Do you need to know everything?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Cbelle41, May 18, 2018.

  1. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    SO of a PA here.
    About 3 months since Dday.
    My thread:
    Quick version of our story:
    2 year relationship, SO/PA has aspergers and was in deep active addiction 4 years ago. Mostly chat and video. Did a 2 year reboot before meeting me and had a brief, and very tame relapse (was M'ing again, but no P except for some bikini photos) in December of 2017, found out about it in Feb of 2018. Hes rejoined nofap and journals daily.
    He has never lied to me about his addiction, but we felt it was behind him.
    Hes always struggled with ED and of course up until his relapse I took the blame on myself. After the relapse, we came to realize it was porn induced.
    When he relapsed our sexual activity came to a full stop, though it'd already dwindled down.
    My theory.... he was frustrated with his ED and desexualized me completely. Turned back to MO because it was always a sure thing. Kind of restoring his manhood in a way if that makes sense.
    We've been working on intimacy to start healing his PIED.

    We've never had an issue with him lying. Hes always been very transparent. Never had an issue with me looking at his phone/computer, was never secretive. The only thing I "caught" him in was the Google searches for bikini women. I didnt see much harm in this but when the PIED reared its ugly head again I brought them up. He did not try to deny. Came clean completely. I have full access to any electronics, and he willingly gave his FB password and has been going to SAA meetings.
    I only looked through his history once and logged into fb once.( no warning or time to delete) Nothing even remotely alarming.
    So, I dont really have trust issues. Like I said...very transparent.

    So my question is this.
    Hes working work an AP, and this AP tells his wife EVERYTHING. He resets his counter every time he fantasizes, and tells his wife. He tells his wife his every thought and fantasy, basically his wife knows everything that goes through his mind.

    My SO was doing this for a while as well. For example:
    He told me about a girl he works with that dresses provocatively and that he had a brief fantasy. He has no interest in this girl at all but he felt he should tell me the fantasy occured and reset his counter. He also told me that he felt looking through fb photos of women on his friend list was a form of psubbing.

    I am not worried he'll cheat at all. But hearing about this girl at work made me so self conscious. I was wondering what she looked like, whether or not I measured up. I found myself looking through his fb friends list and wondering which girls he was looking at and feeling shitty about myself because I don't look like them. Wondering if he settled for me because I was willing to date him and wasnt attracted to me.
    It hit hard because these are women that are attainable. If hes watching porn,those women are fantasy material but not a tangible, touchable thing. Does that make sense ?
    Up until this problem, I never questioned him. I never felt so insecure.
    I told him the other night that I didnt need to know his every thought as we all have sexual thoughts (myself included) and need not to delve as deep into every single one.
    I said " I dont want to know if you saw a hot girl ask fantasized sex with her. But if you went home and fapped thinking about it, that I want to know. If you messaged her and started a conversation with her,that I want to know.

    But I wanted to hear from other SOs...
    Do you feel like your partner should tell you about every sexual thought? Every brief fantasy?
    Do you feel it helps or hurts?
    Of course I'm going to do what works for me and I feel that telling me literally everything just perpetuates my insecurity and creates suspicion. But I was just curious on everyone else's boundaries in regards to this.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I can't tell you what Your boundaries should be.
    I can tell you I need to know everything.
    How else would I know if he's truthful from this point out?
    Honesty comes with transparency in my book.
    It is, however, up you and how much you can handle
    Gmork likes this.
  3. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    Oh I totally understand that some SOs need to know everything and I thought I did,too.
    Turns out I feel it makes it worse.
    I want to know how hes doing in his recovery and I want to know his progress and setbacks but I feel knowing every thought in his head is only going to make me really insecure.
    In our case I feel like its ok... of course its something I can revisit as time goes on.
    But was your situation one where your SO was lying a lot and going through great lengths to hide his addiction? Are we talking years of deceit?
    I'm not really looking for validation as I know each couple has to do what's right for them. But I was just curious as to what other peoples boundaries are and why
    Gmork likes this.
  4. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I am one that wants to know everything. And yeah, it does make it harder sometimes, but I still want to know.
    And yes he was hiding it for over a decade ... so I'm sure that plays into it.
  5. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Yep years.(and years)
    I even had what I Thought was honesty and it turned out to be a two year long staggered disclosure.
    That hid a affair on top of the porn!
    So, yeah..
    I need to know everything.
    I never know what could be hiding.
  6. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    Oh jeez!!! If I was going through that I'd probably feel exactly the same way! I'd want a home lie detector lol
    I am so sorry you went through all that and commend you for taking the steps needed to repair yourself and your relationship
  7. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    So now another question...not saying you should or shouldn't because you're not the one with the problem here. . But do you also tell your SO your every thought ?
    Say you see an attractive man (or woman), and maybe you have a quick little fantasy... do you tell your SO about it ?
  8. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I may not be the person to ask this because this has never been as issue for me, so I'm sorry if my answer here isn't the norm but it's just not me. I'm super loyal when I'm with someone, even in my mind. I just don't go there or think about other people sexually. I may note attractiveness like oh that is great hair, or he has pretty eyes or something like that, but that is as far as it goes. So like seeing someone and fantasizing about them just isn't something that happens with me. It isn't something I have to stop myself from doing, it just doesn't come up or happen in my brain, I don't think that way on a normal basis.
    Having said that, after I found out about the PA, and knew he was doing all this, I was pissed. I purposefully made myself go there and have fantasies about other men briefly, just kind of like as a well he did so now I will thing, which didn't last long. And yes, I told him.
    hope4healing, Penelope and Numb like this.
  9. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    I want 100% honesty, and yes I want to know about the nitty gritty details (at least until trust is earned)

    Yes, I tell my husband whether or not there was someone attractive, if I had dreams about cheating, etc. Honesty goes both ways. In my relationship I personally would feel awful if he revealed everything and I had my own secrets that I wasn't sharing. So I do let my husband know those things, and if he ever asks, I always answer honestly.
  10. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    This!!! I am the same, my eyes, my heart and my mind all for him. I could not fantasize or lust over someone else. Loyalty stands in heart, mind and body. All or nothing for me. And in this age where everything seems to be pushing people towards being promiscuous and lust over anyone and everyone I find such loyalty to be even more valuable.
  11. Penelope

    Penelope Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel. I am so sorry you have to go through this. Mine is like that too. I have to tell him everything, but he lied to me so many times that now even ehen I see the proof he is not lying, I still have doubts. It is horrible, heartbreaking. I so want to be able to trust him,.
    cantcopeanymore likes this.
  12. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut


    So much helpful stuff here. Seriously.
    So to respond, yes with many people with aspergers have difficulty lying.
    I learned early in this relationship to never ask a question unless I want a real answer!! Lol
    I can always tell if something is up. Its very obvious. He cant really, and doesnt make much of an attempt,to hide anything.
    Any lying he did was by omission.
    I knew he had a past porn addiction. He was as clear as he could be at first and then as we got to know each other he shared more and more.
    Once the relapse happened he shared the full extent.
    He didnt wait to get fully caught. I asked what was going on when the PIED all but killed our sex life. I assumed he wasnt attracted to me as many women do.
    He fessed up that he had been m'ing again and felt that might have contributed to it. I had seen the Google searches before this and honestly didn't think much of it. (I've known most guys to just be porn-watchers and felt it was fairly this was tame to me ) I told him I figured he might be because of the Google searches. He confirmed it was.
    He let it alllll out. Hes always been very transparent. I've told him since he had the full disclosure that my trust for him wasnt broken. Just slightly bent.
    Do I watch his behavior more closely? Absolutely. I bring up any concerns I have in the moment and we deal with them. I dont read his journal here, because it's part of his recovery. He doesnt read mine but I dont care if he does.
    I am confident that hes telling the truth. But if I am not,he knows hes agreed to full access.

    Nope. I have absolutely nothing to hide, but even though we are a couple I believe we should have our own senses of individuality as well. I still respect him as a human and as an adult and believe he is entitled to some shreds of privacy as am I.

    You nailed this!! Actually THIS is what I mean about fantasizing. I think I miscommunicated it but you worded it much better. I dont go into like a full sex scenario when I see an attractive man. But occasionally I will see a particularly good looking one and just appreciate it. I love my SO very much and have no desire for sex with anyone else. But this is totally true. I dont feel I need to share every instance with him so it doesnt make sense that he would have to. If I told him "I saw this guy today and he was just gorgeous " he would probably feel a bit threatened and jealous. I felt the same way. There was nothing further than that moment,and theres no harm done. So I feel it need not be said. To me all it does is plant seeds of suspicion and doubt. I dont suspect him or doubt him when it comes to his fidelity.

    Yes yes yes!
    Every time he would tell me about a fantasy or brief moment,I felt like I was back on square one again.

    Your response was super helpful. I appreciate the time you took to work that all out.
  13. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    If he were to ask, or it came up somehow I would absolutely be honest. But me admiring a guys strong shoulders and nice smile just doesnt need to be offered into casual conversation. It was a quick fleeting moment, ya know? I'm not trying to get with the guy...or any other guy. I just saw a guy and acknowledged in my mind that he was attractive.
  14. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    I think I may have been unclear in my OP.
    I definitely dont have like full on sexual fantasies about other men. I'm talking just like.... "wow that guys hot" and then going about my day.
    I told him if that's all there is, then I domt need to know. I appreciate his willingness for completely full disclosure but knowing he saw a girl in a store and thought she was hot doesn't need to be said.
    I have a lot of anxiety issues and even that would trigger a chain of anxious thought.
  15. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Oh OK, I thought you meant like a sexual fantasy because you said if you see an attractive man and then have a quick little fantasy, I took that as like seeing the attraction and then having something further than that. Sorry for reading that the wrong way! If you just mean the attraction, then no, I don't tell him about that stuff and don't really need to know if he feels that someone else is attractive if that is all it is. Fantasizing I want to know about, attraction, nope! That's just part of being human, I think. :)
    hope4healing likes this.
  16. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Yes, if it something that feeds the addiction and yes.
    Both. I have learned things about my husband that often make me feel like I never knew him at all. It makes me sad, but in order to build things back up properly, they have to be broken down first. So yes, it often hurts, but in the end it helps.

    Oh, yes. Twenty years of lying, covering up, and gas lighting.

    There are two different things going on here. First, I don't have an addiction, so there are a lot of things that I feel don't apply to me, and he agrees. In fact, he was the one who brought that point up. Just like if he were an alcoholic, I wouldn't feel the need the to abstain from alcohol just because he is (although I wouldn't drink in front of him, but perhaps with friends). That said, I have never had a sexual fantasy about another man (or another woman, for that matter) because my eyes and my mind are for husband and only my husband. They always have been. I don't M because I don't feel the need, though we both agree that his addiction does not require me to abstain.

    Second, as has been pointed out in other posts here, I think the word "fantasize" is being used differently than how most of us it. To me, looking at someone and admiring a feature is not fantasizing. I have no problem with my husband seeing an attractive woman and noticing. Or noticing that she might have a large chest or a nice butt. And vice versa for me.
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Going to have a unpopular opinion here...
    *Triggers Ahead*
    Buuuuutttt, if he was just admiring how perfectly round a woman's breasts were but didn't want to have sex with her, he just thought it was nice that they were that round... But wasn't fantasizing sex...
    Idk... Seems like a Grey Area to me.
    Would you want to know?
    Would this hurt your self esteem?
    Or are you OK with this?
    Sorry for devils advocate, but I am just trying to say how I see it.
    There is a difference in seeing it and noticing
    and a difference in fantasy, sure.
    But also a difference in simply seeing and observing the quality and noticing that quality, in depth and thinking about it and deciding to not fantasize....
    It's still a entertainment of the idea?
    Or is it?
    Idk. I guess it's up to each person.
  18. Cbelle41

    Cbelle41 Fapstronaut

    I think it really is up to each person. I think my boundary is really I just want to know if he m's and if he does I want to know what triggered it. Guess its gonna be a case by case basis. This shot is so hard and you never know what the right way is until you have a situation.
    hope4healing and Kenzi like this.
  19. You might want to capitalize that trigger warning. Cuz wow.
  20. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Very interesting. For me, I think ultimately if he didn't go into fantasy or it didn't trigger anything or cause him to continue thinking about it, etc. I wouldn't need to know this.

    So regarding the OP, do you need to know.... this that Ghostwriter shared is an example of things I'd want to know if this was my husband's current line of thinking. To me, this goes beyond just seeing something attractive about someone and differs from the example Kenzi gave. That's just me, I guess every person could see it differently.
    hope4healing, Numb and Kenzi like this.