HELP! PMO addict (10 years)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Redeemed_1, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Redeemed_1

    Redeemed_1 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I’m a 25 years old male living in Nigeria. I was exposed to sexual acts from as young as 6years old by a neighbor of the opposite sex and I’ve been struggling with PMO since I was 15. I’ve tried abstaining on my own many times but the longest streak I’ve achieved was 6 months long. Currently, I’m in a relationship and I’ve got a job but I feel PMO affecting both cause I’m a chronic procrastibator.
    I’ve neglected my career and plans to get my post graduate degree, I’m earning way less than I should, I get depressed and I have suicidal thoughts , I weigh less than I should so I have a poor self image and low self esteem, I lack the confidence to go after what I need.
    At this point I’m on day 3 on a hardcore NoFap routine, I’ll need all the help and support I can get, in order to get a grip on my life. I just hope it’s not too late to get my life back on track. Please help.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Not too late, no. Hi, 3 days hard mode is a start. Stay determined, put it in words what you want, instead of don‘t want. Go for zero tolerance, check in here, get an AP, tame and clear the mind, guide your focus. :)
    Redeemed_1 likes this.
  3. Redeemed_1

    Redeemed_1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot. What’s an AP? and how do I get one on this forum?
  4. Accountability Partner, these are pairs or small groups who hold themselves accountable for their sexual health habits. There is a forum here. Check it out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Or if you want to talk more, let‘s talk.
  5. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    - You can set up your day counter here
    - You can find the forum usage guide here
    - Here is we’re you will find a glossary of terms often used in the nofap community. Glossary
    - You can also find a guide to the basics of rebooting here
    - If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  6. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    This will help you a lot, watch this and say goodbye to urges forever

    But however urges are sometimes attacking even if you are focused on something else, when i got rid of those 1% foods which increases urges and started enjoying 99% other beautiful foods it became so much easyer for me ^_^