Porn has escalated me to extremity, what do I do?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PornHasRuinedMe2255, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Desperately need advice from people who have gone through porn escalation

    I’ve been addicted since around the age of 10. I was exposed to sex far too young and this combined with the fact that I was never very social led to me spending most of my time watching porn online. It started normally, getting aroused to sexy women and very vanilla porn. My tastes were normal for a quite a long time but eventually I felt numbed to getting off to that. I then moved to stuff like hardcore sex, anal, that step sis shit you see all over pornhub, BDSM, and hentai. The past few years though it’s become most alarming because it’s crossed the boundaries of my sexual orientation. I’ve escalated to transwoman, which led to femboy when I grew bored of that, which led to full on gay porn when even femboy shit didn’t cut it. I hate this and it causes me a lot of distress. The moment I finish I’m immediately washed with guilt and most times almost have a breakdown. I know that I’m straight so this stresses me out a lot, it’s almost impossible to get turned on by sexy women anymore. I can’t get turned on at all without some form of porn, I need porn to get anywhere. I desperately need advice from others who have been there or in a similar situation. Is it possible to get back to normal? Can I get rid of these escalation induced fetishes? Is it even possible? I don’t want to be unable to enjoy anything without hardcore porn anymore
    Cactus61, xiegen and bertieboy like this.
  2. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    What you describe is classic porn addiction and escalation. I would think you just need to stay away from porn for an extended period of time, hopefully a 90 day hard mode would be extremely helpful. Don’t make any judgments about yourself or presume any of this means you are a certain way or not. Your mind and body are flooded with poison, and you need to detox. In the short term you will need to do whatever to “white knuckle“ it through this period of time. That can be trying to exercise, meditate, read literature about this issue, journal etc. it would be most helpful if you have other people to talk about this issue with. That could be a therapist, a trusted friend, join a recovery group, etc, whatever you can do to distract yourself away from the urges and pull this has on you. You also need to do self-care and treat yourself with some compassion. You aren’t what you have been doing; you are a good and valued human being who has got caught up in this. Know that you can recover from this, and there is hope. I’m not going to sugarcoat it though, this takes a lot of hard work to do. In the longer-term though, you’ll need to dig deeper to learn about and try to understand the deep roots of why you chose this behavior to deal with your emotions, your anxieties, your fears, your longings that were not being fulfilled. That’s the harder work but it it is the necessary work that will pay off in recovery and freedom from this affliction. You can’t do it alone though, you need other people and you need the support and help from other people. Glad you are here as a starting point, and there are many supportive people here who are willing to help. Best wishes.
  3. What you describe is not as uncommon as you might think.
    It DOES get better. Stay engaged here, others share your struggle, your doubt, your fears. It's ok brother, you're in the right place.
  4. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, it’s good to hear I’m not alone. I felt so sure that no one else had experienced this to understand
  5. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for this, it really helped. I am speaking with a therapist so I’ll make sure to be more open about this with him. I’m also going to be trying to find other things to focus on to avoid giving into urges.
    bertieboy likes this.
  6. Trust me, if we were sitting down eating breakfast and talking, you'd be shocked how similar all our stories are, it's the porn.

    And I tell you another thing, if your therapist doesn't recognize porn as addictive, you might think about a different therapist. Acceptance of the addiction is step 1 to recovery, that acceptance includes your recovery partners.
  7. bertieboy

    bertieboy Fapstronaut

    I agree with the other guys who have responded to your post. It is the porn that has done it. It is toxic and poisoned your mind. It twists our thoughts and leads us down paths we don't want to go and wouldn't think of going. I do believe though that once you are away from all porn you will start to see clearly again, think clearly again and not through a distorted, fuzzy, haze
  8. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    It’s really nice to know I’m not alone, the things I’ve escalated to make me feel like no one could understand. They also make me panic like what If they’re actually me now. And luckily my therapist does see porn addiction as a real thing but I haven’t told him specifically what I’ve escalated to as I feel that that’s the part where people don’t understand, ya know?
    Cactus61, GiraffeMan and ChrisJord like this.
  9. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I sure hope so.
  10. MasturTainer

    MasturTainer Fapstronaut

    Your P induced fetishes will go away with time and absence from porn. One thing that can help is realizing that theres nothing shameful in anything you described. Its a normal escalation, and accepting you have these P induced fetishes will not increase their power at all. In fact, it will make them less tabboo and decrease their power over you. Stay away from P for at least 90 days and you'll see. Good luck
  11. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I always feel like it’s something no one else has been through so it’s nice to know that it’s understood in this community. It’s not much but today does Mark day 1 of giving up porn. I deleted anything in my phone, bookmarks, and social media where there was porn. I hope this works
  12. MasturTainer

    MasturTainer Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it's the feeling of isolation I've found that hurts the most. But when you realize a lot of other people have been affected in the exact same way, you realize it's no big deal. Just radiation poisoning, or like a company dumped toxic stuff into your water supply. I also have porn-induced fetishes that are quite embarrassing. In fact, the fact that you are able to say out loud what yours are from the beginning is impressive.
  13. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Oh trust me it took a lot of self convincing to be open about what I’ve escalated to in this post lol. At first I thought for sure everyone would think I’m just lying to myself and that it’s not escalation, that’s what people outside of this community think at least. It’s nice to know that this place is one where people understand and don’t judge. Since I made this post I haven’t looked at porn at all so im gonna keep fighting
    Buddhabro2.0 and ChrisJord like this.
  14. Finding out your not alone in your secret shame is incredible isn't it? Together we can walk out of the dark hell we've put ourselves in.
  15. This is fairly common mate. I know a dude who only watches lesbian porn. That doesn't mean he's a lesbian right?
    It's just dopamine. Dopamine spikes.
  16. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Good to know I’m not alone, I can’t wait till my dopamine system goes back to normal though
  17. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    It really is, I can’t wait to get me back. Since I’ve posted this I still haven’t looked at porn and I’ve deleted anything I had. I’m serious about it this time, I truly want to heal from this
    Buddhabro2.0 and ChrisJord like this.
  18. Bless you brother, me too. I miss the old me, the normal man I used to be.
    PornHasRuinedMe2255 likes this.
  19. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, bless you too. I hope that we can both get back to normal and leave this in the past
    ChrisJord likes this.
  20. PornHasRuinedMe2255

    PornHasRuinedMe2255 Fapstronaut

    Sorry to reply to this again, I don’t want to bother people too much but I woke up today and was very anxious. I had some thoughts like what if I’ll never get me back or what it this is me now? Can I just get some reassurance that you think this really will work?