Breathing exercise challenge for 21 days

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by The Great Safecracker, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Here's a simple proposal for the exercise:

    Lay down comfortably on your back. Take a deep breath in for four seconds. Then exhale for eight seconds. Repeat this twenty times. Remember to use your diaphragm.

    If you are interested in why longer exhales might be beneficial, take a look at this link, for example.

    Another exercise routine could be like this: Take a deep breath in while counting to eight. Hold your breath to the count of four. Finally breath out while counting to ten.

    Of course you can choose your own exercise. Try to let go of the inner talk in your head. Just observe any thoughts or feelings that may arise.

    For the first week, do this exercise just before you go to sleep. Then during the second week, make another session early in the morning, so two sessions per day. And for the third week, take time for a third session in the afternoons.
    Last edited: May 28, 2019
  2. 1/21

    For some reason it was difficult to let go of the tension in the back of my neck.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  3. 2/21

    To my surprise I noticed that the exercise took me almost nine minutes last night.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  4. 3/21

    I still find tensions in my body during the exercise.
  5. 4/21

    I notice the tensions when holding my breath. I'd like to get rid of them.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  6. 5/21

    I've been sleeping really well, and haven't had any difficulty in getting sleep. Hopefully this continues.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  7. 7/21

    I couldn't get sleep, and I thought what's wrong. Then I realized I hadn't done my exercise for the evening. It was 2am but I straightened this out - and slept well!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  8. 10/21

    It's funny to think about, when you notice a certain thought has occupied your mind for some time, why it is that you didn't notice the thought when it was first arising.
  9. 11/21

    At least there's one challenge where I'm getting along well at the moment.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  10. 12/21

    Diaphragmatic breathing is awesome!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  11. 13/21

    Taking deep breaths is easier in the evening than in the morning for some reason.
  12. 14/21

    Finding a good rhythm in counting the breaths.
  13. 15/21

    Did my afternoon exercise straight after working out which is not the best idea. I had to adapt the exercise a bit as it was hard to hold my breath.
  14. 16/21

    Almost forgot my afternoon exercise.
  15. 17/21

    Getting slightly better in letting the thoughts come and go.
  16. 18/21

    Actually forgot to exercise in the afternoon, but mistakes happen.