"Baby It's Cold Outside"

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ra's Al Ghul, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I don't care what his occupation is, what part of anything he said in that video is he wrong about? I'd love to be enlightened if I am overlooking something.
  2. johndoe117

    johndoe117 Fapstronaut

    This society is messed up. But it's because it's an old song that it is vilified. Modern music is full of sex and violence. Nothing wrong with trying to use the weather to get sex.
    Gotham Outlaw and Ra's Al Ghul like this.
  3. I think the song reflects well the times it was made and you could take two messages from this as a man either, 9 no's and a yes is still a yes or if at first you don't succeed try again. Personally to me it appears like the man is being needy and persistant, the woman is having second thoughts and the man wont take no for an answer.

    I believe generally there is nothing wrong with trying to convince a potential partner to stay a while longer if your intentions are honest, however the song makes this process drawn out and what starts out as a request turns out to be like inviting a salesman in your home and he wont leave.

    There is a point where expressing your wishes politely and showing you would like to spend more time turns into some kind of harrassment.

    I remember one guy at work telling me '9 no's and a yes is still a yes' which might be true if you are trying to sell a product or service to a company but if it was me i would generally take the second no as a confirmation of the first no depending on how the first no was portrayed. I just think to myself what if it was me on the other end? if i wanted to say no i would maybe expect the other person to then try to further convince but on the second no i would make it clearer and that should indicate to the other person i have definitely made up my mind.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I get the sense that American politics are less about exchanging ideas and serving its actual people, and more about “owning the libruls” or “slapping the conservanazi”. People just don’t realise that teasing people won’t suddenly get them to feel sympathetic to the opposing cause.
    SilentJay313 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I wish it were just that simple. I feel pretty sure that America is headed for another Civil War, and thats not because the right wants it but the left that refuses to coexist with the right and they absolutely want to silence our voices.
  6. Yeah, and buying tons of plastic straws is clearly the way to handle that situation, for sure.
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  7. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I love Freedom! I am absolutely against them banning plastic straws. No one can convince me otherwise as I have yet to hear a cogent and compelling enough argument. Right now we have an absolute invasion crisis with illegal immigration in the USA. Our great President Trump is doing a hell of a job protecting our borders, he has the right priorities in order.

    The left wants no borders at all and wants the downfall of the USA. If the left were to change course on their stance on illegal immigration, I may consider their mountain out of a molehill issue with plastic straws, but I know that will never happen.

    All over the world like in France and the UK, people are crying out for President Trump, but those countries I feel have sealed their fate because they failed to fight globalism early enough. Now the EU tanks and big guns are converging on the unarmed yellow vest protesters.
  8. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. I'm just saying you're being immature.

    Again, a completely immature attitude. The idea that since someone disagrees with you on something (immigration), you refuse to agree with them on anything else (environmentalism) makes no sense and is an immature way to live life. I absolutely detest Trump, and yet I've been able to agree with you on many things here, and I agree with a lot of conservative values and politics. You will have a happier life if you learn to be more open minded and stop labeling people as "stupid libtards" and assuming you cant agree with them on anything. Finding common ground is really important, as is being able to admit that someone you dont like might actually be right about something sometimes.
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I am open minded, when there's compelling reason to possibly change my mind. I feel the left's war on plastic straws is absolutely absurd and ridiculous and is a non-issue. I'm not just doing it to stick it to the left, however I won't deny that is a small part of it. I know you despise Trump, but ironically this one issue of plastic straws is the reason why Trumpism is winning. Rational people want strong arguments, they don't live by the feels. This is why I absolutely couldnt stand barry obummer. Trump is the anti-obummer and I love that! As far as the environment, I feel that Trump is right in this area too.

    The left's ideas on the environment are absolutely Wacky and absurd. The whole green energy Boondoggle is a great excuse for socialism and control as well as job killers. No wonder that buffoon obama is trying to take credit for the Trump economy.
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    As for "common ground", the left doesnt want that. They want control, but thankfully too many rational Americans who love the country like myself will not let that happen. We're in a war right now, its just that open conflict won't happen until they try to take away guns, and then 1776 will commence.
  11. You cant say you're an open minded person and then spout stuff like this. You are not open minded at all if you continue to view complex human beings as "the left" and "the right" and lump all of their views into your own little biased boxes. I've met plenty of highly liberal people who are extremely kind and reasonable and want to find common ground just as much as I do. This statement you made just isnt true, but you will continue to live by your biases, all while claiming to be an open minded person. Open minded people dont have an "us vs. them" mindset about every issue.
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  12. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Easy for you to say because they accept you as one of their own. Do you live in a liberal town?
  13. Lol honey, you know nothing about me if you think hardcore "leftists" would accept me as one of their own. I'm not one of them, and they absolutely would not accept most of the things I believe. But the reason that they might "accept" me, from your perspective, is because I'm s nice person and I dont hate on people and treat them differently because their beliefs differ from mine. You can have conservative beliefs and still get along with liberals. All it takes is being respectful and not being a dick.

    And no, I dont live in a liberal town at all, but I do know a lot of liberal people.
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  14. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    @Ra's Al Ghul I mostly agree with you on politics, I'm voting Trump 2020, but why waste your money? It won't prove anything to the leftists
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  15. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Nice! You mean about buying straws? Lol, not really doing it to stick it to leftists(maybe a little), but its also really annoying when I go buy a beverage somewhere and they want me to use a cardboard straw. Nope, not doin it. lol
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  16. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

  17. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna get back on topic. Yesterday I heard this song in a restaurant, the version with a man and woman singing, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with it.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  18. You should listen to Dave Rubin. He has progressive / left values, but is very open minded and humble. I think a lot of leftists are like you say but there are certainly some more or less rational and polite ones. I think it’s best to fight, oppose, even hate the things leftists try to push, but still love the people that hold those views as unique individuals. I agree that the left is less interested in finding common ground, but we can at least attempt to meet them in the middle, this shows humility and goodwill. It’s all well and good to own the libs if you are in a position to do so (if you are Ben Shapiro), because truthfully sometimes they are just dumb or seemingly evil, but it’s still worthwhile extending your hand, being humble and open minded, and not disliking people just because they are liberal.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    When you get bit by a spider you become Spider Man. When you get bit by a dolphin you become Dolphin Man.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.