Little Rant

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Matrix Intel, May 12, 2017.

  1. I'm up at three in the morning for no reason, probably because my mind is racing. I realize that I am paying for a mistake that my parents made 22 years ago because they couldn't use a fuckin condom. The result: my current life. The reality is: I haven't existed for BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of years before my birth, yet have NOT suffered the SLIGHTEST inconveinence from it. But, because my 'mom' and 'dad' were too fucking horny and couldn't use a condom, I'm here in this shitty world with no passion, barely any emotions, no past, no future, whatever. I was all a mistake. When I get some money saved up I'll just move out of state and go from there. Maybe the loss won't be so hard for my family then, but I eventually go to do what is best for ME. Fuck everyone else, they'll have to get over their mourning. It's really something inevitiable for me. Sorry, but that's the reailty, unless something big changes, which I highly doubt.
  2. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    Yeow. That's a ton of pain. Has something happened to make your mind race tonight?

    "Reality" is sometimes not as concrete as it seems, and certainly, reality changes over time. Hang on, little brother. Beathe deeply, and let this pain pass over you and through you, but try not to indulge it. It's "real," of course, but it doesn't have to be the only "reality" you're part of.

    If we allow ourselves to sink more and more deeply into that pain, it becomes just as much an addiction as any other. In a sense, we use all that pain to distract us from the root of the pain, and we find it harder and harder to look beyond it to its source.

    Try to find some bit of goodness in today, and hold on to it for just a little while.
    Kman20 and Matrix Intel like this.
  3. Either way, I rest my mind knowing that I will cease to exist one day and go back into the peaceful, eternal non existence that caused me no harm. Forever and ever, truly hapilly ever after.
  4. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    And are you considering harming yourself?
  5. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    I agree, that is a lot of pain.

    I don't think you are a mistake. I don't think anyone is a mistake. I felt a lot like you do at your age. I don't know about your home life but mine was rough. My parents constantly fought. They divorced. They still fought. I naturally felt unloved and even unlovable. I went to college. It didn't get better because I was still basically a child. I was still stuck in that miserable family dynamic.

    I had periods in college where I felt really down. This is a tough time in life for anyone. All I can say is I got past it. I got a job and was able to make it on my own. This helped me a lot. I didn't feel dependent on a undependable family anymore.

    I don't want to minimize your pain but it can get better.
    Bearish likes this.
  6. I'm all by myself.
  7. I think I'll give myself five years at most for things to change. One can only take so much. I'm going to give life the finger for sure. This life and world just isn't for me, plain and simple.
  8. I'm perfect happy and content right now thinking about it though, not the typical depressed suicidal feeling, but a peaceful, content feeling. I'm really content in my decision I guess.
  9. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut

    At 156 days, are you sure you ain't flatlining? You say you are all by yourself. Welcome to 2017. What do you think cell phones, snapchat, social media in general, youtube are for? Me, me, and me. Look at me vlog, look at me do this. It's probably designed that way for population control. The disconnection of people.

    That said you aren't entirely alone though, you can reach out. It just takes effort.
    Woodchester and Matrix Intel like this.
  10. Rockhold

    Rockhold Fapstronaut

    Bruh..don't be a bitch ass nigga man. It's probably flatline, I am going for a brewski, and when I am back I expect you to be back to normal. Or I will smack the taste out your mouth.
  11. Not a flatline for sure, nofap just makes me look at things for what they are.
  12. I watched a lot of the videos already. It's all common sense shit really. I just don't see it all being worth it anymore. Humans are just a bunch of biological robots that make themself believe life is worth living, reproducing and continuing the process of human suffering, yet they continue to suffer throughout their entire life. All in all, it's just an illusion, a game. Humans would be better off extinct. There would be no more suffering then.
  13. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you are an existential nihilist, or at least are suffering from such an outlook. That is a very bleak worldview. I also think it is wrong.

    We aren't biological robots. Robots can't make themselves believe something. Robots can't have illusions because they don't have consciousness. Robots are following a program and lack awareness.

    Suffering is real and unpleasant. But just as there is suffering there is contentment, joy, beauty, happiness. If you see or experience suffering and see it as nothing more than that then life would be difficult. But it is at least possible that suffering can lead to something greater. This might not be immediate or even obvious but it has to be a possibility. I actually think we see this a lot. Just one example, if you are training your body you'll experience suffering. But from this suffering comes greater strength and endurance.

    I can say in my own life some of my own struggles have made me a better person. That doesn't take away the unpleasantness of the suffering. But looking back on it I see that it isn't for nothing.
  14. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    What does make you so angry?
  15. davem7

    davem7 Fapstronaut

    why are u angry sometimes?
  16. Mr.No

    Mr.No Fapstronaut

    Ey man i dont know you. I just asking to help. You have thosebad feelings. But you can be as cynic as you would like to be. I am here to help you.
    But my feeling is that you have accomplished more than 150 days onnofap and still waiting on the changes you aspected. Tell me what do you want, tell what making you so angry.
    Matrix Intel likes this.
  17. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    There is also a certain amount of attention-seeking here. "I'm angry. I say things that worry you. I won't tell you any more, so that you'll continue to ask me what's wrong."

    There isn't any way to make that situation better, but to let him be in his cloud until he's ready to come into the community. But we're still here for him. We just shouldn't play the game on his terms.
  18. Seek the beauty and hope in this life. You have nothing to lose by looking for something beautiful to live for, and everything to gain.

    If you settle for this nihilistic despair, you're truly missing out on life's great lessons and blessings.
    Bearish likes this.
  19. Gosh I could write a book on it, so give me time to gather my thoughts.