Has porn increased the prevalence of homosexuality?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2016.

  1. <<This thread may possibly offend some people, even though I don't intend it to. I am only being honest, and starting an honest discussion. Most of my thought are just speculations.>>

    I am a Christian, and as such am concerned by the seemingly increasing prevalence of homosexuality today. Let's get this straight - Christians are not homophobes (the majority of them aren't anyway. I could rant about this but I won't) and they don't hate gay people. God loves every person no matter what. I am so grateful that homosexuals are not discriminated against like they were not so long ago (research Alan Turing for example).

    I don't believe that people are born gay however. Yes, uncommonly people have large hormonal imbalances or genetic diversities from birth which influence their sexual behaviour, but I think homosexuality is always a choice, influenced by environmental factors, one of the biggest ones being porn.

    I have talked to people on NoFap who suffer with HOCD (homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder). People are anxious that they may be homosexual because they have become aroused by gay porn. I never got into it myself, but I can understand. The Coolidge Effect is a process in porn addiction where we seek out more and more novel porn just to get an erection, because masturbating again and again to the 'normal genres' got boring. In severe cases, people act on this, and decide that they are gay.

    On the other side of the spectrum, our porn culture has definitely sent sexual abuse skyrocketing. There is a lot of disrespect towards women in the world and many men and boys don't treat them or value them as beautiful, unique women but as sexual objects. Women can just get tired of this and decide they never want to be with a man, so end up deciding to be lesbian. I have got to say that if I were a female I would be very daunted by the thought of entering a relationship with a guy who is probably covering up a porn addiction.

    Besides homosexuality, there is bisexuality, transgenderism, intersex, gender fluidity, etc. I believe porn has had a profound effect on the prevalence of these lifestyles. Its effects are far-reaching, it creeps into all the cracks, even while people are unaware.

    So, please share your opinion, whatever that may be. Please don't be mean though.

    Looking back at this thread, it was a pretty cool one. I like how we were all predominantly respectful and working together, with lots of different approaches. I decided to resurrect it because I think it is an interesting read ;).

    I don't really know where my desire to 'understand' or 'work out' homosexuality comes from. Maybe it is from an insecurity of my own, or some kind of curiosity. But I think I should remember that as a Christian I am called to love everybody with no agenda. It is the most important thing. I can try this.

    I think since joining NoFap, my beliefs have changed quite a bit.

    Peace. :)
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You know, I've considered this too, and it makes sense that it would play a role, but I never really say anything because I'm not at all qualified to talk about stuff like this, and feel like it'll cause the least amount of problems if I just give people the benefit of the doubt. If they think they were born that way, sure, I'll go with that.

    But I totally get what you're saying. I just don't have a strong belief one way or the other. Sorry I didn't have much to contribute...
  3. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    The dawn of internet pornography is nearly unprecedented in the history of human development. Sure, in a way it is nothing new BUT the availability and ways we access it are. Before computers, we had access to pictures, stories, our imaginations and other people. And, from my personal experience, pictures/stories relied heavily upon the imagination anyways. But now we have access to more nakedness in one night than we would have been able to see in a lifetime.

    It would be grand if we could look at the causality of this upon us all without the baggage attached to the meaning of sexuality. Let the scientists do their science, and the let rest of us do our part in making this better in our own unique ways. Science shouldn't be about proving or disproving how we think things should be, that is bias. Science should be about discovering how things really are. Let the philosopher determine what it means, or the poet describe how it matters. Let the storyteller and moviemaker present that truth in an engaging way. Let people decide for themselves how they'll choose to live given the real deal of what's going on.

    I believe it is worthwhile to discuss.
  4. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    There are two ways to look at it. On the one hand, when I was having issues with my own sexuality (from excessive PMO), I spent some time browsing a local Internet forum frequented by gay people. I guess my sex drive was artificially hyped up and I thought I'd look for an easy hook-up. Well it seems a lot of other people have the same idea. One of the regulars on this forum commented that there seems to be a lot of sex addiction in the gay community. So I suppose that means a lot of "straight" men go looking for "variety".

    On the other hand, there are a lot of gay people who don't watch porn (and have never watched it). These are people who just have no interest in porn at all. So if they weren't born gay, that means something else must have influenced their homosexuality, and chances are that something else has been around a lot longer than porn. The thing we need to realise here is that in recent decades, it's become more socially acceptable to be that way. I remember growing up in the 80s and hearing stories of people being bashed just for being perceived as gay (often they weren't, they just fitted some arbitrary stereotype, but I digress). There were probably a lot more gay people around then we realised back then, they were just afraid to come out.

    Personally, I pretty much reject the labels of "gay", "straight", or "bi". I think we're all on a spectrum, or a continuum. On the one extreme you have people who might be 100% "straight", and on the other extreme you have people who might be 100% "gay". Maybe 1% of the population sit on those extreme ends. The rest of us are somewhere in between. If you want to know where you are on that spectrum, stop watching porn for a few months and see how you feel.

    And if I'm totally honest, I think it's great that we live in a more tolerant age, where people who identify as "straight", "gay", "bi" or "transgendered" are free to be who they want to be. Heck, as a man attracted to women, I know that if I meet the woman of my dreams, I won't face any competition from men who are attracted to other men. The only problem I see comes from porn itself, where people get into relationships that don't match their true preferences because they were influenced by their porn preferences. But it's worth remembering that porn can even make a "straight" man hook up with a different type of woman because he just fapped to someone who looks like her.
  5. Ambrose

    Ambrose Fapstronaut

    I think heavy p use shapes people's sexual tastes.

    Is homosexuality on the rise? If so is the increase in p use a contributor?
    I don't know, and unfortunately it is politically incorrect for psychologists to research the causes. (Many people aren't willing to risk their livelihood by being labeled a "bigot") So it may be a long time before we scientifically understand some of these things.
  6. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut


    Interesting Question!
    I find that @exchronos comment about "no more need for imagination" is right. With the porn sites that grew in the last few years, the genres accessible are covering all bases. Coolidge effect will make addicts go look for alternate genres.

    Even when the porn videos were accessible ion VHS, there was 4-5 scenes on the tape, and you were fast forwarding to the intense moments. You were re-watching the same scenes until you bring the tape back. There was maybe one scene that was really "what you like the most". With internet porn, there is videos just for you! You will find what you look for.

    Now, with the huge porn collection, there is stuff for everyone! Young adults are accessing porn early in life. Their sex ED (if we can call that ED) is biased.
    Early personality sinks in at around 16 yo (if I'm not mistaking). So, there is chances to confuse young people...trying homosexuality because the coolidge effect mad them look at that content on the net.

    In the same vein, its possible that people develop fetishes and bsdm-variant acquired tastes....
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. This is really good. I agree that porn is not the only thing that influences sexual orientation, your idea of a spectrum is pretty on point too. I sometimes find myself looking at another person and think "they are quite handsome", I find men attractive but I am not attracted to them if you know what I mean, so I guess I am not %100 straight. This does not bother me even the tiniest bit though. And I also agree that we live in a more accepting and welcoming age. Don't get me started on so called marriage equality though...
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  8. Great point! Many children are exposed to porn even before puberty sets in, so once it does begin they may already be addicted to porn, which completely changes how they want to express their sexuality.
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Hmm. Could you expand on this, namely, that homosexuality is always a choice? How about people that were attracted to the same sex for as far back as they remember and were not exposed to sex or porn? You say you do not believe that people are born gay. But you acknowledge the possible role of environmental factors. Why do you allow for post natal environmental factors, but rule out pre natal environmental factors? What is the basis for your views on this @Rubidium?
  10. I don't think that sexual orientation is a choice.
    Even if we say that environmental factors are responsible, the person doesn't have a choice, does s/he?
    It would be a choice if one could say
    I decide to be attracted only to women...

    But perhaps more importantly, it doesn't matter whether non-heterosexual orientations are choices.
    Even if they are, I don't find anything wrong with the choice.

    Another thing
    While there have been advancements in LGBT rights, it's premature to say that people from the LGBT community are not discriminated against.
    There are a number of countries which punsish gay sex.
    Same sex marriage is allowed in vert few countries.
    Many countries don't protect LGBT people from discrimination.
  11. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    So let's not go too deep into these thought processes because I think they have a higher chance of leading to an angry flame war. I think the OP's question was entirely about the influence of porn on sexual preferences. Let's just discuss that exact question.

    I will first speak concerning the scientific aspect, since it's my area of expertise. As far as "being born" a certain way, this probably refers to the genetics, since that's all a person has at the point of conception (unless you are talking about the environmental factors during fetal development as @SnL mentioned). As far as genetic links, there haven't been any successful genome-wide associations (GWAS) between homosexuality and specific genetic loci. There was one suspected marker but if you put the study through the same rigorous standards as others, it doesn't go too far. Therefore it looks at this point like sexual preference is determined mostly by environment.

    I think the power of environment in this case is much more influential than genetics can be. There are so many factors that can influence the brain during development and the brain is extraordinarily adaptable. It can become anything you train it to be (whether consciously or deeply subconsciously). In fact, genetic links to behaviors are almost always impossible to pin down scientifically. Either they are entirely environmental, or they are controlled by too complex of a genetic system to elucidate with our technology. That's not to say that homosexuality has no genetic component, but I believe the influence of environment is more a more potent modulator of this kind of characteristic. Evidence from twin studies suggest that homosexuality is either not genetic at all or has variable penetrance (traits not guaranteed to result from genetic makeup).

    Some environmental factors I believe play a role are: porn (like we are discussing), parental influence, other social interactions, and perhaps hormonal or other signaling makeup. Anecdotally, I will mention that most gay/bisexual men I know had less of an exposure to their father's presence growing up (e.g. divorced parents, dads who spent too much time at work) than "normal" children. Maybe that has something to do with it. I think the porn-related pathway we are discussing here has a much stronger effect during later childhood though.

    In terms of choice, while I think people are not necessarily born homosexual, I think it becomes a part of a person long before any choices are made regarding future sexual preferences, unless you count the choice of watching various types of porn, which is maybe indirectly affecting preference. We don't have control over our sexual desires. What we do have control over is our actions. I won't go further into that, as it becomes a different topic.
    ethanomar and Deleted Account like this.
  12. I don't fully buy the idea that every homosexual person is born that way. It is mostly a LGBT rights movements propaganda. Propaganda for good cause - acceptance. But propaganda nonetheless. Scientifically we simply do not have enough research to make such a claim. Huge porn consumption supposedly can induce homosexual, bisexual, transgender fetishes. Or you might even say "shape sexuality". So maybe there are other environmental factors that can do the same. I do think that many people are born that way tho. For example it's not unheard that people who have experienced brain trauma in some kind of accident has changed sexual orientation. So maybe a lot of people are simply born with different brain, not mentally but physically.

    Is homosexuality ALWAYS a choice tho? Even if we assume that no person is born that way, I don't think it's reasonable to think that way. I would compare it with something like phobia that developed due to environment the person grew up in. So now they are scared of whatever. Do they have a choice? It's not that simply as to stop being afraid. They actually have to deal with it by condition their mind. Same goes for addiction. Being addicted to porn is a choice? Well, most of time you can not control yourself, that's called addiction. So no, I don't think it is. What is choice tho is to either accept it or suppress it, fight against it. So in that kind of sense of course you can not be gay by choice. Just because one feels that way does not mean one has to act on it. But as far as attraction is concerned, I believe it's way more complicated than that.

    As far as porn making people to be attracted to same gender, I can relate to that. I used to be into some gay porn. Also trans porn. Old stuff became boring so I had to increase the search for novelty. Now that I stopped PMO this attraction is almost completely gone and I am back to exclusively liking girls. So it was definitely porn induced. I didn't really had much of a problem with that. Apart from a little period of confusion it was for the most part like "well, I enjoy this and I have nothing against homo/bi sexuality so who cares". Only later as I went on nofap I discovered what it was actually all about. It's not completely gone yet tho. I don't know whether it even will. Maybe years of doing this made some permanent changes to my brain pathways. Will see.

    I also want think that it is important to note the difference between straight up sexual orientation and fetish. Fetishes are part of human sexuality, a part from sexual orientation. But they are not the whole sexual orientation. What I had/have I would describe more as a fetish and not straight up bisexuality. At least from my perspective. But then again, it's hard to tell.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  13. If sexual orientation is a choice
    Does anyone recall choosing heterosexuality?
    Did anyone decide one day that s/he will like men/women?

    I dare say that all the heterosexual people can very easily say that their sexual attraction to the opposite sex comes naturally. They can't pinpoint why it's there, how exactly did they get it.

    Why is it hard to believe LGBT people then?

    To definitively answer whether porn can change sexual orientation, we'll need extensive research by psychologists.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  14. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Are there more gay people today?

    I think the answer is due to a greater acceptance in society in general of the LGBT community. Many who would have previously remained "closeted gays" are now coming out and identifying as LGBT.

    Remember that before the Stonewall riots, same sex attraction was considered a mental illness.

    With a larger market, the pornographers have increased production and distribution of lesbian and gay porn.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  15. Veritech

    Veritech Fapstronaut

    Another terrible porn lie is the "lesbian scene".

    In the VHS days, most porn movies would have a scene where at least two of the female pornstars would have sex with one another. Yet this never happened with the men.

    The observer was left with the false impression that all women are just as attracted to women as they are to men.
  16. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    It doesn't matter if you're a Christian, like that matters about your sexual preference or if you like milk chocolate over dark chocolate. If homosexuality is more prevalent than it was 'X' amount of years ago is only because they're not doing it in secret anymore for fear of death. Plain and simple.
    Veritech likes this.
  17. iwanttobemyoldselfagain

    iwanttobemyoldselfagain Fapstronaut

    I read you post, and the premise seems very faulty.

    Firstly, I believe whole heartedly that Christians are not homophobes, it's a just a few loud bigoted ones that have earned the whole lot an unfortunate bad name.

    But no, I'm afraid I disagree completely with the statement that people are not gay from birth. Being gay is a sexual orientation, just like being straight is. So if no one is gay by birth, ergo, no one can be straight by birth too. So what, we are just born without a sexual preference? Not likely.

    I'm not going to be nasty to you for having this assumption. Since straight heterosexual people form the majority of the population, it is expected of us to look at other sexual orientations as anomalous. But it is the wrong thing to do. Bring straight is our default setting, doesn't mean it's the same for others.
    I know there are many here on Nofap struggling with HOCD, but I can say with certainty that the large LGBT population present in the world today is not a product of straight people gone homo due to the Coolidge effect. That is far fetched and impossible.

    The reason why you see so many gay people today as opposed to previous years is because the fear of prosecution has been reduced greatly, not completely gone but still. As this fear and persecution decreases, more and more people will come out with their true orientations. Don't be alarmed. They are not being made gay, no one is converting them. They are simply coming out and telling the truth about themselves because they are certain they will not be penalised or bullied for it.

    Consider this example - Maybe when you were a kid you ate candy you weren't supposed to and your mom asked you to confess. You didn't because she said she'd ground you. You may have denied it or lied to her. But when, after a while, your mom's anger dissipated and she decided not to punish you even if you ate the candy, didn't you go and tell her you ate it?

    Your example for girls being lesbians is also quite troubling. I'm a girl, and I read news about rape and assault every day. It's hard not to, because it's happening in every corner of the world. Yet, not for one second has that "scared" me into becoming a lesbian or changing my sexual orientation. I like men, I will always be attracted to men. I'll fall in love with one. I'll just not fall in love with an abusive one and that should ensure that I live safely and happily in my own home. That is a straight girl's solution to abusive relationships and men who do not love and respect women, not going lesbian.

    Bottom line, you seem to be under the erroneous impression that it's very easy to change one's sexual preference. Let me tell you that it is not. Some are straight, some are gay, some are bi, some are pan, and more often that not they're just born that way. If there are those that aren't born that way and their preferences have been screwed due to porn, well, they are working hard to go back to their original preference. Nothing apart from that.

    Hope I've answered your query.
  18. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    A different perspective on the matter of nature vs nurture, as that is where this thread seems to be going towards:

    In short, the prevalent views of either nature or nurture dominating the human condition are both faulty. They work in tandem. The genetic potential is there, but needs to be unlocked by conditions in nature. See the video for more info.

    If true, this presents a radically different twist on many of the arguements we still are having today. Let's face some facts first, homosexuality was repressed in recent history and thus whatever numbers we would have to make our opinions off of are skewed. We can neither say that homosexuality is on the rise, stable or declining in terms of statistical proportions of the population because of the skewed nature of the numbers. That is a flawed arguement for either side of this debate. The numbers merely comfirm that their are more numbers today because of the acceptance the LGBT community has gained, to go past this is non-conclusive.

    It is true that some end up homosexual without porn, but it can also be true that porn has made some homosexual. Obviously there are conditions that are unique to porn and others that have nothing to do with porn. I think so far there seems to be a consensus that porn does affect sexuality, so I won't say any more on that. But porn doesn't always make people homosexual, that would be a ridiculous assertation. Perhaps some are led in by porn because of a genetic predisposition, perhaps because earlier life circumstances made it more tempting. But, conversely, some are more resistant and will end up heterosexual no matter how much porn they watch.

    We really don't understand this issue all that much. More study is needed.
  19. Tricky question:cool:. The bedrock of my opinion is in the Bible, in Genesis. God created man, and woman. God first made Adam, then thought it would be good for him to have a companion, so he created Eve. Later God says that a woman shall leave her father and be united with her husband etc. etc. etc.
    To me it is simple: God created males for females and females for males. Adam and Eve were husband and wife. The garden of Eden was the only time in history when humans were perfect - It all ended when they ate from the tree - the first sin. And the bible says homosexuality is a sin. In a nutshell God makes everybody with the same instinct which is to grow up and marry the opposite sex.

    "How about people that were attracted to the same sex for as far back as they remember and were not exposed to sex or porn?"
    This is true, this happens. Take Alan Turing for example. My reasoning is that somewhere back in there life something caused them to be like this. For example, If a girl has never seen her father because he took off when the mother got pregnant. Or, imagine a young boy who only has one friend, who he is very close with, and he develops feelings for his friend. There are situations where people do make a choice, it is not a very conscious one.

    Of course, there are many different environments that can influence people's sexuality, at many different ages. Not being a psychologist and so not knowing much about the details of the topic, my views are mostly based on scripture.

    That was hard to articulate, phew. Now my question to you @SnL is do you know how pre-natal factors affect homosexuality, or do you simply not rule them out because that is what you want to believe?
    Deleted Account and ontheway like this.
  20. Thanks for your reply!
    You have a good argument.
    This is true. To make any conclusion about the prevalence of homosexuality would be short sighted. But I don't rule out the possibility that homosexuality is on the rise.
    I realise that my opinion is really quite blunt and naive. I get that you are straight and that is that. Me too. But what about when a woman (or girl) is in an abusive situation, rather than just hearing about it. How about someone born into an abusive household with a violent father. They wouldn't grow up and think to themselves "I hate men so I will be lesbian", but these ideas might go much deeper into their mind, seeded there from early childhood, and they can not do anything about this. Could this happen?

    @iwanttobemyoldselfagain - do you hold this view because it just seems to 'fit'? Is there any way to explain it?
    ontheway likes this.