Why do so many heterosexual Men suffer from ''HOCD''

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Woodland-Soul, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    My answer as a young gay guy its thats its internalised homopbobia within individuals who may or may not be either exclusively heterosexual or Bi-sexual. (I'm excluding individuals who are only sexually attracted to other Men)

    Porn in my opinion is just the manifestations of our fantasies. Porn is definitely damaging and can possibly confuse a young teenage boy of what their sexuality and what they like sexually. It did for me I believe it made me think I was more submissive and inferior to other Men which isn't true.

    I believe the reason for HOCD is homophobia and bigotry, on this forum I have to be subjected to heterosexual young men being petrified at the thought of being homosexual when they simultaneously have attraction for the opposite sex. Its as if we haven't moved on in society. Is being homosexual still seen as disgusting?

    Why are these individuals so scared that they may have a slight sexual attraction towards other Men? WHY? Stop obsessing about it. Its a non-issue.
    Ash.k likes this.
  2. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

  3. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    You need to firstly calm down and stop condemning those that suffer from this. It has absolutely nothing to do with bigotry or the like, and if you think otherwise then you need to educate yourself more on this subject. HOCD is caused by PMO addiction, which manifests itself many times into radical alteration of sexual fantasies and behavior. As individuals view more and more porn their fantasies escalate until they’re at a point far beyond what they started out as. This is perfectly evidenced by how addicts complain that they are no longer “turned on” by the same porn clips/categories that they used to get off to. HOCD is not about some underlying homophobia, it is about the individual being afraid that their sexuality has changed when they intrinsically always knew themselves to be straight. This is a very real affliction that can only be solved by abstaining from PMO for an extended period of time. Chalking it up to “bigotry” or “homophobia” is both completely ill-informed as well as reprehensible. Please refrain from shaming others who are going through this and instead realize that this is a forum where users are supposed to lift each other up in support, not condemn each other in judgement.
    Ash.k, King.Ben17 and debaser like this.
  4. @Woodland-Soul hope this isn't too personal, but if possible, would you care to share what gender your wet dreams are about?

    As someone who's had porn induced gay fantasies, my wet dreams about girls exclusively have made me realize porn induced desensitization and resulting escalation is exactly what leads to h-ocd.
    I'm absolutely convinced abstinence induced wet dreams can give a lot of h-ocd sufferers out there the peace of mind they desperately search and need. This going back to absolute basic is the answer any h-ocd sufferer has been looking for. I'm convinced wet dreams are the product of innate sexual orientation, whereas porn induced gay fantasies are the product of artificial sexuality, desensitization and resulting escalation. It is this simplicity h-ocd sufferers are longing for but can't seem to find because of their addictions and continued porn use. They can't reconnect with their very nature.

    Please don't think all h-ocd sufferers are secretly closeted because the fear is real. This fear will include daily obsessions over sexual orientation and can paralyze the sufferer. It's a condition in which the mind takes over the heart and people just lose themselves because of it. For someone who's not naturally gay, these fantasies are completely fear-based. It's the shock that's so arousing, but someone who is innately straight will torment himself mentally after having had such fantasies. The associations with bigger and better orgasms set up by porn in the h-ocd sufferer's brain will make it hard for them to resist these same fantasies next time they are battling temptation. This, needless to say, can be soul-destroying.

    Just because people are having these fantasies doesn't mean they are closeted. Someone who is truly gay, as I'm sure you will agree, will enjoy their orientation, will genuinely love men and won't delete their profiles on gay dating apps once their endorphin rush is over.
    Deleted Account and Dagger323 like this.
  5. Most people are bisexual - meaning under certain circumstances (prison, military, monastery, teenagers, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, etc.) they are willing and able to have sex with both genders. People who can only accept the binary version: 100% gay vs. 100% straight may panic over the possibility, that they are not "pure straight". Honestly, I do not care, not my problem. If you can jerk off to gay porn, you are at least bisexual in my book. It doesn´t matter, if there is no "wish for any relationship" or "dating a guy" or "being disgusted after orgasm". When I was a young teenager the idea of kissing another guy totally freaked me out, because I did no know that this was even an option, it just seemed totally gross to me.
    Nevertheless I´ve got much easier horny by fantasizing about cocks or the idea sucking a dick.

    Either you accept it or you go into denial and feel guilty for it. Personal choice. :cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2019
    Ash.k and Woodland-Soul like this.
  6. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut


    The people who are scared of the mere possibility are just ignorant. That doesn't mean I don't sympathise with their pain but their ''pain'' is coming from a place of pure stupidity. Its an irrational fear like being scared of Mice. I can sympathise but I don't encourage this way of thinking.

    HOCD is simply people who are scared of being gay - thats it. I could have easily said to myself at age 11 that I had HOCD.

    Years after I could have diagnosed myself with HOCD.

    Just stop obsessing about something that is so pointless.
  7. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Please don't bring your PC culture into this argument. I personally don't have H-ocd but I can kinda imagine starting for it to occur if I hadn't started my reboot when I did.

    For guys who are straight- most of their friends are male- they are genuinely attracted to girls (especially before porn addiction, they fantasized only sexually about girls) complete desensitization is scary.

    It means they can't have a child of their own. It Means maybe older members of their family will discard them.

    For straight guys who are desensitized, this can be pretty scary (which is a good thing as it's usually what it takes to reboot).

    Maybe you think I am bigoted but I imagine that having been very comfortable and happy with their sexuality in the past, it's scary when it all breaks down.
    Dagger323 likes this.
  8. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    I see your point but I disagree.

    What has having mostly male friends got to do with anything? Are you assuming all homosexual males have mostly female friends - thats absurd.

    Homosexual men can have a child of their own many do - as in biological Children by ever having sex with a woman or artificially. Gay men are not infertile.

    If older members of their family discard them then thats their problem.


    Your post proves my point. You're stereotypical point of view etc

    HOCD should be renamed ''Internalised homophobia syndrome''

    Being gay or having a slight arousal (which may be due to porn addiction) doesn't make someone less of a Man (or less you literally have a problem with Test production)
  9. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Lol bro I have nothing against others being gay but there's no way I'd want myself to be. That's why it's scary to people who aren't actually gay.
  10. That´s a good summary of all those men problems here with their self diagnosed "HOCD". By the way, there is real HOCD, but it´s a very rare syndrom. Not something common every guy, who laments about getting excited by watching other guys dicks in porn, automatically has too. Just because someone fears to have bisexual tendencies, doesn´t give him HOCD. People cannot be "recruited" or "converted" to any kind of sexual behaviour, if they have it not already inside them. That goes in both ways. I could watch as much lesbian porn there is in the world, it would not turn me straight over a while or even give me a boner. It just doesn´t work, because it bores me.
    And I have nothing against straight men either - so, even Steven.
  11. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    This statement is confusing.

    I'm confused.
  12. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    No. Just a big ol' fucking no.

    HOCD is an actual mental disorder. You're actually calling people who suffer from OCD bigotted. This is mind-boggling. For you that's a non-issue because well, you don't have this issue. That's like me telling a schizo "you're just imagining things, stop it".
    I'm tired of seeing this kind of moronic bullshit online. People trying to deseprately get offended by everything and mark others as bigotted every chance they get.

    I don't have any qualms with gay people. I respect them and even admire them in a way, how they keep going with their lives despite the hardships many of them had to endure. Especially those who were not lucky enough to be born into this millenia.

    But I don't want to be gay myself nor am I gay like every straight guy. I suggest you research HOCD more and read about the symptoms before deciding it's "internalized homophobia and bigotry".
  13. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut


    Porn definitely doesn't convert peoples sexuality.

    Side-note - As a gay guy I can sympathise in a way because I've experienced weird feelings of (subtle) attraction towards Women when I abstain from Masturbating/orgasm. But anyway thats a separate issue lol
  14. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut


    There's nothing confusing about this big guy. A lot of people watch gay/transwoman porn because it gives them the shock/anxiety needed to get off to it. It plays on their guilt and makes them more likely to relapse. As someone who is straight, it's pretty horrifying if you know deep down you're straight but what your watching inherently is disgusting to you. Porn doesn't change your sexuality, it just causes unnatural fetishes caused by dopamine dependency.

    Ultimately, you gotta think about it in reality. Most straight guys who suffer from hocd, they will be attracted to women in reality, and still sexually repulsed by men. For example, there are straight guys on this forum who fell so deep in the hole of PMO that they didn't know how hijacked their brain was until they were actually in a room with another man naked, at which point they were physically repulsed because it's not their natural sexuality. Porn causes this.

    So I'll say again, it's scary for someone who's straight for their brain to get hijacked like that. I don't care if others are gay, I just don't want myself to be.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    Well, your book is full of shit.

    You're oversimplifying sexuality. One of the most complex things in humans. There are so many variables to this.
    Porn doesn't change your sexuality, your sexuality doesn't change like a fucking chameleon. What does happen is that people get desensitized and confused due to porn abuse. Many of them rushed to label themselves as gay or bisexual, tried to get some action with a partner of the same sex and ended up scarring themselves.

    NoFap is not about trying to "convert" your sexuality, but about accepting the fact that you're a fucking addict and push you towards beating this addiction. And as a result, you might see some serious changes.
  16. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Exactly. This has nothing to do with sexuality, everything to do with addiction.
    The worry people have is because of their dopamine dependency, not their sexuality. Cure the cause, and the issue will resolve. Get rid of porn completely, and your innate sexuality will be obvious and your mind will be put to rest.
  17. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    I’m going to tell you this again since you seem to be too blinded by resentment to grasp it: educate yourself on what actual HOCD is before making completely ignorant and reprehensible statements about those who suffer from it. It is a very REAL disorder and those suffering from it are not some “closeted bigots” that simply need to change their thought process. HOCD is very different from the situation of someone who is actually gay but may feel shameful thoughts about it. HOCD is a form of OCD and the majority of those it affects are intrinsically straight males. They know themselves to be intrinsically straight yet the disorder causes them to obsess over their sexuality to the point that they are consumed by it. Do you tell someone with a different manifestation of OCD that they need to change their thinking and stop “obsessing over something that is so pointless?” Any medical professional would immediately explain to you that that is a complete oversimplification and shows an utter lack of understanding about how OCD works. This outwardly negative and defensive response you have towards HOCD sufferers would seem to indicate an internalized problem that you need to address. You also need to be reminded that this is not a place for you to lash out at others due to some unaddressed anger issues you seem to have. The NoFap community is here to aid each other in beating PMO addiction, which involves being supportive of others no matter their situation. This is not a place to post vindictive and resentful threads that involve insulting a group of users.
  18. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    I watched straight porn for years and never thought I was straight....
  19. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    Completely anecdotal. Means absolutely nothing. Not everyone experiences the effects of HOCD or OCD associated with their sexuality. Every individual is different.
  20. Woodland-Soul

    Woodland-Soul Fapstronaut

    Hmm ok

    Maybe I should shut up as I'm not even 100% sure if I'm "fully" gay.