Suffering wife seeks support as her marriage (and life) gets put back together

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Gamerwife85, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. I apologize in advance if this gets lengthy. I also have a tendency to babble so please bear with me if you decide to read all this.


    My husband and I have been married for 4.5 years; he's 26, I'm 30. He's the love of my life. We openly communicate with each other and enjoy each other's company. We do lots of activities together (play video games, watch movies, go out to dinner, and more). We have no children (we're childfree by choice) but have 3 wonderful cats that we call our "fur babies". I'm a fulltime student double majoring and set to graduate in 2017 (yay); hubby works in retail management and is currently the sole breadwinner. Our sex life has always been decent (2-3 times per week; both of us have pretty high sex drives). Early on in our marriage my husband paid me one of the best compliments I'd ever been given by a partner - that he didn't need porn, that I and I alone satisfied his sexual needs. This gave my sexual self-esteem a real shot in the arm! I've always been very open-minded about sex - talking about it, voicing needs/desires, being willing to experiment.

    All in all our marriage was going strong but the past couple of months have been a tad strained. My mother was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer in mid April, which hit me hard. I was emotionally distant and our sex life dwindled a bit but didn't fully go away.

    The situation

    My life (and our marriage) changed forever on June 9, 2015. On that day my husband disclosed several things to me:
    • that he was really turned on by a particular kind of pornography (hentai) and had been for several years;
    • that he'd been PMOing frequently over the past months;
    • that he'd been PMOing at work in the bathroom either on his lunch break or before the store opened.
    Before I continue I feel the need to clarify something: while I find hentai (and porn, for that matter) disturbing I didn't judge my husband in any way for being turned on by hentai. People all have different tastes, fine by me. No judgment from this gal!

    What I took the most issue with was the lack of communication that occurred about his sexual needs, the deception, the betrayal of trust, and the fact that he put his job and family at risk by engaging in such risky behavior at work.

    When this news was disclosed to me I left and spent the night in a hotel. I needed some space to process what had happened. I needed to evaluate whether or not I was going to leave him for good. I was home the following evening (had to be realistic - couldn't afford any more than a single night's hotel stay, heh heh) and we discussed things. I told him that I wanted to stay in our marriage and try to work it out. During our talks I learned more about his thoughts about his behavior (from the perspective he'd been viewing it he didn't see it as problematic/risky but he does now). My stance on porn used to be that of the "I don't mind it existing in our relationship, I just don't want to see it" variety, very "ignorance is bliss". I thought that guys and porn were a package deal - that porn was a fact of life that as a woman I had to accept, that it "comes with the territory" so to speak. After giving it serious thought and now having to deal with it firsthand, though, I realized that I really wasn't okay with porn at all and made it clear that the primary expectation I have going forward is that our marriage be porn-free - no more "you, me, and porn makes three".

    Emotional fallout

    My emotions have been all over the place. I can't percieve this situation as anything other than a betrayal. My sexual self-esteem is completely shot; I feel unattractive and like a terrible, gross person. I've had to step back and re-evaluate our entire marriage and what it's based on; knowing that the compliment he paid me (which he didn't remember saying) was a lie really hurts. I don't feel comfortable in our home; even being in the same room as his computer has me on edge. Solo activities I used to enjoy (reading, knitting - I'm a HUGE knitting addict; don't get me started, haha) I can't bring myself to partake in now for some reason. Doing things I love to do is really difficult. I'm terrified of the idea that I may not be able to trust my husband completely again.

    Where we're going from here

    Since then we've been trying to put our seriously fractured marriage back together. He's taking steps to demonstrate trust and accountability to me (which I admire and appreciate). We've been reading a lot of self-help books; counseling is being considered but we're not sure if our finances will allow for it and/or our insurance will cover it. He said he has no problem giving up porn; after finding out about NoFap and this lovely community he's decided to give up PMO completely. He's considering starting a journal on here as well.

    I've been trying to sort through my own feelings. I feel betrayed, sad, hurt, angry, and afraid. I've been experiencing vivid nightmares off and on in the past few days as well as stress-induced GI issues, which in turn is adding to my emotional distress.

    We've both been communicating with each other as frequently and openly as possible. We both value our marriage and want to come out on the other side of this; the fact that we both have the desire to work through this is a good start. Things are progressing in the right direction though, which we're both happy for. We're both taking it one day at a time.

    I'm going to make a concerted effort to post on here regularly - I know I could use the support and am comforted in knowing that as the partner of a recovering porn user I'm not alone. I have to admit, I've been lurking on this site for the past few days reading people's journals. I've already read Blondewife's and her husband Haggis's both are truly inspiring! I hope my husband and I end up as happy as you two are.

    How do I heal from this? Any advice/support is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    JTT, Kubrick, eldish and 6 others like this.
  2. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Welcome to the forum! I am a wife of an addict who has been clean for 2 years. I was similar to you in that I assumed my husband MO'd and I didn't really care to think about how he helped this process along. It wasn't until he started getting ED that I suspected masturbation to be an issue. I had asked him to give it up, he said he would but he never did. Then one day shortly after the birth of my second baby I made the PMO discovery and gave him an ultimatum. In the end he gave up PMO and video games because both were starting to affect our relationship and family.

    It does get better. You will eventually heal if he stays PMO free and starts to make the changes. We communicated a lot and had some knock down drag out fights during the first year. I questioned everything about our relationship and especially my femininity and worth as a woman. It was kind of the best thing that happened to us and to me to be honest. Living with porn and masturbation keeps a man distant from his wife and you don't really quite know how much until he gives it up.

    Anyway I am here if you need anything! @Blondewife and @Haggis are awesome as well as @Sun Bro and @Strugglesaurus and @significantother and @cmdr_shepard. They are all working on freeing themselves from porn and reviving their relationships!
    Mj1064, Red1837, eldish and 1 other person like this.
  3. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    This is the video that my SO showed me that really opened my eyes and helped me get on the right track:

    I wish you guys the best of luck and tell your husband to pm me if he ever has any questions. I did the same thing when I got on here with Haggis and he is now one of my good friends and my AP. I will do everything I can to help him if he will try.
    eldish and Limeaid like this.
  4. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    Hello Gamerwife85,

    I just want to give you some encouragement. To me it sounds like you are on your way to being in the clear. As far as the hentai goes, it doesn't surprise me. The whole problem with porn is that it desensitizes us men. Just like drugs we move on to harder and harder stuff. When we get to tentacle monsters raping women (Hentai) that's pretty much the end of the road. Hell, they had to animate it because it's not even possible in real life thank god!

    As a man, trust me when I tell you that your husband does not want to rape women, it really is the work of desensitization that causes this problem. The worst part is that men are CONSTANTLY bombarded by sexuality. When guys decide to stop PMO they realize why they were into it so much in the first place. Every time you check your email there is some sexy advertisement in your face and it's really annoying for guys that don't want to watch porn anymore.

    That TED video hit the nail on the head. If this was still the age of skin mags you wouldn't be having this problem. I seriously doubt your husband would be going to the dirty video store to get these flicks. The anonymity of the internet is what makes this like a drug.

    I think it runs deeper than we may all realize though. This may even be a conspiracy of epic proportions. This is a war against Men for profit. I'm not sure if the people waging it realize what's at stake but men need women more than ever to help us win this fight. Feminism talks about objectification of women which is absolutely real but it's a symptom of a much bigger problem. Hell, sex education in school actually drives men towards porn with scare tactics. Our minds have been rewired due to porn in a bad way but even worse we are throwing away all this vitality by ejaculating more than ever before. Women do not understand this because they don't loose vitality in the same way after an orgasm although my wife reports something similar before and during her period.

    When your husband told you that he didn't need porn it may have been the truth at the time, but high speed internet is like having a drug dealer as a roommate. The good news is that he found this site. This community seams to have figured out how empowering it is to hold on to your seed. Once men experience that power it's like realizing what being a Man really is. It's about confronting this powerful sexual energy and using it to accomplish our goals. The War is was talking about relies on us not knowing this.
    CdB, Deleted Account and Limeaid like this.
  5. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    Hey Gamerwife! And most definitely welcome, you're in a good place now, whether you know it or not.

    You guys have decided to stick it out. That, first and foremost, is an incredible accomplishment that you need to give yourself credit for. There are far too many heartbreaking stories about spouses that just couldn't take it anymore and once-blossoming relationships wither and die from pixel-related diseases. I congratulate you on being strong-willed enough and clear-minded enough to see that your marriage had potential. That it was worth fighting for. Pat yourself on the back for that, and remember to celebrate every little victory.

    Because make no mistake, you are now in a war. PMO is an insidious and deceptive enemy. One that sneaks in and rots from within before the victim is even aware. But now you are aware, and knowledge = power in this fight. I encourage your husband to read everything he can get his hands on regarding this. TEDx talks, YBOP, and this site are all wonderful resources that are chock-full of people that want to help. I also strongly encourage your husband to start a journal on this site. Having my wife by my side through all of this has been an incalculable help, and journaling helps me more than I ever would have thought before I started doing it.

    As far as the way you're feeling right now, it sounds par for the course to me. My wife went through more mood swings than I could count during the first couple months as she began to process all of those emotions. Your husband needs to remain patient and understanding with anything you're feeling right now, as you must remain understanding about the nature of his addiciton. If he's already taking steps to demonstrate his faithfulness to you, then that sounds like a good start on his part.

    Bu there is definitely hope as the wise Lime said:

    This is true for my marriage as well. I never knew the real depths of my own feelings and emotions until I unplugged from PMO. The floodgates opening and all that. This journey will not be easy, but its SO worth it.

    Stay the course!
    Mj1064, JustADude, Blondewife and 2 others like this.
  6. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi GW,

    I read your post closely and a few things stuck out. Probably the biggest is right now you are facing some major stressors in your life. Mom - cancer, school and an addicted husband that you love. All of these play out into your marriage. As a married man who fell into porn here are some things I can tell you.

    Probably the most comforting thing I can say is, if like me... and many others here, your husband probably does not like porn. Nor does he like being controlled by it. In my worse times, I would spend hours looking online for the perfect clip to orgasm to. Then at 2AM in the morning I would crawl into bed disgusted with myself and vowing never again. The next night - the same thing. Being married, I knew that I was betraying my wife, but I could also compartmentalize the habit. Like you, my wife found my addiction through my browser history. It hurt her deeply.

    I'm not sure about your relationship with you husband but ours was strained and I used porn as an escape. Relationships take effort and they do not run on autopilot. Stressors can create some ugly things. Instead of dealing with our marital issues, I decided I will be the master of my own destiny and do as I pleased. Instead I became the slave.

    The fact that you and your husband are talking and working things out is a very positive sign. Focus on the goal (a great marriage) not the journey. Unfortunately, I do have to tell you to expect some bumps in the road, but it's worth traveling. My wife insisted I never ever to look at porn again - I failed, dusted off and started over again and again until I got it right. Like any addiction there is a recovery period and it takes time and effort. You are correct. your husband did involve himself in some very risky behavior at work... and he knows it too.

    I've been in personal counseling for a few years now and marriage counseling with my wife. I would encourage you to seek out a good counselor. Spend the bucks, because you'll get much further faster. One thing that came up in an early session was the counselor telling my wife my addiction had nothing to do with my love for her, which was true - I love her dearly. That being said, my wife said the same things you have... who's in bed with me when we're having sex? Some actor that I have no way of living up to? Bottom line, what you feel is real.

    Regarding self-esteem. It will take some time to rebuild yourself. Remember, while you love your husband, you are an individual too. You need to take time to deal with your own hurts and stresses. Ask your husband for help when you start feeling comfortable again - be honest. "I'm afraid for my mom. I'm struggling in this class." You know if as a team you can beat this you'll end up being stronger and closer. Face it, you now know part of your husbands darkest, deepest secrets and failures. He has no place to hide or turn. Showing him compassion is nothing short of unconditional love. He doesn't deserve it, but yet it's there.

    I commend you for standing by your husband and supporting him. Nothing happens in a vacuum and something (other than porn) is eating at your husband. Many issues come from out childhood... overbearing mother? Distanced father, an uncle with a porn stash... you name it - it's there. My dad was violent, PTSD. Encourage your husband to open up, put up boundaries for your personal well being. You certainly have a right to express our hurt and anger, but again remember - focus on the issue and not the one you love. Finally, as a tip, make sure you're making good eye contact when talking. This type of visual connecting is called mind mapping - letting the other person see you and your sincerity.

    NoFap is a great area to connect and get feedback and support. I wish you (and your husband) the very best. Good luck at school and here's hoping for a successful recovery for your mom!

    HopeFaith, CdB, TheWife and 6 others like this.
  7. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your story I was truly touched reading about it. I think that despite me going through my own journey solo at this stage I feel I might add some value to the discussion. I think the fact that you are both now aware and actively engaging in concerted effort to work through this issue is a heartening thing to take on board. You obviously both care and appreciate each other dearly; the fact that your partner is acting out to porn is definitely not an ideal state of affairs, but I am sure you can now appreciate that it is not a simple thing and many other porn users experience difficulty in dealing with coming away from it. He needs to begin to educate himself about what is going on, why he is doing it, and ultimately decide how important it is that he rectify his porn habit/addiction/use and to communicate this with you. I hope that being in a community of similar minded people will give you and your partner the opportunity to learn more about methods of recovery and just how beneficial this may be for both of you going forward. All the best and welcome on board.
    Deleted Account, Limeaid and Haggis like this.
  8. Thank you everyone for your warm welcomes and words of encouragement! They mean so much to me. @Limeaid, @Sun Bro, @RyanRVA, @Haggis, @Handzfree, and @Cams, hugs and highfives to each and every one of you.

    I most definitely agree that like Haggis said, knowledge=power (especially in this case). We've been doing as much research as possible on this subject and find it all simultaneously scary and interesting, particularly the effects porn has on the brain. That TED talk was fascinating and highly informative - thanks, Sun Bro!

    Hubby has created an account on Nofap but hasn't posted anything yet - his username is @Garnadaan.
  9. Well let's get this journaling thing started!

    Yesterday was a good day, one of the best I'd had since everything happened. Garnadaan had the day off. We went grocery shopping, tidied up around the apartment, made a thrift store trip to drop off some unwanted stuff, went through another chapter of the book The Porn Trap (we read a chapter of this book a day aloud and discuss it), played some Dark Souls together (yay!), played a board game, and topped it all off with some intimate time before bed :D

    When I discuss what I'm feeling any given day with Garnadaan I usually phrase it as "I woke up on the ___ side of the bed today" (ex: 'I woke up on the resentful/hurt side of the bed' or 'I woke up on the optimistic but insecure side of the bed' - you get the idea) and elaborate from there. Today I woke up on the hopeful yet afraid side of the bed. I'm hopeful that our marriage will come out on the other side of this. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to trust my husband completely again and that I won't be hurting from this for the rest of my life and our marriage. Because of the lack of trust that I currently have toward Garnadaan I'm afraid that he'll relapse and completely backslide into PMOing. I'm afraid that he isn't telling me the truth when he says he hasn't PMOed in 19 days. I want nothing more than to be able to believe him and to be able to give more of myself to him (emotionally speaking). The little voices of doubt are especially hard to handle.

    Last week I was shopping and came across two little pieces of canvas wall art that had to be purchased immediately. Given our situation I found what they said to be comforting and reassuring. One says "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful" and the other says "If I had to choose again I'd still choose you". They're both hanging in our apartment now.

    On today's agenda:
    • Knit! Knitting is incredibly theraputic/medatative for me. It also keeps the negative thoughts/paranoia at bay, bonus!
    • Vacuum. Cleaning is also theraputic for me, and I think that it'll help me feel more comfortable in my home.
    • Household goods shopping. Garnadaan needs some stuff as do I. I also might get myself a little treat - maybe some new lip balm or something.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  10. @Garnadaan - if you're reading this, I love you very much and am so proud of you! The steps you're taking to mend, improve, and enrich our marriage is nothing short of admirable. :D I appreciate it and I appreciate you.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
    Mj1064, Limeaid and DanVT like this.
  11. Haggis

    Haggis Fapstronaut

    My wife has had trouble with that, even now after almost 6 months. We had been together for almost 9 years and I had lied to her so much about it that her head was spinning. You two need to make certain to keep the lines of communication open and freely discuss exactly what you're feeling, even if it seems to have no logical basis. Emotions can be vague and indeterminate by their nature, but its still what you're feeling so you need to acknowledge it. It seems like you guys are handling this well so far, I like that you are reading together.

    Stay the course!
    Blondewife, Limeaid and Gamerwife85 like this.
  12. Hello, Haggis!

    Thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate it! Of what you said this in particular stood out to me. I definitely need to work on this - it's always been my instinct to keep any feelings I may percieve as 'irrational' or illogical to myself because I fear that I'll be a burden on loved ones. This is a situation where I wholly realize I need to knock that off!

    Us reading together is really helpful! The Porn Trap has been particularly helpful for me in that it's helped me sort through my own feelings (it has a chapter that focuses on partners and how porn addiction affects them). Haven't checked out YBOP yet...that's next!
    Haggis likes this.
  13. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Yes getting feelings up and out is KEY! It might hurt to bring them up and your husband might resist them because your hurt, hurts him BUT it needs to come out so it can heal.

    You all are doing great! The first year is by far the hardest. I am at 2 years and although my self esteem is not 100% what it was before it is 80% there. It really is about time, communication and moving forward in a consistent manner. You will need to trust him again and it is a conscious choice. You may not be ready right now. It took me a year to finally choose to trust in my husband again. Everyone is different.

    Have you experienced any social anxiety? This is something that has really come up for me and I still am struggling with it. I just bought a workbook which seems promising!
  14. @Limeaid - I haven't experienced any social anxiety (that I know of) but I do have generalized anxiety issues so I'll be on the lookout for it. One thing I HAVE been noticing though is neediness/clinginess. Whenever @Garnadaan is around I want to be around him all the time. No idea what THAT's all about. Ugh, my emotions are all over the place.

    What you said about trust is right on the money. I WANT to trust him but I'm not ready to just yet. I agree that it has to be a conscious choice.
  15. Woke up on the stressed/afraid/sad side of the bed today. @Garnadaan was talking about what he calls "stirring" (a.k.a. the urge to PMO) this morning and mentioned that the "stirring" was really intense today. I'm worried as heck that he's going to relapse; I know that'll devastate him (and me too but that's beside the point) if that happens. He says that stress makes the "stirring" worse.

    We have a lot going on in our lives right now...the store Garnadaan works at is closing in a couple of weeks. He'll be transferred to another nearby location (thank goodness) but the coordinating of the closing process has him stressed out. My mom has been getting good news from the radiologist so far and is reccovering nicely from lymph node removal surgery. She sees the oncologist for the first time next week, where she'll find out what her treatment will be (radiation, chemo, or both). The uncertainty regarding her treatment has been driving me bonkers. With all this going on I am ENDLESSLY THANKFUL that I didn't enroll in summer classes. I opted not to because I wanted to be available for mom in case she needed someone to drive her to chemo appointments and/or just plain be there for her. With the PMO issue unexpectedly being brought to light I know this would have greatly impacted my academic performance.

    I'm finding it difficult to be strong today. All I want to do is curl up on the couch and cry my eyes out. I find myself thinking, "I want things to be good again", but I have to promptly remind myself that the way our marriage used to be wasn't as "good" as it could be, that "good" hasn't happened yet. Little by little, we're inching toward it though.

    I'm off to go curl up on the couch with our kitties. I have the apartment to myself until late this evening when I pick Garnadaan up from work. It's gonna be a long 8 hours.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  16. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    Funny, I also woke up on the stressed/afraid/sad side of the bed today. :) I understand how you feel about the "long 8 hours" thing, my SO (Sun Bro) just left for work while I just woke up from the worst nightmare about him in a while. I think the reason you find it so difficult to do the things you love is, with this betrayal and hurt comes an inability to just stop everything and enjoy a game, etc. I have the same problem. I haven't been able to get back in to any video games I've thoroughly enjoyed in the past because I just can't disconnect.

    What @Garnadaan calls "stirring" a lot of people call "urges", and they do not last forever. There will be days (especially early days) where he will be more susceptible to both porn flashbacks and urges to use. He always has the choice, though. If he educates himself and reads journals on here, I'm sure he can learn what works for him and what doesn't. The best thing to do when urges/thoughts come up, is for him to redirect his attention elsewhere, otherwise the cravings will magnify themselves.

    Exactly. I find myself thinking this way as well, but once those floodgates are opened we can't go back to how things used to be. No matter how good it seemed. Good is just a placeholder for "blind to how things actually were". Now that this door is open, it should open a lot of other doors for change in your relationship, as it has with mine. The good will come, you will simply have to work together to get there.

    I hope you keep yourself busy today and don't have too hard of a time dealing with these feelings. Though I understand it's incredibly difficult to get through one measly day when you're anxious about your SO having problems. I'm very glad you found these forums, both of you! :)
    Blondewife, wildwood and Limeaid like this.
  17. This is so true, @Strugglesaurus. I haven't been able to disconnect. My mind won't leave me alone - I'm constantly being assaulted with negative thoughts. How on earth can I focus on downing a boss in-game or knitting a sock when thoughts of my husband's behavior constantly creep in? No matter what I'm doing it never fails.
    Strugglesaurus and wildwood like this.
  18. My world has been rocked a bit again. I found out yesterday that Garnadaan has been having sexual thoughts about other women. I feel like I'm being repeatedly kicked in the gut while I'm already down on the ground. My already-fragile sexual self esteem was shattered even further (something I didn't even think was possible); an additional layer of paranoia has been thrown into the mix. Now on top of questioning our marriage I'm questioning every single time we've been intimate (even our wedding night). Is/has he been thinking of other women while we're being intimate? My mind's running wild and I can't stop it. I already don't trust him any more than I can throw him (which isn't very far, given my lack of upper body strength) and I know there's no real way for me to know for sure what's in his mind while we're having sex. The uncertainty is killing me though. The thought of him imagining other women in my place devastates me and I can't stop crying.

    P.S. @Limeaid - I'm definitely experiencing some social anxiety. Garnadaan and I were invited to a pool party for the holiday and I'm seriously considering cancelling. The thought of there being women in bathing suits present for Garnadaan to potentially ogle unsettles me deeply. I know I'd be paranoid and scared (read: insecure) the entire evening.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
    CdB and Strugglesaurus like this.
  19. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    Some thing you may not be aware of... Some men are raised by their dads and society to believe that ogling other woman and fantasizing about other women is OK. My upbringing was Catholic and somehow I learned to never ogle women, lucky me. But... when I got older my dad started encouraging me to ogle women, but, I always balked at the idea because it felt wrong. I know many men who intentionally wear dark sunglasses when they go to the beach so that they can ogle women the entire time without anyone noticing. In many movies, people are often portrayed as innocently fantasizing about other people during sex, as if it is ok. So... If @Garnadaan has a similar mindset, he might have a lot of behavioral modification ahead of himself if he wants to stop fantasizing about other women, and that would be work he would need to do on top of his effort to quit PMO. Don't get me wrong, if you think it is wrong, then, stand your ground. I bring this up because I always find that fully understanding my partner's reasons for doing something help me cope with the situation.
  20. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    Oh no. :( My heart really goes out to you because I have felt/am feeling these same things. Shortly after beginning Nofap, my SO revealed to me that he had been fantasizing about porn during sex. He thought it was normal and it really sent me spiraling down into my memories. Questioning whether, when I was present, if he was off imagining some other woman. In a past journal entry, I equated it to using me as a masturbatory tool instead of a partner and I'm sure you feel the same. I cried a lot when I found out. I gave him the cold shoulder for days. It hurts so much to have it reiterated over and over that you aren't enough for the one you love.

    The way my SO and I remedied this problem is going hard-mode (no sex or orgasm) for about 45 days, after that he has reported no problems whatsoever. Garnadaan's mind is just recently out of the PMO-haze, it will take time to alter his behaviors. As for ogling, I introduced "the three-second rule" to my partner and he has been using it for 7 months now. Actually, I should say not using it, since he has had no desire to look at women in that way for a while now.

    I would talk to him about this, tell him how you feel about it and how much it hurts you. It isn't an acceptable thing to do in a relationship. My SO says that his problem was that he didn't know he had a problem! You'll have to do a lot of talking, but hopefully it'll turn the wheels in his head and things will start to change.

    I would have a problem with this too. It's definitely normal to experience anxiety with this type of situation. If you cannot enjoy yourself then there is no point in going at all, especially if he doesn't have a handle on his ogling problem. It will cause further problems between you, so maybe you could bring it up and explain your fears and see what he thinks. :)
    Blondewife and Gamerwife85 like this.