Why I deactivated Facebook. And why you should consider it to

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by YiboW, May 3, 2015.

  1. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    Facebook is like wearing a mask.

    Everyone just posts the best part of their lives on facebook.

    No one really opens up who they truly are on Facebook. No one never talks about their struggles - such as porn addiction - for fear of getting judged by other people on facebook.

    On Facebook, we portray what we want others to view us as - an artificial person who is happy, successful, social.

    A post about eating out with friends, getting accepted to a good college, or posting a happy selfie is way more likely to appear on the newsfeed than a post talking about depression and loneliness. Nor is anyone on Facebook interested in engaging in any intellectual conversations as they are on the NoFap Forums.

    Facebook friends aren't real friends. Out of the 300 friends I had, I would only consider 5 of them actual friends. I've made more friends in one day through the NoFap forums than in 4 years through Facebook.

    Most studies have shown that the more time you use Facebook, the more you will get depressed and jealous - which can lead to relapse and addiction to porn.

    In order to succeed in NoFap, it's important to replace the time wasting habits with hobbies we like to do. After I deactivated my facebook account, I had a lot more time to do what I actually wanted to do in life - reading books such as the Bible, meditating, going outside to go for a walk.

    But most importantly, I felt a lot happier.

    Just deactivate your Facebook for the next two weeks and replace the time with a habit you actually want.
    This is only a suggestion, so let us know know what you think if you decide to try this.
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    fl.boricua.92, Bel, Eleanor and 44 others like this.
  2. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    TLDR: Facebook is an unhealthy way to seek social validation.

    Facebook post: "Best day ever! Eating out at the restaurant!! XD"

    Real life: The food sucked. The meal was expensive. We had to wait 60 minutes. Uggh, I'm going to get so fat.
  3. 3:16

    3:16 Fapstronaut

    Yeah. I made a Facebook account a year, or 2 ago. & deactivated my account the next day. It never really caught my interest. Too many friend requests from random people. I actually do have a Facebook account that I go on, like, 5 times a year. @ the very most. Just to view a friend's post, or whatever.
    Deleted Account and YiboW like this.
  4. Yeah. For me it turned from wanting to make new friends to wanting to portray myself as a winner and a happy person so people would think I'm cool. It went from spending a couple minutes a day, to a couple of hours, to several hours, to checking every minute waiting for someone to like or respond so I could feel validated. I deactivated my account a year and a half ago and haven't looked back.

    Also, I've started avoiding the comment section of websites like YouTube and even forums unrelated to NoFap (though there are some idiots on this website too). All these comments do is boil up the blood. And the sad part is you know the person talking shit is some lonely, worthless low-life with no girlfriend or job.
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  5. Dr.NoFap

    Dr.NoFap Fapstronaut

    You're absolutely right, YiboW. I deleted mine, too.
  6. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    Even though it has a huge negative impact on us, Facebook still has a lot of good features. I can actually keep in touch with my buds and I use it for a group that my classmates created, in order to help each other with college projects and basically anything related to college.

    But yeah, I totally feel where you're coming from and I agree. Maybe I'll quit as well in the future.
  7. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I agree. I'm addicted to Facebook. I will post something just to get a response. Just to get a like. Or a comment. Or some pity. Anything to get attention and get a dopamine hit....

    God help me. I'm scared of being alone. Without outside connections to people. It's not how I want to be. I need to change.
    PotentLife, Yugae, BlueBalls and 2 others like this.
  8. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I have my FB tailored to suit my needs. I "like" pages that give me good info like vegan recipes or buy and sell pages for my neighbourhood and I mostly block or unfollow people that are not my real friends. I only have like 30 friends anyway and most of them are relatives that want to see pics of my kids and stuff. I deactivated my account for a full year and got rid of my 200 "friends" and realized I really don't need it at all. Now it is a choice to get info and stay in contact with real friends.
    Sursum Corda and HippyMinstrel like this.
  9. For me facebutt it's just a tool I use to chat sometimes and keep in touch with some friends, nothing more.
  10. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    Great post! Insightful and on point. I've been on board with this for a while now. I personally feel like this applies to more than just facebook: snapchat, twitter, instagram, whatever else too.

    Snapchat. In my opinion, it's a deceptively harmful app that really undermines the quality of life. It detracts one's attention from the present moment at a concert, doing something fun, being with friends, or wherever, a nice sunset. People feel the need to "share" what they're doing. I had one for a little bit. I'd find myself in a situation were I feel an urge to snap it and put it to my story so that others could see it and know I was doing that cool thing. It comes down to a split persona. The online profile you, vs. the actual you.

    Also, I feel like all those moments and times you manifested thoughts and energy into either snapping or not stopping, add up to a hell of a lot of time. In ten years all those ten second breaks in attention will add up to a lot of time. Not to mention all the time you spend digesting all this quick photos and videos of people's lives you really don't care about.

    Before bed, I see my brother run through his story. I just think it's poisoning the mind to think of all that stupid shit before bed. Hyper conditioning you to seek that kind of social gratification. Just the mere exposure alone is enough to make changes, but the behaviors all with it all are especially distressing to me.

    We need to stop consuming senseless media as a whole. Terrence Mckenna has a great speech that touches on this notion.
    Bel, SkinnyBeard, Yugae and 3 others like this.
  11. Grichnoch

    Grichnoch Fapstronaut

    This song is relevant. Dream Theater wrote it with social media in mind.
    Jadis likes this.
  12. I find myself when out in nature hardly able to enjoy myself because I "have" to take pictures to document that I have been there. How silly! Its like we are reducing our whole lives to how people online react to them. Your digital avatars become the real you, while all the feelings that conflict with your online persona get repressed.

    Isn't Terrance McKenna the DMT guy?
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  13. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    Most of the people who get addicted to Facebook are usually not successful in their lives ,so they seek a virtual success on social media.
    Cooldude4 and skart like this.
  14. Dr.NoFap

    Dr.NoFap Fapstronaut

    Hmm.. maybe your Facebook friends are not successful? It's opposite with me. When I had Facebook, all of my friends that I personally know are very successful in their lives. As for me, I was not.
  15. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    I didn't say Facebook users are not successful in their lives , I said "most Facebook addicts are not successful in their lives".
    Bel likes this.
  16. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    It is quite silly and scary! Granted I have my own problems with just technology in general too though. For example, I made a point in my personal journal that I wanted to skip my post for tonight. All day, these "filler" times, between classes, have 30 minutes, breaks between studying or whatever, I've made a point to not use my computer for any superfluous media.

    And I got to say, i'm been depressed all day. And as I type this right now, I feel much better.

    And yes haha, Terrence McKenna would in fact be the DMT guy. He's got some real interesting material out there.
  17. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I have mixed feelings about this topic. Who's to say that one should deactivate their Facebook account? I do feel that it has its pros and cons, but I don't entirely agree with the suggestion. There are over a billion Facebook users worldwide and trying to convince them to quit Facebook is not going to be easy. In my opinion, Facebook is one of those things where you either like it or you don't. When you compare Nofap and Facebook, you're talking about 2 completely different categories. One is a support group, so of course you're going to find people with greater commonalities than you would on Facebook. While the other is just an enormous social network that anyone can join no matter who you are or where you're from. You can share almost anything....anything but most of your problems.

    I'm a moderate Facebook user, but I don't have any plans on deactivating it yet. It can be fun at times. I get to see important events such as my friend's wedding or a child being born which is meaningful, plus I get to stay in contact with friends who have moved away. But other times it can be pretty lame. I'm glad I'm not a Facebook addict . But it depends on who you are. Kuraprika mentioned friends and success. It's really hard to say; I know one women who goes on FB a lot and she's from the military while another guy I know is a complete bum.

    I wouldn't go entirely against FB. I like both websites and I believe FB has its benefits, and even if there's evidence proving that some people get more depressed while going on FB, I don't think that will account for all of the FB users worldwide. Like I said, it really depends on the person. In my view, I think moderation for both Nofap and FB is key. We should never spend more than 30 minutes a week posting pictures, say where we're eating, and updating other useless crap on FB. On the other hand, we should not go on Nofap and discuss all about our problems such as loneliness and depression because that can actually be a downside. We might become dependent on others to care for our problems and that can be a burden. The whole objective of Nofap is giving support to others, motivating others, and helping them making life changes for the better.

    Talking about your problems all the time on Nofap is not good, nor is it good to spend too much time on FB. I feel much better off staying away from both websites for too long. There are more important things in life that have meaning rather on going on FB or Nofap everyday because they both can suck you in.
  18. ds112358

    ds112358 Fapstronaut

    I never thought about it this way. Thanks for the post!

    I will definitely consider it. But probably the more realistic option is to stop using Facebook to fulfil emotional needs. To use it purely as a communication system, and to only post true stuff.

    And also, I will stop browsing Facebook unnecessarily, as it builds on the concept of internet addiction, and of course, the occasional arousing image or gif is nothing but harmful.

    Thanks again.

    veerya likes this.
  19. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    Wow, this blew up! Thank you all for the replies and contributing to this discussion!

    However, I would like to say that the point of this post wasn't for us to get on the NoFap forums and debate about the advantages/disadvantages of Facebook.

    Whenever you get advice you don't just sit there and talk about it. Talk is cheap. Instead TEST the advice. Try to implement the advice. Take action and see if it works for you.

    For some of you, it may be to just keep using Facebook. For others, it may be better just to use Facebook in "moderation", like what Namekian23 suggests.

    (When I tested this, It didn't work for me. I would tell myself that I would just skim through my Newsfeed for 5 mins... Then waste 2 hours liking and commenting on posts. So for me, deactivating Facebook all together and just texting and calling friends was what worked for me. However, using Facebook in moderation may work for if you have the self-control.)

    In the end, to each his own. Decide for yourself if you want to use Facebook or not. Experiment for two weeks with and without Facebook. But don't just read other people's opinions in this discussion and believe them. Including mine.

    The same goes for life in general. Don't just believe in advice that sounds good. For example, when I first started NoFap I read that you should just "Try harder. Never give up". It never worked for me. Willpower is a limited resource and it will fail you. What worked for me instead was getting an accoutability partner.

    In the end, deactivating Facebook has helped me with the NoFap challenge. And I hope you test this and see if it works for you. But I'm a 17 year old kid. So don't just trust my opinion on it.

    "What is the hardest task in the world? To think. To believe your own thought. That is genius."
    - Emerson
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
    Eleanor, Yugae, Cazzo Pazzo and 4 others like this.
  20. Nath1234

    Nath1234 Fapstronaut

    Hi YiBoW.

    Interesting post buddy!!..

    I use(d) FB just to
    1. Keep in touch with my high school and college mates, as I am the ONLY loner living approx. 600 miles away in friends' circle..
    2. Pull others' legs and sharpen my 'creative writing' skills in commenting on photos, shares, posts, etc etc

    But last June, one of my high school friend died under mysterious circumstances jolted me , and I felt I was hurting many people <esp. those who read my comments >. I dint login for about 5 months straight after posting a small note to my lost friend.... Not a single freaking soul called me to inquire, what happened...

    Now I use FB, but to very minimal extent..
    veerya and YiboW like this.