positive benefits. Of course, it also depends on what one eats, it's important to have a healthy vegan diet. Someone could have Coke and potato chips all day, and it is vegan, but not healthy.
  10. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I've been on Ketogen-diet for 7month and feel fantastic.
    Dropped down from 89kg ->79kg. Now I'm at 82kg. Going Gym 3x week. Never been so strong in my life.
    Recovery so fast. Brain fog gone. Able to Focus x100 better. Sleep less. Energised.

    Im curious about Veganism. To even preform better?
    What is the pro and cons? Ketogen diet vs Vegan.
    Which is better?

    Isn't it to much grains in vegan food? (Pasta, bread, Fruit(Fruktos))
    I still think Keto have more pros than Veganism.

    Anyone have experience with both Ketogen diet and Veganism?
    I Free I likes this.
  11. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    I was on Ketogenic diet, and I even done intermittent fasting. But I was hungry all the time and have a huge headaches recently. Also I had "fatty" skin with a lot of blackheads. Which completely dissapeared when I stopped eating fats. I don't eat meat also because I feel lazy after meal and it promotes that "animal instincts" inside of my head, I want to have sex or listen to loud music etc. If you go on the gym 3x per week, there's not much difference for you, because you have strong body and better metabolism. But in my opinion humans are not made for eating meat , there are plenty of studies showing that we are herbivores not even omnivores. For example our tongue have a sweetness receptors at the same time we don't have protein receptors on our tongues. And if you take any of the carnivores it would be totally opposite. Your cat won't be able to taste anything sweet. The reason why you like meat is because it's loaded with salt. Watch this short films

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    microsmurfen likes this.
  12. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Good Luck with your challenge. The problem with just doing a 7 day challenge is that your body and especially your gut bacteria needs more time to adapt to the diet change. I'd suggest you go for 30 days and see how it goes for you.
    I Free I likes this.
  13. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Well the science is very clear that not getting enough protein on a vegan diet is bs. Every non processed vegan food has enough protein (over 5% of it's calories). It's virtually impossible to be protein deficient on a vegan diet as long as you consume sufficient calories. Protein is one of the last nutrients anyone should worry about. But unfortunately the meat industry uses this 'you won't get enough protein' propaganda to make people afraid of vegan diets when they are actually a huge improvement in health.

    Grains are one of the healthies foods that you can consume. Humans are designed to eat grains. That is what our ancestors have eaten for at least the last 12000 years. It's the food of civilization. If you don't believe me watch The Starch Solution by Dr. John Mcdougall.
    The problem with ketogenic diets is that they severely increase your intake in animal products and thus increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. High protein intake (especially from animal sources) is carcinogenic and high intake of cholesterol will cloge your arteries in the long term.
    Ketosis is a survival state of the body. When in ketosis a person feels less hungry so it makes it easier to lose weight. It's not a state for optimal performance. You won't see many long distance runners, sprinters, power lifters etc. performing on a ketogenic diet. The optimal fuel for the body is glucose (carbohydrate). Ketogenic diets are mostly used to lose weight since, like I mentioned before, supress appetite and thus make it easier to control calorie intake.

    I would not recommend eating a mostly raw diet. Humans have evolved to eat cooked foods. That is what seperated us from apes. That's why we have so small bellys compared to them. We are designed to eat high calorie foods such as grains. We also have more enzymes to break down starch than apes do. However, we don't have any physical adaptations for eating meat.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    I Free I likes this.
  14. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    @Red Eagle
    Im totally open for veganism and also for Ketogen-Diet. I want to know which is the most "healthy" / "performance"
    But I must say that you are completely wrong about Ketogen-Diet.

    1. In endurance Performance you get huge benefits from being in ketosis. When you are adapted fat-burner you have 80000 kcal you can use comparing to "sugar burner" 2500Kcal. Thats why top endurance athletes now a days goes on a Ketogen diet. Look on the new world records the last years on Marathon, Ironman, Tour the france.. All on Ketogen diet.
    For Sprint and Powerlifters I agree with you. To spike the energy you need "fast" glucose.
    My own experience is that i run a lot longer and easier than before. In gym I have the same gains as an moderate carbohydrate intake. But I have a lot faster recovery now.

    2.Ketogen- Diet reverse Cardiovascular problems, Reverse Diabetes type2(Patient dosent need to take medications if following LCHF) Also reversing Cancers, especially Brain cancers. Cancer cells feeds on glucose. If you are in Ketosis, You "starve" the cancer cells to death.

    3. Cholesterol is a myth. We need cholesterol. Our liver produce 2000mg/day. Cholesterol works as a protection plug when a tear in a artery appear. The problem is what causes the tear(inflammation)? Stress/smoking/diabetes/sugar?... (It is not the cholesterol itself)

    We need good fats.

    So I do not agree with you. I will watch "The starch solution"
    Here is a good video i found veganism vs Ketogen diet:

    I Free I likes this.
  15. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    There is no need for any dietary intake of cholesterol. All needed cholesterol can be produced by the body.

    Is the ketogenic diet sustainable? Because if it can only be maintained for 1 year, or a few years, then that is not reasonable. Look at the Atkins diet, people had huge weight loss in the first few years and then developed kidney and other problems later.

    Can you briefly summarize what the ketogenic diet is? It sounds like you are talking about calorie restriction (because of mentions of starvation), but also high meat intake?
    I Free I likes this.
  16. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    Nope, not at all. We are made to eat fruits (frugivores). Grains are for mouses (granivores). To be exact
    This is why many people these days have coeliac disease. They can't eat bread with gluten in it.
    Check it out :)
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    I Free I likes this.
  17. Yes a ketogenic diet is completely sustainable. A ketogenic diet, at its most basic of definition, is a diet which restricts carbohydrate intake. That's it. You can be vegan and ketogenic, vegetarian and ketogenic, pescatarian and ketogenic, and so on and so forth. A majority remain omnivores since it's the easiest way to ensure adequate protein intake without losing lean body mass. Carbs are restricted in this diet in order for the body to produce more ketone bodies which use fat for fuel instead of glucose. This completely safe since dietary carbohydrates are considered a none essential nutrient.

    Are Carbohydrates Essential?

    Despite oft-heard claims to the contrary, there is no actual physiological requirement for dietary carbohydrate. Even the RDA handbook acknowledges this, right before recommending that a prudent diet should contain a lot of carbohydrates.

    To understand why carbs aren’t essential, I need to discuss the concept of an essential nutrient briefly. And, in brief, an essential nutrient is defined as:

    1. Any nutrient that is required for survival.
    2. Can’t be made by the body.
    Quoting from my own Rapid Fat Loss Handbook:

    The second criterion is the reason that dietary carbohydrate is not an essential nutrient: the body is able to make as much glucose as the brain and the few other tissues need on a day-to-day basis from other sources. I should mention that the body is not able to provide sufficient carbohydrate to fuel high intensity exercise such as sprinting or weight training and carbs might be considered essential for individuals who want to do that type of exercise. I’ll come back to exercise later in this article.

    But from the standpoint of survival, the minimum amount of carbohydrates that are required in a diet is zero grams per day. The body can make what little it needs from other sources.

    microsmurfen and I Free I like this.
  18. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

  19. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I restrict my carbs. Only get them from Veggies.
    Macros around: 5-10%carb 20-25%Protein 65-70%Fat
    So its not High Intake of meat. (Low/moderate).
    I have almost same food every day. Just change protein source.
    Breakfast: Bulletproof coffee (coffee + Butter + CoconutOil)
    Lunch: Huge sallad(Broccoli/asparagus/Avocado/peppers/etc..) + Protein source(Chicken/fish/meat), Olive oil and sourcream.
    Dinner the same.
    Its simple when you get the routine. Eat at 12 a'clock and 20. (16h fast). For me its sustainable and I have no cravings for any sugar. Took me 3 weeks to get used. Now I'm on 7month.
    I do add dessert sometimes: Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry with whipped cream. Also fan of Dark choclate85%

    My energy comes from ketone bodies. Liver break down fats and convert them into ketone bodies which our cells use as more efficient energy and gives less waste products.
    I Free I likes this.
  20. Hahaha, that's a great stig gif.
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