Has porn increased the prevalence of homosexuality?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2016.

  1. Bench

    Bench Fapstronaut

    Let me just say, (Sorry if this is too off-topic) this type of thread and comments are much easier to read and understand and discuss than your average or above-average essay. If an essay were to be written on this, using multiple people's opinions, it would never have the same effect as this simple and easy to navigate thread. (Also essays force you to write in a certain format and stick with it, which is unfortunate because sometimes a bit of adapting will benefit everyone (reading it).)
    Deleted Account and ontheway like this.
  2. Yeah..... I agree :D
    Bench likes this.
  3. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    All great points if you happen to believe a book written some 1000's of years ago.
  4. Yep :p Just because the bible is old, it does not make it irrelevant though.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I really like the way you think about this. Your explanation of the genetic side of things is helpful.
    In terms of the 'choice' I have pretty much changed my mind already. your last paragraph explains it well - homosexuality often becomes a part of a person before the make any informed choice about it. And the way porn plays a part is described well by @Shugi Shugi

    I had never thought of it this way before. Porn-induced fetishes are one of the effects of porn and the Coolidge effect, an indirect effect of deciding to watch porn. And a straight person could have a gay fetish, thus considering themselves bisexual. If they quit porn however, they might see things differently.
  6. I do not believe people are born gay or straight and I belive that sexuality is determined by enviornmental factors and even if a child suffers sexual abuse can affect their sexuality. I never believed that 1 in 10 people are gay, and believe it is even less, however the one in ten could mean the gay people and also the people identified as bisexual.

    Yet these days most people who identify as gay are not in the closet unlike over 30 years ago. Also there is an increase in number of people opening up as bisexual or their sexuality is fluid. I believe a major factor of people identifying as sexuality as fluid is due to their influence porn in their life.
  7. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Perhaps the OP wants to explore the other sides of his sexuality, if the coolidge effect is to believed one can flip their sexual attractions quite easily.
  8. I am not sure if I understand?
  9. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Well if you're a gay practicing Christian, then maybe if you exposed yourself to more straight things you start a opposite sex relationship. I'm assuming you're gay right?
  10. I think I understand where you are coming from though
  11. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Oh God so sorry bruh, I just assumed by your picture and subject title. My bad LOL.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    But yeah what I wanted to say was, if the coolidge effect works a gay person or gay Christian or whatever, could gradually expose themselves to straight porn/women and thereby affect their sexuality.
  13. How very interesting...
    I would never recommend watching porn though, for any reason whatsoever.
    Bench likes this.
  14. That picture is pretty gay tho, lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. ;(
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Touché, interesting question @Rubidium, lol! No, I do not know how pre-natal factors affect homosexuality. I have some vague memory that hormones passed via the placenta may be significant, that's all. But it's not what I want to believe. :rolleyes:
  17. Chrisfp11

    Chrisfp11 Fapstronaut

    The OP. IM Straight but think your views on homosexuality are archaic and harmful to gay people. No offense but I'm not debating anyone who thinks Adam and Eve actually existed. The God of the bible killed over 2 million people so I can't imagine ... Anyway. Those that condemn homosexuality ignore what the bible says about divorce, about how non virgin women should be stoned on their wedding night if their husband finds out they aren't pure,about what Jesus said about wealth or about how those that work on the sabbath must be killed. It's convenient to pick on gays but ignore that the bible says far more about divorce and even wearing different fabrics at the same time. Some Christians pick and choose what to be against. Please read duteronomy and numbers. They will open your eyes
    TheIdealMan likes this.