I don't want to be a nag...

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, May 31, 2017.

  1. Discovered my SO secret about 3yrs ago. Cracked down at that time then I got lazy with it. I am back to cracking down bc it definitely affects our sex life and I feel it's so important to have a healthy sex life and I don't like competing with a computer screen or my SO hands! He is not exactly comfortable discussing his addiction with me. He admits it's an issue but then tells me he hasn't P in a month. He won't let me know if he's struggling or if he MO. He says it'll always be a struggle. He watches femdom which I'm not exactly into. I can entertain him a little with what I feel comfortable doing but I don't want it to take that to be into me. I try to be supportive and encouraging but I don't want to nag him or seem like this is all we talk about. So my question is...how often should I bring up his progress and ask him what he is doing to help himself? Does he have a plan etc? I'm not trying to be pushy but enough already..he knows there's an issue and his way hasn't worked for 20yrs or so..so what is he doing to try something different? I sent him link to here and told him he needs AP and to educate himself and get a plan in place. But I haven't seen any executions...
    How are other couples handling this?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2017
    Kenzi and TooMuchTooSoon like this.
  2. I struggle with this very thing myself so I look forward to hearing from the more experienced couples on walking that line between firm expectation, incessant nagging, and giving too much slack. I also wonder how much it differs from married couples vs. dating couples.

    I wish you the best of luck in figuring out your own line. Take care. You are not alone. Hugs!!!
    Kenzi and Deleted Account like this.
  3. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    He needs to understand that part of getting better doesn't only involve getting rid of P and M. Addicts learn to clothe themselves in secrecy and deception. It's a security blanket that prevents others from seeing what's inside and protects them from being judged. Addicts build a wall around themselves to keep others outside and keep themselves inside with their addiction. That wall needs to come down by communicating with someone - a therapist, an AP, or you.

    An addict who tries to stop on their own is like a surgeon that tries to perform surgery on himself. There is too many mental pitfalls and traps associated with addiction that will try to draw him back in by looking for compromises. The more he tells his story the less power his addiction will have over him.

    There other methods of communication that don't require speaking. Can he write a journal, write a letter to you, play music, or create art to help facilitate bringing out his inner thoughts a feelings? Has he had trouble in the past communicating any of his feelings? Did he grow up in an environment where he couldn't express himself freely? Is he scared or does he lack the vocabulary to talk? Progress cannot be made in secret without any help. An addict needs to be pushed and challenged otherwise they will slip back into their porn coma and give up. They need relearn skills that may have grown dormant while in the depths of his addiction.
  4. @TooMuchTooSoon - it's tough and we are married I honestly don't think I would have stuck around if I wasn't. I've been through enough toxic relationships in my past..I got very insistent the first time around and he was more responsive bc it was all new. He started to get up at like 4a every other Friday to meet with a men's group that I setup him going to (which was kind of like AP) or so I thought but he stopped going even before they finished the book they were going through. I just wanted everything to go back to before I knew basically so I let it go for a long time. Too long. And I started to conform to some of the things that he liked (nothing heavy) but still I don't feel right because I feel like it's enabling his distorted image and I don't want it to take that for him to respond to me sexually.
    @i_wanna_get_better1 - I understand and I try my best to communicate with him but his uncomfortableness makes it difficult for me which is strange bc I'm very open and easy to talk to (I could pretty much talk to strangers or anyone about sex). He does not express his feelings, he is very shy, quiet and bottled up. Anger is the only one that rears its unglued head and it's usually towards the kids or road rage or something not really me. We've been together 8yrs and I've never seen him emotional or cry or anything. He is good to me in general. He's not spiteful or mean and has never so much as called me a name. He just makes intimacy difficult bc of how closed off he is. He will answer some of my questions but he feels weird telling me that "he plays with himself" and if he's uncomfortable telling me then he is for sure not going to be able to tell someone else. Right now he's trying to keep himself busy w working on an old car project. I agree 100% w what you state above that he needs to get it out so it has no power over him but I get responses like "get what out"? And other times when I ask him questions to try to spark the conversation I get "i don't know..why?" And he just shuts me out. I know he loves me and his family but this is extremely frustrating and I don't know how to help someone who isn't helping himself (or at least not properly). I don't even know if I'm only getting half truths as well. From the questions I've asked he pretty much said he doesn't PMO every day and does not spend hours doing it but he's viewing mainly femdom and other things that leads me to believe it has obviously escalated over the years. Ugh
    Kenzi likes this.
  5. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Your SO sounds alot like how my SO used to be. My guys distance thing is his ADD partly, however, the other part is/was his addict side. They don't know how to empathize anymore and that can make it difficult for us. Especially when we want to be supportive.
    If you are looking for suggestions, I could ramble a bunch on here, but I do have a journal called A New Hope and the first couple of entries might be useful. I_wanna_get_better1 is very insightful with his suggestions and I know my SO has taken one or two (if not more) of what he's said and put it into daily practice on my thread. Its been very helpful.

    It's great that he's trying to keep his hands from being idle, but that's not going to be a fix.
    PA isn't a thing that can be fixed quickly or easily.
    I'm sure he's probably overwhelmed, but admitting he's got a problem is the first step!
    *The lying will always be the hardest part to deal with.
    (if it doesn't stop, nothing else will)
    Honesty is KEY.
    He doesn't just need to fix his addiction, he needs to repair your relationship. Rebuild trust.

    This forum is a great place.
    We are all here to help each other.
    Hope you have a better day!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    This is part of the reason why an addict needs to be part of a group. Alcoholics go to AA, drug addicts need NA, people who lose weight join weight watchers or a gym. He needs to be around people who have 'been there and done that'. I know once I joined NoFap I no longer felt like a freak. There are people here who get what it's like to fight addiction. I'm sure you are a wonderful listener, but to your SO you are a non-addict. There are certain things that you cannot help him with... or he may not allow you to help him. But there are other things that you are uniquely qualified to do once he lets you in.

    Is your SO a reader? I was very confused about why I behaved the way I did until a read a book by Craig Nakken. It's a short, no frills book that talks about what all addictions have in common. It doesn't single out Porn/Sex addiction which might be good because he might not get defensive if he reads it. It's called 'The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior.' I saw myself in everything he wrote. I frequently refer to this book when giving advice.
    Kenzi likes this.
  7. @Jolie OMG YES!!! He lacks empathy in I think pretty much everywhere not just with this! I've never really attributed that to this but it makes sense! I keep sending him link of things I read on here or screenshots but not sure if he is even reading them.
    @i_wanna_get_better1 thank you for being so helpful and giving advice from the PA perspective. I can actually relate to the PA bc I've fallen into the trap myself before and I have been open with him about it. that is what lead me to find out his secret in the first place. I was getting angry w myself bc I felt I'm married and shouldn't have to take things into my own hands so to speak but when I felt rejected by my husband and I didn't know why that's what I turned to. I even remember him giving me a hard time about reading 50 shades when he had this addiction the whole time. Anyway he is not really a reader unless he has to. He is quite busy..works 7 days a week and takes online classes in addition to being a husband and father. So I know he's got a lot going on I just pray he makes recovery a priority instead of trying to sweep it under the rug again. He says he can't tell me things bc I'll get mad which is complete bs I only get upset about him shutting me out and not communicating. I don't want to leave over this bc all other aspects of the relationship are good and we are a good team but I need to feel connected and intimacy from my husband. Oh and as for Any group there is no way he attend one..he is extremely shy and quiet and would never bring himself to go. I was super surpris d he actually went to the mens group last time and I'm not even sure he opened up there..he prob just sat and listened and maybe shook his head.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2017
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  8. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    What if you give him an ultimatum? One of the strategies for an alcoholic who does not listen to others is an intervention, when loved ones confront the person, the idea is to get the person to realize they have a problem when other measures failed. Eg, you could tell him that as he is not dealing with the issue, you are going to tell other family. As it sounds very much like he is trying to brush it under the rug. He is comfortable how things are, and if you allow him to continue like this, he can continue as is.

    A completely opposite strategy, more from eastern philosophy, would be to allow him to be the way that he is. EDIT below.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  9. Yes it will ultimately come down to an ultimatum I believe. That is what worked before to get him to talk with the men's group. It'll come down to me telling him that I can't make him do this but I also don't have to sit around and watch him not do anything about it either. I hate to threaten to leave but this is that important to me that if I have to, I will. I was a single mom w 2 kids when I met him and I don't have a problem doing it again. I'm not going to give up on him but I told him last night I'm not going to let up bc it's important to me and I got lazy before (eastern method). So I will just continue to be a PIA until he does something.
    Kenzi likes this.
  10. Btw thank you all for the input and advice it really is helpful! This is an awesome group wish I found you sooner!
    Kenzi likes this.
  11. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Good for you!
    Stand up for yourself!
    You got this!
    You can't make them change!
    You can be the change you want to see in the world!
    The best thing I EVER heard - -
    "you are the author of your story"
    So if you don't like it, change it.
    They write their story.
    Everyone writes their own.
    Sometimes it matches and you share chapters with people who will come and go, but other times, you have to write people out.
    Don't let anyone take your pen :)
    Sometimes it takes being bold, to get where you need to go.
    Keep moving forward.
    I wish you the very best.
  12. Took me a long time to figure that out! You can't change people you can only change yourself. Things change around you when you change. It's all about being the best YOU that you can be! I LOVE the story analogy!! It's perfect!
    hope4healing and Kenzi like this.
  13. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I mis-wrote that statement above. The idea is, as you and Jolie have pointed out, that it might not be possible to change someone else, but you can change your reaction to what is happening. So eg, you could allow your anger and frustration to be there, or you could just let it go, but you would not hold onto it, or justify it. And by changing your reaction to what is happening, you are able to deal with the situation better and take the right actions.
    Kenzi and Deleted Account like this.
  14. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I think there is a difference in how a SO reacts when the couple is married versus unmarried. Bottom line is there are more entanglements with marriage and there may be children with or without marriage. The level of commitment usually dictates how much the SO will tolerate. But so does the SO's self esteem, personality, etc. At first when I found out PMO was the cause of my partners DE I asked him to stop. He agreed he would totally. On occasion he would reaffirm it but I admit I did not ask him about it a lot. It was not because I felt I was a nag but because I had no reason not to trust him, I took him at his word. I would bring it up when sex did not work and as I found out later he was lying the whole time. I believe not "nagging" was to my detriment. But since he had not lied I had no reason to. Now I nag away. I asked him to check in with me daily and reaffirm he is not PMOing. I ask him to report his urges or if he is struggling, etc. At first he fought me hard on this and was a complete jerk about it. But then I think he realized that I would indeed leave him and that he needed to do something to rebuild my trust. Now he tells me without me asking and said he will tell me until I tell him to stop. As others have mentioned part of addiction recovery is honesty and openness. There is no way a SO can heal if the addict is not 100 percent honest and answers whatever questions you have. He needs to do so without being angry or defensive and that's going to take some time but it needs to come. You in return need to ask for what you need. Do it calmly or with a counselor and set a plan in place. He does not know what you need and how much you want to know. Some addicts on here fight full disclosure hard, but my belief is that you must tell your SO whatever she needs to hear or the relationship will never recovery and he will continue to live in shame and lies. Asking for what you need is not nagging.