My speech to a woman who does not wear modestly

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by KennyKenny123, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Whatever is said after this is a copy and space from my message : I wrote this. Take this speech not only for you, but all the women too. And no harm is intended this speech. Anyway, i wasn't talking about thighs specifically. It's general talk. However women is dressing up is what i'm talking about. How they show their cleavages, wearing pants that shows off their thighs, wearing clothes that shows off their belly button, wearing tight pants, tight clothes etc. What is the actual point of wearing half-naked clothes? What benefits do you attain by wearing all this type of clothing? Are you going to say because it's comfortable? Or are you going to say it's to display beauty? Because either way it shows not only how shameless and ungrateful you are. But also how ignorant you are. Well to answer that, i must respond to your statement, Quote\" Why not educate them(the guys) when they were young to not be lustful instead of telling girls to cover themselves up so man can be okay"/Unquote. I don't know who in the right mind would actually teach their children on how to do bad. Is it to you "oh what could go wrong if they are taught wrong?". There's no logical sense it that. Eventually the curiosity will kill the cat. Thus, men are weak when it comes to lustful desires. If you do not wear modestly, then why should there not be a reason why perverts are everywhere. Yes yes, like i said, those perverts are the wrongdoers, but for those men who are good. You're making it hard for them. One day he will be unable to open his eyes because he'll find full of half naked women appearing infront of him. Or, he'll open his eyes and embrace the sin. So let me ask you again, why not help them by wearing modestly? But anyway, so who teaches us how to sin? It's satan. No one actually knows how to sin without him. And he'll manipulate you to think that the wrong is good and the good is bad. His evil whispers started since the creation of Adam and Eve and it will never stop untill the world ends. And this is why we should say "I seek protection from God, from the accursed satan", everytime if we feel like something is wrong. At the end of the day, yes you can do whatever you want, wear whatever you want. But there will be consequences for your actions. Good will be recompense with good and bad will be recompense with bad. But as for the wrongdoers if they shall go back to repentance and ask forgiveness from the Lord of worlds. Then they should be given that forgiveness as their Lord is Most merciful and Most forgiving. And ask yourself, "How your dress shows your greatness level". Maybe if you go to a poor country or look at beggers on the street and compare yourself with them. Maybe that'll show you how grateful you are. And conceal this speech or publicize it. Indeed, God knows the intention of humankind.
    It started when i asked her a simple question of why women shows parts of their body that should be covered in order to help men.
    She was angry and disappointed. She replied with "Women can wear anything they want and highlight the word "anything with a red lining to show how crucial it is. She said that what they wear does not show how grateful they are.
    I have called her shameless and ungrateful for wearing clothes that shows their skin/certain part of bodies for e.g. thighs and cleavage.
    I provide with evidence by saying there are women in poverty who are searching pieces of clothing (not even proper) to cover herself from humiliation.
    And asked her in a serious manner "So why?" "Why won't you cover yourselves".
    I ended my quote saying (Reffering to women who do not wear modestly) to show that i wasn't specifically aiming for her.
    After the message above, she said that she chose to ignore, she hopes that i will not have a daughter so that i can teach her on how to wear modestly to prevent from being harrassed. And she claims that the daughter would have not wanted to be harrassed even though she is wearing half-naked clothes. And lastly, she blocked me. I messaged her "I apologize for any negative remarks". And i left. But i doubt the message was sent as she already blocked me.
    Thoughts and opinions are welcome
    Please no profanity
    Here to discuss not to argue (even though it is a topic of argument) but you get what i mean, don't argue againts me. I am entitled to my own opinion. I know that i might be wrong in some areas.
    Correct me in a reasonable explanation.
  2. She's right.

    I value modesty as well, but to say women who dress less modestly than what you like makes them "ungrateful" makes zero sense.
  3. People should be able to wear whatever thay like without being bothered.
  4. You have every right to ask yourself why women dress the way they do. But don't tell people what they should and shouldn't wear. You are responsible for your own actions. Nobody is forcing you to look where you don't want to look or think what you don't want to think. I'm sure addiction makes it harder for you to control your urges, but it is possible. Don't blame other people for your actions.
  5. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Somewhere in the world , a poor women is wearing ragged, torn clothes. And she is humilated by it but she is unable to cover up herself. But here in modern society, we have women wearing clothes that provides possibility of wardrobe malfunction. Nip slips, see through clothes, tight tops, tight jeans. And they do this to gain attention. So how ungrateful and shameless can they be to be given the privellege to wear proper clothing to cover themselves up but they choose to wear that which shows off certain parts of her body to be is exposed to the evil eye. The eye that most of us men have in this forum. And if you were to go to the relapse reports section. You can see reports of people relapsing just because they saw a sexy looking lady in the public. Realistically, we men don't really need to concern about what we wear. There is nothing really sexually attracting about us, unless, in rare cases we have a huge unerected penis. But nevertheless, we should be able to wear a proper top and pants without being judged by the public. But unlike women, they have to cover up themselves, they have to cover up their breast. Which is a part that is highly related to sexual stuff. And their thighs, we have people even making a meme out of them, go search the meme "THICC". Most men would probably get a boner when he sees a women's breast. And women here and there are showing their cleavages as if like they don't know that us men have this raging hormones that is built inside everyone us. They hated perverts but they help them satisfy their lustful needs by not wearing modestly. The perverts are the wrongdoers. But what if there are men, who are trying to not look at women in that way, because they know it is wrong and immoral of them. You may think that he can just ignore it, no, it is hard. Because of, like i said, the sexual hormones built in us. They will always feel an urge to look at the wrong. But, why can't women help this people by just wearing modestly? What is the actual point of wearing half-naked clothes? What benefits them by wearing this clothes? And it is harsh to say this but, women can be a form of a sexual object to society(Especially the porn society). It is no doubt that there are people treating women as a sexual objects. Every single one of us in this forum probably had judge women by their bodies sexually. Because we watch porn. And porn is major "disease" that makes our mind into thinking women as sexual objects. So the importance for women to dress up modestly is crucial. How they dress can be a form to show who they are. On a side note, i'm not talking about women in general. There can still be righteous women who wear modestly. So rather, i aim to talk about those who do not wear modestly, or sexually specifically.
    captainteemo likes this.
  6. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    It is a reflection for them. And please read my post above if you would like to understand what i'm trying to say.
  7. Gentle man

    Gentle man Fapstronaut

    Those who say it is their right to wear any thing !

    man by nature was made to be trigered with lots of skin being exposed !
    So is it our right to keep staring on what is exposed ???
  8. Interesting question. If you ever go to a nude beach, you will see that the novelty wears off quickly. Staring at strsngers in general is considered a No No, but I'm not sure it should be.. Whenever I see someone interesting in public, I want to look. It's only natural.
    As I said, people should be able to wear what they want without being hassled, but getting some looks comes with the territory if you dress sexy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2018
  9. Nonsense. I've spent my whole life of looking at scantily clad or even naked women and I haven't experienced any kind of erosion of my personality until I started heavily using porn. There is nothing wrong with sexuality in real life. There can be a debate in society and fashion of what is classy and what is trashy but it's not going to be informed by any government or religion. This Middle Eastern idea of dressing women in bags in order to save the country from a supposed self-destruction is ridiculous.
  10. You're ssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo right!

    You have no idea what you're talking about since you're not a woman. The whole idea women can't be physically attracted to a man's body is just silliness! Women are sexual beings too. Sure men are wired to find a womans body attractive maybe more so than women but the whole idea that women don't find a man's body attractive is sssssssssooooooooo :emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm::emoji_face_palm:

    This whole idea about that a womans body makes men is nothing but a cop out. Take some responsibility. No woman, no woman whatsoever is responsible for your thoughts. You and only you are responsible for your thoughts and actions! You have a brain and you can use if you want! You are not some mindless sex robot! Everyone is tempted but we can practise self control if we want! Don't blame women for your lustful thoughts, learn how to practise self control! And anyway there's nothing wrong with lustful thoughts, it's the lusts that is wrong.

    At the end of the day you're just throwing knives.

    It's funny a number of male PA on here seem to love blaming women for their porn problem but I've yet to see a female PA blame men for their own choices.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2018
  11. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Hey hey chill out. I literally said don't use profanity. I just want to discuss in a chill manner. No hate to anyone. But okay, i see where you're going. Since the era of cavemens they are wanking. Fine i get it. But i know that you are unreligious. You don't have rights for something you worship. You don't know what is evil to God and nor do you care. So you talk in an atheist's perspective and i can't sympathize for you. Because both parties don't meet. I believe that no matter how long this addiction, or sin have live throughout the years. It is still undoubtedly a sin to the worshipper of god.
    captainteemo likes this.
  12. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Well another one, i assume that you are an atheist too? You don't feel wrong because no one told you it was wrong. That's just how it is. But us, billions of god worshippers, knows that it is obscene for a man to just stare at a women however he'd like. And the hijab that muslim women wears, not too long ago, a few months, there was an ad that shows a women taking off her hijab and dancing to "freedom". And there were tons of hate comments saying "We have our rights to have our own kind of freedom" "This is disgusting etc". So there are people who believe that wearing the hijab makes them feel free. And what is wrong with that? They veil theirselves to show how modest they are. Unlike those type of women who dress half-nakedly in the public. And like i said, you might not understand it, nor will i understand you. Because you're an atheist. And i'm a person who worships god and was given a certain law to follow for my good.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  13. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    I have no idea what i'm talking about? But what is women that women? But anyway, women is not a responsibility for, not mine only, but ours(the worshippers of god), but they can be can they? Don't tell me that a women who dresses up sexily is not the reason why men have those thoughts. If it wouldn't be because of a random sexy lady who walk pass a man and relapses because of her, then what else could there be? See, i'm not trying to force women to wear what they don't want to wear. Rather, i want them to reflect if what they're wearing are righteous. So far, no women has answered me why she shows her cleavage around the public, despite knowing that, like i said, men are attracted to it. This is the situation of what you think is "not the responsibility of women". But rather it is both genders. If women wore modestly. Then men wouldn't even have the thought to look anymore. They don't need to have the responsibility if in the first place there wasn't a problem for them. But indeed, this is only a test from God if you only knew.
  14. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    A person who has religion has his/her laws. Would you understand what it is like to follow it? I'm just trying to say you won't be able to sympathize for a particular perspective just as i don't get yours. Because we have religious rights. But you don't. So you may think that looking at women is not wrong and try to even make it normal to us. But no, it isn't. Also, i won't say i'm blaming them. Of course, for whatever lustful reason i have to look at women. It's my fault. I have the choice to look or not. But like i said, my whole speech is just a reflection for women. I really mean no harm or hate.
  15. Simply, women don't have to do anything because of your religion. You and all your religious friends don't have the right to dictate anyone what to do. Your religion is your problem alone.

    Your "religous rights" don't apply to anyone who is not of that religion. Don't impose your laws on others.

    If you can't stop having thoughts you don't like because you look at a woman that is your problem, not hers. Women don't have to dress modestly just because men ... whatever. Get that into your head. Women don't owe you any favours.
  16. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    I don't believe that the evil eye is a sin only for my religion. I'm pretty sure other religions agrees that it is obscene for men to look at woman lustfully. My religion can't be my problem alone. If it includes other religions. Which sums it up to billions of people. If i can't stop looking at women. Yes it's my problem, my own fault. Of billions who have sinnned to the evil eyes. Our own problem, our own fault. But at the end of the day, like i said, this is a only a reflection for women. If they wore half-nakedly, while hating perverts, and they just let it be to be exposed to the evil eye. Then so be it, it can't be help for them if they don't care right? They reflected, and they don't care. I'm just making a reflection for them. Those who think it is wrong. They'll change. Those who still want to wear whatever they want. Then proceed, i don't have the rights to force them to wear what they want. It's just a simple reminder, a simple reflection for them. It's like someone offers you a free magazine. You look at it, if you're uninterested. Then it's fine.
  17. KennyKenny123

    KennyKenny123 Banned

    Really guys, i don't harm, nor hate or even force. It's nothing but a reflection for women. Can they accept the fact that their bodies are exposed for perverts to look at them and still proceed to wear what they want? wearing half naked clothes and walk pass a poor women who lack proper clothes that has a need to cover up the humility while they wear that which they want to cover up? Is it fair that women has the right to wear anything but those below them, the poor ones, only wear which is enough of them? We entered the world randomly, born rich, born neutral, born poor. So is it fair for one to have a right that the other can't have unreasonably and ungratefully?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
    IWantToChange:') likes this.
  18. I am a devout Christian, and I still think you are being incredibly judgmental and rude. It seems that maybe you've read all the parts about modesty, but perhaps you've skipped over all the stuff about not judging others and leaving judgement to God and taking the plank out of your own eye first.

    It's so ridiculous to use the "you're an atheist so you don't understand!" argument. Because first of all, I'm a Christian, and I don't agree with you either. And secondly, atheists aren't all immoral animals who don't know how to be good people. They are also made in the image of God, whether they believe that or not. They have a conscience and are capable of knowing right from wrong.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  19. Perhaps not, but you certainly judge quite a bit, which is also wrong. You're calling women ungrateful and ignorant for what they wear. That's not something God would permit you to do. Just saying.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Based on his previous posts in my thread and stuff, he's actually a Muslim not a Christian.
    Hank Pym and Deleted Account like this.