Diary of a supportive Girlfriend's thoughts.

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Madwithstars, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    So, hi.

    I'm not sure what to put for my first entry, and I not even sure how often I will use this but I figured, so many others seem to be feeling the benefit of getting out thoughts here, so I might as well try.

    I've been with my partner ( he's on here too) for 2 years now. When we met it was life changing, having both had our hearts obliterated by lies and deceit and cheating, we found solace and peace in each other's desire for honesty and strong desire to ALWAYS be truthful. No bullshit. No lies. No secrets.

    I always new he loved PMO, and I did think it was more than the average guy but I never really thought it was a problem until I started connected dots. The biggest one that caught my eye was the fact that I was unable to make him O no matter what I did. He always had to finish himself off. I felt ugly about this. But he reassured me that he's always been that way and that it isn't because of me.

    I started to wonder why it was that way and that maybe it wasn't normal. I began observing his technique and realising it wasn't a normal method (death grip) and began looking up on the Internet and found a link to excessive M and the problems we were encountering. He also frequently had issues with staying erect during sex.

    We talked, he said it made sense and admitted he does do it a bit too much so we agreed for him to lessen the amount. But fast forward, and it just didn't work out the way we wanted it to. Many lies later, we face the cold hard truth.

    Since then we have talked almost non stop, we have shared thoughts, feelings, truths.
    We have researched, and found that actually, what we thought was the problem, was the tip of the iceberg. We have discovered the depth of his problem together, and though I am 100% heartbroken from the lies, the unfaithfulness, the not being enough, the finding out of things, the hearing that having sex with me was not enough to please him and he had to think of other things just to get through it, the grief, the ground beneath me falling away, everything.........despite this, I am 100% supportive of my man.

    Why? Because he has shown me how much he wants to change. How much he hates it, how badly it affected his life. He has shown me that he means what he says when he says he's trying. My love for him has entered a different place, it's stronger in many ways.

    As of right now he has gone 22 Days without PMO, and I cannot express how proud I am of him. As a result, his personality has changed, his tone of voice, his level of respect increased, his attraction to me grown, his view of what we were before is crystal clear.

    I might as well add that we are in a long distance relationship. I love in lancashire and he lives in London. We see each other about once a month for a week at a time. The last time I saw him, we had sex but he didn't O so when he comes to visit this Thursday, it will be 24 For him. We have put plans in motion to live together as soon as possible but it still will take time because we need to save etc.

    I am nervous about him going home after that. What if he just relapses after that? And even more of a worry, is what if he can't tell me he's relapsed? I just need honesty.
    If I get honesty, I will give everything I have.

    Anyway. That will do for now, other than to add that I have had a bad relationship with P since age 16, when in a mentally abusive relationship with a boy obsessed with P and constantly told me I wasn't as good as those girls. Amongst other things. As a result, the eating disorder I developed at age 13 ( due to issues at home with being made to feel inferior, not good enough) came into the forefront and I self destructed. I've been battling it all year years, I'm now 32. This does put me in the position of being able to emphasise with compulsive behaviours, and how hard they are to overcome.

    Thanks for reading, if you did.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
    Pete40, Capt. U, Mj1064 and 9 others like this.
  2. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    I can't emphasize this enough: If he sticks with this, it WILL get better. ALL of it will get better.

    It won't be easy to stick with it. He's got years of bad habits and bad neural rewiring to fix and his inner addict will try every trick in the book to trip him up and lure him back. He may fail. He may fail more than once. Most of us in here have. But if he's really committed and sticks with it, it will be SO worth it. I promise.

    Good luck to both of you.
    Abdulaziz Yusuf and Madwithstars like this.
  3. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I have always considered myself very honest in relationships and focus only on the girl I am with anytime I have sex (my preference). But many people of both sexes fantasize about others to finish. If I were that way, I don't think I'd ever bring that up in an active relationship. I can imagine that if I told a girlfriend that I was thinking of another woman the entire time, well that might be relationship ending on the spot. Many of the men I have known will lie about porn usage because they cannot trust that their partner will react normally and calmly to it (instead fearing a bad fight and relationship troubles). The risk is very high. I simply let them know it is a part of my life before anything gets involved (at least indirectly tell them so it is not a surprise).

    If he has trouble finishing during sex, I'd urge him to simply try enjoying sex without orgasm. Simply don't worry about whether you finish on a given night. Too much worry makes it tougher and frustration often doesn't work.

    On a different note, I wonder if you might want to be his accountability partner for a day or two after he gets back from visiting you? I'd be a bit worried about a relapse then as well because he will likely leave your place with an overwhelmingly powerful libido and nothing good to use it on back home. I think you will appreciate the changes when you see him. Take away a guy's porn and ability to orgasm and he will indeed be a different person.

    There are several tactics that the two of you could use to make honesty more likely. If he wants to be honest about this but feels he cannot be honest with you directly, see if he wants to have a male accountability partner and/or post a journal. If he knows he must lie to the entire forum and lie directly to another guy in the same boat, that might help encourage honesty. That other side of the coin is that you have to be able to trust him and not constantly doubt. From my experiences in life, the path to trust begins and ends with simple verification and controls that prevent dishonesty. Trust with verification only was one of the first business rules I learned that applies universally. I am surprised more couples don't practice it (here I am talking as a single guy, seems easy from afar). I get that many people don't want love to be a business, but how else are going to remove doubt in a simple way, especially since the control in place so far have been insufficient?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
    HippyMinstrel, CdB and Matt85Child like this.
  4. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Hi @Madwithstars, thanks a lot for sharing your story. Dint know that PMO could be detrimental to life and relationship. A kind request from me would be, just in case he relapses and you find out, please don't attach relapse to dishonesty. Its better to treat it as a dis-ease rather than as a validation of love/respect for you. You are doing just great !! Your love and support is enough to do wonders :) . All the best !!
  5. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut


    Thank you for your input :)
    When we last saw each other and had sex, he had already gone about 10days without PMO and was already seeing the benefits. He felt more pleasure during sex being one of the big ones. And I will try to keep him relaxed about it because you are right, the worry a man has over things during sex can definitely affect things.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  6. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Pradeep you make a good point and I agree that relapse isn't dishonesty, however, if he is dishonest about the relapse, I will associate that with dishonesty. I will support him, through the good and the bad, he knows he can talk to me now, he knows how I react to honesty even painful truths, but if he doesn't stay honest with me, I'll have little left to offer him.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  7. Pradeep

    Pradeep Guest

    Hmm yes I see your point now. I hope and wish you guys don't go through that situation. Although I would like to share this video with you, which I thought would give you a better incite.
  8. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    I wish you all the luck in the world. It is very hard, but I'm sure you two will pull through. He may have slip ups in the lying department, but he is the one who will have to work on it. My fiance had a huge problem with lying. He has been working on it for the last year and I can finally believe he is telling the truth. It does get better. I have been dealing with his porn addiction for a year and a half now and he has been PMO free for 200 days! It gets so much better.

    I do have negative thoughts from time to time, some weeks are worse than others, but it is not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning. Our relationship was not a good one for the first year. Working on both of our porn addictions became the catalyst for changing many things about the way we relate to one another. There is much more intimacy, communication, and love between us. Just wanted to offer some hope that, if he really works toward being PMO free, you two can come out of this stronger than before.

    Always communicate your needs to him. Your need for honesty. Your need for transparency. Your need for intimacy and connection. Whatever it may be, sit him down and talk about it. He needs to know what you are requiring and it will open the door for him to do the same. Find out what each of you needs from the other.

    He will most likely have urges in the early days, especially if you two are having sex without O. That is his issue to deal with. He needs to understand that it is always a choice. He either gives in to the temptation, or focuses his attention on other things to let it pass. I would encourage him to start a journal on here and get an accountability partner. It will help on those difficult days.

    I hope you both can find peace and love amid the chaos and betrayal. One thing I recommend is, one of those weeks you are together, read a book called The Porn Trap. You can take turns reading a chapter, doing the exercises together, etc. It is a wonderful book for addicts and their partners.

    EDIT: Another wonderful, life-changing book is Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg. Please read it together. It has changed the way my fiance and I communicate, and we are only improving by the day.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
  9. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    My partner has certain fetishes, I won't go into them in case it's triggering for anyone, but I do want to talk about something to do with them. His fetish has increased over the years, got more extreme in nature. One of the websites he would go on, detailed where this fetish appeared in normal tv etc. This bothers me particularly because I worry that there are triggers potentially everywhere. I have to think about every film I watch with him, or any story line even in everyday to shows.

    I don't know what the point of writing this info is but I just needed to get it out I guess. I will support him endlessly providing of course that he co tiniest to be open and honest and tries his hardest to overcome this, but sometimes I get this feeling like I can't do this.

    I just long for normality, and sometimes, it all just seems so overwhelming. All the things that have happened, all the things that could happen. I repeat things in my head, I can't help it. We just downloaded some accountability software, which will help, but it doesn't take away the things that have happened. His obsession with another woman keeps playing on my mind. He wanted her, and it hurts.

    I hate these moments of depression,because it's not helpful and I do, above all else, want to help him.
    nfprogress and TheWife like this.
  10. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I understand everything you have said in this post. I too worry about all the triggers in everyday life. Sex is everywhere!

    I am also longing for a normal life. It is sad we have to deal with all this. I am trying not to sink into a state of self pity as it helps no one. I guess we just focus on the positives and take it one day at a time.

    I like that you and your BF installed accountability software. What did you use? Sounds like it would help with regaining trust.

    Are you his accountability partner or does he have someone else? Perhaps it might be good if it was someone else so you don't get put into the role of porn police.

    Good luck and keep updating. It is great to hear from other partners. It feels comforting to know I'm not the only one going through this, as sad as that is.
    Mj1064 and HippyMinstrel like this.
  11. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    @TheWife we are using covenant eyes. So far it's looking pretty good, I think it will be helpful to both of us for different reasons.

    He has tried to find an accountability partner on here, but no joy yet, for now I am that role, and it seems to be working out ok
  12. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    Well, @Matt85Child stayed a bit longer than we had originally planned. In the time that he was here, we did have sex but he never had an O. He has issues having one because of his deathgrip M method. So I've lost count on how long it has been since he last had an O. 30 something days I think. I am struggling with guilt that he didn't climax. I wanted him to be 'rewarded' for his efforts. Though I know he views the new sensations as reward, I still wanted to give him more.

    Right now, I just feel depressed that he's not here, and I won't be seeing him for a further 3 Weeks.
  13. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    I can be as supportive as I like but the one thing I can't control is the flashbacks.
    I keep seeing her face in my head, I keep hearing his words. I keep seeing the messages they sent each other.

    How come I can get so far, and feel almost ok, then all of a sudden if invades my brain and my thoughts like a disease? I can't stop it, or make it go away, I have to just wait till it fades again.

    It's times like this that I hate myself so much it hurts.

    He was happy to risk my entire happiness, and his entire future with me, for her. Why? She couldn't give him anything more than what I was already giving him. But yet she took him away from me until I found out. She caught my man.he wanted to be caught by her. I feel so ugly, so worthless, so.......disposable. And that's the trouble with me, my whole life has been a series of people disposing of me.

    I hate that this is so negative, because he has been brilliant ever since and done all the right things. I feel more in love with him than ever, so why won't this go????

    Once I think of her, I start to think of the lies. Then the lies to cover the lies. Then I just fall apart with what feels like grief.

    It doesn't help that I don't think he comes on here anymore, not really. I read a post from someone who relapsed after a very long success, who said they put it down to not coming back on here and thinking they were doing so well. Taking it for granted. I worry about that. I want my partner to read the successes, the failures, the advice, regularly, seeing as this will always be something he has to control.

    I don't want to get out of bed. I want to ignore life for a bit.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
  14. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    I am very sorry to hear you feel this way. But it is understandable and only time, communication and full honesty to restore trust can help in the healing process. Try not to linger on these past thoughts. They are toxic and will keep hurting you. Sending you strength.
    Madwithstars likes this.
  15. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    It's so hard to stop those feelings. I constantly struggle with feeling betrayed. How could he find those images and pixels more exciting that being with a real person? It sounds to me like you could think about ways you can try growing for yourself? You're clearly struggling with the depression and anger that consumed me when I first found out. I resolved that I was going to try working on making myself happier. Work on my confidence issues and basically stop qualifying the way I feel about myself, with his behaviour. His issues. He has an addiction. He has a problem. You can and should support him as much as you're able. But you should try not to let that affect the way you see yourself. If you're fundamentally happy with who you are then it's easier to deal with his addiction. I know this is hard, but it's something that will benefit you regardless of whether he changed or not.
    Interestingly my husband has never O during sex or any play with another person. This has greatly contributed to the complexity of this issue. We saw a sex therapist and we have been able to achieve an o during sex once. But not again since. Maybe suggest he sees someone about the lack of o because that is something that might be fixable. Good luck :)
    Madwithstars likes this.
  16. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    I'm sill very much struggling with depression, but I thought rather than just talk about the bad things I'm feeling, I would mention some of the positive changes I have seen in @Matt85Child.

    He is almost a completely different person, so here is a list of the changes I've seen so far.

    • He doesn't answer the phone with a horrible tone anymore.
    • His tone of voice in general is kinder, softer.
    • He smiles more.
    • He looks at me more.
    • He accepts compliments better.
    • He isn't as sarcastic.
    • He doesn't patronise me.
    • He listens.
    • He lets me talk.
    • He asks how I am.
    • He doesn't turn me away anymore when I'm in distress.
    • He's more emotional.
    • He's more sensitive to everything around him.
    • He has more sympathy.
    • He's more affectionate, both physically and verbally.
    • He talks to me more.
    • He's more loving.
    • He tells me he loves me, frequently and in a meaningful way.
    • He thinks I'm more beautiful.
    • He tells me I'm beautiful.
    • He compliments me.
    • He looks forward to seeing me more.
    • He misses me more.
    • He touches me with tenderness.
    • He's not aggressive.
    • He's not argumentative.
    • He doesn't belittle me as a joke.
    • He takes my problems more seriously.
    • He makes me a priority.
    • He appreciates me more.
    • He understands my personality more.
    • He wants more out of life and intends to get it.
    • He not overbearing, or overpowering.
    • Sexually, he is a much better lover.
    • His reactions to sexual interactions between us has completely changed.
    • He's more interested in me.
    • He doesn't stay up all night, he goes to bed normal time.
    • He gets up a normal time.
    • He does more exercise.
    • He's been getting on better with his family.
    • He's been getting on better it's my family.
    • We Skype a lot( we are Long distance relationship but never used to Skype because he didn't like it)
    • He is less selfish.
    • He is less demanding.
    • He is far more considerate.

    There is more I'm sure, and maybe I will do another of these another time.
    Bottom line is, he is becoming the man I always new he could be. The man of my dreams. The man I always needed.
    kropo82, Mj1064, RicoDavidson and 4 others like this.
  17. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    What an amazing post. I love this. We should all take time to focus on the positives. You've inspired me today, thank you.
  18. Madwithstars

    Madwithstars Fapstronaut

    That made me smile :)
  19. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    What a wonderful post. This shows that overcoming compulsive sexual behavior is a great way of becoming a better person. Through the recovery we can become less self-centered and learn to appreciate the wonderful gift of "intimacy" with the person we love. It is excellent that you have focused on the positive aspects... at the same time it is crucial to remember to stay "on track" as it is very easy to reverse these gains if we fall back into the addiction trap. Very glad to hear this.
    HippyMinstrel and Madwithstars like this.
  20. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    That's great news. Hopefully things will just get better and better. Good luck xx
    Madwithstars likes this.